• Title/Summary/Keyword: 행위자기반모형

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Mutual Verification of an Analytic Model of a Complex System and Space Syntax Using Network Analyses (네트워크 분석방식 선택에 따른 복잡계 모형과 공간구문론의 상호검증)

  • Kim, Suk-Tae;Yoon, So-hee
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2017
  • A social phenomenon that occurs in a physical space is said to be a complex system. However, space syntax, which is commonly employed by researchers to identify such social phenomena, has various limitations in interpreting their complexity. On the other hand, agent-based modeling considers a variety of factors including the personality of the agent, objective-oriented work flows, estimation according to time flows and better prediction of space use through diverse parameters depending the situation, as well as the characteristics of the space. The agent-based method thus has the potentials to be developed as an alternative to space syntax techniques. In particular, discrete event driven simulation(DEVS), which is part of the agent-based modeling method, embraces the concept of networks just like space syntax, which allows a possible theoretical linkage in the future. This study suggests a procedural model of agent-based DEVS reflecting two different connection methods, i.e. connections between adjacent areas and those of the entire space, and attempts to identify the relationship between the local and regional indices of space syntax. A number of spaces were selected as examples-one for a preliminary experiment and eight modified for the main experiment-and space syntax and DEVS were applied to each of them. The comparative analysis of the results led to the conclusions as follows: 1) Adjacent connections were closely related to local indices, while the whole-space approach to regional indices. Local integration shows both characteristics. 2) Observation of the time flow model indicated a faster convergence with the range of 1 to 3-fold of the total time of one lap, with the error of less than 10%. 3) The heat map analysis showed more obvious characteristics of using the space for the entire space rather than adjacent connections. 4) Space syntax shows higher eligibility than ABM.

A Study on the Agent Based Infection Prediction Model Using Space Big Data -focusing on MERS-CoV incident in Seoul- (공간 빅데이터를 활용한 행위자 기반 전염병 확산 예측 모형 구축에 관한 연구 -서울특별시 메르스 사태를 중심으로-)

  • JEON, Sang-Eun;SHIN, Dong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2018
  • The epidemiological model is useful for creating simulation and associated preventive measures for disease spread, and provides a detailed understanding of the spread of disease space through contact with individuals. In this study, propose an agent-based spatial model(ABM) integrated with spatial big data to simulate the spread of MERS-CoV infections in real time as a result of the interaction between individuals in space. The model described direct contact between individuals and hospitals, taking into account three factors : population, time, and space. The dynamic relationship of the population was based on the MERS-CoV case in Seoul Metropolitan Government in 2015. The model was used to predict the occurrence of MERS, compare the actual spread of MERS with the results of this model by time series, and verify the validity of the model by applying various scenarios. Testing various preventive measures using the measures proposed to select a quarantine strategy in the event of MERS-CoV outbreaks is expected to play an important role in controlling the spread of MERS-CoV.

Development of Korean Life Cycle Cost Analysis Model for Road Pavement Asset Management (도로포장자산관리를 위한 한국형 생애주기비용 모형 개발)

  • Han, Daeseok;Do, Myungsik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.1639-1650
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    • 2013
  • Road pavement management is an important activity that affects to national economy, movement and safety of people, and also demands huge amount of budget. Therefore, its management strategy must be established under objective information. In addition, decision support system that produces the management strategy needs to consider practical benefits from various aspects. Considering these aspects, this paper aimed to develop a customized Korean life cycle cost analysis model estimating various effects on road users and socio-environmental costs based on pavement condition. The suggested LCCA model focused on Korean national highway, and tried to adopt a national guideline recommended by Korean government for securing credibility of estimation results. In the development processes, some of the suggestions that do not fit well in the situations of pavement management field were added, altered, or partially modified. These attempts to develop customized asset management system would be an important step to break away from passive attitudes relying on ready-made software, but also to improve awareness about the social benefits from the better maintenance strategy.

Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Freeway Traffic-flow - Focused on Seoul-Singal Basic Sections of GyeongBu Freeway - (자율주행차량 도입에 따른 고속도로 교통류 영향분석 - 경부고속도로 서울-신갈 기본구간을 중심으로)

  • Park, In-seon;Lee, Jong-deok;Lee, Jae-yong;Hwang, Kee-yeon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2015
  • These days Automated Vehicle(AV) has been receiving attention as a fundamental solution to resolve the various transportation problems and various researches related to the benefits of AV have been done. However, previous researches mainly analyzed the effects in the virtual network. The purpose of this research is to predict and to find out the benefits by introducing the Automated Vehicle to present road traffic system. Thus, the study analyzes the traffic-flow changes of Gyeongbu freeway Seoul-Singal basic section which is planned for setting the test-bed. The results show that Automated Vehicle can have negative effects on the traffic-flow in low volume of LOS A and B. However, the average speed increases and the traffic density decreases in more than LOS C, the traffic volume increase. Therefore, the introduction of Automated Vehicle achieves positive effect on various transportation problems such as the traffic congestion.

Impacts of Automated Vehicles on Traffic Flow Changes (자율주행자동차 도입으로 인한 교통흐름 변화 분석)

  • Jung, Seung weon;Moon, Young jun;Lee, Sung Yeol;Hwang, Kee Yeon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.244-257
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    • 2017
  • Traffic congestion occurs from drivers' human factors such as driver reaction time, reckless lane change, and inexperienced driving. When Automated Vehicles are introduced, human factors are excluded, resulting in increased average vehicle speed, stabilizing traffic flow, and increasing road capacity. This study analyzed traffic flow changes through traffic volume-speed-density plots, and increased road capacity due to Automated Vehicles. As a result of the analysis, when rate of automated vehicles gests higher, the traffic flow became stable. Additionally, it was analyzed that when all vehicles were automated, the road capacity increased by about 120 %. It is expected that there will be a positive expectation in terms of traffic congestion and traffic demand management due to the introduction of Automated Vehicles.