• Title/Summary/Keyword: 표면

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  • Bae, Yong-Chul;Lee, Eun-Hee;Choy, Min-Ki;Hong, Su-Hyung;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Na, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2001
  • Little is known about processing mechanism of pain sensation of the oral cavity at the 1st synapse of trigeminal sensory nuclei. Serial ultrathin sections of tooth pulp afferent terminals, identified by the transganglionic transport of 1% wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase, were investigated with electron microscope. Quantitative ultrastructural analysis was performed on digitizing tablet connected to Macintoshi personal computer (software; NIH Image 1.60, NIH, Bethesda, MD). Labeled boutons could be classified into two types by the shapes of containing vesicles : S bouton, which contained mainly spherical vesicles (Dia. 45-55 nm) and few large dense cored vesicles (Dia, 80-120nm), and LDCV bouton, which contained spherical vesicles as well as large number of large dense cored vesicles. Most of the parameters on the ultrastructural characteristic and synaptic organization of labeled boutons were similar between S and LDCV boutons, except shapes of containing vesicles. Majority of the labeled boutons showed simple synaptic arrangement. The labeled boutons were frequency presynaptic to dendritic spine, and to a lesser extent, dendritic shaft. They rarely synapsed with soma and adjacent proximal dendrite. A small proportion of labeled boutons made synaptic contacts with presynaptic, pleomorphic vesicles containing endings and synaptic triad. Morphometric parameters of labeled boutons including volume and surface area, total apposed area, mitochondrial volume, active zone area, vesicle number and density showed wide variation and these were not significantly different between S and LDCV boutons. The present study revealed characteristic features on ultrastructure and synaptic connection of pulpal afferents which may involved in transmission of oral pain sensation.

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Evaluation of Countermeasures Effectiveness in a Radioactively Contaminated Urban Area Using METRO-K : The Implementation of Scenarios Designed by the EMRAS II Urban Areas Working Group (METRO-K를 사용한 방사능으로 오염된 도시지역에서 대응행위효과 평가 : EMRAS II 도시오염평가분과 시나리오의 이행)

  • Hwang, Won-Tae;Jeong, Hae-Sun;Jeong, Hyo-Joon;Kim, Eun-Han;Han, Moon-Hee
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2012
  • The Urban Areas Working Group within the EMRAS-2 ($\underline{E}$nvironmental $\underline{M}$odelling for $\underline{RA}$diation $\underline{S}$afety, Phase 2), which has been supported by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), has designed some types of accidental scenarios to test and improve the capabilities of models used for evaluation of radioactive contamination in urban areas. For the comparison of the results predicted from the different models, the absorbed doses in air were analyzed as a function of time following the accident with consideration of countermeasures to be taken. Two kinds of considerations were performed to find the dependency of the predicted results. One is the 'accidental season', i.e. summer and winter, in which an event of radioactive contamination takes place in a specified urban area. Likewise, the 'rainfall intensity' on the day of an event was also considered with the option of 1) no rain, 2) light rain, and 3) heavy rain. The results predicted using a domestic model of METRO-K have been submitted to the Urban Areas Working Group for the intercomparison with those of other models. In this study, as a part of these results using METRO-K, the countermeasures effectiveness in terms of dose reduction was analyzed and presented for the ground floor of a 24-story business building in a specified urban area. As a result, it was found that the countermeasures effectiveness is distinctly dependent on the rainfall intensity on the day of an event, and season when an event takes place. It is related to the different deposition amount of the radionuclides to the surfaces and different behavior on the surfaces following a deposition, and different effectiveness from countermeasures. In conclusion, a selection of appropriate countermeasures with consideration of various environmental conditions may be important to minimize and optimize the socio-economic costs as well as radiation-induced health detriments.

Understanding Problem-Solving Type Inquiry Learning and it's Effect on the Improvement of Ability to Design Experiments: A Case Study on Science-Gifted Students (문제해결형 탐구학습에 대한 인식과 학습이 실험 설계 능력에 미친 효과 : 과학 영재학생들에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Ju, Mi-Na;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.425-443
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    • 2013
  • We developed problem-solving type inquiry learning programs reflecting scientists' research process and analyzed the activities of science-gifted high school students, and the understanding and the effects of the programs after implementation in class. For this study, twelve science-gifted students in the 10th grade participated in the program, which consisted of three different modules - making a cycloidal pendulum, surface growth, and synchronization using metronomes. Diet Cola Test (DCT) was used to find out the effect on the improvement of the ability to design experiments by comparing pre/post scores, with a survey and an interview being conducted after the class. Each module consisted of a series of processes such as questioning the phenomenon scientifically, designing experiments to find solutions, and doing activities to solve the problems. These enable students to experience problem-solving type research process through the program class. According to this analysis, most students were likely to understand the characteristics of problem-solving type inquiry learning programs reflecting the scientists' research process. According to the students, there are some differences between this program class and existing school class. The differences are: 'explaining phenomenon scientifically,' 'designing experiments for themselves,' and 'repeating the experiments several times.' During the class students have to think continuously, design several experiments, and carry them out to solve the problems they found at first. Then finally, they were able to solve the problems. While repeating this kind of activities they have been able to experience the scientists' research process. Also, they showed a positive attitude toward the scientists' research by understanding problem-solving type research process. These problem-solving type inquiry learning programs seem to have positive effects on students in designing experiments and offering the opportunity for critical argumentation on the causes of the phenomena. The results of comparing pre/post scores for DCT revealed that almost every student has improved his/her ability to design experiments. Students who were accustomed to following teacher's instructions have had difficulty in designing the experiments for themselves at the beginning of the class, but gradually, they become used to doing it through the class and finally were able to do it systematically.

Quality Characteristics of Sulgidduck Using Dry Rice Powder Added with Different Amounts of Milk (우유를 첨가한 건식 쌀가루 설기떡의 품질 특성)

  • Park, Young-Mi;Yoon, Hye-Hyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of Sulgidduck made with commercial dry rice powder, providing an optimal milk ratio and soaking time for dry powder in water to make Sulgidduck using dry rice powder. The Sulgidduk samples with dry rice powder were prepared with two soaking times (0, 30 min) and different amounts of milk (0, 20, 40, 60%), and analyzed for moisture content, Hunter's color value, texture characteristics and sensory evaluation. The moisture content of the samples ranged from 36.37% to 39.80% and the highest moisture quantity was showed in the group with 20% of milk and 30min of soaking time(SM20). The L-value was the highest in the group with 20% of milk and 0min of soaking time(M20). The b-value was increased with the amount of milk and soaking time increased, showing the highest in the group with 60% of milk and 30min of soaking time(SM60). TPA showed that SM20 had the lowest hardness and the highest adhesiveness. Chewiness, gumminess and cohesiveness were the highest in the group with 60% of milk and 0min of soaking time(M60). Based on quantitative descriptive sensory evaluations, the score of white color and moistness was showed high in the group with 0% of milk and 0min of soaking time(M0), and white powder on the surface was shown the most in the group with 20% of milk and 30min of soaking time(SM20). The score of moistness, springiness and chewiness were highest in the group with 20% of milk and 0min of soaking time(M20). Sulgidduk made with 20% of milk and 0min of soaking time(M20) was the most preferable in color, flavor, taste, and overall acceptability.

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The Effect of IFN-$\gamma$ on the Phagocytosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Activation of Human Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage (Interferon-$\gamma$가 사람 폐포대식세포의 결핵균 탐식과 활성화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jae-Seuk;Kim, Jae-Yeal;Lee, Gwi-Lae;Yoo, Chul-Gyu;Kim, Young-Whan;Han, Sung-Koo;Shim, Young-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 1998
  • Background: IFN-$\gamma$ is known to activate mononuclear phagocytes and to mediate host defense mechanism against some intracellular microorganisms, but little is known about anti-mycobacterial activity and mechanism of IFN-$\gamma$ in human. In this study, we investigated the role of IFN-$\gamma$ in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis by observing the effect of IFN-$\gamma$ on the phagocytosis of M.tuberculosis(MTB) and on the production of TNF-$\alpha$ by human pulmonary alveolar macrophage. Method: Pulmonary alveolar macrophage(PAM) were prepared with adhesion purification method from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from 8 persorn without active lung lesion and cultured($1{\times}10^6cells/ml$) with MTB($3{\times}10^7$ bacteria/ml) with or without IFN-$\gamma$(300U/ml), LPS(0.5ug/ml) and autologous serum(10%). After 2 hours, the percentage of PAM-phagocytosed MTB was counted after AFB staining(modified Kynion method). TNF-$\alpha$ production by PAM stimulated by IFN-$\gamma$(300U/ml), MTB($1{\times}10^6bacteria/ml$) and LPS(0.5ug/ml) for 24hours was measured in culture supernatant using ELISA method. The degree of phagocytosis of MTB by PAM stimulated with IFN-$\gamma$(300U/ml) and LPS(0.5ug/ml) for 24hours was also investigated. Results: IFN-$\gamma$ did not influence the phagocytosis of MTB by PAM(percentage of PAM-phagocytosed MTB: control: $22.1{\pm}4.9$, IFN-$\gamma$: $20.3{\pm}5.3$) and did not increase TNF-$\alpha$ production by PAM (control: $21{\pm}38pg/ml$, IFN-$\gamma$: $87{\pm}106pg/ml$), and the degree of phagocytosis of MTB by PAM pre-stimulated with IFN-$\gamma$ for 24 hours, was not increased (control: $24.5{\pm}9.5$, IFN-$\gamma$: $23.4{\pm}10.1$). Conclusion: IFN-$\gamma$ does not influence on the phagocytosis of MTB and TNF-$\alpha$ production by PAM.

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Primary Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Arising in the Bronchus (기관지에 발생한 선양 낭포성 암종)

  • Kim, Young-Keun;Chung, Kyung-Young;Shin, Dong-Hwan;Kim, Hae-Jin;Kim, Chang-Nyun;Kang, Shin-Myung;Ko, Won-Ki;Kim, Young-Sam;Lee, Jun-Gu;Park, Jae-Min;Kim, Se-Kyu;Chang, Joon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.591-598
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    • 2001
  • Background : Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma arising in the bronchus is an uncommon disease that is histologically and ultrastructurally identical to the salivary gland tumor of the same name and regarded as a slow growing low-grade malignancy. We examined its clinical characteristics. Method : We collected 13 Korean cases of primary adenoid cystic carcinoma arising in the bronchus including 5 cases of our own and 8 cases from the literature. Result : The patients ages ranged from 20 to 74. Men numbered 9 and women 4. The presenting symptoms were cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis. The fiberoptic bronchoscopic findings were primarily hypervascular polypoid mass with a smooth surface that obstructed airway totally or near totally. There were three inoperable cases including two cases with distant metastasis to bone or cervical lymph node and one case with mediastinal invasion. The remaining 10 patients underwent surgical resection. Among them, two patients received postoperative radiotherapy. The median survival was 21 months in the 8 surgical and evaluable cases. One patient lived 13 years without recurrence. The prognosis was relatively favorable in operable cases. Conclusion : It was not common for primary adenoid cystic carcinoma arising in the bronchus to have distant metastasis or invasion to the mediastinum on presentation. The prognosis was relatively favorable in operable cases. It would be important to perform flexible bronchoscopy for early diagnosis and to do surgical treatment if possible.

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Quality Characteristics of Adzuki Beans Sediment According to Variety (품종에 따른 팥 앙금의 품질 특성)

  • Song, Seuk-Bo;Seo, Hye-In;Ko, Jee-Yeon;Lee, Jae-Saeng;Kang, Jong-Rae;Oh, Byeong-Geun;Seo, Myung-Chul;Yoon, Young-Nam;Kwak, Do-Yeon;Nam, Min-Hee;Woo, Koan-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.40 no.8
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    • pp.1121-1127
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    • 2011
  • We evaluated the quality characteristics of adzuki bean sediment according to variety. The moisture, crude protein, and crude ash contents of the various adzuki bean varieties were 8.2~11.1, 15.4~20.6 and 3.3~3.6 g/100 g, respectively. The potassium contents of Chilbo-pat (CB) and Hongeon-pat (HE) were 875.1 and 873.1 mg/100 g, respectively. The calcium contents of Jungbu-pat (JB) and Kumsil-pat (KS)were 73.6 and 73.2 mg/100 g, respectively. A high level of magnesium (131.4 mg/100 g) was found in Yeonkeum-pat (YK). The yields of adzuki bean sediment according to variety were no different either wet (188.3~204.7%) or dry (62.1~66.0%). The L-values on sediment of YK and KS were 67.0 and 68.0, respectively; however, the CB L-value was low at 54.0. A high level of a- (6.6) and b-value (12.8) was found in YK; however, the values for CB were much lower at 3.8 and 5.9, respectively. There was no difference in particle-size distribution, water binding capacity, and solubility of adzuki bean sediment according to variety. High levels of peak (3.79 RVU), trough (3.75 RVU), final (7.33 RVU), and setback viscosity (3.54 RVU) were found in JB. The sensory properties of products in food processing are important, and the variety of adzuki bean sediment should be chosen depending on desired product characteristics.

A Study on Greenspace Planning Strategies for Thermal Comfort and Energy Savings (열쾌적성과 에너지절약을 위한 녹지계획 전략 연구)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Ahn, Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to quantify human energy budgets for different structures of outdoor spatial surfaces affecting thermal comfort, to analyze the impacts of tree shading on building energy savings, and to suggest desirable strategies of urban greenspace planning concerned. Concrete paving and grass spaces without tree shading and compacted-sand spaces with tree shading were selected to reflect archetypal compositional types for outdoor spatial materials. The study then estimated human energy budgets in static activity for the 3 space types. Major determinants of energy budgets were the presence of shading and also the albedo and temperature of base surfaces. The energy budgets for concrete paving and grass spaces without tree shading were $284\;W/m^2$ and $226\;W/m^2$, respectively, and these space types were considerably poor in thermal comfort. Therefore, it is desirable to construct outdoor resting spaces with evapotranspirational shade trees and natural materials for the base plane. Building energy savings from tree shading for the case of Daegu in the southern region were quantified using computer modeling programs and compared with a previous study for Chuncheon in the middle region. Shade trees planted to the west of a building were most effective for annual savings of heating and cooling energy. Plantings of shade trees in the south should be avoided, because they increased heating energy use with cooling energy savings low in both climate regions. A large shade tree in the west and east saved cooling energy by 1~2% across building types and regions. Based on previous studies and these results, some strategies including indicators for urban greenspace planning were suggested to improve thermal comfort of outdoor spaces and to save energy use in indoor spaces. These included thermal comfort in construction materials for outdoor spaces, building energy savings through shading, evapotranspiration and windspeed mitigation by greenspaces, and greenspace areas and volume for air-temperature reductions. In addition, this study explored the application of the strategies to greenspace-related regulations to ensure their effectiveness.

ATM Cell Encipherment Method using Rijndael Algorithm in Physical Layer (Rijndael 알고리즘을 이용한 물리 계층 ATM 셀 보안 기법)

  • Im Sung-Yeal;Chung Ki-Dong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.1 s.104
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes ATM cell encipherment method using Rijndael Algorithm adopted as an AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) by NIST in 2001. ISO 9160 describes the requirement of physical layer data processing in encryption/decryption. For the description of ATM cell encipherment method, we implemented ATM data encipherment equipment which satisfies the requirements of ISO 9160, and verified the encipherment/decipherment processing at ATM STM-1 rate(155.52Mbps). The DES algorithm can process data in the block size of 64 bits and its key length is 64 bits, but the Rijndael algorithm can process data in the block size of 128 bits and the key length of 128, 192, or 256 bits selectively. So it is more flexible in high bit rate data processing and stronger in encription strength than DES. For tile real time encryption of high bit rate data stream. Rijndael algorithm was implemented in FPGA in this experiment. The boundary of serial UNI cell was detected by the CRC method, and in the case of user data cell the payload of 48 octets (384 bits) is converted in parallel and transferred to 3 Rijndael encipherment module in the block size of 128 bits individually. After completion of encryption, the header stored in buffer is attached to the enciphered payload and retransmitted in the format of cell. At the receiving end, the boundary of ceil is detected by the CRC method and the payload type is decided. n the payload type is the user data cell, the payload of the cell is transferred to the 3-Rijndael decryption module in the block sire of 128 bits for decryption of data. And in the case of maintenance cell, the payload is extracted without decryption processing.

The Effect of BaF2 Particle Size for Zirconium Recycling by Precipitation from Waste Acid and Ba2ZrF8 Vacuum Distillation Property (폐 산세 용액으로부터 공침 반응에 의한 지르코늄 회수 시 BaF2 입도 영향 및 Ba2ZrF8의 진공증류 특성)

  • Choi, Jeong Hun;Nersisyan, Hayk;Han, Seul Ki;Kim, Young Min;Park, Cheol-Ho;Kahng, Jong Won;Na, Ki Hyun;Kim, Jeong hun;Lee, Jong Hyeon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2017
  • Nuclear fuel cladding tube is fabricated by pilgering and annealing process. In order to remove impurity and oxygen layer on the surface, pickling process is carried out. When Zirconium(Zr) is dissolved and saturated in acid solution during the pickling process, all the waste acid including Zr is disposed. Therefore, $BaF_2$ is added into the waste acid to extract Zr and $Ba_2ZrF_8$ is subsequently formed. To recycle Zr by electrowinning process, $Ba_2ZrF_8$ is used as electrolyte, but it has high melting point ($1053^{\circ}C$). $ZrF_4$ should be added into $Ba_2ZrF_8$ to decrease the melting point. In this paper, it was investigated that $Ba_2ZrF_8$ was separated to $BaF_2$ and $ZrF_4$ by vacuum distillation. Firstly, $BaF_2$ with different particle size ($1{\mu}m$, $35{\mu}m$, $110{\mu}m$) was added into the waste acid and the respective precipitation property was estimated. $BaF_2$ obtained by vacuum distillation was shattered by ball-milling with different time. The precipitation efficiency was compared with $1{\mu}m$ of ${BaF_2}^{\prime}s$ one, which was not used as precipitation agent.