• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국이미지

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A Study on the Structural Relationship between Employee Services and Store Loyalty (종업원 서비스와 점포충성도간의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sung-Wook;Suh, Geun-Ha
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2004
  • Store loyalty is increasingly being recognized as a path to long-term business profitability. Customer contact employees deliver a service firm's promises and create an important image for the firm. A major purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of customer service and product value on store loyalty. In order to test research hypotheses, data were collected through surveys administered to 300 apparel store customers. Two hundred thirty nine usable data were used for the analysis. The findings of this research are as follows: First, a employee's voluntary service(EVS) has a positive impact on interpersonal r elationship, which then affects switching barrier and store loyalty. Second, a employee's regular service(ERS) has an influence on store satisfaction, which in turn affect store loyalty. Third, product value is shown to be a significant antecedent to store satisfaction, which have a direct effect on store loyalty. The study concludes with implications, contributions, and limitations of the research and the empirical findings of this research should be beneficial to marketing practitioners and retailing businessmen in developing effective marketing strategies.

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Effects of Brand Performance Information on Brand Evaluation: The Moderating Role of Personal Characteristics (브랜드의 시장성과 정보가 브랜드 평가에 미치는 효과: 개인특성 변수의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Jun, Sung Youl;Ju, Tae Wook;Kim, Do Hyung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.149-172
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    • 2009
  • Prior research has investigated different effects of brand performance information such as premium price information and market share information on brand equity components - quality perception and brand preference. It was shown that the differential effects of brand performance information could depend on product-related variables like product category concept and quality variation in the product category. In this study, we conducted an experiment to find out how personal characteristics such as self-construal, price perception and brand commitment could influence the effects of different types of brand performance information. The results show that individuals who have independent self-construal, favorable price perception and emotional commitment with the brand develop more favorable evaluation of the premium price performance information resulting in more positive evaluations of the brand. However, individuals who have interdependent self-construal, unfavorable price perception and cognitive commitment with the brand develop more favorable evaluation of the market share performance information resulting in more positive evaluations of the brand. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this study and its limitations, along with future research interests.

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The Effect of Color Incongruity on Brand Attitude: Moderating Effect of Self-Image Congruence (컬러 불일치가 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향: 자아이미지 일치성의 조절효과를 고려하여)

  • Lee, Sang Eun;Kim, Sang Yong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.69-93
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    • 2010
  • In this research, through experiments, we show that incongruity of color between mediums has positive influence on brand attitude in terms of integrated management of brand. We also present that self-image congruence of 'brand-consumer' has moderating effect on such influence of color incongruity. Mediums were limited to the ones that magnifying visual influence in order only to observe influence of color. With the same reason, visual factors other than color were coherently set or held constant and we chose brands with either low familarity or no previous knowledge. As a result, we find that brand attitude by the incongruity of color between mediums was higher compared to brand attitude by the congruence of color. In case with lower self-image congruence of brand-consumer we show higher change in attitude compared to the one with higher self-image congruence of brand-consumer. We believe our findings are interesting to note that brand may be enhanced by forming positive brand attitude through brand expression i.e., color of visual factors. In addition, we suggest that level of congruence and diversity of brand expression is in fact deeper or wider than that of brand manager's intuition. We see that it is possible for studying brands the incongruity which has been studied as a strategy to reposition mature brands can be a way of improving the recognition on new brands.

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The Moderating Effect of Product Category and Message Type on CRM (Cause-Related Marketing) and Brand Attitude (CRM 특성요인이 소비자 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 제품 관여도와 공익연계 메시지 표현유형의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Suh, Hyunsuk;Lee, Jong-man;Na, Youn-kue
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.49-95
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    • 2007
  • The "cause-related marketing (CRM)," generally defined as a mutually beneficial relationship between a company and a non-profit relationship or a social cause, which is perhaps the most progressive outgrowth of marketing trend. This paper contributes to, and looks at the practical issues of CRM and its effect on the brand attitude of the customer. To do so, following three broad research questions have been addressed. Which cause-related orientation is effective on customer's attitude of the brand? Which type of cause-related message provides crucial impact on customer's attitude of the brand? How product category acts upon and brings about different consequences on CRM? To address these questions, a causal model has been developed incorporating message type, product relevance, social significance, and brand attitude. The study model was tested with survey data collected from 400 career professionals and students in Seoul and statistically processed the 176 valid ones. The results of the study considerably supported the conceptual model. The analysis also revealed that the study population was not able to detect the differences in CRM strategies but tend to conceptualize them as a whole.

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Automatic hand gesture area extraction and recognition technique using FMCW radar based point cloud and LSTM (FMCW 레이다 기반의 포인트 클라우드와 LSTM을 이용한 자동 핸드 제스처 영역 추출 및 인식 기법)

  • Seung-Tak Ra;Seung-Ho Lee
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.486-493
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose an automatic hand gesture area extraction and recognition technique using FMCW radar-based point cloud and LSTM. The proposed technique has the following originality compared to existing methods. First, unlike methods that use 2D images as input vectors such as existing range-dopplers, point cloud input vectors in the form of time series are intuitive input data that can recognize movement over time that occurs in front of the radar in the form of a coordinate system. Second, because the size of the input vector is small, the deep learning model used for recognition can also be designed lightly. The implementation process of the proposed technique is as follows. Using the distance, speed, and angle information measured by the FMCW radar, a point cloud containing x, y, z coordinate format and Doppler velocity information is utilized. For the gesture area, the hand gesture area is automatically extracted by identifying the start and end points of the gesture using the Doppler point obtained through speed information. The point cloud in the form of a time series corresponding to the viewpoint of the extracted gesture area is ultimately used for learning and recognition of the LSTM deep learning model used in this paper. To evaluate the objective reliability of the proposed technique, an experiment calculating MAE with other deep learning models and an experiment calculating recognition rate with existing techniques were performed and compared. As a result of the experiment, the MAE value of the time series point cloud input vector + LSTM deep learning model was calculated to be 0.262 and the recognition rate was 97.5%. The lower the MAE and the higher the recognition rate, the better the results, proving the efficiency of the technique proposed in this paper.

Development of Deep Learning Based Ensemble Land Cover Segmentation Algorithm Using Drone Aerial Images (드론 항공영상을 이용한 딥러닝 기반 앙상블 토지 피복 분할 알고리즘 개발)

  • Hae-Gwang Park;Seung-Ki Baek;Seung Hyun Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a proposed ensemble learning technique aims to enhance the semantic segmentation performance of images captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). With the increasing use of UAVs in fields such as urban planning, there has been active development of techniques utilizing deep learning segmentation methods for land cover segmentation. The study suggests a method that utilizes prominent segmentation models, namely U-Net, DeepLabV3, and Fully Convolutional Network (FCN), to improve segmentation prediction performance. The proposed approach integrates training loss, validation accuracy, and class score of the three segmentation models to enhance overall prediction performance. The method was applied and evaluated on a land cover segmentation problem involving seven classes: buildings,roads, parking lots, fields, trees, empty spaces, and areas with unspecified labels, using images captured by UAVs. The performance of the ensemble model was evaluated by mean Intersection over Union (mIoU), and the results of comparing the proposed ensemble model with the three existing segmentation methods showed that mIoU performance was improved. Consequently, the study confirms that the proposed technique can enhance the performance of semantic segmentation models.

Scaling Attack Method for Misalignment Error of Camera-LiDAR Calibration Model (카메라-라이다 융합 모델의 오류 유발을 위한 스케일링 공격 방법)

  • Yi-ji Im;Dae-seon Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.1099-1110
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    • 2023
  • The recognition system of autonomous driving and robot navigation performs vision work such as object recognition, tracking, and lane detection after multi-sensor fusion to improve performance. Currently, research on a deep learning model based on the fusion of a camera and a lidar sensor is being actively conducted. However, deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks through modulation of input data. Attacks on the existing multi-sensor-based autonomous driving recognition system are focused on inducing obstacle detection by lowering the confidence score of the object recognition model.However, there is a limitation that an attack is possible only in the target model. In the case of attacks on the sensor fusion stage, errors in vision work after fusion can be cascaded, and this risk needs to be considered. In addition, an attack on LIDAR's point cloud data, which is difficult to judge visually, makes it difficult to determine whether it is an attack. In this study, image scaling-based camera-lidar We propose an attack method that reduces the accuracy of LCCNet, a fusion model (camera-LiDAR calibration model). The proposed method is to perform a scaling attack on the point of the input lidar. As a result of conducting an attack performance experiment by size with a scaling algorithm, an average of more than 77% of fusion errors were caused.

A Research on Adversarial Example-based Passive Air Defense Method against Object Detectable AI Drone (객체인식 AI적용 드론에 대응할 수 있는 적대적 예제 기반 소극방공 기법 연구)

  • Simun Yuk;Hweerang Park;Taisuk Suh;Youngho Cho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2023
  • Through the Ukraine-Russia war, the military importance of drones is being reassessed, and North Korea has completed actual verification through a drone provocation towards South Korea at 2022. Furthermore, North Korea is actively integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technology into drones, highlighting the increasing threat posed by drones. In response, the Republic of Korea military has established Drone Operations Command(DOC) and implemented various drone defense systems. However, there is a concern that the efforts to enhance capabilities are disproportionately focused on striking systems, making it challenging to effectively counter swarm drone attacks. Particularly, Air Force bases located adjacent to urban areas face significant limitations in the use of traditional air defense weapons due to concerns about civilian casualties. Therefore, this study proposes a new passive air defense method that aims at disrupting the object detection capabilities of AI models to enhance the survivability of friendly aircraft against the threat posed by AI based swarm drones. Using laser-based adversarial examples, the study seeks to degrade the recognition accuracy of object recognition AI installed on enemy drones. Experimental results using synthetic images and precision-reduced models confirmed that the proposed method decreased the recognition accuracy of object recognition AI, which was initially approximately 95%, to around 0-15% after the application of the proposed method, thereby validating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

ESG Management Strategy and Performance Management Plan Suitable for Social Welfare Institutions : Centered on Cheonan City Social Welfare Foundation (사회복지기관에 적합한 ESG경영 전략도출 및 성과관리방안 : 천안시사회복지재단을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Kyoo-il
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2023
  • Since municipal welfare institutions operate for different purposes from general companies or public enterprises, ESG practice items and model construction should be conducted through various and comprehensive social welfare studies. Since there are not many studies available in domestic welfare institutions yet and there are no suitable ESG management utilization indicators, the Cheonan Welfare Foundation's strategy and management strategy system were established to spread the model to other welfare institutions and become a leading foundation through education and training. The foundation and front-line welfare institutions selected issues identification and key issues through the foundation's empirical analysis and criticality analysis, focusing on understanding ESG management and ways to establish a practice model that positively affects institutional image and business performance. Based on this, the promotion system was examined by establishing a performance management plan after deriving appropriate strategies and establishing a strategic system for social welfare institutions. Environmental and social responsibility, transparent management, safety management system establishment, emergency and prevention, user (customer) satisfaction system establishment, anti-corruption prevention and integrity ethics monitoring and evaluation, responsible supply chains, and community contribution programs. This study attempted to specifically present efforts to settle ESG management through the consideration of the Cheonan Welfare Foundation. Therefore, it is considered to be useful data for developing ESG management by referring to the systematic development process of the Cheonan City Restoration Foundation to develop ESG measurement indicators.

A Study on the Development of a Program for Predicting Successful Welding of Electric Vehicle Batteries Using Laser Welding (레이저 용접을 이용한 전기차 배터리 이종접합 성공 확률 예측 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Cheol-Hwan Kim;Chan-Su Moon;Kwan-Su Lee;Jin-Su Kim;Ae-Ryeong Jo;Bo-Sung Shin
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2023
  • In the global pursuit of carbon neutrality, the rapid increase in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has led to a corresponding surge in the demand for batteries. To achieve high efficiency in electric vehicles, considerations of weight reduction and battery safety have become crucial factors. Copper and aluminum, both recognized as lightweight materials, can be effectively joined through laser welding. However, due to the distinct physical characteristics of these two materials, the process of joining them poses technical challenges. This study focuses on conducting simulations to identify the optimal laser parameters for welding copper and aluminum, with the aim of streamlining the welding process. Additionally, a Graphic User Interface (GUI) program has been developed using the Python language to visually present the results. Using machine learning image data, this program is anticipated to predict joint success and serve as a guide for safe and efficient laser welding. It is expected to contribute to the safety and efficiency of the electric vehicle battery assembly process.