• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국도시

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An Experimental Study on Fine Dust Emissions near Special Modified Asphalt Pavement and Conventional Asphalt Pavement (특수개질 및 일반 아스팔트 포장체 도로변의 미세먼지 발생에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Tae-Woo Kang;Hyeok-Jung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.282-288
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we analyzed the amount of roadside fine dust generated from newly constructed specially modified asphalt pavement and general asphalt pavement from existing roads. We collected the 1,000 g (100 g/day) of dust samples from the roadside of the express bus terminal and commercial facility area in Chungcheongnam-do's C site at three-day intervals during the summer of 2022 and 2023. The collected samples were separated from fine dust according to size in the 75-150 ㎛ range and, were separated only from Tire and Road Wear Particles through density separation. No.1-3 are general asphalt pavement section as an existing road. Fine dust and Tire and Road Wear Particles in No.1-3 were 24.27 g, 24.36 g, 0.53 g, and 0.53 g, respectively, and the quantitative results for 2022 and 2023 were similar. On the other hand, No.4-6 are newly constructed specially modified asphalt pavement section. Fine dust decreased by 14.8 % and tire and road wear particles decreased by 29.6 % in 2023 compared to 2022 in No.4-6. In addition, according to the results of thermogravimetric analysis, Tire and road wear particles in No.1-3 are tire and road components at 30 % and 70 %, respectively. And Tire and road wear particles in No.4-6 are tire and road components at 35 % and 65 % in 2023, respectively. From these results, it was confirmed that the newly constructed specially modified asphalt pavement can be effective in reducing roadside fine dust and Tire and Road Wear Particles. However, there may be some shortcomings in conclusive research results due to limited space and sample collection period. In the future, we plan to conduct various case studies.

Community Structure of Natural Monument Forest (Forest of Japanese Torreyas in Pyeongdae-ri, Jeju and Subtropical Forest of Nabeup-ri, Jeju) in Jeju-do (제주도 천연기념물 수림지(제주 평대리 비자나무 숲과 제주 납읍리 난대림)의 군집구조)

  • Jeong Eun Lee;Yo Seob Hwang;Ho Jin Kim;Ju Heung Lee;Chung Weon Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.4
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    • pp.393-404
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    • 2023
  • The Natural Monument Forest (NMF) is a form of natural and cultural heritage that has symbolized the harmony between nature and culture in Korea for a long time. Recently, the NMF has deteriorated due to industrialization and reckless city expansion. Given this situation, it is necessary to preserve and manage the ecosystem of the NMF through preferential research regarding the forest community structure. Accordingly, this study sought to identify the community structure by analyzing the vegetation classification, stratum structure,and species diversity using vegetation data collected from the Forest of Japanese Torreyas in Pyeongdae-ri, Jeju and the Subtropical Forest of Nabeup-ri, Jeju. The results classified the forest vegetation as a Litsea japonica community group divided into two communities: a Torreya nuciferacommunity and a Quercus glauca community. The T. nuciferacommunity was subdivided into the Idesia polycarpa group and Dryopteris erythrosora group, while the Q. glauca community was subdivided into the Mercurialis leiocarpa group and Arachniodes aristata group. The T. nucifera species showed the highest level of importance in vegetation units 1 (Litsea japonicacommunity group-Torreya nucifera community-Idesia polycarpa group) and 2 (Litsea japonica community group-Torreya nucifera community-Dryopteris erythrosora group), whereas Q. glauca showed the highest level of importance in vegetation units 3 (Litsea japonica community group-Quercus glauca community-Mercurialis leiocarpa group) and 4 (Litsea japonica community group-Quercus glauca community-Arachniodes aristata group). In terms of the species diversity, vegetation units 1, 2, 3, and 4 had 2.866, 2.716, 2.222, and 2.326 species, respectively. These findings suggest that it is necessary to prepare a differentiated management plan for each vegetation unit.

The study of heavy rain warning in Gangwon State using threshold rainfall (침수유발 강우량을 이용한 강원특별자치도 호우특보 기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeonjia;Kang, Donghob;Lee, Iksangc;Kim, Byungsikd
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.751-764
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    • 2023
  • Gangwon State is centered on the Taebaek Mountains with very different climate characteristics depending on the region, and localized heavy rainfall is a frequent occurrence. Heavy rain disasters have a short duration and high spatial and temporal variability, causing many casualties and property damage. In the last 10 years (2012~2021), the number of heavy rain disasters in Gangwon State was 28, with an average cost of 45.6 billion won. To reduce heavy rain disasters, it is necessary to establish a disaster management plan at the local level. In particular, the current criteria for heavy rain warnings are uniform and do not consider local characteristics. Therefore, this study aims to propose a heavy rainfall warning criteria that considers the threshold rainfall for the advisory areas located in Gangwon State. As a result of analyzing the representative value of threshold rainfall by advisory area, the Mean value was similar to the criteria for issuing a heavy rain warning, and it was selected as the criteria for a heavy rain warning in this study. The rainfall events of Typhoon Mitag in 2019, Typhoons Maysak and Haishen in 2020, and Typhoon Khanun in 2023 were applied as rainfall events to review the criteria for heavy rainfall warnings, as a result of Hit Rate accuracy verification, this study reflects the actual warning well with 72% in Gangneung Plain and 98% in Wonju. The criteria for heavy rain warnings in this study are the same as the crisis warning stages (Attention, Caution, Alert, and Danger), which are considered to be possible for preemptive rain disaster response. The results of this study are expected to complement the uniform decision-making system for responding to heavy rain disasters in the future and can be used as a basis for heavy rain warnings that consider disaster risk by region.

A Study on The Effect of Psychological State occurred by the Organizational Change and Public Service Motivation on the JobAttitude: A comparison before and after the Implementation of Relocation of Electric Power Public Corporation to Local Areas (조직변화에 따른 심리상태와 공공봉사동기가 직무태도에 미치는 영향 조사연구: 전력공기업의 지방 이전 실시 전후의 비교)

  • Lee, Joon Tae
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.147-163
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    • 2022
  • The relocation policy of public Institutions throughout provincial areas that implemented for the purpose of "balanced national development" finished in 2019 with the last relocation of the Korea Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning, which moved to Chungbuk Innovation City. Electric power public corporations also completed relocation program over eight regions across the nation. This study was conducted empirically to identify the structural relationship between the public service motivation and job attitude. In this, the relationship of organizational change, particularly occurred by the regional relocation, with the psychological state of these organization members (experienced direct changes and got substantial impacts in various aspects such as psychological, economic and living environment, etc.,) was studied. This study aims to seek early organizational stabilization ideas for electric power public corporations after relocation, and to present some implications that can contribute to the secondary relocation of public institutions to local areas. This study shows the statistically significant relationship between the psychological state occurred by relocation and organizational commitment. The result shows that the higher the expectation levels, the higher the degree of organizational commitment, while anxious psychological state has no relation with that. Additionally, expectation level has no significant functional relation with turnover intention. Followings are the major conclusions revealed in this study; The stronger the anxious psychological state, the higher the turnover inducement goes up. The higher the expectation levels, the higher the public service motivation grows, and the higher the anxiety psychological state, the public service motivation lowers. The organizational commitment grows according to the public service motivation proportionally, but the turnover inducement intention is weak. The moderating effect of public service motivation between the expectation of organizational change and turnover intention was not significant, but it was analyzed that the moderating effect of public service motivation formed a significant relationship with other anxiety psychology. The expectation levels of employees of electric power public corporations has grown up after moving to provincial areas. Relationship between the expectation mind and the turnover inducement has decreased after local relocation.

Abundance and Occupancy of Forest Mammals at Mijiang Area in the Lower Tumen River (두만강 하류 밀강 지역의 산림성 포유류 풍부도와 점유율)

  • Hai-Long Li;Chang-Yong Choi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2023
  • The forest in the lower Tumen River serves as an important ecosystem spanning the territories of North Korea, Russia, and China, and it provides habitat and movement corridors for diverse mammals, including the endangered Amur tiger (Panthera tigris) and Amur leopard (Panthera pardus). This study focuses on the Mijiang area, situated as a potential ecological corridor connecting North Korea and China in the lower Tumen River, playing a crucial role in conserving and restoring the biodiversity of the Korean Peninsula. This study aimed to identify mammal species and estimate their relative abundance, occupancy, and distribution based on the 48 camera traps installed in the Mijiang area from May 2019 to May 2021. The results confirmed the presence of 18 mammal species in the Mijiang area, including large carnivores like tigers and leopards. Among the dominant mammals, four species of ungulates showed high occupancy and detection rates, particularly the Roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and Wild boar (Sus scrofa). The roe deer was distributed across all areas with a predicted high occupancy rate of 0.97, influenced by altitude, urban residential areas, and patch density. Wild boars showed a predicted occupancy rate of 0.73 and were distributed throughout the entire area, with factors such as wetland ratio, grazing intensity, and spatial heterogeneity in aspects of the landscape influencing their occupancy and detection rates. Sika deer (Cervus nippon) exhibited a predicted occupancy rate of 0.48, confined to specific areas, influenced by slope, habitat fragmentation diversity affecting detection rates, and the ratio of open forests impacting occupancy. Water deer (Hydropotes inermis) displayed a very low occupancy rate of 0.06 along the Tumen River Basin, with higher occupancy in lower altitude areas and increased detection in locations with high spatial heterogeneity in aspects. This study confirmed that the Mijiang area serves as a habitat supporting diverse mammals in the lower Tumen River while also playing a crucial role in facilitating animal movement and habitat connectivity. Additionally, the occupancy prediction model developed in this study is expected to contribute to predicting mammal distribution within the disrupted Tumen River basin due to human interference and identifying and protecting potential ecological corridors in this transboundary region.

Habitat characteristics and prediction of potential distribution according to climate change for Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 (Odonata: Macromiidae) (노란잔산잠자리(Macromia daimojiOkumura, 1949)의 서식지 특성 및 기후변화에 따른 잠재적 분포 예측)

  • Soon Jik Kwon;Hyeok Yeong Kwon;In Chul Hwang;Chang Su Lee;Tae Geun Kim;Jae Heung Park;Yung Chul Jun
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2024
  • Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 was designated as an endangered species and also categorized as Class II Endangered wildlife on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List in Korea. The spatial distribution of this species ranged within a region delimited by northern latitude from Sacheon-si(35.1°) to Yeoncheon-gun(38.0°) and eastern longitude from Yeoncheon-gun(126.8°) to Yangsan-si(128.9°). They generally prefer microhabitats such as slowly flowing littoral zones of streams, alluvial stream islands and temporarily formed puddles in the sand-based lowland streams. The objectives of this study were to analyze the similarity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in M. daimoji habitats, to predict the current potential distribution patterns as well as the changes of distribution ranges under global climate change circumstances. Data was collected both from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and by field surveys from April 2009 to September 2022. We adopted MaxEnt model to predict the current and future potential distribution for M. daimoji using downloaded 19 variables from the WorldClim database. The differences of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the mainstream of Nakdonggang were smaller than those in its tributaries and the other streams, based on the surrounding environments and stream sizes. MaxEnt model presented that potential distribution displayed high inhabiting probability in Nakdonggang and its tributaries. Applying to the future scenarios by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), SSP1 scenario was predicted to expand in a wide area and SSP5 scenario in a narrow area, comparing with current potential distribution. M. daimoji is not only directly threatened by physical disturbances (e.g. river development activities) but also vulnerable to rapidly changing climate circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the habitat environments and establish conservation strategies for preserving population of M. daimoji.

Analysis of research trends for utilization of P-MFC as an energy source for nature-based solutions - Focusing on co-occurring word analysis using VOSviewer - (자연기반해법의 에너지원으로서 P-MFC 활용을 위한 연구경향 분석 - VOSviewer를 활용한 동시 출현단어 분석 중심으로 -)

  • Mi-Li Kwon;Gwon-Soo Bahn
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2024
  • Plant Microbial Fuel Cells (P-MFCs) are biomass-based energy technologies that generate electricity from plant and root microbial communities and are suitable for natural fundamental solutions considering sustainable environments. In order to develop P-MFC technology suitable for domestic waterfront space, it is necessary to analyze international research trends first. Therefore, in this study, 700 P-MFC-related research papers were investigated in Web of Science, and the core keywords were derived using VOSviewer, a word analysis program, and the research trends were analyzed. First, P-MFC-related research has been on the rise since 1998, especially since the mid to late 2010s. The number of papers submitted by each country was "China," "U.S." and "India." Since the 2010s, interest in P-MFCs has increased, and the number of publications in the Philippines, Ukraine, and Mexico, which have abundant waterfront space and wetland environments, is increasing. Secondly, from the perspective of research trends in different periods, 1998-2015 mainly carried out microbial fuel cell performance verification research in different environments. The 2016-2020 period focuses on the specific conditions of microbial fuel cell use, the structure of P-MFC and how it develops. From 2021 to 2023, specific research on constraints and efficiency improvement in the development of P-MFC was carried out. The P-MFC-related international research trends identified through this study can be used as useful data for developing technologies suitable for domestic waterfront space in the future. In addition to this study, further research is needed on research trends and levels in subsectors, and in order to develop and revitalize P-MFC technologies in Korea, research on field applicability should be expanded and policies and systems improved.

Microbial Influence on Soil Properties and Pollutant Reduction in a Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland Treating Urban Runoff (도시 강우유출수 처리 인공습지의 토양특성 및 오염물질 저감에 따른 미생물 영향 평가)

  • Chiny. C. Vispo;Miguel Enrico L. Robles;Yugyeong Oh;Haque Md Tashdedul;Lee Hyung Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.168-181
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    • 2024
  • Constructed wetlands (CWs) deliver a range of ecosystem services, including the removal of contaminants, sequestration and storage of carbon, and enhancement of biodiversity. These services are facilitated through hydrological and ecological processes such as infiltration, adsorption, water retention, and evapotranspiration by plants and microorganisms. This study investigated the correlations between microbial populations, soil physicochemical properties, and treatment efficiency in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF CW) treating runoff from roads and parking lots. The methods employed included storm event monitoring, water quality analysis, soil sampling, soil quality parameter analysis, and microbial analysis. The facility achieved its highest pollutant removal efficiencies during the warm season (>15℃), with rates ranging from 33% to 74% for TSS, COD, TN, TP, and specific heavy metals including Fe, Zn, and Cd. Meanwhile, the highest removal efficiency was 35% for TOC during the cold season (≤15℃). These high removal rates can be attributed to sedimentation, adsorption, precipitation, plant uptake, and microbial transformations within the CW. Soil analysis revealed that the soil from HSSF CW had a soil organic carbon content 3.3 times higher than that of soil collected from a nearby landscape. Stoichiometric ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in the inflow and outflow were recorded as C:N:P of 120:1.5:1 and 135.2:0.4:1, respectively, indicating an extremely low proportion of N and P compared to C, which may challenge microbial remediation efficiency. Additionally, microbial analyses indicated that the warm season was more conducive to microorganism growth, with higher abundance, richness, diversity, homogeneity, and evenness of the microbial community, as manifested in the biodiversity indices, compared to the cold season. Pollutants in stormwater runoff entering the HSSF CW fostered microbial growth, particularly for dominant phyla such as Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, which have shown moderate to strong correlations with specific soil properties and changes in influent-effluent concentrations of water quality parameters.

Evaluation of flash drought characteristics using satellite-based soil moisture product between North and South Korea (위성영상 기반 토양수분을 활용한 남북한의 돌발가뭄 특성 비교)

  • Lee, Hee-Jin;Nam, Won-Ho;Jason A. Otkin;Yafang Zhong;Xiang Zhang;Mark D. Svoboda
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.8
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    • pp.509-518
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    • 2024
  • Flash drought is a rapid-onset drought that occurs rapidly over a short period due to abrupt changes in meteorological and environmental factors. In this study, we utilized satellite-based soil moisture product from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2(AMSR2) ascending X-band to calculate the weekly Flash Drought Intensity Index (FDII). We also analyzed the characteristics of flash droughts on the Korean Peninsula over a 10-year period from 2013 to 2022. The analysis of monthly spatial distribution patterns of the irrigation period across the Korean Peninsula revealed significant variations. In North Korea (NK), a substantial increase in the rate of intensification (FD_INT) was observed due to the rapid depletion of soil moisture, whereas South Korea (SK) experienced a significant increase in drought severity (DRO_SEV). Additionally, regional time series analysis revealed that both FD_INT and DRO_SEV were significantly high in the Gangwon province of both NK and SK. The estimation of probability density by region revealed a clear difference in FD_INT between NK and SK, with SK showing a higher probability of severe drought occurrence primarily due to the high values of DRO_SEV. As a result, it is inferred that the occurrence frequency and damage of flash droughts in NK are higher than those in SK, as indicated by the higher density of large FDII values in the NK region. We analyzed the correlation between DRO_SEV and the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) across the Korean Peninsula and confirmed a positive correlation ranging from 0.4 to 0.6. It is concluded that analyzing overall drought conditions through the average drought severity holds high utility. These findings are expected to contribute to understanding the characteristics of flash droughts on the Korean Peninsula and formulating post-event response plans.

A Study on the Development of Planting Design Guidelines for Outdoor Space of Apartment for Increased Carbon Absorption (탄소흡수량 증대를 위한 아파트 외부 공간 식재 가이드라인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Yonju;Baek, Kyuli;Jung, In kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2024
  • As interest in carbon absorption increases to respond to the global climate crisis, the environmentally friendly design of exterior spaces of apartments, which account for 63.5% of all residences in Korea, is required. In this study, a planting design guideline for increasing the amount of carbon adsorption in the space outside apartments was developed. This is meaningful in suggesting a planting design strategy according to the type of space with the aim of presenting a realistic solution to respond to the climate crisis and carbon output in the domestic construction industry. A carbon calculator was used for the calculation of carbon absorption for trees, and previous research data was used for shrubs and flowers. Based on the laws and regulations related to the exterior space of apartments and design guidelines for each construction company, major landscape spaces were extracted and categorized into central plazas, peripheral forests, waterfront spaces, play and exercise spaces, and small gardens. Apartment complexes in Seoul and the Seoul metropolitan area among the 2021 and later winners of the 'Livable Apartment Award' were selected, and the carbon uptake of landscape trees by space was calculated for more than 1,000 apartments. Based on this, a guideline for planting by space was prepared to increase carbon adsorption. As a result of applying the planting guidelines to the sample target site, the carbon adsorption amount increased by about 5-63% compared to the existing design, and it converged toward the target carbon adsorption amount. This was determined by confirming that the amount of carbon adsorption could increase when planting guidelines were applied. This study is significant for establishing design guidelines by summarizing the carbon absorption data of landscape trees, but it is necessary to secure data on all landscape materials, not just trees, for future carbon reduction design in the landscape field. By presenting practical planting data and design guidelines that can improve carbon absorption in the design and construction of exterior space planting in apartment complexes, this study is significant as basic research that can be utilized as indicators and guidelines for future carbon absorption-related design and is expected to contribute to climate change response in urban environments.