• 제목/요약/키워드: 행동계획

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Determinants of Consumer Responses to Retail Out-of-Stocks (점포내 품절상황에서 소비자 반응행동유형별 결정요인)

  • Chun, Dal-Young;Choi, Jong-Rae;Joo, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.29-64
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    • 2011
  • Overview of Research: Product availability is one of important competences of store to fulfill consumer needs. If stock-outs which means a product what consumer wants to buy is not available occurs, consumer will face decision-making uncertainty that leads to consumer's negative responses such as consumer dissatisfaction on store. Stockouts was much studied in the field of academia as well as practice in other countries. However, stock-outs has not been researched at all in Marketing and/or Distribution area in Korea. The main objectives of this study are to find out determinants of consumer responses such as Substitute, Delay, and Leave(SDL) when consumer encounters out-of-stock situation and then to examine the effects of these factors on consumer responses. Specifically, this study focuses on situational characteristics(e.g., purchase urgency and surprise), store characteristics (e.g., product assortment and store convenience), and consumer characteristics (e.g., brand loyalty and store loyalty). Then, this study empirically investigates relationships these factors with consumers behaviors such as product substitution, purchase delay, and store switching.

    shows the research model of this study. To accomplish above-mentioned research objectives, the following ten hypotheses were proposed and verified : ${\bullet}$ H 1 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, purchase urgency will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 2 When out-of-stock situation occurs, surprise will decrease product substitution and purchase delay but will Increase store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 3 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, purchase quantities will increase product substitution and store switching but will decrease purchase delay among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 4 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, pre-purchase plan will decrease product substitution but will increase purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 5 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, product assortment will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 6 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, competitive store price image will increase product substitution and purchase delay but will decrease store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 7 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, store convenience will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 8 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, salesperson services will increase product substitution but will decrease purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 9 : When out-of-stock situation occurs, brand loyalty will decrease product substitution but will increase purchase delay and store switching among consumer responses. ${\bullet}$ H 10 When out-of-stock situation occurs, store loyalty will increase product substitution and purchase delay but will decrease store switching among consumer responses. Analysis: Data were collected from 353 respondents who experienced out-of-stock situations in various store types such as large discount stores, supermarkets, etc. Research model and hypotheses were verified using multinomial logit(MNL) analysis. Results and Implications: is the estimation results of l\1NL model, and
    shows the marginal effects for each determinant to consumer's responses(SDL). Significant statistical results were as follows. Purchase urgency, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty were turned out to be significant determinants to influence consumer alternative behaviors in case of out-of-stock situation. Specifically, first, product substitution behavior was triggered by purchase urgency, surprise, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty. Second, purchase delay behavior was led by purchase urgency, purchase quantities, and brand loyalty. Third, store switching behavior was influenced by purchase urgency, purchase quantities, pre-purchase plan, product assortment, store price image, brand loyalty, and store loyalty. Finally, when out-of-stock situation occurs, store convenience and salesperson service did not have significant effects on consumer alternative responses.

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  • A Study on the Effects of Silver Housing on Evacuation Safety using Human Behavior Simulation - Focused on Floor Planning of Corridor Types in Urban Silver Housing - (인간행동 시뮬레이션을 통한 노인주거 피난안전성 검증에 관한 연구 - 도심형 노인주거의 복도 유형별 평면계획 분석 중심으로 -)

    • Cho, Seung-Woo;Kim, Kyeong-Bae
      • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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      • v.35 no.9
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      • pp.41-48
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      • 2019
    • Recently as the rapid increasing of the elderly, silver housing has grown up. Though much fire evacuation and safety law, fire accident is most dangerous problem in our society. So this study is the purpose to analyze evacuation safety in urban silver housing of floor planning by corridor types using human behavior simulation. The methodology of this study is 'Literature Review' and 'Simulation'. This study has been carried out on silver housing's definition, types, fire safety theory and relation law. To proof evacuation safety, this study measured escaping time, longest distance, and bottleneck counting using human behavior simulation. This study use game engine simulation program to analyze 6 corridor types experimental model. As the result of simulation, this study compare between ASET and simulation result. The result come down to 3 part. First, double loaded corridor type is the most dangerous on urban silver housing. Second, Safe shelter's location and number cause increasing of escaping time. Lastly escaping time is influenced by behavior of agent, bottle neck strike frequency.

    A Study on Residents' Participation in Rural Tourism Project Using an Agent-Based Model - Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior - (행위자 기반 모형을 활용한 농촌관광 사업 주민 참여 연구 - 계획된 행동 이론을 바탕으로 -)

    • Ahn, Seunghyeok;Yun, Sun-Jin
      • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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      • v.27 no.2
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      • pp.77-89
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      • 2021
    • To predict the level of residents' participation in rural tourism project, we used agent-based model. The decision-making mechanism which calculates the utility related to attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control of planned behavior theory was applied to the residents' decision to participate. As a result of the simulation over a period of 20 years, in the baseline scenario set similar to the general process of promoting rural projects, the proportion of indigenous people decreased and the participation rate decreased. In the scenarios with different learning frequencies in perceived behavioral control, overall participation rate decreased. Learning every five years had the effect of increasing the participation rate slightly. Participation rates increased significantly in the scenario that consider economic aspects and reputation in attitude and did not decline in the scenario where population composition was maintained. The virtuous cycle effect of subjective norm according to changes in participation rate due to influence of attitude and perceived behavioral control shows the dynamic relationship.

    Healing Case Study Applying Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Mathematics Anxiety (인지행동치료기법을 적용한 수학불안 치유사례)

    • Park, Hae Soung;Cho, Wan Young
      • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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      • v.26 no.4
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      • pp.791-818
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      • 2016
    • This case study is performed to check the validity of cognitive behavioral therapy for high school students with mathematics anxiety. In order to find out whether it is effective or not, one female high school student who suffers physically and mentally from mathematics anxiety was selected and cognitive behavioral therapy was applied. The therapy is applied to her for 30 to 40 minutes, once a week, and for eight weeks. The main themes were: To understand my problem, To write down thinking log, To set up a plan for actions, To experiment actions, To change intermediate confidence, To change core belief. To check the validity, before and after the experiment, revised version of Heo(1996)'s assessment tools for mathematics anxiety was applied. The subject was interviewed and the results of the therapy were compared and analyzed. According to the research, the worst mathematics anxiety of the subject was test anxiety. After the procedure, the anxiety related to mathematics and teachers was lessened. Especially, the subject had changed her mind and become more positive and optimistic on solving difficult mathematics problems. Therefore, the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on mathematics anxiety was confirmed. It is required to construct special program - about cognitive behavioral therapy, interactions of cognitive-affective causes, and group therapy - and check the validity of it.

    Factors Influencing the Toothbrushing Behavior of Elementary School Students Adapted by the Theory of Planned Behavior (계획된 행동이론을 적용한 초등학생의 칫솔질 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인)

    • Yoon, Soo-Gil;Han, Su-Jin
      • Journal of dental hygiene science
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      • v.14 no.4
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      • pp.554-562
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      • 2014
    • This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing toothbrushing behaviors of elementary school students by adding the variable of 'self-efficacy' to the behavioral model based on the theory of planned behavior. To collect the data for an analysis, the self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 443 students in 4th to 6th grades of elementary school placed in Inchon Metropolitan City. The statistical package of PASW 18.0 was employed for the analysis. Results of the analysis revealed that the toothbrushing intention was explained by the subjective norm (${\beta}=0.343$), the self-efficacy (${\beta}=0.171$), the perceived behavioral control (${\beta}=0.163$), and the attitude toward the tooth-brushing behavior (${\beta}=0.135$). The toothbrushing behavior was explained by the toothbrushing intention (${\beta}=0.355$) and the self-efficacy (${\beta}=0.113$). The synthesis of such results suggested that both parents and teachers in school who would be influential to students should guide elementary school students to be habituated to the right toothbrushing. Also it was estimated that the students should understand the importance of toothbrushing through proper oral health education, and they should also become confident in spontaneous toothbrushing by providing them with an environment that could help them practicing the toothbrushing easily.

    The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education for Seniors on Entrepreneurship Intention: Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Self-determination Theory (시니어 대상 창업교육이 창업의도에 미치는 영향: 계획된 행동이론과 자기결정 이론의 통합모델 중심으로)

    • Chung, Chan-Young;Lee, So-Young
      • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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      • v.15 no.4
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      • pp.69-81
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      • 2020
    • This study is to identify the effect of seniors in their 40s and 50s on their entrepreneurial intentions through attitude on entrepreneurship, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control by utilizing the integrated model of the theory of planned behavior and self-determination theory. Also, in this process, we tried to analyze moderating effect of entrepreneurship education for seniors. An online survey was conducted for seniors in their 40s and 50s living in Seoul and Gyeonggi province, out of the total 284 questionnaire responses, 243 valid questionnaires were used in the study. Research analysis utilized SPSS 24, AMOS 23 structural equation model and Professor Hayes' Process 3.4 to analyze moderating effect. The results of the study were summarized as follows. First, autonomous motivation had a positive influence on attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. But controlled motivation didn't have the significant influence on attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. Second, attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control had positive influence on entrepreneurship intention. Third, as a result of analyzing moderating effect of entrepreneurship education for seniors, the significant moderating effect was verified between attitude and entrepreneurship intention. Also the significant moderating effect was verified between subjective norms and entrepreneurship intention. On the other hand, no significant moderating effect was proved between perceived behavioral control and entrepreneurship intention. The implication of this study is that for retired seniors planning to enter into entrepreneurship, the result can contribute to the development of a entrepreneurship support program that can increase new startup creation, survival and sucess by diagnosing autonomous and controlled motivation for entrepreneurship. In addition, by providing entrepreneurship education as well as re-employment training in the senior outplacement program, the study can contribute to widening the opportunities for seniors to second career after retirement.

    A study on Middle-aged Women's Concern of Appearance and Buying Behavior of Cosmetics - With Special Reference to Women in their Fifties in the Kyungnam Region - (중년여성의 외모관심도 및 화장품 구매행동에 관한 연구 -경남지역의 50대여성을 중심으로-)

    • Lee, Sang-Young;Lee, Young-Sook
      • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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      • v.9 no.12
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      • pp.201-211
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      • 2009
    • Korean middle-aged women, who are securing economic stability of their own along with the national economic growth, have had much concern in their outward appearance. Especially, middle-aged women's concern of appearance triggered by their various social/leisure activities and appreciation of aesthetic sense leads to the interest in their outward appearance, thus naturally stimulating their purchasing sentiments. This paper attempts to identify the level of middle-aged women's concern of appearance and analyze how this level of concern affects their behavior in purchasing cosmetic products. Our analytical findings include: 1. From the t-test and distributional analysis of points of each factor on the group, the high-interest type 1 (108 persons) and low-interest type 2 (91 person) in terms of 'concern of appearance' turned out to exist. 2. Five factors of cosmetics-purchasing behavior were derived that are fashion-leading type, compulsive buying type, brand-dependent type, pondering type, planned buying type and loyal-to-brand type. 3. Cosmetics-purchasing behavior varied according to the subjects' level of concern of appearance.

    Factors Affecting Potential Disaster Damage and Perceptible Stress Influencing Evacuation Behavior (재난피해가능성불안 및 지각된 스트레스가 대피행동에 영향을 미치는 요인)

    • JI, Youngil;Moon, YooMi
      • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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      • v.16 no.3
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      • pp.594-601
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      • 2020
    • Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to identify factors affecting anxiety about disaster damage potential in Gyonggi-do and evacuation behavior that influences evacuation behavior. Method: Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesis and to analyze the influence of anxiety about disaster damage potential and perceived stress, and analyzed similarity in correspondence between age and anxiety about disaster damage potential. Results: The anxiety about disaster damage potential of a group vulnerable to safety and anxiety about disaster damage potential of disaster system collapse were perceived in close proximity. Disaster system collapse, evacuation life, and natural disasters were found to be factors affecting perceived stress. Stress and natural disasters were found to be influencing factors on evacuation behavior. Conclusion: The necessity of managing stress was confirmed since anxiety about natural disaster damage potential and stress affect evacuation behavior. The recent experiences of heavy rain disasters indicate that the anxiety about disaster damage potential is expected to increase. The findings also indicate the importance of preventive planning and psychological management to manage the anxiety about disaster damage potential.

    Systematic Singular Association for Group Behaviors of a Swarm System (스웜 시스템의 그룹 행동을 위한 조직화된 단일 연합법)

    • Jung, Hah-Min;Kim, Dong-Hun
      • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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      • v.19 no.3
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      • pp.355-362
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      • 2009
    • In this paper, we present a framework for managing group behaviors in multi-agent swarm systems. The framework explores the benefits by dynamic associations with the proposed artificial potential functions to realize complex swarming behaviors. A key development is the introduction of a set of flocking by dynamic association (DA) algorithms that effectively deal with a host of swarming issues such as cooperation for fast migration to a target, flexible and agile formation, and inter-agent collision avoidance. In particular, the DA algorithms employ a so-called systematic singular association (SSA) rule for fast migration to a target and compact formation through inter-agent interaction. The resulting algorithms enjoy two important interrelated benefits. First, the SSA rule greatly reduces time-consuming for migration and satisfies low possibility that agents may be lost. Secondly, the SSA is advantageous for practical implementations, since it considers for agents even the case that a target is blocked by obstacles. Extensive simulation presents to illustrate the viability and effectiveness of the proposed framework.

    The Effects of a Green Based Growth Education Program on Young Children's Environmental Preservation Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior (녹색성장교육에 기초한 프로그램이 유아의 환경보전지식, 태도 및 행동에 미치는 효과)

    • Lee, Mi Jin;Kim, Ji Eun
      • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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      • v.10 no.2
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      • pp.153-174
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      • 2014
    • This study started as an effort to solve the serious environmental program that the Korean government and internationally focused on. For the purpose of the study, a green based growth education program was composed that young children could participate in. With this program, the study participants could form attitudes, behavior, and knowledge of environmental preservation. To see the effectiveness of the green growth educational program, the study set up a control and an experimental group. The program was composed with four major content 'ecosystem', 'energy', 'resource', and 'green citizenship'. The study planned 20 sessions including fairy tales, storytelling, art, game, and science activities. The study's participants were a total of 42 five-year-old children. The result of the research showed that the experimental group's environmental preservation knowledge, attitude, and behavior score was significantly higher than the control group. The green growth educational program had a positive effect on young children's knowledge, attitude, and behavior of environmental preservation. This study included the realities of the difficulties applying green growth education in kindergarten, the result provided practical information regarding the green growth educational program to kindergarten teachers.

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