• Title/Summary/Keyword: 해석 기하학

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The Characteristics of Various Deviation by Block Adjustment According to GCP Arrangement (GCP 배치에 따른 Block 조정의 오차 전파 특성)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Um, Dae-Yong;Kang, Young-Mi;Jeon, Kyong-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2002
  • In photogrammetry, the accuracy is analyzed by using the coordinate of the targeted position determined by the geometric principle, thus, the reliability depends on the accuracy of the coordinate of the targeted position. Thereby, geographic surveying is essential to perform such tasks, and it requires approximately $30{\sim}50%$ of total cost and times to produce a finalized map. The main purpose of this study is to determine the configuration of the disposition of minimum datum points and their configuration, which were determined by surveying values available through using the structure of block model based on the aerotriangulation. ortho projection image was produce and digital topographic map was achieved by the optima model(CASE7). We also performed comparative analysis about the result of local datum point and the accuracy of overlapping based on the surveying results. Consequently, it is possible to analyze the unknown position accurately with the optimal model., CASE 7, which is the minimum datum points configuration required to block adjustment. Furthermore, this optimal model, which provides the minimum datum points, results costs and time saving effects compared to the previous methodology.

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Asset-based Mapping Approach to Design for Poverty Informations (자산기반매핑을 이용한 가난정보 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Liou, Jaeik;Kim, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2002
  • Various researches and practices on asset management and asset-based mapping have been done with regard to engineering, industry, business and stocks marketing areas. Their notions and concepts are differently interpreted in response to different requirements. There are considerable research outcomes of management, operation and maintenance for physical, natural and digital assets. However, existing concept of asset management might have limitations to deal with diverse tangible or intangible assets at the individual/household/community level. In this paper, a conceptual framework of Hexad asset model is designed to explicate increase, decrease and other changes of assets flows as a geometric pathway. Particularly, consideration of lands and housing as important physical and natural assets to escape poverty not only leads to creation of an excellent 3D digital asset management, but also reaches to a new approach to asset-based mapping for a poverty information management and system.

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A Study on Large Scale Digital Mapping Using High Resolution Satellite Stereo Images (고해상도 위성영상을 이용한 대축척 수치지도 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Sung Chun Kyoung;Yun Hong Sic;Cho Jae Myoung;Cho Jung Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2004
  • The subject of this study is to apply experimentally In resolution stereo imagery of IKONOS to producing 1:50,000 scale maps for Munsan area in Paju, being near the Military Demarcation Line, is inaccessible for aerial photography. Ground control points were acquired from GPS surveying to perform geometric corrections on images. Digital maps were produced from IKONOS stereo imagery on the digital photographic workstation. From field investigation, RMS errors of the plane and vertical positions are estimated respectively at $\pm$1.706m and $\pm$1.231m, respectively. These plane and vertical accuracies are within the tolerance limits of those provided in the NGIS Digital Topographic Map Production Rules. Therefore this suggested method is recommended for producing the large scale digital maps of 'No flight' zone near the M.D.L.

Experimental Study for the Development of Vibration-Controlled Concrete (I) (진동제어 콘크리트 개발에 관한 실험적 연구(I))

  • 정영수;이대형;최우성
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 1996
  • Recently, the construction of infrastructures has been booming and accelerating to keep up with rapid economic growth. Construction activities and operation of transportation facilities cause unfavorable effects such as civil petitions associated with vibration-induced damages or nuisances. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to develop vibration-controlled concrete using various vibration-controlled mixtures, and also to recycle obsolete materials in part. As the first step to achieve this research, preliminary mix designs have been carried out to obtain an appropriate mix proportion above 200kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ in uniaxial compressive strength. Test specimen based on the mix proportion selected have been actuated by the impact hammer to investigate their dynamic characteristics. Vibration-controlled mixtures are foam, latex, rubber powder and plastic resin, which have been determined to reduce a vibration by and large. KS F2437 and travel time method have been used to figure out 1st natural frequency and dynamic elastic moduli. Damping ratios have been computed by adopting the polynomial curvefitting method and the geometric analysis method on the frequency response spectrum curve. of which results have been compared and analyzed hereon.

The Strain Corrections for Accuracy Improvement to Predict Large Deformation of Wings (날개 대변형 예측의 정확성 향상을 위한 변형률 보정)

  • Lee, Hansol;Kim, In-Gul;Park, Sunghyun;Kim, Min-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • The information about the deformations of high-aspect-ratio wings is needed for the real-time monitoring of structural responses. Wing deformation in flight can be predicted by using relationship between the curvatures and the strains on the wing skin. It is also necessary to consider geometric nonlinearity when the large deformation of wing is occurred. The strain distribution on fixed-end is complex in the chordwise direction because of the geometric shape of fixed-wings on fuselages. Hence, the wing displacement can be diversely predicted by the location of the strain sensing lines in the chordwise direction. We conducted a study about prediction method of displacements regardless of the chordwise strain sensing locations. To correct spanwise strains, the ratio of spanwise strain to chordwise strain, Poisson's ratio, and the ratio of the plate strain to the beam strain were used. The predicted displacements using the strain correction were consistent with those calculated by the FEA and verified through the bending testing.

Computation of a Two-dimensional Nozzle Flow with the Variation of Pressure and Length Ratios (수치계산에 의한 2차원 초음속 노즐에서 압력비와 길이비에 따른 흐름 특성)

  • Kwon, Soon-Duk;Kim, Jeong-Soo;Choi, Jong-Wook;Kim, Sung-Cho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 2007
  • The Navier-Stokes equations are numerically solved for a two-dimensional small nozzle with the area ratio of 1.8 between the throat and the exit. The shock structures are verified inside the nozzle and near the exit varying with the pressure ratio and the length of the diverging part, respectively. Especially the irregular patterns in the pressure distribution near the throat are analyzed based on the geometric characteristics. It is found that there are similar phenomena in the shock wave structure between the pressure ratio and the length changes. Also there exists a normal shock just between two different oblique shocks crossing each other in special cases.

Performance Compensation of the Satellite Imager below Normal Altitude Using Line-Of-Sight Tilt over Spherical Earth Surface (구면 지표에서 경사촬영을 이용한 위성 영상기의 고도 저하 성능 보정)

  • 조영민
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2004
  • A spherical earth surface is used for realistic analysis of the geometrical performance characteristics generated by 2-dimensional line-of-sight (LOS) tilt of the satellite imager using the Time Delay and Integration(TDI) technique. A 2-dimensional LOS tilt ever the spherical Earth surface is proposed to compensate geometric performance degradation caused by the satellite altitude decrease below the normal operation altitude. The compensation can be achieved by TDI re-match without degradation of modulation transfer function and with ground sample distance slightly increased. Effective methods of LOS tilt for the compensation are investigated. This study can be useful for mission assurance and flexibility in imager operation.

Tunable Mechanically Formed Long-Period Fiber Gratings using Periodically Arrayed Metal Wires (금속선의 주기적인 배열을 이용하여 기계적으로 형성한 파장 가변 장주기 광섬유 격자)

  • Sohn, Kyung-Rak;Kim, Kwang-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.401-405
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we have presented mechanically formed long-period fiber gratings using periodically arrayed brass wires with a $250-{\mu}m$ diameter and realized the function of current-controlled wavelength-tuning. With the thermo-optic effect of the surrounding medium around the fiber cladding, the continuous displacement of the resonance wavelengths is achieved through the resistant heat of the wire which changes the refractive index of surrounding material. The tunability for each mode as a function of an applied electrical power is investigated. When the glycerin is used as a thermo-optic material, the measured tuning ranges of $LP_{03}$ and $LP_{04}$ within electrical power of 20 W reach to 14 nm and 48 nm, respectively. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical that which is analyzed by a geometric-optics approximation.

Geometrical Interpretation on the Development Sequence and the Movement Sense of Fractures in the Cheongsong Granite, Gilan-myeon Area, Uiseong Block of Gyeongsang Basin, Korea (경상분지 의성지괴 길안면지역에서 청송화강암의 단열 발달사 및 운동성에 대한 기하학적 해석)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.4 s.46
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    • pp.180-193
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    • 2006
  • The Gilan area in the central-northern part of Uiseong Block of Cretaceous Gyeongsang Basin is composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks, Triassic Cheongsong granite, Early Cretaceous Hayans Group, and Late Cretaceous-Paleocene igneous rocks. In this area, the faults of various directions are developed: Oksan fault of $NS{\sim}NNW$ trend, Gilan fault of NW trend, Hwanghaksan fault of WNW trend, and Imbongsan fault of EW trend. Several fracture sets with various geometric indicators, which determine their relative timing (sequence and coexistence relationships) and shear sense, we well observed in the Cheongsong granite, the basement of Gyeongsang Basin. The aim of this study is to determine the development sequence of extension fractures and the movement sense of shear fractures in the Gitan area on the basis of detailed analysis of their geometric indicators (connection, termination, intersection patterns, and cross-cutting relations). This study suggests that the fracture system of the Gilan area was formed at least through seven different fracturing events, named as Pre-Dn to Dn +5 phases. The orientations of fracture sets show (W) NW, NNW, NNE, EW, NE in descending order of frequency. The orientation and frequency patterns are concordant with those of faults around and in the Gilan area on a geological map scale. The development sequence and movement sense of fracture sets are summarized as follows. (1) Pre-Dn phase: extension fracturing event of $NS{\sim}NNW$ and/or $WNW{\sim}ENE$ trend. The joint sets of $NS{\sim}NNW$ trend and of $WNW{\sim}ENE$ trend underwent the reactivation histories of sinistral ${\rightarrow}$dextral${\rightarrow}$sinistral shearing and of (dextral${\rightarrow}$) sinistral shearing with the change of stress field afterward, respectively. (2) Dn phase: that of NW trend. The joint set experienced the reactivations of sinistral${\rightarrow}$dextral shearing. (3) Dn + 1 phase: that of $NNE{\sim}NE$ trend. The joint set was reactivated as a sinistral shear fracture afterward. (4) Dn +2 phase: that of $ENE{\sim}EW$ trend. (5) Dn +3 phase: that of $WNW{\sim}NW$ trend. (6) Dn+4 phase: that of NNW trend. The joint set underwent a dextral shearing after this. (7) The last Dn +5 phase: that of NNE trend.

Development of Alignment Information Extraction System on Highway by Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technique (지상 레이저 스캐닝 기법에 의한 도로선형정보 추출 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2007
  • A laser scanning technique has been attracting much attention as a new technology to acquire location information. This technique might be applicable to a wide range of areas, most notably in geomatics, due to its high accuracy of location and automation of high-density data acquisition. A alignment information extraction system on highway has been developed in this study by utilizing the advantages of the laser scanning technique. The system can accurately interpret the alignment information of highway and can be applied to actual works. To develop the alignment information extraction system on highway, an algorithm that can automatically separate a horizontal alignment into a straight line, a transition curve, and a circular curve was developed. It can increase its efficiency compared to the conventional methods. In addition, an algorithm that can automatically extract design elements of horizontal and vertical alignments of highway was developed and applied to an object highway. This yielded higher practicality with more accurate values compared to those from previous studies on the extraction of design elements of highway alignment. Furthermore, the extracted design elements were used to perform a virtual driving simulation on the object highway. Through this, data were provided for a visual judgment for judging visually whether the topography and structures were harmonized in a three-dimensional manner or not. The study also presents data that can serve as a basis to determine highway surface freezing sections and to analyze three-dimensional sight distance models. Through the establishment of a systematic database for diverse data on highway and the development of web-based operating programs, an efficient highway maintenance can be ensured and also they can provide important information to be used when estimating a highway safety in the future.

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