• Title/Summary/Keyword: 표준 출력 버퍼정책

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The Effect of C Language Output Method to the Performance of CGI Gateway in the UNIX Systems (유닉스 시스템에서 C 언어 출력 방법이 CGI 게이트웨이 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Hyung-Bong;Jeong Yeon-Chul;Kweon Ki-Hyeon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.1 s.97
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2005
  • CGI is a standard interface rule between web server and gateway devised for the gateway's standard output to replace a static web document in UNIX environment. So, it is common to use standard I/O statements provided by the programming language for the CGI gateway. But the standard I/O mechanism is one of buffer strategies that are designed transparently to operating system and optimized for generic cases. This means that it nay be useful to apply another optimization to the standard I/O environment in CGI gateway. In this paper, we introduced standard output method and file output method as the two output optimization areas for CGI gateways written in C language in the UNIX/LINUX systems, and applied the proposed methods of each area to Debian LINUX, IBM AIX, SUN Solaris, Digital UNIX respectively. Then we analyzed the effect of them focused on execution time. The results were different from operating system to operating system. Compared to normal situation, the best case of standard output area showed about $10{\%}$ improvement and the worst case showed $60{\%}$ degradation in file output area where some performance improvements were expected.