• Title/Summary/Keyword: 혈관내 시술

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A Case of Total Aortic Arch Replacement with Root Plasty with Right Coronary Artery Bypass and Distal Open Stent-graft Insertion in Acute Type I Aortic Dissection (급성대동맥박리중에서 전궁치환술 시 근부성형술 및 우관상동맥우회로술과 하행대동맥 내 스텐트인조혈관삽입 동시 시술 증례)

  • Bang Jung Hee;Woo Jong Su;Kim Si Ho;Choi Pil Jo;Cho Kwang Jo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.6 s.251
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    • pp.434-437
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    • 2005
  • Since the operative mortality rate of the Acute aortic dissection has been reducing, a more extensive primary repair of the dissected aorta is preferred for acute aortic dissection to reduce the needs of secondary procedures. We performed a total aortic arch replacement with distal stent-grafting in acute type A aortic dissection. The patient was a 50-years old man. He recovered from the operation and was followed up for 7 months. The pseudolumen in the descending aorta was obliterated with the stent.

Early and Midterm Results of Hybrid Endovascular Repair for Thoracic Aortic Disease (흉부대동맥 질환에서 시행된 하이브리드 혈관내 성형술의 중단기 성적)

  • Youn, Young-Nam;Kim, Kwan-Wook;Hong, Soon-Chang;Lee, Sak;Chang, Byung-Chul;Song, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.490-498
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    • 2010
  • Background: A hybrid procedure using an open surgical extra-anatomic bypass of aortic arch vessels and thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) is less invasive than open surgery, and provides a suitable proximal landing zone. Here we report our experience with a hybrid TEVAR procedure at a single center. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed consecutive patients with thoracic aortic disease who received a hybrid TEVAR procedure between August 2008 and January 2010. Patients' data were prospectively collected and mean follow-up was $10.8{\pm}5.5$ months (range 3~20). Result: Nine patients (7 males and 2 females) with a mean age of $63.8{\pm}15.8$ years (range 38~84) underwent a hybrid procedure. Five patients had an arch or a proximal descending aortic aneurysm, two had a dissecting aneurysm of the descending aorta, and two had an aneurysm of the ascending arch and descending aorta. Mean expected mortality calculated by logistic EuroSCORE was 21%. Six patients underwent debranching and rerouting from ascending aorta to arch vessels, 2 had carotid-carotid bypass grafting, and 1 underwent carotid-axillary bypass grafting. Mean operation time was $221.4{\pm}84.0$ min (range 94~364). Deployment success of endovascular stent grafting was 100% with no endoleak on completion angiography. There was no mortality, and a small embolism in the branch of the right opthalmic artery in one patient. During follow-up, one intervention was required for the endoleak. Actuarial survival at 20 months was 100%. Conclusion: Early and mid-term results are encouraging and suggest that hybrid TEVAR procedures are less invasive and safer and represent an effective technique for treating thoracic aortic disease.

Intra-articular Fibroma of the Tendon Sheath in the Shoulder - A Case Report - (견관절에 발생한 관절내 건초 섬유종 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Cho, Su-Hyun;Lee, Choon-Key;Cho, Hyung-Lae;Hwang, Tae-Hyok;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.276-279
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    • 2009
  • Fibroma of tendon sheath is an uncommon benign soft tissue tumor with a predilection for the hand or upper extremities with extremely rare intra-articular involvement. It is mostly comprised of slow-growing fibrous lobules made up of scattered fibroblasts in a dense stroma with slit-like vascular channels. An unique case in a 54-year-old male patient involving the glenohumeral joint arising from postersuperior joint capsule is reported. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) reveals a focal nodular mass with decreased signal intensity on all pulse sequences and pathology confirmation was made with arthroscopic excision. Intra-articular fibroma of tendon sheath should be considered in the differential diagnosis of intra-articular soft tissue masses during shoulder arthroscopy.

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  • Kang, Keun-Young;Choi, Nam-Ki;Kim, Seon-Mi;Yang, Kyu-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.680-684
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    • 2004
  • The hemangioma, a benign proliferation of blood vessel, is the most common tumor of infancy and childhood. In many instances, the lesion probably represents a hamartoma or malformation rather than a true neoplasm. In the oral cavity, common sites are lips, followed by tongue, buccal mucosa and palate. Clinical characteristics appear as a flat or raised reddish-blue lesion and are generally solitary. They are classified on the basis of their histological appearance into capillary, mixed, cavernous or a sclerosing variety. A 6-year-old male of this case was referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Chonnam National University with a chief complaint of swelling lesion on gingiva. The strawberry appearance mass was detected by clinical examination on attached gingiva at the upper left primary lateral incisor and canine. Surgical excision and biopsy were carried out for histological examination and the lesion was diagnosed with a capillary hemangioma. The risk of recurrence after this therapy is rare, and there is no malignant transformation. Despite their benign origins and behaviour, hemangiomas in the region of oral cavity are always clinically important to the dental profession because of bleeding tendency.

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Multimarker Approach by Troponin T, C-Reactive Protein, and CK-MB to Assessment in AMI in the Emergency Department

  • Lee, Sam-Beom;Kim, Jung-Ho;Do, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2003
  • 서론: 급성 관동맥 증후군과 심근경색증의 진단과 예후 예측에 도움을 주는 새로운 심효소인자가 여러 가지 발견이 되어 현재 응급의료센터에서도 기본적으로 허혈성 흉통이 있는 환자에게 많이 사용하고 있다. 특히 최근에는 troponin과 CK-MB의 유용성에 대해서 많이 언급을 하고 있다. CRP도 역시 급성 관상동맥증후군에서 중요성이 인식되고 있다. 저자들은 세 가지 인자를 동시에 평가하여 상승되는 인자 수에 따라 그 중요성이 다를 수 있다는 가정 하에 총체적인 환자에 대한 정보를 제공할 수 있고, 응급실 근무 의사에게 급성 심근 경색증 환자를 좀 더 효율적으로 평가 할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 다표지 인자에 관한 연구를 시작하였다. 방법: 저자들은 응급의료센터에 내원한 급성 허혈성 흉통이 있는 환자 중 심효소 검사와 심전도에서 급성 심근 경색증에 합당한 소견을 보이고 이후 검사한 심혈관 조영술에서 심근경색증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 내원 초기에 troponin T와 CK-MB, CRP를 동시에 측정하였고 또한 후향적으로 환자에 대한 기본적인 특징과 정보, 심전도 소견, 합병증 발생, 심혈관 조영술 소견과 경색관련 혈관 수, 치료 및 치료결과 등에 대한 자료를 정리하여 분석하여 보았다. 이때 환자는 두 군으로 나누어 분석하였는데, 1군은 증가된 효소수가 1개 이하인 경우이고, 2군은 2개 또는 3개 및 좌주관상동맥을 포함한 경우로 하였다. 결과: 전체 130명의 환자가 대상이 되었고, 1군 40례, 2군 90례로 2군이 훨씬 많았다. 과거력에서 이전에 관동맥 성형술을 시술받은 경우가 2군에서 유의 있게 많았다(p<0.05). 이전의 약물 복용은 전체적으로 1군에서 많았으나 질산제 복용(p<0.05)을 제외하고는 의의가 없었다. 치료는 혈전용해제 사용이 오히려 1군에서 의의있게 많았으나(p<0.05), 합병증으로 쇽이나 폐부종을 동반한 경우가 2군에서 많았다. 하지만 본 연구에서는 6개월 추적 기간중의 사건 발생이나 합병증, 예후 결과에 대한 양군간의 차이를 발견하지 못했다. 결론: 급성 심근경색증 환자에게 다표지 인자를 이용한 접근법을 적용한 결과, 기본적으로 환자에 대한 몇 가지 정보, 즉 과거에 약물 투여 여부와 혈전용해제 사용, 혈관성형술을 시술 받은 경력과 같은 기초자료에 대한 제한적인 차이를 발견할 수 있었으나, 본 연구에서는 다표지 인자를 이용하여 추적기간중 환자의 상태와 예후를 평가하고 합병증을 조기에 예측한다든지 하는 중요한 역할을 발견하지 못하였다. 그래서 향후 이에 대한 제한점을 해결한 더 보완된 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

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A Foreign Body Found in the Pulmonary Artery of a Traffic Accident Victim with a Chest Injury and Near-amputation of the Upper Extremity - A case report - (흉부 손상과 함께 우상지에 절단에 가까운 열창을 입은 교통 사고 환자에서 발견된 폐동맥 내 이물질 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Choi, Goang-Min;Kim, Heung-Cheol;Cho, Kwang-Yun;Kim, Hyung-Soo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.536-539
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    • 2008
  • We present a case with a foreign body in the left pulmonary artery, found in a traffic accident victim. A 52-year-old woman sitting in the passenger side of a car had massive bleeding and near complete amputation of her right forearm in addition to multiple rib fractures and a hemopneumothorax. At arrival to the emergency room, the patient had signs of shock; she was anemic, drowsy and hypotensive. A large volume of blood and crystalloid fluids were administered via the left subclavian vein with a rapid infusion device (Level $1^{(R)}$). As the lung contusion improved, a foreign body was noticed in the left lung field on plain x-rays. Pulmonary angiography was performed and revealed a 15 cm foreign body in the left basal segment of the common pulmonary artery. The foreign body was successfully retrieved using vascular forceps via the percutaneous femoral vein approach.

Both Carotid Endarterectomy in Obstrution of Carotid Arteries and Bypass Graft with Kidney Preservation in Obstrution of Abdominal AoRta -A Report of Case (양측 경동맥협착의 혈관내막절제수술 및 신장보호액 주입을 이용한 복부대동백 폐색 수술 치험 -1례 보고-)

  • 김병철;편승환
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.625-630
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    • 1997
  • A 56 years old male patient adklitted to our neurology department because of repeated tingling sensation in right 3, 4, 5th. (infers and weakness on grasping, which were progressively developed re ently. At this time, he had also suffered from claudication in both lower extremities. Carotid angiogram showed that right internal carotid artery was obstructed completely, and both common, both external and left internal carotid arteries had significant stenosis, Concommitantly, aortogram suggested complete obstruction just below the renal arteries. We plamled staged operation for two separated arterial lesions. Both carotid endarterectomy was performed. and we used carotid shunt for left side during operation. Abdominal aortic lesion was operated 2 weeks later We obligately clamped aorta just below the celiac artery and infuse4 kidney perservation solution to pertect kidney during ischemia. Reversed Y bypass graft and kidney perservation was successful despite of 40 minute ischemia. Postoperative courts was uneventful and patient was discharged without any specific problem.

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Acute Lower Limb Ischemia Associated with COVID-19 (코로나바이러스감염증-19 이후 발생한 급성 하지허혈증)

  • Kim, Hyung Suh;Suh, Jin Soo;Choi, Jun Young
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.450-454
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    • 2021
  • A 75-year-old male patient without any significant medical and habitual risk factors for acute atherosclerosis obliterans except for hypertension was diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 with dyspnea, coughing, and mild fever. After a week of hospitalization, he complained of right foot pain and numbness. The symptoms were aggravated during the next week, resulting in a complete toe color change and loss of dorsalis artery pulse. Enhanced 3-dimensional computed tomography angiography revealed thrombus formation in the right common iliac artery and a loss of blood flow below the popliteal artery on both sides. The patient underwent percutaneous balloon angioplasty with stent insertion followed by medical therapy for anticoagulation. The clinical symptoms immediately were improved after the intervention, but the great toe necrosis was not recovered. Finally, amputation of the great toe was performed.

Quantitative Assessment of Coronary Artery Diameter in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Normal Sinus Rhythm (심방세동 환자와 정상 심전도 환자의 관상동맥 직경 정량적 평가)

  • Seo, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2022
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD) and atrial fibrillation (AF) are known to share many risk factors. In particular, in the case of acute coronary syndrome, it may be difficult to clearly determine the diameter of the vessel due to complete occlusion of the vessel and thrombus. Thus, the relationship between the diameter of the coronary arteries was evaluated to be used as a reference data before the treatment of coronary arteries and drug selection in patients with AF. From January 2020 to August 2022, images of coronary angiography (CAG) with AF and normal sinus rhythm (NSR) on electrocardiography were target. In both subjects, images of normal coronary artery without lesions as a result of CAG were used. For all vessels, the diameters of the vessels were measured by dividing them into proximal, middle, and distal parts, and the measured diameters were divided by the average for evaluation. As a result of analyzing the left anterior descending artery diameter, the vessel diameter of the AF patient was 2.24±0.26 mm, which was smaller than that of the NSR patient, 2.86±0.38 mm, and was statistically significant. (p<0.001) As a result of analyzing the left circumflex artery diameter, the vessel diameter of the AF patient was 2.34±0.28 mm, which was smaller than the vessel diameter of the NSR patient, 2.87±0.29 mm, and was statistically significant. (p<0.001) As a result of analyzing the diameter of the right coronary artery, the vessel diameter of the AF patient was 2.68±0.5 mm, which was smaller than the vessel diameter of the NSR patient, 3.35±0.4 mm, and was statistically significant. (p<0.001) Considering that the coronary artery size of AF patients is significantly smaller than the coronary vessel size of NSR patients, it is considered as a useful study to be used as a reference for evaluating coronary artery diameter when the arrhythmia is AF. In particular, it is considered to be a study that can be helpful in diagnosing lesions, using drugs before and after surgery, and choosing to use auxiliary devices such as intravascular ultrasound.

Treatment of giant iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery (대퇴동맥에 발생한 의인성 거대 가성동맥류에 대한 치료)

  • Kang, Wu-Seong;Park, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.423-428
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    • 2019
  • The role of angioembolization has increased because of increases in nonoperative treatment for traumatic splenic injury. We report here a case of successful treatment of iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery by thrombin injection with coil embolization. A 55-year-old female was admitted to our hospital because of blunt trauma. Computed tomography (CT) revealed a grade V splenic injury with contrast extravasation; therefore, angioembolization was performed. Three days after admission, follow-up CT scan revealed rebleeding from the spleen, and repeat angioembolization was performed. Seven days after admission, an approximately $7.0cm{\times}4.0cm-sized$ pseudoaneurysm was found on follow-up CT scan and there was no bleeding from the spleen. Although thrombin was injected into the aneurysmal sac, there was still inflow of blood, as observed on color-doppler ultrasound. Therefore, coil embolization to the neck of the aneurysm was performed. On angiography, there was no contrast filling into the sac. The size of the pseudoaneurysmal sac had decreased on follow-up CT scan, and the patient was discharged to home without complications. We successfully treated a giant pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery using thrombin and coil embolization.