• Title/Summary/Keyword: 평창군

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Life Risk Assessment of Landslide Disaster in Jinbu Area Using Logistic Regression Model (로지스틱 회귀분석모델을 활용한 평창군 진부 지역의 산사태 재해의 인명 위험 평가)

  • Rahnuma, Bintae Rashid Urmi;Al, Mamun;Jang, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2020
  • This paper deals with risk assessment of life in a landslide-prone area by a GIS-based modeling method. Landslide susceptibility maps can provide a probability of landslide prone areas to mitigate or proper control this problems and to take any development plan and disaster management. A landslide inventory map of the study area was prepared based on past historical information and aerial photography analysis. A total of 550 landslides have been counted at the whole study area. The extracted landslides were randomly selected and divided into two different groups, 50% of the landslides were used for model calibration and the other were used for validation purpose. Eleven causative factors (continuous and thematic) such as slope, aspect, curvature, topographic wetness index, elevation, forest type, forest crown density, geology, land-use, soil drainage, and soil texture were used in hazard analysis. The correlation between landslides and these factors, pixels were divided into several classes and frequency ratio was also extracted. Eventually, a landslide susceptibility map was constructed using a logistic regression model based on entire events. Moreover, the landslide susceptibility map was plotted with a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and calculated the area under the curve (AUC) and tried to extract a success rate curve. Based on the results, logistic regression produced an 85.18% accuracy, so we believed that the model was reliable and acceptable for the landslide susceptibility analysis on the study area. In addition, for risk assessment, vulnerability scale were added for social thematic data layer. The study area predictive landslide affected pixels 2,000 and 5,000 were also calculated for making a probability table. In final calculation, the 2,000 predictive landslide affected pixels were assumed to run. The total population causalities were estimated as 7.75 person that was relatively close to the actual number published in Korean Annual Disaster Report, 2006.

Cause Analysis of 2006 Concentrated Heavy Rain Which Occurred in InJe-Gun (2006년 인제군 집중호우의 원인 분석)

  • Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2007
  • Natural disasters occurred in Inje and Pyeongchang in 2006 show that unusual changes of weather, which Korean Peninsula has not experienced before, are becoming quite common phenomenon nowadays. In future we have to proceed in the direction of preventing such disasters so as to minimize the damage, by analyzing character and cause of various disasters whenever necessary, performing modeling in simulated real world, and applying the results in disaster prevention policy next year. Applying GIS in this process, the best information for decision-making can be offered. This study has also progressed proceeding from such point of view. The results of this study show that local concentrated heavy rain, caused by the primary topographical factor in the Sulak mountain region, was the main cause of flood disaster occurred in Inje-Gun area in July of 2006. Local concentrated heavy rain is greatly affected by topography. Namely, if there is a mountainous region behind, the area opposite to the direction of rain clouds motion will have high possibility of local concentrated heavy rain.

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Current Status Regarding Online Contents Service of Army Records and Development Plan: Based on the US Army's Archives Case (군 기록의 온라인 콘텐츠 서비스 현황과 발전방안 - 미 육군의 아카이브즈 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2018
  • International conditions surrounding the Korean Peninsula have been recently undergoing a sudden change. The South-North relations have been defined by severe tensions for many years; however, since the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, relations between the two nations began to thaw, and expectations of unification have been rising. Nevertheless, some still warn that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is utilizing a "carrot and stick" tactic. With this, recent research revealed that there is a low sense of national security among college students and teenagers in Korea, which magnified the importance of establishing a strong sense of national security and having a national viewpoint. A way to achieve this is for the army, a core institution of national security, to release army records as online contents. This paper takes an in-depth look into the US Army's online contents service, a leading national records management system, and seeks to provide development plans for the Republic of Korea Army's online contents service.

사육제한으로 '멍드는 오리농가' AI 대책, 개선이 필요하다

  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.244
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2023
  • 지난 11월 2일 전북 부안군 소재 육용오리 농장에서 출하전 검사 중 H5 항원이 검출됐다. 방역대 내 전업농이 23호로 오리 126만4,000마리가 사육되고 있어 오리업계 전체가 긴장을 했었다. 언론에서는 럼피스킨병과 구제역, 아프리카돼지열병, 고병원성 조류인플루엔자(AI)등 가축감염병 4개가 한해동안 모두 창궐하는 사상 초유의 '가축감염병 쿼드러플' 악재를 우려하며 연일 경고의 기사를 쏟아내고 있다. AI 발병에 대한 위험도가 높아지고 있는 가운데 농림축산식품부가 평창 동계올림픽을 앞두고 AI 예방차원에서 시작한 오리농가 사육제한이 올해로 7년째에 접어들었다. 게다가 올해 10월부터는 농식품부가 AI 위험지역 내 오리농가를 대상으로 농식품부장관이 지자체장에게 사육 제한을 지시하는 것을 내용으로 하는 가축전염병 예방법 시행령을 개정해 시행 중에 있다. 사육제한으로 오리업계는 고질적인 수급 불안과 오리고기 가격 폭등으로 산업적 발전이 저해당하고 있는 상황이다. 오리사육제한 시행 7년, 과연 AI 예방에는 오리 사육제한만이 방법일까. 오리사육제한에 대한 명암을 살펴보고 AI예방을 위한 보다 근본적인 방안을 고민해 본다.

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오리 축사시설 현대화사업 - 반복되는 AI, 근본 대책이 시급하다

  • 한국오리협회
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.245
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2023
  • 2003년 12월 10일 H5N1형 고병원성 조류인플루엔자(AI)가 국내에서 처음 발생한 이후 여러가지 유형의 AI바이러스 발생이 거의 매년 주기적으로 반복되는 경향을 보이고 있다. 특히 지난해 10월 17일 경북 예천군에서 발생한 AI는 국내에서 14차례 발생하며 전년도 대비 전국적으로 빠른 확산추세와 많은 발생 건수를 보였다. 특히 야생조류 분변 등 HPAI 검출건수가 전년 대비 두 배 가까이 늘어나면서 AI 발생위험률이 더욱 높아지고 있다. 이 가운데 오리에서의 AI 발생비율이 높아 오리가 AI 발생의 주범처럼 지목되고 있다. 특히 전국 오리 농가 수가 닭 대비 10배 가량 적은 점을 감안하면 매우 높은 수준이다. 실제로 2003년 12월부터 지난해까지 발생한 1,258건의 AI에서 오리는 651건으로 반이 넘는 수치다. 수치상의 이런 이유들로 오리는 AI의 주범으로 낙인찍혔다. 2017년 평창동계올림픽을 대비해 시범적으로 운영된 오리사육제한은 이제 법제화되면서 매년 정례화되고 있다. 외양간을 고치지 않고 소 자체를 없애 버려 소를 도둑맞을 상황조차 만들지 않는 지금의 AI 제도 과연 최선일까. 비록 소는 잃었지만 이제라도 외양간을 고쳐 다시는 소를 잃지 않을 상황을 만들어야 하지 않을까. 보다 근본적인 대책으로 제시되고 있는 외양간 고치기 프로젝트, '오리 축사시설 현대화'사업을 자세히 들여다보고 발전적 AI 대책을 고민해 본다.

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Topographic Characteristics, Formation and Classification of Soils Developed in Limestone -II. Clay Mineralogical Properties, Formation and Classification of Limestone Soils from Yeongweal Area of Gangweon-Do (석회암(石灰岩) 토양(土壤)의 지형적(地形的) 특성(特性)과 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類) -II. 강원도(江原道) 영월지역(靈越地域) 석회암(石灰岩) 토양(土壤)의 점토광물특성(粘土鑛物特性)과 생성(生成) 및 분류(分類))

  • Jung, Sug-Jae;Kim, Tai-Soon;Kim, Young-Ho;Moon, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1990
  • Clay mineralogical properties, soil formation and classification for the limestone derived soil were discussed from the 4 soil series, Pyeongchang, Anmi, Yulgog, and Mungyeong, distributed over the area of Bangjeol-Ri, Yeongweol-Eup, Gangweon-Do. The results are as follows; 1. Kaolinite and Al-interlayered vermiculite were the main clay minerals and other minerals were illite, vermiculite, and chlorite. 2. CEC of topsoil ranged from 10.5 to 22.9me/100g and that of sub-soil ranged from 10.0 to 23.8me/100g. CEC seemed to be increased with descending from topograpical position and had slightly significant positive correlation. 3. Lithologic changes as a runction of soil depth showed smooth change for Pyeongchang, discontinuity for Anmi, unpredictability for Yulgog, and uniformity for Mungyeong series. 4. According to the new system of soil taxanomy Pyeongchang series was classified as Typic Hapludalfs, Anmi as Fluventic Eutrochrepts, Yulgog as Fluvaquentic Eutrochrepts, and Mungyeong as Aeric Haplaquepts.

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A Study on the Characteristics of Bentonites Produced in Korea (한국산 Bentonite의 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Lee, Jae-Suk;Jung, Pil-Gyun;Choi, Dae-Ung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 1977
  • This study has been conducted to identify physico-chemical and clay mineralogical characteristics of bentonites produced in Korea for the purpose of finding good quality bentonite for agricultural ure. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Bentonites are mainly composed of montmorillonite developed from tuffs in a lava flow. 2. Chemical properties of bentonites are: pH in $H_2O$(1:1), 7:cation exchange capacity, 60-96me/100g; content of $SiO_2$, 54-72%; ratio of $SiO_2$ to $Al_2O_3$, 4.1-10.0;oven dry loss of $H_2O$ is higher than the ingnition loss of $H_2O$. 3. The x-ray diffrection patterns of powder bentonites show peaks at $14-15{\AA}$, $4.4{\AA}$, and $2.5{\AA}$, and that of swellen one show $17{\AA}$ when treated with ethylene glycol. 4. Distribution areas of the good quality bentonites were (1) Dogu-Dong, Donghae-Myeon, Yeonil-Gun, Gyeongsangbug-Do (2) Hamyeon-Ri, Yangnam-Myeon, Weolseong-Gun, Gyeongsanbug-Do. (3) Joam-Ri, Gangdong-Myeon, Weolseong-Gun, Gyeongsangbug-Do. (4) Sanha-Ri, Gangdong-Myeon, Ulju-Gun, Gyeongsangnam-Do. (5) Sinhyeon-Ri, Gangdong-Myeon, Ulju-Gun, Gyeongsangnam-Do. (6) Yonghang-Ri, Pyeongchang-Myeon, Pyeongchang-Gun, Gangweon-Do.

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Casting and Soldering Techniques of the Bronze Buddhist Gong from the Sudasa Temple Site in Suhang-ri, Pyeongchang (평창 수다사지 청동금고 주조기법과 보수 방식)

  • Huh, Ilkwon;Ahn, Songyee;Yun, Eunyoung
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.15
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    • pp.4-25
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    • 2014
  • Chuncheon National Museum currently own a bronze Buddhist gong that was discovered in 1987 at the Sudasa Temple site of in Suhangri, Pyeongchang. Significantly, showing many casting defects and areas where was repaired, the Gong offered crucial information about the casting technique. To better understand the production technique, scientific analysis was conducted on various aspects of the gong, including its materials, moulds, chaplets, and defects. Composition analysis revealed that the gong was composed primarily of copper 71.6wt%, tin 18.2wt%, and lead 7.2wt%, along with about 1wt% of both arsenic and antimony. The lead content of the chaplets was higher than that of the gong, and the lead content was the highest in the solder, which was used to fill holes after casting. Surface analysis, based on the parting line, indicated that the gong was most likely produced with the sand casting process. Radiography and close examination of the surface disclosed various casting defects e.g., Cold Shut, Surface Folds, Misrun, and Blowholes Adjacent to Chaplets and their possible causes. The casting defects of a few holes were filled with soft solder.

Comparison of Competition Indices by Silvicultural Systems Before and After Treatments for Natural Deciduous Forests in Pyeongchang (평창지역 천연 활엽수림의 산림작업별 시업전후의 경쟁지수 비교)

  • Choi, Hyun Kwon;Park, Byung Bae;Sung, Joo Han;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.515-521
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to estimate the changes of stand structure before and after applying the three different silvicultural treatments such as selection cutting system, two-storied system, and shelterwood system. This study has been conducted in the natural deciduous forests in Pyeongchang of Gangwon Province, Korea. Nine permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in the forests and each of the three silvicultural treatments was applied to three sampling points. Some tree variables were measured in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments were applied. With these data, stand attributes were estimated in each stand before and after applying the silvicultural treatments. In this study, a competition index was used to analyze the differences among structures of stands managed by three different silvicultural treatments. Hegyi's distance-dependent competition index was estimated and compared to analyze the differences of stand structures among the stands before and after silvicultural treatments. A method using a height angle $50^{\circ}$ from the base of the subject tree was adopted as the selection method of competitor trees. Duncan's multiple range test and t-test were then employed to statistically analyze the difference of stand structure among the stands. The results revealed that competition status among trees in the stand seems to be improved after applying the silvicultural treatments. There are significant differences in the competition index between before and after silvicultural treatments for each stand. According to the evaluation of competition index, it was confirmed that spatial structure of the stands was improved by applying the silvicultural treatments.

Changes in Stand Structures Before and After Silvicultural Treatments in Natural Deciduous Forests of Pyungchang Area (평창지역 천연 활엽수림의 작업방법별 시업전후 임분구조 변화)

  • Kim, Yong Jin;Sung, Joo Han;Yang, Hee Moon;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.297-304
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to estimate the changes of stand structure before and after applying the three different silvicultural treatments such as selection cutting system, two-storied system, and shelterwood system. This study has been conducted in the natural deciduous forests in Pyungchang of Gangwon Province, Korea. Three permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in the forests and the three silvicultural treatments were applied in 2008. For this study, some tree variables were measured in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments were applied. With these data, stand attributes were estimated in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments. In this study, four stand structure indices were used to analyze the differences among structures of stands managed by three different silvicultural treatments. Contagion index, DBH-difference index, height-difference index, and mingling index were estimated and compared to analyze the differences of stand structures among the stands before and after silvicultural treatments. Duncan's multiple range test and t-test were then employed to statistically analyze the difference of stand structure among the stands. The results revealed that all of the stand structure indices seem to be increased after applying the silvicultural treatments. There are significant differences in the stand structure indices between before and after silvicultural treatments for each stand. According to the evaluation of stand structure indices, it was confirmed that spatial structure of the stands was improved by applying the silvicultural treatments. For attaining the specific goal of each stand types acquired by different silvicultural treatments, the frequencies and amounts of additional practices should be decided based on the changes of stand structure as time passed.