• Title/Summary/Keyword: 현무암질암

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Geochemistry of the Chuncheon amphibolite and its origin: (1) major elements (춘천 각섬암의 지구화학과 기원:(1) 주성분원소)

  • 권성택;조문섭;전은영;이승렬;이진한
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 1995
  • We report major element chemistry of the Chuncheon amphibolite in the Precambrian Kyonggi massif and discuss its origin. On the basis of areal distribution and chemical difference, the Chuncheon amphibolite can be divided into the Gubongsan arnphibolite in the Gubongsan Group east of Chuncheon city and the Sangguli amphibolite in the Yongduri gneiss complex occurring to the southeast of the Gubongsan Group. Overall major element characteristics of the Chuncheon amphibolite indicate an igneous precursor, although it shows concordant relationship with metasedimentary rocks in many cases. The parental rock of the amphibolite has tholeiitic composition with 45-53wt% $SiO_2$. The Sangguli amphibolite has lower MgO than the Gubongsan one. The difference in $TiO_2$/P_2O_5 ratio between the two amphibolites suggests that they are not genetically related. In MgO variation diagrams, $Na_2O$, $Fe_2O_3$ and $Al_2O_3$ show scattered pattern, while MgO has positive correlation with CaO and negative one with $SiO_2$, $TiO_2$, $P-2O_5$ and $K_2O$. These variations can be interpreted as the result of differentiation of basaltic magma with fractionation of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. Tectonic discrimination using major elements generally suggest withinplate environment for the Chuncheon amphibolite which is similar to that of the amphibolite in the Ogcheon belt.

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Geochemistry and Metamorphism of the Amphibolite in the Odesan Gneiss Complex (오대산편마암복합체내에 산출되는 앰피볼라이트의 지화학적 특성과 변성작용)

  • 권용완
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 1998
  • The migmatitic gneiss in the Odesan Gneiss Complex has small amount of quartzite, amphibolite and marble and the Kuryong Group which contact with migmatitic gneiss unconformitly, also contains some amphibolite. Preview studies of this area had regarded that the amphibolites contact with marble had been produced by metasomatism from the pelitic and calcareous sediments mixtures, but the amphibolite is reinterpreted as igneous origin. $SiO_2$ content of the amphibolite is 45.9~52.7 wt%, which corresponds to basaltic composition. MgO content has narrow range (4.6~6.87 wt%) and major and trace element are plotted against MgO,$TiO_2, P_2O_5$, Hf, Zr are reduced and Cr and Ni are increased their content with increasing MgO. This phenomenon indicates that the basaltic magma as the protolith of the amphibolite had frationated with the crystallization of the pyroxene and/or olivine. REE pattern has smoothly decrease from LREE to HREE. Eu/Eu(0.83~1.19) show the flat Eu anomaly, which indicate small fractional crystallization of plagioclase. HREE is enriched in the garnet-bearing amphibolites. Several discrimination diagram for the basaltic magma show that the amphibolite of the study area is originated tholeiitic basaltic magma indicating continental rift environment. Due to determine the metamorphic condition garnet-hornblende geothermometry and hornblende-plagioclase geobarometry are used. Peak metamorphic temperature range of the amphibolite $788~870^{\circ}C$ and is deduced toward the northeastern part. The calculated temperature from the amphibolite has slightly higher than the temperature of the metapelites but the trend of metamorphic grade which decrease from western to eastern part progradly is similar to each other. The metamorphic pressure calculated by garnet- hornblede-plagioclase geobarometry is 4~5kb. But ilmenite-plagioclase pair enclosed in garnet show 8 kb at $700^{\circ}C$ by garnet-ilmenite-rutile-plagioclase geobarometery. The zonal profile of garnet in sample 84 shows the bell-shape profile, which grossular content decreases whereas pyrope content increases progressively. This means that the amphibolite has undergone the clockwise P-T-t path which is shown in the migmatitic gneiss of the Odesan Gneiss Complex.

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Nd, Sr and Noble Gas Isotopic Compositions of Alkali Basaltic Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths in the Baegryongdo (백령도에 분포하는 알칼리 현무암과 맨틀 포획암의 Nd-Sr과 영족기체 동위원소 조성)

  • ;Nagao Keisuke;;Sumino Hirochika
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.523-532
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    • 2002
  • The rare earth elements (REE) and Nd, Sr and noble gas isotopic compositions eHer'He, 4$^{\circ}$Arp6Ar) for the Quaternary alkali basaltic rocks and mantle xenoliths in the basaltic rocks from the Baegryongdo were investigated to decipher the origin of alkali basaltic magma and xenolith beneath the Sino-Korean craton. Analytical results are summarized as follows; (1) The alkali volcanic rocks with voluminous xenoliths which are represented by the Mg-olivine and clinopyroxene dominant spinel-lherzolite in the Baegryongdo consist mainly of the basalt-mugearite and basaltic andesite. (2) The REE pattern of alkali basaltic rocks characterized by high HREE is similar to that of oceanic island basalt (OlB). Relatively concordant REE patterns of the basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be formed by the identical source materials. (3) The Nd-Sr isotopic data of the alkali basaltic rocks suggest that the alkali basaltic magma be originated from the depleted mantle source with a little contamination of the continental crustal materials. (4) The $^3$He/ $^4$He ratios in olivines of xenoliths ranging from 5.0${\pm}$1.lRa to 6.7${\pm}$1.3Ra are lower than that of MORB (ca. 8.0Ra). It suggest that the xenolith be derived from the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. However, the high $^3$Her'He value of 16.8${\pm}$3.IRa at 1800$^{\circ}$C fraction (sample no OL-7) might be resulted from the post-eruptive cosmogenic $^3$He. The 4OAr/ 36 Ar ratios in olivines of mantle xenoliths are comparable to that of atmospheric argon, and are much lower than that of the MORB type mantle. These facts can lead to conclusion that the olivine of the xenolith in the Baegryongdo is affected by the post-eruptive atmospheric contamination during the slow degassing process.

Analysis of Geological Structure of Volcanic Rock Mass in Ulleung-do using Variations of Magnetic Anomaly (자력탐사 자기이상 분석을 활용한 울릉도 화산암체 지질구조 특성 해석)

  • Kim, Ki-Beom;Kim, Man-Il
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.619-630
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the existence of faults and intrusive rocks in the volcanic rock mass of Ulleung-do using magnetic anomalies. The magnetic survey data show that basaltic (mafic) rocks have high magnetic anomalies and that trachytic (felsic) rocks have low magnetic anomalies, implying that the anomaly distributions can be used to distinguish between different volcanic rock types that may be covered by regolith (such as alluvial and colluvial deposits) and other sedimentary layers. Our results show that basaltic rocks are not present within the Nari caldera. However, outside the caldera, the occurrence of high magnetic anomaly values of >$1,000{\gamma}$ is presumed to reflect the existence of basaltic craters or volcanic vents that formed prior to the eruption of the trachytic rocks. In particular, the area with anomaly values of >$1,000{\gamma}$ in the vicinity of Namyang-ri, southwest of Ulleung-do, is interpreted as having a high probability of hosting a crater and vent originating from mafic volcanism.

옥천변성대 북동부(충주-황강리 지역)내 앰피볼라이트의 암석 화학적 고찰

  • 유영복;김형식
    • Proceedings of the Mineralogical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.132-132
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    • 2001
  • 옥천변성대의 충주-황강리 지역내 앰피볼라이트의 기원암은 염기성 화성암으로 쏠레이아이트 계열의 변이질암에 속한다. Fe $O^{*}$/MgO값의 변화에 대하여 분별작용에 의해 영향을 받는 주성분 원소와 미량원소들의 변화를 보게되면 Ti $O_2$, Fe $O^{*}$와 불호정성 원소(incompatible element)인 Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Th 등은 분별작용동안 증가하는 반면 호정성 원소(compatible element)인 MgO, $Al_2$ $O_3$, Ni, Cr 등은 감소하는 경향을 보여주고 있다. Fe $O^{*}$/MgO, Ti $O_2$ 그리고 Fe $O^{*}$는 심해성 쏠레이아이트 영역으로부터 분화된 경향을 나타내 주고 있다. Ni, Cr은 Fe $O^{*}$/MgO값의 증가에 따라 급속히 감소하며 안정한 대륙과 해저화산의 영역에 도시되고 있으며 칼크-알칼리(CA)와는 관계가 없고 쏠레이아이트의 영역에서 변화 패턴을 보여주어 앰피볼라이트가 활동적인 대륙연변부의 지구조 환경보다는 안정한 대륙이나 해저화산과 관계가 더 있음을 시사한다. 경휘토류 원소(LREE)는 중휘토류 원소(HREE)에 비해 더욱 부화된 특성을 띠고 원자번호가 증가하면서 표준화된 휘토류 원소패턴의 경사가 점차 감소하는 경향을 보여주고 있다. 대부분의 시료들은 큰 Eu이상치를 갖고 있지 않아 마그마 정출 과정동안 사장석의 분별작용이 거의 수반되지 않았음을 지시하고 전체적인 휘토류 원소의 패턴은 거의 평행하게 나타나므로 기원 마그마가 유사함을 의미하고 있다. 비유동성 원소를 이용한 여러 판별도표들을 통해서 본암은 대륙성 현무암질암으로서 판내부 환경에서 유래되었으며 대륙내부 열곡의 알칼리 현무암과 대륙성 현무암 영역에 속하는 것으로 보아서 대륙지각내 열곡작용과 같은 장력운동에 수반되어 생성된 것임을 시사해 주고 있다. 앰피볼라이트의 지각혼성화를 평가하기 위해 이에 필요한 몇 개의 지화학적 매개변수를 계산한 결과 La/Ta, La/Nb, Nb/Th들의 값이 오염 안된 마그마의 값을 지시해 주어 본암이 지각혼성화 작용을 받지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 시료들은 P-타입 MORB의 영역에 속하며 소수의 시료가 T-타입 MORB의 영역에 도시되고 있어 본 앰피볼라이트의 생성에는 양적으로 다른 두 가지의 유사한 마그마가 수반된 것으로 추정된다. 것으로 추정된다.

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A Study on Volcanic Stratigraphy and Fault of Ulleung-do, Korea (울릉도의 화산층서와 단층에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Beom;Lee, Gi-Dong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 2008
  • This study, geological survey was carried out in order to study on the geology, geological structure and volcanic activity of the Ulleung-do volcano body. Ulleung-do is the volcano body of about 3,000m heights from the East Sea seabed. The geology of Ulleung-do is divided into basaltic agglomerate, trachytic agglomerate, trachyte, trachytic pumice and trachyandesite in ascending orders. The faults in caldera of Nari Basin came to make the reverse triangle style in compliance with sinking. The faults in circumference of Nari Basin are ranging with northeast-southwest direction and northwest-southeast direction. The Quaternary volcanic activities in the Ulleung-do are divided into 5 activity period. The engineering geologists and the applied geologists were not easy to apply because complicated geology of Ulleung-do. Therefore, this study supplied simple geology of Ulleung-do for them.

Petrotectonic Setting and Petrogenesis of Cretaceous Igneous Rocks in the Cheolwon Basin, Korea (철원분지 백악기 화성암류의 암석조구조적 위치와 암석성인)

  • Hwang, Sang-Koo;Kim, Se-Hyeon;Hwang, Jae-Ha;Kee, Won-Seo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 2010
  • This article deal with petrotectonic setting and petrogenesis from petrography and chemical analyses of the Cretaceous volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Cheolwon basin. The volcanic rocks are composed of basalts in Gungpyeong Formation, Geumhaksan Andesite, and rhyolitic rocks (Dongmakgol Tuff, Rhyolite and Jijangbong Tuff), and intrusive rocks, Bojangsan Andesite, granite porphyry and dikes. According to petrochemistry, these rocks represent medium-K to high-K basalt, andesite and rhyolite series that belong to calc-alkaline series, and generally show linear compositional variations of major and trace elements with increase in $SiO_2$ contents, on many Harker diagrams. The incompatible and rare earth elements are characterized by high enrichments than MORB, and gradually high LREE/HREE fractionation and sharp Eu negative anomaly with late strata, on spider diagram and REE pattern. Some trace elements exhibit a continental arc of various volcanic arcs or orogenic suites among destructive plate margins on tectonic discriminant diagrams. These petrochemical data suggest that the basalts may have originated from basaltic calc-alkaline magma of continental arc that produced from a partial melt of upper mantle by supplying some aqueous fluids from a oceanic crust slab under the subduction environment. The andesites and rhyolites may have been evolved from the basaltic magma with fractional crystallization with contamination of some crustal materials. Each volcanic rock may have been respectively erupted from the chamber that differentiated magmas rose sequentially into shallower levels equivalenced at their densities.

Petrology of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Pusan ares, Korea (부산일원에 분포하는 백악기 화산암류의 암석학적 연구(I))

  • 김진섭;윤성효
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.156-166
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    • 1993
  • The volcanic stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the southern part of the Pusan showed that the volcanic rocks of the study area consist of alternating pyroclastic rocks and andesitic lavas, apparently constituting a thick volcanic sequence of a stratovolcano. The andesitic rocks contain augite, plagioclase, and hornblende as phenocrysts. Matrix minerals are augite, magnetite, hornblende, apatite. Mafic minerals, such as chlorite, epidote, sericite, and iron oxides occur as alteration products. Dacitic volcanic breccia and rhyolitic welded ash-flow tuff locally overlie the andesitic rocks. The rocks reported in the previous studies as andesitic breccia and andesite plot in the field of basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite, based on their chemical compositions. The volcanic rocks of the study area belong to the calc-alkaline series, and the andesitic rocks which are predominant in the area plot to the field of orogenic andesite.

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Study on the Geochemical Characteristics of the Mesozoic Volcanic Rocks in Da Hinggan Ling Area, Northeast China (중국 북동부 대흥안령 지역 중생대 화산암류에 대한 암석화학적 특성 연구)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo;Won, Chong-Kwan;Lee, Moon-Won;Lin, Qiang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2000
  • We studied petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Da Hinggan Ling area northeast China, and discussed tectonic settings and origin of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in northeast Asia. Volcanic rocks in Da Hinggan Ling area are composed of alkaline to subalkaline basalt-basaltic andesite-andesite-dacite-rhyolite, showing typical BAR(basalt-andesite-rhyolite) association. However, most of the volcanic rocks are basaltic and rhyolitic in composition, and andesitic rocks are relatively rare, which shows bimodal characteristics. Rb, Ba, Th and other incompatible element contents in the volcanic rocks are enriched, but the contents decrease with increasing the compatibility. REEs are fractionated and REE patterns of volcanic rocks are characterized by a high LILE/HFSE. On the tectonomagmatic discriminant diagram of Hf-Th-Nb, they fall into the fields for subduction-related destructive plate margin basalts and its differentiates. We suggest that the tectonomagmatic setting of Da Hinggan Ling area was located at the continental margin arc related with subduction environment during the Mesozoic time or may be derived from mantle plume contaminated geochemically from subducting slabs, although it is, at present within the Asia continent.

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Phenocryst Composition of Mafic Volcanic Rocks in the Wangtian'e Volcano (망천아 화산 고철질 암석의 반정광물 조성 연구)

  • Yun, Sung-Hyo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2019
  • There are beautiful scenery with columnar jointing at 15 valley of southern slope of the Wangtian'e volcano in Mt. Baekdu volcanic field. The compositions of phenocryst minerals which have porphyritic textures in mafic volcanic rocks of this area were carried out. The Wangtian'e volcano consists of Changbai basalt~trachybasalt (lower part) and Wangtian'e basaltic trachyandesite~trachyte~alkali rhyolite (upper part). This study is focused on the mafic rocks of the Changbai trachybsalt and the Wangtian'e basaltic trachyandesite. Main phenocrysts are feldspar, pyroxene and olivine. The major element compositions of the phenocrysts were analyzed using EPMA. Plagioclase phenocrysts of the Wangtian'e basaltic trachyandesite are located at the border of andesine and oligoclase ($An_{24.1{\sim}36.0}$) in the An-Ab-Or diagram, and those of the Changbai trachybasalt are labradorite ($An_{54.2{\sim}65.2}$). Pyroxene phenocrysts are augite. Olivine phenocrysts of the Changbai trachybsalt are crysolite ($Mg_{0.79-0.77}Fe_{0.21-0.23}$) and microphenocrysts in the groundmass are hyalosiderite ($Mg_{0.58-0.56}Fe_{0.42-0.44}$). Calculated crystallization temperature of olivine phenocrysts is $1196{\sim}1123^{\circ}C$, clinopyroxene is $1122{\sim}1112^{\circ}C$, phenocrysts and laths of plagioclases are $1118{\sim}1107^{\circ}C$ and $1091{\sim}1089^{\circ}C$, respectively. The temperatures suggests that the olivine phenocrysts, clinopyroxene, plagioclase phenocrysts, and plagioclase laths were crystallized in the magma chamber in sequence.