• Title/Summary/Keyword: 표준중재조항

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  • Panga Jr., Salvador S.
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 2009
  • 필리핀의 중재제도를 규정하고 있는 법령은 다음과 같다. 즉 필리핀 민법(법률 제386호), 중재법(법률 제876호), 대체분쟁해결법(법률 제9285호), 국제상거래중재에 관한 국제 연합 국제상거래법위원회(UNCITRAL) 표준법 및 건설산업중재에 관한 대통령령(제1008호)이다. 2004년의 대체적 분쟁해결 제도(ADR) 에 관련된 필리핀 의회의 입법은 필리핀의 중재 실무와 절차에 광범위한 변화를 가져 왔다. 또한 국제중재실무에서 필리핀에 많은 도움을 주었다. 다른 한편으로는 상당한 변화를 가진 UNCITRAL 표준법의 채택과 국내 중재를 관장하는 법률속에 표준법 조항을 편입함으로써 필리핀은 분쟁해결의 대체안으로써 정책 결정의 실행에 대한 중재법의 인식과 ADR법에 있어서의 정책조문의 검토로 보다 실질적인 중재제도가 정착되는 기반을 조성하게 되었다. 국내에서 수행하고 있는 국제적인 중재는 아직까지는 비교적 적다고 생각된다. 그러나 ADR법 내에 규정된 강력한 ADR찬성정책과 ADR에 관대하고 특히 중재에 호의적인 대법원의 친중재적 판결로 인해 향후 수년내에 필리핀과 주변국과의 무역이 크게 증대될 것으로 전망된다.

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A Study on Consideration factors for Selection of Institution, When Arbitration Clause Inserted in International Commercial Contracts (국제상사계약(國際商事契約)에서 중재조항(仲裁條項) 삽입시 중재기관 선택에 따른 고려사항)

  • Oh, Won-Suk;Jeong, Hee-Jin
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    • v.55
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    • pp.63-93
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the consideration factors, from both parties' perspective, to select the most appropriate arbitral institution when they inset an arbitration clause in their contract. Accordingly, the author analyzed the advantages of institutional arbitration compared to non-institutional arbitration. The typical advantages of institutional arbitration would include: $\bullet$ Benefits of using an established set of rules $\bullet$ Services provided by the institution $\bullet$ Low risks of obstruction $\bullet$ Enhancement of the possibilities of enforcement $\bullet$ Forecast of the estimated cost $\bullet$ Specially useful for existing disputes Next, this author examined the consideration factors when selecting the institution in respect of the following factors: $\bullet$ Institution's arbitration rules $\bullet$ Institution's rule regarding the appointment of arbitrators $\bullet$ Ability of administrators of each institution $\bullet$ Reputation of the arbitral institution and the likability of enforceability of its award $\bullet$ Cost $\bullet$ Choice of the arbitral institution in relation to the choice of place of arbitration Finally, this author reviewed Model Arbitration Clause of major international or local Institutions, including ICC, AAA, LCIA, KCAB, CIETAC, ICSID and WIPO. Further examination was given to the selection of the numbers of the arbitral tribunal, the seat of arbitration and the language of arbitration, according to the designated articles in each institution's arbitration rules.

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A Study on the Standard Provisions of International Franchising Contracts and Unfair Trade Acts (국제프랜차이즈계약의 표준조항과 불공정거래행위)

  • Seo, Jung-Doo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.165-185
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    • 2012
  • Franchising has proved over many years to be a successful commercial vehicle for the international distribution of products and services. However, there has long been missing a user-friendly model contract that would reflect the diversity of international franchising contracts. Because the ICC has drafted a model form of international franchising contracts, taking into account the most commonly encountered clauses in franchising agreements, their model could be used as a checklist of the core obligations of a cross-border franchise contract. Because there is no internationally agreed-upon uniform legislation on franchising, parties must rely on national laws and regulations applicable to the international franchise (when such laws and regulations exist) and should therefore very carefully draft stipulations for the legal status of the contract. This study has been intended to cite some provisions for striking a fair balance between the interests of the franchisor and those of the franchisee and for avoiding unfair trade acts in international franchising contracts.

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The Legal Structure of Guard & Security Contract and the Prevention & Resolution Method of Security Disputes (경호경비계약의 법적 구조 및 분쟁의 예방과 해결 방안)

  • Ahn, Sung-Cho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.129-157
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    • 2006
  • With rapid social change, by culminating the social hazards and the safety problems about it are on the increase too. According to the needs for the safety the demand of the private guard & security provided the safety and security service against danger is also increasing. As the need for the safety is increasing, so recently the private guard & security industry is extended. Therefore the purpose of this study is to grasp and carry out researches into the legal structure on the Security contract, is to analyze the formation of contract and find out the ensuing problem in order to prevent or settle the dispute which is apt to occur between the specific client and the security companies. In order to minimize the dispute going with security relationship in particular, it is necessary that one should write down the agreed contents as the document explicitly to make a security contract with the parties. Hereupon in the plan which standardizes the security contract with each parties autonomously, it is suggested that this study should present the model of Dispute Resolution Clause Especially it is the best means that it is amicable consultation or negotiation as the effective way of settlement methods of private dispute arising from the concerned parties. In inevitable case it recommends the method which solves the dispute by means of an arbitration than litigation at administration of justice(in terms of jurisdiction). If the parties wish to settle the disputes by arbitration, they must come to an arbitration agreement in the form of a arbitration clause in the security contract. After the test and evaluation through application utilizing it in actual security field, the security standard contract regulates about it and this terms should widely apply a individual case to whole industry.

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Practical Suggestions for Promoting Maritime Arbitration in Korea (우리나라 해사중재 활성화를 위한 실무적 제언)

  • Ahn, Keon-Hyung
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.23-54
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    • 2021
  • While maritime arbitration industry has not been prevalent in Korea, Korea ranked fifth in terms of export volume and its shipbuilding industry ranked top globally in shipbuilding order volume in 2020. The discrepancy between the maritime industry's productivity and relative lack of maritime arbitration has had a negative impact on Korea's economic development. To address these problems, this paper i) reviews preceding research, ii) examines the Korean maritime arbitration system's status and analyzes the KCAB's maritime arbitration statistics from 2005-2020, iii) examines major foreign maritime arbitration institutions' status and strategies including LMAA, SMA, SCMA, and HKMAG, and lastly iv) suggests practical ways to promote maritime arbitration in Korea. The Suggestions for promoting maritime arbitration are 1) to prepare and promote various maritime standardized forms for the Korean shipping industry, 2) to insert an arbitration clause in medium and large-size Korean shipping firms' B/L clause, 3) to expand professional maritime manpower training and other infrastructure, and 4) to enhance the predictability of the result of arbitration through maritime arbitral awards or by examining the feasibility of the appeal system against the arbitral award only on a point of law in the future. In conclusion, the success or failure of promoting maritime arbitration in Korea depends on the will, passion, cooperation and practice of the most important key players in maritime arbitration, such as the Asia Pacific Maritime Arbitration Center (APMAC), the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) and the Seoul Maritime Arbitrators Association (SMAA).

Payment Refusal against Discrepancy in Transport Document under L/C Transaction (신용장거래에서 운송서류 불일치에 대한 지급거절)

  • Lee, Jung-Sun
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.205-225
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    • 2017
  • The study attempts to verify the case related to the notice of payment refusal by issuing bank regarding discrepancy in transport document under L/C(Letter of Credit) transaction. Considering the high portion of trade between Korea and China, Korean companies and banks in L/C transaction should be careful about many unpredictable situations. The case of this study is that Chinese seller(beneficiary) initiated a civil suit against Industrial Bank of Korea to Chinese court and Chinese courts in the first and second trials judged that the notice of payment refusal by Industrial bank of Korea doesn't satisfy Article 16, (c) (ii) (iii) in UCP 600. However, Industrial Bank of Korea implements the judgement even though the judgement is highly biased to Chinese seller. Considering the judgement by Chinese courts, the study suggests some countermeasures to Korean companies and banks which opened L/C. First, the issuing bank should describe the contents of discrepancy specifically based on Article 16, (c) in UCP 600. Second, it is necessary to insert a clause regarding governing law in the L/C contract like sales contract. Third, considering the biased judgement by Chinese court and difficulty in execution of foreign judgement in China, it is recommended to using arbitration as a method of dispute resolution such as ICLOCA and DOCDEX Rules which are international system operated by international instruments because it has legal effects to parties in L/C contracts if the issuing bank inserts arbitration clause in L/C.

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