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Effect of Hypotonic and Hypertonic Solution on Brining Process for Pork Loin Cube: Mass Transfer Kinetics (돼지고기 등심의 염지공정에서 소금농도의 영향: 물질전달 동역학을 중심으로)

  • Park, Min;Lee, Nak Hun;In, Ye-Won;Oh, Sang-Yup;Cho, Hyung-Yong
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2019
  • The impregnation of solid foods into the surrounding hypotonic or hypertonic solution was explored as a method to infuse NaCl in pork loin cube without altering its matrix. Mass transfer kinetics using a diffusive model as the mathematical model for moisture gain/loss and salt gain and the resulting textural properties were studied for the surrounding solutions of NaCl 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 15% (w/w). It was possible to access the effects of brine concentration on the direction of the resulting water flow, quantify water and salt transfer, and confirm tenderization effect by salt infusion. For brine concentrations up to 10% it was verified that meat samples gained water, while for processes with 15% concentration, pork loin cubes lost water. The effective diffusion coefficients of salt ranged from 2.43×10-9 to 3.53×10-9 m2/s, while for the values of water ranged from 1.22×10-9 to 1.88×10-9 m2/s. The diffusive model was able to represent well salt gain rates using a single parameter, i.e. an effective diffusion coefficient of salt through the meat. However, it was not possible to find a characteristic effective diffusion coefficient for water transfer. Within the range of experimental conditions studied, salt-impregnated samples by 5% (w/w) brine were shown with minimum hardness, chewiness and shear force.

대순진리회 구천상제(九天上帝) 신앙과 도교 보화천존(普化天尊) 신앙 비교

  • 위꿔칭
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.157-195
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    • 2013
  • 대순진리회는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제(이하 '구천상제')'를 주신(主神)으로 신앙하는 종교단체이다. 그렇다면 대순진리회의 '구천상제'와 중국 도교에서 모셔지는 '구천응원뇌성보화천존'(이하 '보화천존')은 어떤 연관성이 있는 것인가? 이런 질문을 토대로 본 글에서는 이 신들의 기원과 칭호, 도세법문(度世法門 : 세상을 제도하고자 펼친 법도) 등의 관점에서 그 차이점과 공통점을 하나씩 비교해 보았다. 먼저 기원이라는 측면에서 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'을 비교해보면, '구천상제'는 천지인 삼계의 최고신으로서 강씨 가문을 선택하여 인간의 육신으로 태어났다. 강씨 성은 상고 신농씨에서 시작되었는데, 고대 문헌에 근거하면 신농씨는 태양신, 남쪽, 불(火) 등으로 상징화된다. 이런 상징들은 '구천상제'가 인간으로 태어날 때 나타난 "하늘이 남북으로 갈라지다", "큰 불덩이가 몸을 덮치다", "천지가 밝아지는도다" 등의 현상들에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존'은 뇌신의 특징을 가지면서 일신(日神), 월신(月神)과 관계를 맺고 있는데, 이런 면들은 신농씨로부터 분석한 '구천상제'의 신적 기원과 일치하고 있다. 또한 도교에서는 신농씨가 다스리던 세상을 중국 상고시대의 가장 이상적인 사회형태로 보고 있는데, 이것을 '구천상제'가 건설하려는 후천선경과 연관 지어 생각해보면 '구천상제'가 신농씨의 후손인 강씨 종가에서 태어난 배경을 이해할 수 있다. 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 중생의 이익을 도모하고, 조화로운 인간세상을 만드는 것을 목표로 삼고 있으며, 이것은 대순진리회 '구천상제'가 행한 대순의 목적과 거의 비슷하다고 볼 수 있다. 다음으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'은 칭호에서도 공통점과 차이점을 살펴볼 수 있다. 단적으로 말하자면, '구천상제'에는 '보화천존'에 비해 '강성상제'라는 칭호가 추가되어 있다는 것이다. 또한 도교에서는 '보화천존'을 최고신으로 모시지 않으며, '구천상제' 신앙에서는 '보화천존' 신앙에서와 달리 뇌신과의 관계에 대한 설명을 찾아볼 수 없다. 마지막으로 '구천상제'와 '보화천존'의 도세법문을 비교해보면 첫째, 구천상제는 세상이 혼란, 불공평, 죄악에 빠졌기에 육신으로 인간 세상에 강림한 후 대순진리를 선포하였다. 이와 유사하게 보화천존도 천하와 인간세상을 순시하여 죄악과 겁액을 없앤다는 '순시천하(巡視天下)' 사상이 있다. 물론 여기에는 차이점이 존재하는데, 그 중 하나는 '보화천존'은 순시할 때 인간의 육신으로 화하지 않았다는 점이다. 또 다른 하나는 '보화천존'이 인간 세상에 창교의 방법을 통하여 선경을 건설하고자 하는 목표를 전해주지 않았다는 점이다. '보화천존'은 교리를 가르치거나 신통을 발휘하는 데에만 중점을 두고 있다. 둘째, '구천상제'가 내린 가르침인 해원상생은 후천선경을 건설하기 위한 수단과 과정이다. 도교의 '보화천존'도 인간이 지은 많은 죄악과 겁액은 세상 사람들이 맺은 원한과 관계가 있으므로, 이런 겁액과 죄를 해소하려면 해원부터 해야 한다는 것을 수차례에 걸쳐 언급하고 있다. 도교에서 말하는 '해원'의 구체적인 내용은 주로 인간의 시비, 질병, 겁액에 관한 것이며, 그 해결 방법으로는 주로 마음속으로 『옥추보경』을 읽는 것이다. 이를 '구천상제'의 '해원상생' 가르침과 비교하면 그 사상의 폭이나 깊이, 중요성, 이론적 측면 등에서 비교적 간단한 형태로서 체계적인 면모로까지 나아가지는 못하였다. 셋째, '구천상제' 는 곤경에 처한 사람이 신명의 호칭을 부르면 그에 상응하는 신명이 달려와서 구원해준다는 '소리감응' 방법을 사용하고 있는데, 이 방법은 도교의 '보화천존' 역시 사용하고 있는 것이다. 넷째, '구천상제'는 과오를 범한 사람이 자신의 과오를 뉘우치면, 그 다음에 상제의 용서를 받음으로써 그 원한이 풀리게 된다는 참법(懺法 : 懺悔法)을 세인(世人) 교화에 자주 사용하였다. 물론 이것은 해원상생의 구체적인 적용이라 할 수 있다. 기능면에서 보면 이 방법은 『구천응원뇌성보화천존옥추보참(九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞寶懺)』의 참의(懺儀)와 공통되는 점이 있다. 참의는 수도자 스스로 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치고, 수도에 정진하며, 사회의 안정을 도모하고, 포덕에 힘쓰고, 악을 물리치고 선을 널리 펼친다는 것인데, 이런 의미에서 양자는 일치한다고 생각된다. 필자가 생각하건대, 대순진리회의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존강성상제'와 도교의 '구천응원뇌성보화천존' 사이에는 공통점이 아주 많지만 동시에 차이점 또한 적지 않다. 만약 더욱 다양한 자료들을 수집하여 더욱 깊고 광범위한 연구를 진행한다면 한국 대순진리회와 중국 도교, 특히 도교의 뇌법종파(雷法宗派)와의 상관관계를 해석하는 데 큰 도움이 될 것이라 생각한다.

대순진리회의 수도 요체와 심신 수양

  • 양옌
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.21
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    • pp.323-367
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    • 2013
  • 한국의 대순진리회는 증산 성사의 가르침을 숭신하는 종교단체로서, 한국 사회에 상당한 영향력을 가지고 있다. 1969년 창설된 대순진리회는 포덕·교화·수도를 삼대 기본사업으로, '음양합덕·신인조화·해원상생·도통진경'을 종지로, '안심·안신·경천·수도'를 사강령으로, '성·경·신'을 수도의 삼요체로 삼고 있다. 또한 인간개조와 포덕천하·구제창생·보국안민을 통하여 지상천국을 건설하는 것을 목표로 한다. 대순진리회는 사상적 측면에서 무(巫)와 유(儒)·불(佛)·도(道)를 포용하고 있다. 이러한 대순사상을 바탕으로 대순진리회의 도인들은 근엄하고 세밀한 실천수도를 수행하는데, 그 내용을 살펴보면 중국 유·불·도의 양생문화와 많은 공통점이 있는 동시에, 또한 뚜렷한 한국 문화의 특색을 띠는 부분도 있다. 이런 면들은 모두 개인적 수도와 사회적 안정을 실현하는 데 큰 도움이 되고 있다. '안심·안신·경천·수도'의 사강령은 대순진리회의 도인들이 지켜야 할 가장 기본적인 행위규범이다. '성·경·신'의 삼요체는 사강령을 실천하기 위한 내면적 수양으로서 모든 수도활동의 근본이 되는 것이다. 삼요체 중에서 '성'을 가장 근본적인 것으로 생각하는데, 그 이유는 오직 '성'을 갖춘 사람만이 '경'과 '신'을 논할 수 있기 때문이다. 반대로 마음속에 망념이 있거나 경거망동을 하는 사람들은 상제에 대한 '경'과 '신'을 잃게 된다. '성실함'이라는 내면적 도덕 품성은 인간으로 하여금 더욱 정직하고 안정되며 오래 지속되게 한다. 뿐만 아니라 '성'은 수도자들로 하여금 더욱 순수해지고, 어리석음을 버리게 한다. 크나큰 도를 성취하려면 먼저 이렇게 얼핏 보기에는 어리석지만 끈기 있는 마음이 필요하다. '성'하면 기운이 솟구쳐 내면이 더욱 안정되고 번뇌는 사라진다. 성심을 수련하면 마음이 안정되고, 마음이 안정되면 정신이 안정되는데, 정신이 안정되면 걱정이 사라지기에 몸도 건강해진다. 삼요체중 '경'과 '신'에 있는 큰 의미 가운데 하나는 상제님에 대한 경배와 믿음을 끝까지 가지라는 것이다. '해원상생·보은상생'은 대순사상의 가장 중요한 대도(大道) 윤리로서 도인들의 수도를 인도하는 기본적인 법칙이다. 대순진리회에서 말하는 해원은 단지 개인 한 사람의 해원이 아니라 우주의 질서를 바로잡는 해원이라는 점에서 중요하다. 그렇기 때문에 대순진리회 도인들은 개개인으로 시작하여 자신의 원한을 해결할 뿐만 아니라, 땅의 원한, 천민의 원한, 여인의 원한 등 모든 원을 해결해 주고자 한다. 즉 삼계의 모든 불평등을 해소하고 불합리한 부분을 바로잡는 것이다. 해원의 다른 측면은 보은이라 할 수 있다. 해원과 보은은 상보상조의 관계에 있는데, 이는 곧 도인들이 행하는 수도의 양 날개라 생각된다. 해원을 통하여 과거의 장애를 제거하고, 보은을 통하여 현재의 덕을 쌓는 것이다. 보은을 하려면 항상 감사의 마음을 간직해야 한다. 그 의미는 인간관계에 있어서 다른 사람이 베푼 은혜를 항상 고맙게 생각해야 한다는 것이며, 더 나아가 천지가 우리에게 베푼 은혜도 감사하게 생각해야 한다는 것이다. 모든 원한이 풀어지고, 모든 은혜를 다 갚았을 때 삼계가 조화롭고 통하게 될 것이다. 대순진리회에서는 도인들의 실천수도 면에서 두 가지 측면을 강조하는데, 즉 포덕교화와 근언신행이다. 근언신행은 자아발전을 위한 도인들의 내적 수련이며, 포덕교화는 도인들이 외부 세상에 대순사상을 알리고 가르치는 것을 말한다. 양자는 동전의 양면과 같이 떨어질 수 없는 관계에 있다. 다른 사람을 포덕·교화 하려면 도인들 스스로가 먼저 말과 행동에 조심해야 한다. 왜냐하면 말과 행동을 조심하는 것 자체가 곧 포덕교화에서 다른 사람의 모범이 되기 때문이다. 인생을 살면서 추구해야 할 가장 높은 목표는 덕(德)을 세우는 것이고, 그 다음은 공(功)을 세우는 것이며, 그 다음은 언(言)을 세우는 것이다. 덕·공·언은 세월이 지나도 그 가치가 빛을 바래지 않는다. 이 세 가지 중 한 가지를 이룬 사람이면 불후하다고 할 수 있다. 성인들이 성인으로 칭송 받았던 이유는 모두 육체를 초월한 덕·공·언으로 세상을 풍요롭게 했기 때문이다. 그렇기 때문에 비록 그들이 세상을 떠났다 하더라도 마치 살아있는 것처럼 영원히 추앙되니, 이것을 통하여 영생을 얻는 것이다. '영생(永生)' 만큼 높은 경지에 도달하는 '양생'이 또 어디에 있겠는가? 대순진리회 실천수도의 최고목표는 바로 인간 내면의 수양을 최고의 경지로 끌어올리는 것으로서 이는 곧 음양합덕·도통진경이다. 다시 말해서 영원히 불후한 경지에 이르고 만세(萬歲)토록 영생하는 것이며 신(神) 그리고 성인이 되는 것이다.

A Study on type and characteristics of organization-related negative affect. (조직관련상황에서 구성원이 느끼는 불안 정서의 유형과 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jong Dae Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.617-647
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study was to develop a valid scale measuring organization-related anxiety and to use this scale to examine the relation of organizational anxiety to demographic variables, job satisfaction and organizational committment. A series of studies were conducted to develop a scale for organizational anxiety. Initially, the 97 items were adopted by expert ratings. A exploratory factor analysis with a sample of 435 workers yielded a preliminary version of organizational anxiety scale with 28 items. Subsequently, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted with a sample of 566 workers, leaving 20 items. The final version of the organizational anxiety scale consisted of 4 sub-factors: perception of future uncertainty, perception of locus of control, interpersonal anxiety, and perception of alternatives. In this study, the examined demographic characteristics included sex, age, type of occupation, type of industry, occupational position, monthly income and educational level. Organizational effectiveness was composed of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As mediators, organizational culture, life satisfaction, self efficacy, and social support were explored. The negative relationship was observed between organizational anxiety and organizational effectiveness. The results showed the significant differences in organizational anxiety by demographic characteristics. The mediators were explored for the relationship between organizational anxiety and job satisfaction and between organizational anxiety and organizational commitment. The negative relationship between organizational anxiety and job satisfaction was mediated by the group culture, the developmental culture, the rational culture, life satisfaction, self-efficacy, and social support. Individuals with the higher level of these mediators reported greater job satisfaction even if they experienced organizational anxiety. The partial mediation effect of the group culture, the developmental culture, the rational culture, life satisfaction, and social support was observed on the negative relationship between organizational anxiety and organizational commitment. These results implies that job satisfaction and organizational commitment can be improved with the interventions on organizational cultures, self-efficacy, and social support despite the presence of organizational anxiety. Based on these results, the implication and limitations of this study and the directions for future research discussed.

Indigenous psychological analysis of elderly parents care among adolescents and their parents (청소년과 부모 세대의 노부모 부양인식에 대한 토착심리 탐구)

  • Young-Shin Park;Young-Ja Park;In-Soon Nam
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.409-449
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    • 2017
  • The main purpose of this research is to investigate the qualitative nature of Korean adolescents and their parent's perception of elderly parents care. In addition, this research exams the quantitative differences between the two generations in term of their elderly parents care self-efficacy and attitude towards caring for their elderly parents. Further, an examination of the parental influence upon their children's elderly parents care self-efficacy and attitude towards caring for their elderly parents. There were 2,460 participants in this study, with 820 adolescents, and 820 fathers and 820 mothers. The results of the study were as follows: First, in terms the participants perceptions of "the most difficult aspect of caring for elderly parents", the most representative response for adolescents was financial difficulties, while for parents differences in opinions. When it came to "the best aspect of caring for elderly parents" the most representative response for adolescents was harmonious family, while for parents good for children's upbringing. When it came to "actual acts (behavior) of elderly parents care" the most representative response for adolescents was living together with their elderly parents, while for parents looking after their elderly parents. When it came to "the best method of caring for their elderly parents" the most representative response for both adolescents and parents was providing a peace-of-mind for their elderly parents, followed by the second most frequent response of adolescents living together with their elderly parents, and for parents talking with their elderly parents. When it came to "how one feels when not caring for their elderly parents" the most representative response for both groups was a feeling of indebtedness. Second, for the quantitative analyses of the differences between the two generations, the parents showed a lower level of elderly parents care self-efficacy and a higher level of negative attitude towards caring for their elderly parents, when compared to the adolescents. Third, for the parental influence upon the adolescents' elderly parents care self-efficacy and attitude towards caring for their elderly parents, the only significant influence found was the mothers' elderly parents care self-efficacy.

Analysis of the self-concept in the cyberspace, self-efficacy, relationship with friends, subjective well-being and academic grade: Comparison of adolescents who are addicted to Internet to non-addicted adolescents (청소년의 사이버 자기개념,자기효능감, 친구관계, 주관적안녕감과 학업성취도: 인터넷 중독인식집단과 비중독집단의 비교)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park;Soo-Yeon Tak;Jung-Hee Kim;Mi-Seon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.285-318
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the self-concept in the cyberspace, self-efficacy, relationship with friends, subjective well-being and academic grade among adolescents who are addicted to Internet and those who are not addicted to Internet. A total of 1,057 adolescents (male=545, female=512), 326 from middle school, 361 from high school, and 370 from special education school, participated in the study. The results are as follows. First, qualitative analysis of the conception of self in the cyberspace indicates that those adolescents addicted to Internet reported that in the cyberspace they have fun, followed by they are the same as in real life, they spend time in cyberspace and they can become an imaginary person. Those adolescents not addicted to Internet reported that in the cyberspace they are the same as in real life, followed by they spend time in cyberspace and they can become an imaginary person. When they play Internet games, majority of adolescents in both groups reported that it is fun, followed by they become engrossed and they become aggressive. Second, those adolescents who are not addicted to Internet had higher scores on self-efficacy than those adolescents who are addicted to Internet, including self-regulatory efficacy for learning, relational efficacy, and resiliency of efficacy. Third, the number of friends and close friends that adolescents who are not addicted to Internet were not significantly different from those adolescents who are addicted to Internet. However, those adolescents who are not addicted to Internet were more likely receive social support from friends and were less likely to be social excluded than those adolescents who are addicted to Internet. Fourth, those adolescents who are not addicted to Internet had significantly higher scores on subjective well-being than those adolescents who are addicted to Internet. Fifth, those adolescents who are not addicted to Internet had significantly higher scores on both subjective and objective academic grade than those adolescents who are addicted to Internet.

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Analysis of Appropriate Automobile Tax Rate Considering the Average CO2 Emissions by Engine Displacement in Korea (한국의 배기량별 평균 CO2 배출량을 고려한 자동차세의 적정 세율 분석)

  • Hyunwoo Choi;Min Gyeong Jung;Hyeon Woo Jang;Dong Koo Kim
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.217-238
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    • 2023
  • Currently, automobile tax in Korea is imposed by multiplying the vehicle's engine displacement by a certain tax rate. However, the need for revision is being raised as it is pointed out that the current system does not reflect the immediate task of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, this study focuses on the positive relationship between engine displacement and CO2 emissions, and seeks to calculate an appropriate automobile tax rate considering average CO2 emissions. To this end, first, we estimated the average annual CO2 emissions (kg/vehicle) for each engine displacement using the average CO2 emissions for each vehicle displacement as of 2020. Next, multiple scenarios were analyzed considering the standard tax rate at $75 per ton of CO2 emissions proposed by the IMF (2019). In particular, we compared the case of imposing a uniform carbon tax of $75 and the case of imposing a progressive tax based on CO2 emissions by displacement. According to the results, it was confirmed that the uniform tax rate proposed by the IMF is difficult to apply to Korea as it is due to the impact of a decrease in tax revenue, and a tax scheme needs to be designed appropriately considering maintenance of tax revenue according to the current automobile tax, greenhouse gas reduction effect, and automobile tax reform trends in developed countries. For example, in the case of the K3 (1,598cc) of Kia Motors, a representative compact car sold in Korea, if we compare the tax burdens for each tax scenario, the tax burden will be about 220,000 KRW under the current system, about 79,000 KRW under the uniform tax rate, about 83,000 KRW under the progressive tax rate, and about 240,000 KRW under the progressive tax rate similar to the UK tax system, respectively. In this way, this study identified the current statuses of automobile registration and tax in Korea, and automobile tax reform trends in major developed countries, and analyzed the impact of automobile tax reform considering engine displacement and CO2 emissions, focusing on the tax burden of the people.

Non-Destructive Material Analysis of Whetstones Discovered in Grain Transport Ship of the Early Joseon Period (조선 초기 조운선(마도4호선)에서 출수된 숫돌의 비파괴 재질 분석 연구)

  • Dal-Yong Kong;Jae Hwan Kim;Eun Young Park;Yong Cheol Cho;Ki Hong Yang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.661-674
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    • 2023
  • From the seafloor of Taean, Chungcheongnamdo Province, a ship of the Joseon Dynasty was discovered for the first time in the history of underwater excavations in Korea in 2014 and was named Mado Shipwreck No. 4. A total of 27 unused whetstones loaded as tribute were discovered on the hull of Mado No. 4, which revealed that Mado Shipwreck No. 4 was a Grain transport ship that sank while carrying tribute from Naju to Hanyang between 1417 and 1425 (King Taejong to King Sejong). All of the 27 whetstones are in the shape of narrow and long sticks. The average values of length, width, thickness, and weight are 161.5 mm, 36.1 mm, 22.7 mm, and 253.2 g, respectively. The result of X-ray diffraction analysis shows that the constituent minerals are quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase, which is similar to that of the high-resolution digital stereomicroscope analysis. The average porosity of Mado-2672 and 2673 is 2.69% and 1.78%, respectively, and the average surface hardness is 807.2HLD and 834.5HLD, respectively. It is interpreted that if the porosity increases beyond a certain level, it affects the decrease in surface hardness. All of these are made of feldspathic sandstones with an average SiO2 content of 74.51% and were confirmed to be suitable as grindstones. They are all medium whetstones when classified based on the SiO2 content. These whetstones are small in size and weight and are convenient to carry, so they are presumed to be a type of non-stationary whetstone, and are estimated to have been mainly used in the fields such as weapon polishing and craft production during the Joseon Dynasty.

Derivation of Inherent Optical Properties Based on Deep Neural Network (심층신경망 기반의 해수 고유광특성 도출)

  • Hyeong-Tak Lee;Hey-Min Choi;Min-Kyu Kim;Suk Yoon;Kwang-Seok Kim;Jeong-Eon Moon;Hee-Jeong Han;Young-Je Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.695-713
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    • 2023
  • In coastal waters, phytoplankton,suspended particulate matter, and dissolved organic matter intricately and nonlinearly alter the reflectivity of seawater. Neural network technology, which has been rapidly advancing recently, offers the advantage of effectively representing complex nonlinear relationships. In previous studies, a three-stage neural network was constructed to extract the inherent optical properties of each component. However, this study proposes an algorithm that directly employs a deep neural network. The dataset used in this study consists of synthetic data provided by the International Ocean Color Coordination Group, with the input data comprising above-surface remote-sensing reflectance at nine different wavelengths. We derived inherent optical properties using this dataset based on a deep neural network. To evaluate performance, we compared it with a quasi-analytical algorithm and analyzed the impact of log transformation on the performance of the deep neural network algorithm in relation to data distribution. As a result, we found that the deep neural network algorithm accurately estimated the inherent optical properties except for the absorption coefficient of suspended particulate matter (R2 greater than or equal to 0.9) and successfully separated the sum of the absorption coefficient of suspended particulate matter and dissolved organic matter into the absorption coefficient of suspended particulate matter and dissolved organic matter, respectively. We also observed that the algorithm, when directly applied without log transformation of the data, showed little difference in performance. To effectively apply the findings of this study to ocean color data processing, further research is needed to perform learning using field data and additional datasets from various marine regions, compare and analyze empirical and semi-analytical methods, and appropriately assess the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm.

A study on spatial onset characteristics of flash drought based on GLDAS evaporative stress in the Korean Peninsula (GLDAS 증발 스트레스 기반 한반도 돌발가뭄의 공간적 발생 특성 연구)

  • Kang, Minsun;Jeong, Jaehwan;Lee, Seulchan;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.10
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    • pp.631-639
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    • 2023
  • Flash drought (FD), characterized by the rapid onset and intensification, can significantly impact ecosystems and induce immediate water stress. A more comprehensive understanding of the causes and characteristics of FD events is required to enhance drought monitoring. Therefore, we investigated the FD events took place over the Korean peninsula using Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data from 2012 to 2022. We first detected FD events using the stress-based method (Standardized Evaporative Stress Ratio, SESR), and analyzed the frequency and duration of FDs. The FD events were classified into three cases based on the variations in Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) and potential Evapotranspiration (PET), and spatially analyzed. Results revealed that there are regional disparities in frequency and duration of FDs, with a mean frequency of 6.4 and duration of 31 days. When classified into Case 1 (normal condition), Case 2 (AET-driven), and Case 3 (PET-driven), we found that Case 2 FDs emerged approximately 1.5 times more frequently than those driven by PET (Case 3) across the Korean peninsula. Case 2 FDs were found to be induced under water-limited conditions, and led both AET and PET to be decreased. Conversely, Case 3 FDs occurred under energy-limited conditions, with increase in both. Case 2 FDs predominantly affected the northwestern and central-southern agricultural regions, while Case 3 occurred in the eastern region, characterized by forested land cover. These findings offers insights into our understanding of FDs over the Korean peninsula, considering climate factors, land cover, and water availability.