• Title/Summary/Keyword: 하배축 길이

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Growth of Soybean Sprouts Affected by Period and Method of Seed Storage (원료콩의 저장 기간과 방법이 콩나물의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Seung-Ho;Lee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Hong-Young;Kim, Hee-Kyu;Kang, Jin-Ho
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2008
  • Germination of soybean and growth of its sprouts should be affected by storage condition and period of seeds. The experiment was conducted to examine the effects of period stored at cold room and storage conditions on their growth and morphological characters. The seeds, cv. Pungsannamulkong, were stored at $3^{\circ}C$ for 1 or 2 years, and by the three different storage methods of indoor, cold room, or transfer of indoor to cold room. Compared to the seeds stored for 2 years, one-year seeds had higher rate in hypocotyl of longer than 7 cm, root and hypocotyl lengths, and more hypocotyl fresh weight although there was not significant difference in total fresh weight. In the storage method experiment, one-year seeds stored at cold room and by transfer of indoor to cold room showed better growth, more lateral roots and fresh weights, although only two-year seeds stored at cold room did the same response, indicating that growth of soybean was affected by period and method of seed storage.

Growth and Morphological Charactersistics of Soybean Sprouts Treated with Leaf Extracts of Thea sinensis L. and Eucommia ulmoides Oliver (녹차와 두충 잎 추출물 처리에 따른 콩나물의 생장 및 형태적 특징)

  • Kang, Jin-Ho;Park, Cheol-Jong;Yoon, Soo-Young;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Her, Chang-Young
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2005
  • Soybean sprouts presoaked to leaf extracts were on sale as taking a growing concern about wellbeing foods. The study was carried out to compare the effects of culture period after presoaking tea (Thea sinensis L.) and hard rubber tree (Eucommia ulmoides Oliver) leaf extracts on lateral root formation, growth and morphological characters of the sprouts. Seeds of three cultivars, Pungsannamulkong, Sowonkong and Junjery, were imbibed for 5 hours into 10% solutions immediately before 5, 6 and 7 day cultures. The cultured sprouts were classified into 4 categories to calculate their composition rates on the base of hypocotyllengths; >7 cm (A),4 to 7 cm (B),< 4 cm (C) and not germinated (D), and their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights were measured. Rate of A was the lowest in Junjery of the three cultivars, while that of C showed reverse result compared to A. Similar results to that of A were observed between the three cultivars in sprout length including hypocotyl and root, diameters in middle and hook parts of hypocotyl, total fresh and dry weights. Regardless of tea and hard rubber tree leaf extract treatments, longer culture periods increased rate of A due to decrements of B, C and D, and also did the growth and the morphological characters mentioned above. Although longer culture periods reduced the increment of lateral roots, the latter treatment was more delayed in their formation and less in the roots per sprout than the former one. The growth and the morphological characters above were less in the latter treatment than in the former one in general, meaning that hard rubber tree leaf extract could more repress growth of soybean sprouts than tea leaf extract.

Effect of Benzyladenopurine Concentration on Growth and Morphology of Soybean Sprouts and Comparison with Selling Products (BA 처리농도에 따른 콩나물의 생장과 시판 콩나물과의 비교)

  • 강진호;조용준;전병삼;윤수영;전승호;김희규
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2004
  • Commercial value of soybean sprouts should be affected by their morphology including the lateral roots. This study was carried out to determine the effect of benzyladenopurine (BA) concentration on growth and morphology of soybean sprouts in order to compare them with the selling products collected from the markets. Four cultivars (cv. Eunhakong, Pungsannamulkong, Sowonkong, and Junjery) were cultured for 6 days after imbibed for 5 hours into different BA solutions (0, 1,2,4, and 8 ppm). On the 6th day, hypocotyl length was measured to calculate the composition rate of > 7 cm (A), 4 to 7 cm (B), < 4 cm (C) and non-germination (D), and the ratio of hypocotyl to root length (H/R ratio) on the base of hypocotyl length as well as lateral root, hypocotyl diameter, and fraction fresh and dry weights. The composition rates classified with hypocotyl length showed big differences between 4 cultivars in class A and C; Class A, in which cv. Sowonkong and Junjery had higher rates than cv. Eunhakong and Pungsannamulkong, was decreased with BA concentration of higher than 4 ppm, but class C showed the reverse result to class A. Any lateral root was not formed in higher than 4 ppm BA solutions although fewer in cv. Pungsannamulkong and Junjery than in the two other cultivars. Hypocotyl and root lengths were decreased with increased BA concentrations, and in all BA concentration, hypocotyl length of cv. Junjery was the longest. Hypocotyl diameter, hypocotyl and total fresh weights were thicker and heavier in 2 to 4 ppm BA concentrations than in the other ones, although in case of BA application, cv, Eunhakong and Sowonkong were heavier. The H/R ratios were increased with increased BA concentration. The ratios of nearly all the selling products ranged from 1 to 2 ppm when compared to them from our experiment.

Effect of Eucommia ulmoides Oliver Leaf Extract Concentration on Growth and Morphological Characteristics of Soybean Sprouts (두충잎 추출물 처리농도가 콩나물의 생장 및 형태에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Jin-Ho;Park, Cheol-Jong;Yoon, Soo-Young;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Kim, Hee-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.17-20
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    • 2005
  • Natural products has been occasionally used in place of growth regulators to control lateral root formation and growth of soybean sprouts. The study was done to measure the effects of treatment concentration of hard rubber tree (Eucommia ulmoides Oliver) leaf extract on lateral root formation, growth and morphological characters of the sprouts. Seeds of three cultivars, Pungsannamulkong, Sowonkong and Junjery, were imbibed for 5 hours into water, its 5 and 10% solutions immediately before 6 day culture. The cultured sprouts were classified into 4 categories to calculate their composition rates on the base of hypocotyl lengths; >7 cm (A),4 to 7 cm (B),<4 cm (C) and not germinated (D), and their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights were measured. Rate of A was decreased with increased concentrations, while that of C showed reverse result compared to A. Regardless of concentrations, the former rate was less in cv. Junjery than in cv. Pungsannamulkong and Sowonkong than in cv. Junjery although the latter rate was truly opposite to the former one. In 10% treatment concentration, lateral roots were less formed in cv. Junjery although nearly formed in cv. Pungsannamulkong and Sowonkong. In all the 3 cultivars, lateral roots per sprouts were decreased with increased treatment concentration. shorter and thicker sprout was observed in cv. Junjery than in the other cultivars, and in increased concentrations compared to relatively lower ones. Total fresh weight was the greatest in cv. Sowonkong due to mainly increment of its hypocotyl, but was reduced with increased concentration due to mainly decrement of hypocotyl in all the cultivars.

Washing Effect of Marketing Mungbean Sprouts on Morphological Characters and their Color (출하용 숙주나물의 세척 유무에 따른 형태 및 색상 변화)

  • Hong, Dong-Oh;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Lee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Hong-Young;Kang, Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2008
  • Traditionally mungbean(Vigna radiata L.) sprouts has been eaten soon after washing. The study was carried out to measure the effect of washing before packaging on morphological characters and color of mungbean sprouts. The seeds of cv. Zhong Lu 1 were soaked in 50 ppm BA solution immediately before 4 hour aeration and then cultured for 6 days. The sprouts were washed immediately before packaged with PE envelops or not, and then stored 5 days at $8^{\circ}C$. Their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights, and colors were measured everyday. Compared to washed, nonwashed sprouts had more lateral roots although the two sprouts did nearly same in hypocotyl and root lengths, hypocotyl diameter, fresh and dry weights. Non-washed sprouts, moreover, showed higher brightness in hypocotyl and root and cutting resistance in hypocotyl although there were not significant differences in color a and b, meaning that the latter ones were more rapidly changed during their storage. In non-washed sprouts, number of lateral roots, hypocotyl length and diameter, total fresh and dry weights were nearly same up to 3 days and afterward were declined. Brightness and color b of hypocotyl were decreased with increased storage period although cutting resistance of hypocotyl was since 3 days after storage.

Morphological Characters and Color of Mungbean Sprouts Affected by Water Supplying on the Harvest Day (수확당일의 관수 유무에 따른 숙주나물의 형태 및 색상 변화)

  • Hong, Dong-Oh;Jeon, Seung-Ho;Lee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Hong-Young;Kang, Jin-Ho
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.28-33
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    • 2008
  • Traditionally mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) sprouts has been stored after dehydration to decrease their decay. The study was done to determine the effect of watering for final 12 hours of harvest day on morphological characters and color of mungbean sprouts. The seeds of cv. Zhong Lu 1 were soaked in 50 ppm BA solution immediately before 4 hour aeration and then cultured for 6 days, when water-supplied for final 12 hours or not. After packaged with PE envelops, the sprouts stored 5 days at $8^{\circ}C$, and their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights, and colors were measured everyday. Compared to non-water supplied, water supplied sprouts had thicker hypocotyl diameter in middle part, and higher total fresh weight due to increment of cotyledon and hypocotyl ones although the two sprouts did nearly same in other characters. Only nonwater supplied sprouts showed higher color b value in hypocotyl than water supplied ones although there were not significant differences between them in other color-related characters, meaning that the latter ones were more rapidly decayed during their storage. In non-water supplied sprouts, number of lateral roots, hypocotyl and root lengths, total fresh weight, brightness of hypocotyl and root was decreased since 3 days after storage but cutting resistance of hypocotyl was done since 5 days.

Evaluation of Characteristics of Peanut Sprout Using Korean Cultivars (땅콩 품종을 이용한 싹나물 특성 평가)

  • Pae, Suk-Bok;Ha, Tae-Joung;Lee, Myoung-Hee;Hwang, Chung-Dong;Shim, Kang-Bo;Park, Chang-Hwan;Park, Keum-Yong;Baek, In-Yeol
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.394-399
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    • 2011
  • This experiment was conducted to select suitable cultivars and evaluate growth characteristics to get basic information for sprouting peanut. On sprouting peanut, it showed a rapid increase in trans-resveratrol content that has effects on anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular in mouse. For this experiment, characteristics of peanut sprouts were tested in 37 cultivars grown for 7 days at $26^{\circ}C$ temperature. There were a lots of variations in the growth characteristics among cultivars as followers : The range of 100 grain weight was 56 to 142 g, hypocotyl length was 4.3 cm to 5.8 cm, diameter of hypocotyl was 5.0 to 8.0 mm, epicotyl length was 0.8 cm to 4.6 cm, seedling ratio per seed number was 84% to 100%, weight per seedling was 4.9 g to 8.4 g, the rate of hypocotyl cleavage was 0% to 46%, the content of trans-resveratrol was $22.5\;{\mu}g/g$ to $88.2\;{\mu}g/g$ and sprout yield was 360% to 820%. The selection points considered were high sprout yield, high seedling rate, high resveratrol content, low brownish cotyledon, no hypocotyl cleavage, and fat hypocotyl etc. The best cultivar selected was 'Jokwang' that showed 7.8 mm diameter, clean cotyledon color, 100% seedling rate, 0% hypocotyl cleavage, $63.3\;{\mu}g/g$ resveratrol, and 820% sprouting yield. This cultivar was expected to be of use as a new food and nutraceutical material. Relationship between growth characteristics showed that root length had significant positive correlations with epicotyl length, resveratrol content and sprouting yield but negative correlations with hypocotyl diameter and cleavage. Hundred grain weight showed negative correlations with resveratrol content, seedling rate and sprouting yield but positively correlated with curved hypocotyl rate and hypocotyl cleavage positively. This result showed small grain seed will be more appropriate for sprouting peanut.

Evaluation of Rapeseed Seedling Quality According to Varieties and Seedling Ages for Spring Cultivation Transplanting (유채 봄 재배 기계이식을 위한 품종별 육묘 일수에 따른 묘소질 평가)

  • An, Da-Hee;Cha, Young-Lok;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Shin, Woon-Chul;Lee, Ji-Eun
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.256-264
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    • 2021
  • Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is generally sown in late autumn and harvested in early summer in Korea, however, spring cultivation has also been attempted in some areas because frequent climate changes induce reducing productivity. Therefore, there is a need for a transplanting technology that is relatively easy to control of cropping season according to changes in cultivation conditions. In this study, to find out the optimal characteristics of seedlings for machine transplanting of spring cultivation, seedling morphological characteristics were investigated according to the seedling age of three varieties for 2020 and 2021. The hypocotyl length was less than 2 cm in both years and the 40-day-old seedling was the shortest among all seedling ages. The number and size of leaf were increased with longer seedling age in both years. To evaluate seedling quality, total seedling length, seedling weight, and impact resistance were measured before transplanting. Total seedling length was the longest in 40-day-old seedlings and the shortest in 25-day-old seedlings in both years. In the case of seedling weight, no significant differences were observed depending on the seedling age and the impact resistance increased with increasing seedling age. Finally, 'Jungmo7001', 'Naehan', and 'Tamla' showed a high transplanting rate in seedlings grown for more than 30 days, 35 days, and 40 days, respectively, in the field using a general transplanter. These results suggest that the proper seedling age for transplanting is limited depending on the rapeseed varieties. The suitable seedling cultivation method can be selected for different cultivation environments.

Effect of Electrolyzed Acidic Water on the Growth of Soybean Sprout. (산성 전해수가 콩나물의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • 윤동준;이정동;강동진;박순기;황영현
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.809-814
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    • 2004
  • To investigate the effect of the electrolyzed acidic water for soybean sprouts growth, the responses of characteristics of soybean sprouts were evaluated. Soybean sprouts grown by the electrolyzed acidic water showed shorter length in total body, root, and hypocotyl, etc. but they were evaluated to be increased in hypocotyl diameter and weight per sprout. Total length of soybean sprouts grown for 5 days by electrolyzed acidic water were much shorter than those by tap water. Soybean sprouts grown by tap water showed rapid growth in length even after 5 days but no more growth in length for those grown by electrolyzed acidic water. The growth of hypocotyl showed the same tendency as total length. No difference in root length among the soybean sprouts grown for 4 ~ 11 days by electrolyzed acidic water while those grown by tap water showed continuous rapid growth in length. The diameter of hypocotyl was thicker in those grown by electrolyzed acidic water than those grown by tap water and increased up 5 days. The weight of cotyledon grown by electrolyzed acidic water showed the proportional increase to the growing days but those grown by tap water showed no increase in hypocotyl weight up to 7 days, but a little bit increase after 11 days with the growth of new buds. The fresh weight per sprout was higher in those grown by electrolyzed acidic water until 7 days than tap water but it was the same weight in 11 days cultivation. The electrolyzed acidic water effected on shortening of hypocotyl and root length, thickening of hypocotyl diameter, and enlarging of cotyledon during soybean sprout cultivation.

Effect of Benzyladenopurine Concentration in Soaking Solution on Growth of Mungbean Sprouts (침종액 중 BA 농도에 따른 숙주나물의 생장)

  • Kang Jin Ho;Ryu Yeong Seop;Yoon Soo Young;Jeon Seung Ho;Kim Seung Rack
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.482-486
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    • 2004
  • Benzyladenopurine (BA), a synthetic chemical commonly used for bean sprout culture, should be minimized for wellbeing foods or not be applied. The study was done to check the effect of different BA concentrations treated during 5 hour imbibition on growth and morphological characters of mungbean sprouts. The mungbean seeds of 3 cultivars (Keumseongnogdu, Owoolnogdu, and Zhong Lu 1) were imbibed for 5 hours in the solutions with different BA concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) before 3 hour aeration. On the 6th day after culture, the mungbean sprouts were classified by 4 categories on the base of hypocotyl length; > 7cm, 4 to 7cm, < 4cm, and non-germination, and their morphological characters, fresh and dry weights were measured. Regardless of cultivars the composition rate of hypocotyls of longer than 7cm was decreased with increased BA concentration over 50 ppm while the reverse result was true in the rate of shorter than 4cm. In the rate of 4 to 7cm. cv. Owoolnogdu showed the highest rate in its 50 ppm concentration although cv. Keumseongnogdu and Zhong Lu 1 showed similar result to the above two rates. Formation rate and its number of lateral roots were largely changed around 50 ppm concentration but the roots was not formed in over its 75 ppm concentration. Hypocotyl and root lengths of all the cultivars were shortened with increased BA concentration. In the diameter of middle part of hypocotyl, 3 cultivars showed nearly the same responses as the rate of 4 to 7cm hypocotyls. Hypocotyl and total fresh weights per sprout were heavier in BA treated sprouts than in no treated ones but the weights of the former sprouts were not influenced by its different concentrations.