• Title/Summary/Keyword: 패턴 정합

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Implementation of an LTCC RF Front-End Module Considering Parasitic Elements for Wi-Fi and WiMAX Applications (기생 성분을 고려한 Wi-Fi와 WiMAX용 LTCC 무선 전단부 모듈의 구현)

  • Kim, Dong-Ho;Baek, Gyung-Hoon;Kim, Dong-Su;Ryu, Jong-In;Kim, Jun-Chul;Park, Jong-Chul;Park, Chong-Dae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.362-370
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a compact RF Front-end module for Wireless Fidelity(Wi-Fi) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access(WiMAX) applications is realized by low temperature co-fired ceramic(LTCC) technology. The RF Front-end module is composed of three LTCC band-pass filters, a Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator(FBAR) filter, fully embedded matching circuits, an SPDT switch for mode selection, an SPDT switch for Tx/Rx selection, and an SP4T switch for band selection. The parasitic elements of 0.2~0.3 pF are generated by the structure of stacking in the top pad pattern for DC block capacitor of SPDT switch for mode selection. These kinds of parasitic elements break the matching characteristic, and thus, the overall electrical performance of the module is degraded. In order to compensate it, we insert a parallel lumped-element inductor on capacitor pad pattern for DC block, so that we obtain the optimized performance of the RF Front-end module. The fabricated RF front-end module has 12 layers including three inner grounds and it occupies less than $6.0mm{\times}6.0mm{\times}0.728mm$.

Hexagon-shape Line Search Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation on Media Processor (미디어프로세서 상의 고속 움직임 탐색을 위한 Hexagon 모양 라인 탐색 알고리즘)

  • Jung Bong-Soo;Jeon Byeung-Woo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.4 s.310
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2006
  • Most of fast block motion estimation algorithms reported so far in literatures aim to reduce the computation in terms of the number of search points, thus do not fit well with multimedia processors due to their irregular data flow. For multimedia processors, proper reuse of data is more important than reducing number of absolute difference operations because the execution cycle performance strongly depends on the number of off-chip memory access. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a Hexagon-shape line search (HEXSLS) algorithm using line search pattern which can increase data reuse from on-chip local buffer, and check sub-sampling points in line search pattern to reduce unnecessary SAD operation. Our experimental results show that the prediction error (MAE) performance of the proposed HEXSLS is similar to that of the full search block matching algorithm (FSBMA), while compared with the hexagon-based search (HEXBS), the HEXSLS outperforms. Also the proposed HEXSLS requires much lesser off-chip memory access than the conventional fast motion estimation algorithm such as the hexagon-based search (HEXBS) and the predictive line search (PLS). As a result, the proposed HEXSLS algorithm requires smaller number of execution cycles on media processor.

Verification of the Usefulness of the Mock TOEIC Test using Corpus Indices : Focusing on the Analysis of Difficulty and Discrimination (코퍼스 지표를 활용한 모의 토익시험의 유용성 검증 : 난이도와 변별도 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Yena
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.576-593
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in order to investigate the factors that affect the percentage of correct answers and the degree of discrimination of the TOEIC test, a regression analysis was performed using corpus indicators that influence correct answer rate and the degree of discrimination for each part derived from the item analysis. The basic calculation word_length, consistency index LSA_overlap_adjacent_sentences, lexical diversity MTLD_VOCD, conjunction All_logical_causal_connectives_incidence, situational model casual_particles_causal_verbs_Ratio, syntactic complexity Left_embeddedness, and syntactic pattern density Infinitive_density were found to have negative effects. These factors that lower the correct answer rate can be utilized when setting learning goals. Vocabulary diversity index MTLD_VOCD, conjunction Additive_connectives_incidence, syntactic pattern density Infinitive_density, and lexical information person1_2_pronoun_incidence were found to have a positive effect. Factors influencing the increase in discrimination may provide important information for developing a learning program.

New Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation using Temporal and Spatial Correlation of Motion Vectors (움직임 벡터의 시공간 상관성을 이용한 새로운 고속 블럭 정합 움직임 추정 방식)

  • 남재열;서재수;곽진석;이명호;송근원
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.247-259
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    • 2000
  • This paper introduces a new technique that reduces the search times and Improves the accuracy of motion estimation using high temporal and spatial correlation of motion vector. Instead of using the fixed first search Point of previously proposed search algorithms, the proposed method finds more accurate first search point as to compensating searching area using high temporal and spatial correlation of motion vector. Therefore, the main idea of proposed method is to find first search point to improve the performance of motion estimation and reduce the search times. The proposed method utilizes the direction of the same coordinate block of the previous frame compared with a block of the current frame to use temporal correlation and the direction of the adjacent blocks of the current frame to use spatial correlation. Based on these directions, we compute the first search point. We search the motion vector in the middle of computed first search point with two fixed search patterns. Using that idea, an efficient adaptive predicted direction search algorithm (APDSA) for block matching motion estimation is proposed. In the experimental results show that the PSNR values are improved up to the 3.6dB as depend on the Image sequences and advanced about 1.7dB on an average. The results of the comparison show that the performance of the proposed APDSA algorithm is better than those of other fast search algorithms whether the image sequence contains fast or slow motion, and is similar to the performance of the FS (Full Search) algorithm. Simulation results also show that the performance of the APDSA scheme gives better subjective picture quality than the other fast search algorithms and is closer to that of the FS algorithm.

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A Miniaturized and Band Rejection Characteristic of Bow-Tie Monopole UWB Antenna (보우-타이 모노폴 UWB 안테나의 소형화 및 대역 저지 특성)

  • Choi, Hyung-Seok;Choi, Kyoung;Hwang, Hee-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.300-305
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a miniaturized bow-tie monopole UWB antenna with band rejection characteristic is proposed. To miniaturize the proposed antenna, a perfect magnetic wall(PMW) condition is applied to primitive bow-tie monopole antenna. An uneven ground patch, a tapered feeding structure and a edge-chopped main patch are adapted for impedance matching. A quater-lambda slot resonator is inserted at main patch to prevent interference in UWB band from another band. The proposed antenna is fabricated on Taconic RF60-A substrate with relative permittivity of 6.15. The size of the proposed antenna is $30.0{\times}39.7mm^2$, which is only 45 % of the conventional bow-tie monopole antenna. The proposed antenna covers full UWB band with return losses less than -10 dB and has band stop characteristic in 5 GHz WLAN band. The maximum gains are within -1.0~5.0 dBi, the group delay variations are within 1.0 ns and the radiation patterns show directivity characteristics in x-y plane.

Multiple Camera Calibration for Panoramic 3D Virtual Environment (파노라믹 3D가상 환경 생성을 위한 다수의 카메라 캘리브레이션)

  • 김세환;김기영;우운택
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a new camera calibration method for rotating multi-view cameras to generate image-based panoramic 3D Virtual Environment. Since calibration accuracy worsens with an increase in distance between camera and calibration pattern, conventional camera calibration algorithms are not proper for panoramic 3D VE generation. To remedy the problem, a geometric relationship among all lenses of a multi-view camera is used for intra-camera calibration. Another geometric relationship among multiple cameras is used for inter-camera calibration. First camera parameters for all lenses of each multi-view camera we obtained by applying Tsai's algorithm. In intra-camera calibration, the extrinsic parameters are compensated by iteratively reducing discrepancy between estimated and actual distances. Estimated distances are calculated using extrinsic parameters for every lens. Inter-camera calibration arranges multiple cameras in a geometric relationship. It exploits Iterative Closet Point (ICP) algorithm using back-projected 3D point clouds. Finally, by repeatedly applying intra/inter-camera calibration to all lenses of rotating multi-view cameras, we can obtain improved extrinsic parameters at every rotated position for a middle-range distance. Consequently, the proposed method can be applied to stitching of 3D point cloud for panoramic 3D VE generation. Moreover, it may be adopted in various 3D AR applications.

Comparative study on quality of scanned images from varying materials and surface conditions of standardized model for dental scanner evaluation (치과용 스캐너 평가를 위한 국제표준모델의 재료 및 표면 상태에 따른 스캔 영상 결과물 비교 연구)

  • Park, Ju-Hee;Seol, Jeong-Hwan;Lee, Jun Jae;Lee, Seung-Pyo;Lim, Young-Jun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the image acquisition ability of intraoral scanners by analyzing the comprehensiveness of scanned images from standardized model, and to identify problems of the model. Materials and Methods: Cast models and 3D-printed models were prepared according to international standards set by ISO12836 and ANSI/ADA no. 132, which were then scanned by model scanner and two different intraoral scanners (TRIOS3 and CS3500). The image acquisition performance of the scanners was classified into three grades, and the study was repeated with varying surface conditions of the models. Results: Model scanner produced the most accurate images in all models. Meanwhile, CS3500 showed good image reproducibility for angled structures and TRIOS3 showed good image reproducibility for rounded structures. As for model ingredients, improved plaster model best reproduced scan images regardless of the type of scanner used. When limited to 3D-printed model, powdered surface condition resulted in higher image quality. Conclusion: When scanning structures beyond FOV (field of view) in standardized models (following ISO12836 and ANSI/ADA 132), lack of reference points to help distinguish different faces confuses the scanning and matching process, resulting in inaccurate display of images. These results imply the need to develop a new standard model not confined to simple pattern repetition and symmetric structure.

Design and Fabrication of Dual-Band Planar Monopole Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for WLAN Applications (WLAN 시스템에 적용 가능한 결함 접지 구조를 갖는 이중대역 평면형 모노폴 안테나 설계 및 제작)

  • Kang, Byeong-Nam;Rhee, Seung-Yeop;Jeong, Min-Joo;Choi, Domin;Kim, Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, a dual-band microstrip-fed monopole antenna with a DGS(defected ground structure) for WLAN(wireless local area network) applications is presented. The antenna consists of a monopole and a defected ground, which were etched on both sides of the FR-4 substrate. The defected ground structure was used to obtain the dual band, while the step-by-step reduction in the monopole width was used to improve the impedance matching of the antenna. The antenna has an overall compact size of $44{\times}51{\times}1.6mm^3$, which was optimized by varying the size of the monopole and the ground plane such that it may resonate at the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands of the WLAN. The measurement results showed that the antenna operates in the frequency band of 210 MHz(2.29~2.50 GHz) and 900 MHz(5.05~5.95 GHz) for a VSWR under 2, and showed omnidirectional radiation pattern at all desired frequencies.

Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio - Temporal Correlations (시간적-공간적 상관성을 이용한 저 복잡도 움직임 추정)

  • Yoon Hyo-Sun;Kim Mi-Young;Lee Guee-Sang
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.1142-1149
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    • 2004
  • Motion Estimation(ME) has been developed to reduce temporal redundancy in digital video signals and increase data compression ratio. ME is an Important part of video encoding systems, since it can significantly affect the output quality of encoded sequences. However, ME requires high computational complexity, it is difficult to apply to real time video transmission. for this reason, motion estimation algorithms with low computational complexity are viable solutions. In this paper, we present an efficient method with low computational complexity based on spatial and temporal correlations of motion vectors. The proposed method uses temporally and spatially correlated motion information, the motion vector of the block with the same coordinate in the reference frame and the motion vectors of neighboring blocks around the current block in the current frame, to decide the search pattern and the location of search starting point adaptively. Experiments show that the image quality improvement of the proposed method over MVFAST (Motion Vector Field Adaptive Search Technique) and PMVFAST (Predictive Motion Vector Field Adaptive Search Technique) is 0.01~0.3(dB) better and the speedup improvement is about 1.12~l.33 times faster which resulted from lower computational complexity.

Fabrication of a-Si:H/a-Si:H Tandem Solar Cells on Plastic Substrates (플라스틱 기판 위에 a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H 이중 접합 구조를 갖는 박막 태양전지 제작)

  • Kim, Y.H.;Kim, I.K.;Pyun, S.C.;Ham, C.W.;Kim, S.B.;Park, W.S.;Park, C.K.;Kang, H.D.;You, C.;Kang, S.H.;Kim, S.W.;Won, D.Y.;Choi, Y.;Nam, J.H.
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.104.1-104.1
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    • 2011
  • 가볍고, 유연성(flexibility)을 갖는 박막(thin film)형 플랙서블 태양전지(flexible solar cell)는 상황에 따른 형태의 변형이 가능하여, 휴대가 간편하고, 기존 혹은 신규 구조물의 지붕(rooftop)등에 설치가 용이하여, 차세대 성장 동력 분야에서 각광받고 있다. 그러나 아직까지 플랙서블 태양전지는 제작시 열에 의한 기판의 변형, 기판 이송시 너울 현상, 대면적 패터닝(patterning) 기술 등 많은 어려움 등으로 웨이퍼나 글라스 기판에 제조된 태양전지 대비 낮은 광전환 효율을 갖는다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 플랙서플 태양전지 성능개선을 위해 3.5세대급 ($450{\times}450cm^2$) 스퍼터(sputter), 금속유기 화학기상장치 (MOCVD), 플라즈마 화학기상장치 (PECVD), 레이저 가공장치 (Laser scriber)를 이용하여 a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H 이중접합(tandem)을 갖는 태양전지를 제작하였고, 광 변환효율 특성을 평가하였다. 전도도(conductivity), 라만(Raman)분광 및 UV/Visible 분광 분석을 통하여 박막의 전기적, 구조적, 광학적 물성을 평가하여 단위박막의 물성을 최적화 했다. 또한 제작된 태양전지는 쏠라 시뮬레이터 (Solar Simulator)를 이용하여 성능 평가를 수행하였고, 상/하부층의 전류 정합 (current matching)을 위해 외부양자효율 (external quantum efficiency) 분석을 수행하였다. 제작된 이중접합 접이식 태양전지로 소면적($0.25cm^2$)에서 8.7%, 대면적($360cm^2$ 이상) 8.0% 이상의 효율을 확보하였으며, 성능 개선을 위해 대면적 패턴 기술 향상 및 공정 기술 개선을 수행 중이다.

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