• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평행 상자도형

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Statistical Consideration on the Resources of the Countries in the World (세계 각국의 자원에 대한 통계적 고찰)

  • Huh, Moon-Yul;Choi, Byong-Su;Lee, Seung-Chun
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.41-57
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    • 2009
  • The paper investigates the resources of the 232 countries based on the 39 resources of these countries. The data used in this work is from various sources like UN, CIA, World bank, OECD reports and the home pages of each country. The purpose of the study is to evaluate what resources are most influential to the wealth of a country, to the well-bring of the country, or the status of the country's development. For this, data visualization method is applied. Data visualization technique, although powerful for exploratory purposes, is dependent upon the users expertize and the interpretation is also dependent on the of the users. For objective methods of investigation, mutual information based on the Shanon's entropy theory is applied here. All the statistical methods employed in this paper are processed with DAVIS (Huh and Song, 2002)