• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해양친수공간

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Simulation of Flow field and Water exchange Change on the Redevelopment of Busan North Port (부산북항 재개발에 따른 유동장 및 해수교환 변화 모의)

  • Gum, Dong-Ho;Kim, Kang-Min;Lee, Joong-Woo;Jun, Sung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2006
  • In connection with redevelopment of Busan North Port, there has been lots of studies and efforts for the development of superannuated North general piers into a center of marine tourism and waterfront for the citizens of Busan. Recently it has moved to the stage of execution, after several trials to find concrete solutions. On the other hand, the change of flow field and tidal exchange cuased by redevelopment is one of the important investigation subjects. This study deals with the change of flow field and water exchange after redevelopment using numerical simulation technique, based on the general data which were collected and analyzed. As a result of simulation, the speed of tidal currents are tended to decrease near the North and inner-port and increase at the main waterway. Furthermore, the tidal exchange had a tendency to be small both before and after redevelopment by about 77% in a quasi steady state, which is about 15 days after.

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A Study on the Waterfront Residental Environment Satisfaction (Waterfront 주거환경 만족도 연구)

  • Kim, Ga-Ya;Yoon, Sang-Bok;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.290-296
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    • 2003
  • The waterfront the house it falls to empty, it sprouts and un-waterfront to beggarly more view, showing a high satisfactory degree from elements which of the house environment back is diversified, there is to immigration plan of future and the waterfront the area is high and it was visible the degree which is probably. Also the waterfront against to the development of the area the rate where the development recognizes a necessity will be high, it will be high, it will be pay scheduled one expense from even and the river or the coast the line will choose to the view is visible the answer back own house was many. Here upon the waterfront to development of the which indispensability or development hour (1)sublation of the development which is insensitive, (2)the fixed quantity development which hits to demand and supply, (3)after developing the continuous civil official, (4)the environment friendship development back is indicated with consideration fact.

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Analysis of Traffic Safety and Harbor Tranquility due to Port Expansion (항만확장에 따른 통항안전 및 항만정온도 검토)

  • Moon, Seung-Hyo;Kwon, Seong-Min;Lee, Joong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 2017
  • 화물량이나 해상관광객 유입 확대 등 항만수요의 증가에 따른 대응으로 항만을 확장하거나 신규항만을 계획하게 된다. 우리나라 어항의 경우 경관이 수려하고 청정지역으로 분류되어 개발여지가 크다. 이중 감포항의 경우도 해상을 통한 연안 화물의 운송확장과 어항의 기능에서 연안항의 여건을 갖추고 경주와 연계한 해양 관광벨트를 구성하여 친수공간 조성, 송대말 등대 컨텐츠 사업 등 해양관광의 거점으로 도약하기 위한 집중개발을 추진 중에 있어서 종합적인 관점에서 항만확장을 검토할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 추진 중인 항만확장과 관련하여 남측 및 동측의 항만확장안에 대해 선박의 통항안전 및 계류한계파고에 대한 항만 정온도 여부를 제 3세대 수치파랑 모형인 SWAN모형과 강비선형 Boussinesq 방정식을 적용한 불규칙파 Bouss-2D 모형을 적용하여 모형간 특성을 도출한 후 현재안과 각 대안별로 파랑반응특성을 비교분석하였다. 이에 대한 결과는 각 대안별로 장래 항만확장에 대한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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Priority Analysis for Resource Development of Waterfront in Jeju Region - Using AHP method (AHP 기법을 적용한 제주지역 친수공간 자원화방안 요인의 중요도 분석)

  • Boo, Chang-San;Kim, Suk Jong;Kim, Mincheol
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2013
  • Recently, in the context of increased interest for marine tourism, Jeju region of South Korea has attractive waterfront space and also has potential requirements for development. The objective of this paper was to analyze the priority for resource development of waterfront in Jeju region. In order to calculate the importance of factors related to the development of waterfront in Jeju area, this study conducted exploratory factor analysis to extract the factors and established the AHP model based on the factors name focusing on a total of 198 tourists. In this study, in accordance with the procedures of AHP analysis, pairwise comparisons were conducted focusing on a total of 15 experts. Especially, difference test between groups (academics and bureaucratic) was conducted. In the 1st criterion for evaluation, 'exploring experience' factor is most important thing and 'facilities & infrastructure' factors were in the following order. In the secondary criterion, AHP analysis showed that experience facilities, environmental management, and absence of residents consciousness were the important factors. In the future time, the results of this research can be utilized as basic data in the aspects of tourism development in Jeju waterfront region.

Setting Ecological Goals and Success Criteria Items for Ecological Restoration Projects : Focusing on the Coastal Restoration Projects (생태복원사업의 생태적 목표 및 성공 판단기준 항목 설정 : 연안복원사업을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sukmo;Lee, Dongjoo;Seo, Jinhyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2017
  • This study established ecological goals and success criteria by using results of the coastal ecosystem restoration demand survey. The ecological goals are set for species diversity, regulation of seawater flow, improvement of purification, erosion prevention and habitat provision by ecosystem types. The indicators of success criteria are chosen the number of emergence species and community characteristics of target organism and pertinent items of hydrologic, water quality and sediment environment by ecological goals among the investigation items of tidal flat investigation guideline.

A Study on Architectural Type and Design Characteristics of Floating Architecture (플로팅건축의 유형 및 디자인 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Pak, Sung-Sine
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2011
  • Floating architecture is the most effective way to accommodate itself to sea-level rise due to climate change. At the same time floating architecture is the best model to offer the new spatial experience through water-friendly environment. Domestic floating architecture is still on the early stage compared to Europe which has several companies specialized in designing and building floating architecture. Floating architecture is divided into 8 types according to its criteria such as program, form, scale, level, location, access, mobility and energy. The following are design characteristics of floating architecture : (1) composed of 2 stories, (2) having large deck, (3) designing rectangular plan and balanced mass, (4) maximizing view, (5) having water-friendly space, (6) multi-using space and minimizing surface, (7) planning section to control light reflecting from the water, (8) modular and unit system.

Characteristics of Wave Pressures According to the Installation Location of the Caisson Superstructure under Regular Waves (규칙파 조건에서 케이슨 상치구조물의 설치위치에 따른 파압 특성)

  • Jun, Jae-Hyung;Lee, Suk-Chan;Kim, Do-Sam;Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2022
  • In recent years, coastal and port structures have attempted to prevent wave-overtopping or provide waterfront areas by installing superstructures on the structural crowns. In general, in the design stage, the Goda formula acting on the front the structure is applied to calculate the wave pressure acting on the superstructure in consideration of the wave-runup of the design wave. However, the wave pressure exceeding the Goda wave pressure could generate depending on the installation location of the superstructure where the wave-overtopping occurs. This study analyzed the applicability of the Goda formula to the wave pressure calculation for the superstructure of the vertical structures through hydraulic model experiments and numerical simulations. Furthermore, this study investigated the magnitude of the wave pressure acting on the superstructure based on detailed numerical results. As a result, the wave pressure acting on the superstructure was up to 120% higher than the maximum wave pressure on the still water surface. In addition, the wave pressure increases exponentially with the Froude number computed by the overtopping water depth at the crown of the structure, and we proposed an empirical formula for predicting the wave pressure based on the Froude number.

A Study on Water Quality Management on Urban Water Circulating System in the New City (신도시 내 물순환시스템 구축 및 수질관리 연구)

  • Ahn, Chang-Hyuk;Joo, Jin-Chul;Kwon, Jae-Hyeong;Song, Ho-Myeon;Ahn, Ho-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.743-743
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    • 2012
  • 최근 국내에서는 저탄소 녹색도시 조성의 일환으로 도시의 환경오염과 기후변화의 문제의 원인이 되고 있는 탄소 배출을 억제하고 고유가 시대에 에너지저감을 동시에 고려하는 저탄소 도시 조성을 통해 기후변화 시대에 대응을 추진하고 있다(국토해양부, 2009). 이러한 결과로 최근 도시내 물순환시스템(urban water circulating system or blue-network)의 구축이 요구되며 이는 자연의 생태 기능을 복원하고 오염부하를 저감하여 도시 환경의 건강성과 지속성 향상에 기여한다. 이러한 도시물순환시스템은 시민의 휴식 및 문화 공간, 도심열섬현상 완화, 재해방지, 생물서식공간(biotope) 제공 등의 기본적인 기능 이외에도 탄소배출 감소, 우수 저류공간 확보, 지하수위 유지, 비상용수 확보, 대기오염물질의 집진제거, 습지보전 및 생물종 다양성 확보 등의 주요 기능을 수행할 수 있기 때문에 구도심의 재개발 또는 신도시 개발 시 도시 어메니티(amenity) 증진에 널리 적용되고 있다(서울시정개발연구원 2003; 한국토지공사 2003). 남한산성을 포함하는 청량산 계곡수를 발원지로서, 공간적 범위는 장지천과 창곡천을 따라 약 3.5 km 서쪽으로 흘러 탄천에 이르기까지의 물길축(blue-network)를 기반으로 하며 총면적은 $6.8km^2$ 으로 서울, 성남, 하남의 3개 행정구역에 걸쳐있다. 내용적 범위는 현황조사(개발 컨셉, 하천분포현황, 인접지역 연계, 수질), 수량 및 수질 확보방안(물수지분석, 다중 수원 확보방안, 목표수질 설정, 부영양화 가능성 평가), 물순환시스템 구축(소하천 등과 연계 방안), 유지관리 방안의 순서로 진행하여 기본계획을 도출하였다. 현황조사 결과 본 사업대상지는 장지천, 창곡천, 학암천 등 3개 소하천이 서쪽의 탄천과 연결되어 있으며 동쪽은 산지로 청량산이 인접하기에, 주변 자연지형을 최대한 고려하여 물순환시스템을 계획하였다. 하천 유량은 기존 환경영향평가서, 하천 연계방안, 신도시 조성 관련기준 등을 종합적으로 고려하여 하류에서 각각 장지천 $10,087m^3/d$, 창곡천 $7,103m^3/d$, 복우천 $5,530m^3/d$ 의 유지용수량을 산정하였다. 도시 친수공간 확보와 어메니티 향상을 위해 지구내 수로(휴먼링)을 조성하여 장지천, 창곡천과 연계하였으며 주요 유지용수는 저탄소 녹색도시 건설에 부합하도록 우수을 활용한 함양지 및 계곡수로 조성 계획하였다. 또한, 인접한 장지천 및 창곡천 등 소하천은 지속적인 유량공급 및 양질의 수질을 확보하기 위해서 하상여과수를 검토 후 제안하였다.

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Green Port Management Policy Directions in the Green Growth Era - The Case of Gwangyang Port in Republic of Korea - (녹색성장시대에 환경친화적 항만관리정책의 발전방향 - 광양항을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Bong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.361-384
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to analyse the current conditions of transport demand and its environmental problems in Gwangyang Port(GP), and to suggest crucial directions for Gwangyang Green Port(GGP) in Korea. This study consists of three main sections: concept of green growth and green port; the analysis of transport demand and environment situations in GP; policy directions for GGP. This study is mainly conducted by a literature review of related papers, an analysis of secondary data & papers, and interviews with port experts. This study presents important policy directions for successfully managing GGP in Korea as follows: modal shifts plan for green transport and logistics system in GP; energy-saving techniques in GP's berth operation; the application of environmentally friendly port operation methods in GP; construction of GP waterfront facilities; environmentally friendly disposal of maritime waste matters; establishment and implementation of port environment master plan. This study will make a big contribution to the building of green port policy and the providing of professional informations to government officials.

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Disaster Overall Prevention System for Beach Erosion and its Applications (해안침식 관리시스템과 그 적용)

  • Kim, Kyu-Han;Yoo, Hyung-Seok;Joung, Eui-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.602-610
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    • 2008
  • A beach has such functions as disaster prevention, providing an amenity place, attracting people and maintaining the coastal ecosystem. Already well known that a beach provides an amenity place, it has also been ascertained through various examples that a sand beach performs a very important function to maintain the coastal ecosystem as well. However, Beach erosion began to occur in Korea in the 1990's and posed a social problem in the late 1990's. Nowadays, along the shorelines of Korea's many beaches, about 400 beaches have reported erosion. This study demonstrate the Disaster Overall Prevention System for Beach Erosion and it's application. The Disaster Overall Prevention System for Beach Erosion is a coastal management system established for managing the implementation of long-term countermeasures to protect eroded beaches effectively in this study. Especially, the economic feasibility test and adaptive management for sustainable mitigation included in DOPS. The coastal prevention work applied to Namae beach is carried out by Disaster Overall Prevention System. Consequently, beach nourishment is proposed as a main countermeasure. Also, submerged artificial reefs and groin integrating artificial rock are proposed as secondary countermeasures for beach erosion. This resulted to be the optimal beach erosion countermeasure from DOPS, considering the economic and environmental conditions of the study area.