• Title/Summary/Keyword: 포터블 네비게이션

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Business Method Developing a "Walking" Navigator for Street Shoppers (거리쇼핑용 보행자 네비게이션의 비즈니스 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Deok;Hwang, Kee-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2008
  • Portable navigation markets grew up to 95% last year. This study aims to develop a business model for pedestrian-oriented portable navigator for street shoppers. Related previous studies developed successfully the alogrithm for a portable navigator, and the current study seeks for diverse ways to turn this system into a new type of on & off line-based LBS business. The business model proposed in this study adopted two different approaches of benefit yields based on the structural analysis of so-called Wanavi navigation system. One is segmented approach seeking for benefits from each individual system component such as communication network, contents, and platform. The other approach is to run the business by integrating relevant system componts in every possible way to attract customers to this portable navigator. The purpose of this proposal is not limited to activate emerging walking navigator markets, but to aim at creating idealistic free market system where all the shoppers are furnished complete market information to the fullest extent when they go on shopping.