• Title/Summary/Keyword: 폴리머시멘트

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Evaluation on the Performance of Coating Materials for Improving the Durability of Concretes (콘크리트의 내구성 증진을 위한 코팅재의 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Choi, Choon-Sik;Nam, Yong-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2003
  • Normally coating is used a method for protecting reinforced concrete. For this purpose, organic as well as inorganic coatings are used. The advantages of inorganic coatings are lower absorption of UV, non-burning etc. On the other hand, organic coatings have the advantage of low permeability of $CO_2$, $SO_2$ and water. Organic coatings provide better protection for reinforced concrete. However, in organic coatings such as epoxy, urethane and acryl, long-term adhesive strength is reduced and the formed membrane of those is blistered by various causes. Also when organic coatings are applied to the wet surface of concrete, they have a problem with adhesion. So, we developed coating material, WGS-Eco which was hybridized with polymer and cement based material to protect concrete structures and solve problems of organic coatings. This study was conducted an comparative evaluation on physical and durable performance of developed coating material and previously used coating materials. As a result, the performance of developed coating material was not inferior to organic coating materials. So, the developed coating material was considered as a suitable coating material which had advantages of inorganic and organic coatings for protecting concrete.

Surface characteristics for thermal diffusion of FA-BFS-based geopolymer ceramics added alumina aggregate (알루미나 골재를 첨가한 FA-BFS계 지오폴리머 세라믹스의 열확산에 대한 표면 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Park, Hyun;Kim, Kyung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2019
  • Geopolymer is an eco-friendly construction material that has various advantages such as reduced $CO_2$ emission, fire resistance and low thermal conductivity compared to cement. However, it has not been many studies on the thermal behavior of the surface of the geopolymer panel when flame is applied to the surface. In this study, surface characteristics of hardened geopolymer on flame exposure was investigated to observe its characteristics as heat-resistant architectural materials. External structure changes and crack due to the heat shock were not observed during the exposure on flame. According to the residue of calcite and halo pattern of aluminosilicate gel, decarboxylation and dehydration were extremely limited to the surface and, therefore, it is thought that durability of hardened geopolymer was sustained. Gehlenite and calcium silicate portion was inversely proportional to quartz and calcite and significantly directly proportional to BFS replacement ratio. Microstructure changes due to the thermal shock caused decarboxylation and dehydration of crystallization and it was developed the pore and new crystalline phase like calcium silicate and gehlenite. It is thought that those crystalline phase worked as a densification and strengthening mechanism on geopolymer panel surface.

Hardness and Rebound Properties of Sprayed Green Soil Produced with Functional Additives for the Application to Steep Slopes (기능성 첨가재를 적용한 급경사면용 녹생토의 경도 및 리바운드 특성)

  • Lee, Byung-Jae;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Yun-Yung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the improved performance of sprayed green soil was evaluated by incorporating functional additives. The optimal mixing ratio of the thickener and super-absorbent polymer, as an additive for moisture supply to the growth of plants within the range of mixing ratios that gives sufficient strength of green soil, was 5% and 1%, respectively. Using Portland cement as a main binder, the pH of the green soil was 9.1. To solve this alkali problem, the mixing proportion was improved so that the pH of the green soil was approximately 7.2 by mixing more than 10% of the chelate resin. The soil conductivity was measured to be 280 ~ 350mS/m under all the mixing conditions. This satisfied the criterion of less than 1000mS/m on the slope surface. As a result of measuring the soil hardness of the green soil prepared under the optimal mixing conditions of functional additives, it satisfied the criteria of 18 ~ 23mm when sprayed under a 1 bar pressure. The rebound rate was less than 15% when spraying green soil on a 75 % slope, and the hardness of the sprayed green soil was more than 18 mm.

Durability Properties of Ultra Rapid Hardening Mortar Produced with Alumina-based Binder for Repairing Sewage Treatment Pipes (하수관거 보수용 알루미나계 결합재 초속경 모르타르의 내구 특성)

  • Eun-Ho, Kim;Byung-Jae, Lee;Sun-Mok, Lee;Yun-Yong, Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.482-488
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the durability of ultra rapid hardening mortar for sewage pipe was evaluated by type of mortar binder. As a result of analyzing the internal structure for each type of mortar, it was confirmed that Al2(OH)3 was generated in the internal structure of the CAC-based mortar, and its corrosion resistance was superior to that of other types of mortar. As a result of the compressive strength test, OPC had the tsmallest strength, followed by CAC100 > CAC100P > CAC80. This trend was similar to the previous study results. Chloride ion penetration resistance and freeze-thaw test showed similar trends. That is, CAC and C12A7 were better than OPC, and CSA was worse than OPC. This is mostly beacuse of cracks caused by expansion of CSA-based mortar. CAC100P mix showed the best chemical resistance. It is thought that this is because the alumina gel formed inside the mortar and the polymer combine to make the internal structure more dense.

Experimental Study on the Manufacturing and Waterproofing Properties of Self-healing Concrete Waterproofing Agent Using Microcapsules (마이크로캡슐을 활용한 자기치유 구체방수제의 제조 및 방수특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Yun-Wang Choi;Jae-Heun Lee;Neung-Won Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the development of a self-healing concrete waterproofing agent was examined, focusing on its manufacturing and waterproofing properties. The optimal ratio using microcapsules for the concrete waterproofing agent was determined through assessments of flow, compressive strength, and permeability conducted during the mortar stage. These findings aimed to provide fundamental data for evaluating the self-healing properties of the concrete waterproofing agent designed for use in concrete structures. The self-healing concrete waterproofing agent was comprised of three types of inorganic materials commonly used for repair purposes. From experimental results, a composition ratio with a high potassium silicate content, referred to as SIM-2, was found suitable. A surfactant mixing ratio of 0.03 % was identified to enhance the dispersibility of the concrete waterproofing agent, while a mixing ratio of 0.2 % distilled water was deemed suitable for viscosity adjustment. For the magnetic self-healing concrete waterproofing agent's healing agent, using microcapsules in the range of 0.5 % to 0.7 % met the KS F 4949 and KS F 4926 standards.