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The Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire in Relation to the Temperament and Character Inventory of Personality in Korean High School Students (SPAQ에 의한 계절성과 TCI에 의해 평가된 기질과 성격과의 관련성 - 한국 고등학생을 대상으로 -)

  • Hong, Jun-Keun;Lee, Moon-Soo;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Jung, In-Kwa
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : Recently, many authors investigated the relation of temperament and character to seasonality and the genetic factors in seasonality and personality. In this study, we investigated the relation between personality structure obtained from the psychobiological Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and self-reported seasonal variations in mood and behavior measured by the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). Methods : 600 high-school students who live in Seoul of Korea, were participated in this study. Subjects were surveyed with the Korean translation of the SPAQ of Rosenthal, an instrument for investigating mood and behavioral changes with respect to the seasons of the you. Korean version of the TCI of Cloninger was also used for assessment of personality. Results : Female students were significantly higher scores on harm avoidance, reward dependence, and cooperativeness than male students who had significant higher scores on persistence and self·transcendence than the formers. GSS were showed positive correlation with harm avoidance and self-transcendence, and negative correlation with cooperativeness and self-directedness. By employing logistic regressions, the regression coefficients of SAD were significantly negative in SD, and positive in ST. Also, the regression coefficients of S-SAD were significantly negative in CO, and positive in ST. Those with GSS at least 11 were significantly higher mean ST values compared to the remaining individuals, and those with worst in winter were significantly lower mean CO values compared to the remaining individuals. Those who considered the seasonality as a problem at least to a moderate degree were associated with high HA and ST. Conclusion : We add the evidence that the seasonality is related to the temperament and character. Although there have been many reports about the seasonality in relation to the temperament and character in foreign countries, there has been very limited report from Korea before. We hope that this result would be a helpful in the clinical field in Korea.

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Applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activities and mineralization in the southern part of South Korea( I ) (한국남부(韓國南部)의 백악기말(白堊紀末) 이후(以後)의 화성활동(火成活動)과 광화작용(鑛化作用)에 대(對)한 판구조론(板構造論)의 적용성(適用性) 연구(硏究)( I ))

  • Min, Kyung Duck;Kim, Ok Joon;Yun, Suckew;Lee, Dai Sung;Joo, Sung Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.123-154
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    • 1982
  • Petrochemical, K-Ar dating, Sand Rb/Sr isotopes, metallogenic zoning, paleomagnetic and geotectonic studies of the Gyongsang basin were carried out to examine applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activity and metallogeny in the southeastern part of Korean Peninsula. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Bulgugsa granitic rocks range from granite to adamellite, whose Q-Ab-Or triangular diagram indicates that the depth and pressure at which the magma consolidated increase from coast to inland varying from 6 km, 0.5-3.3 kb in the coastal area to 17 km, 0.5-10 kb in the inland area. 2. The volcanic rocks in Gyongsang basin range from andesitic to basaltic rocks, and the basaltic rocks are generally tholeiitic in the coastal area and alkali basalt in the inland area. 3. The volcanic rocks of the area have the initial ratio of Sr^{87}/Sr^{86} varying from 0.706 to 0.707 which suggests a continental origin; the ratio of Rb/Sr changing from 0.079-0.157 in the coastal area to 0.021-0.034 in the inland area suggests that the volcanism is getting younger toward coastal side, which may indicate a retreat in stage of differentiation if they were derived from a same magma. The K_2O/SiO_2 (60%) increases from about 1.0 in the coastal area to about 3.0 in the inland area, which may suggest an increase indepth of the Benioff zone, if existed, toward inland side. 4. The K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks were measured to be 79.4 m.y. near Daegu, and 61.7 m.y. near Busan indicating a southeastward decrease in age. The ages of plutonic rocks also decrease toward the same direction with 73 m.y. near Daegu, and 58 m.y. near Busan, so that the volcanism predated the plutonism by 6 m.y. in the continental interior and 4 m.y. along the coast. Such igneous activities provide a positive evidence for an applicability of plate tectonics to this area. 5. Sulfur isotope analyses of sulfide minerals from 8 mines revealed that these deposits were genetically connected with the spacially associated ingeous rocks showing relatively narrow range of δ34S values (-0.9‰ to +7.5‰ except for +13.3 from Mulgum Mine). A sequence of metallogenic zones from the coast to the inland is delineated to be in the order of Fe-Cu zone, Cu-Pb-Zn zone, and W-Mo zone. A few porphyry type copper deposits are found in the Fe-Cu zone. These two facts enable the sequence to be comparable with that of Andean type in South America. 6. The VGP's of Cretaceous and post Cretaceous rocks from Korea are located near the ones(71N, 180E and 90N, 110E) obtained from continents of northern hemisphere. This suggests that the Korean peninsula has been stable tectonically since Cretaceous, belonging to the Eurasian continent. 7. Different polar wandering path between Korean peninsula and Japanese islands delineates that there has been some relative movement between them. 8. The variational feature of declination of NRM toward northwestern inland side from southeastern extremity of Korean peninsula suggests that the age of rocks becomes older toward inland side. 9. The geological structure(mainly faults) and trends of lineaments interpreted from the Landsat imagery reveal that NNE-, NWW- and NEE-trends are predominant in the decreasing order of intensity. 10. The NNE-trending structures were originated by tensional and/or compressional forces, the directions of which were parallel and perpendicular respectively to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 90 m.y. B.P. The NWW-trending structures were originated as shear fractures by the same compressional forces. The NEE-trending structures are considered to be priginated as tension fractures parallel to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 70 m.y. B.P. when Japanese islands had drifted toward southeast leaving the Sea of Japan behind. It was clearly demonstrated by many authors that the drifting of Japanese islands was accompanied with a rotational movement of a clock-wise direction, so that it is inferred that subduction boundary had changed from NNE- to NEE-direction. A number of facts and features mentioned above provide a suite of positive evidences enabling application of plate tectonics to the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary igneous activity and metallogeny in the area. Synthesizing these facts, an arc-trench system of continental margin-type is adopted by reconstructing paleogeographic models for the evolution of Korean peninsula and Japan islands. The models involve an extention mechanism behind the are(proto-Japan), by which proto-Japan as of northeastern continuation of Gyongsang zone has been drifted rotationally toward southeast. The zone of igneous activity has also been migrated from the inland in late-Cretaceous to the peninsula margin and southwestern Japan in Tertiary.

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Preparation and Properties of the X-ray Storage Phosphors BaFBr1-xIx:Eu2+, Na+ (X-선 저장 BaFBr1-xIx:Eu2+, Na+ 형광체의 제조 및 특성)

  • Cheon, Jong-Kyu;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Chan-Jung;Kim, Wan;Kang, Hee-Dong;Kim, Do-Sung;Seo, Hyo-Jin;Doh, Sih-Hong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2002
  • The forming conditions of X-ray storage phosrhors BaFBr1xIx:Eu2+, Na+ have been investigated, and measured the PSL emission spectra and its intensity, fading characteristics and does dependence of the prepared phosphors. These characteristics were compared with those of commercial image plate (ST-III) obtained from Fuji Photo Film Co. The optimal preparing conditions of BaFBr1xIx:Eu2+, Na+ Phosphor were 0.5 mol% of EuF3, 4.0 mol% of NaF and composition ratio x=0.3, and the sintering temperature were 950C in H2 atmosphere. When the composition ratio x was equal to 0, the spectral range of the luminescence of BaFBr1xIx:Eu2+, Na+ phosphor was 365420nm, and its maximum luminescence intensity appeared at 390 nm. When composition ratio x was not equal to 0, the wavelength ranges and peak of the spectra were shifted to the longer wavelength with the growth of composition ratio x. A good linearity was shown between the PSL intensity and X-ray irradiation dose. The phosphor sample with x=0.3 exhibited better fading characteristics than that of other BaFBr1xIx:Eu2+ phosphor samples, and the fading characteristics of the PSL intensity at room temperature were shown poorer with increasing I ion concentration. The lattice constant of the phosphor becomes larger with increasing the I ion concentration.

Characteristics of a planar Bi-Sb multijunction thermal converter with Pt-heater (백금 히터가 내장된 평면형 Bi-Sb 다중접합 열전변환기의 특성)

  • Lee, H.C.;Kim, J.S.;Ham, S.H.;Lee, J.H.;Lee, J.H.;Park, S.I.;Kwon, S.W.
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.154-162
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    • 1998
  • A planar Bi-Sb multijunction thermal converter with high thermal sensitivity and small ac-dc transfer error has been fabricated by preparing the bifilar thin film Pt-heater and the hot junctions of thin film Bi-Sb thermopile on the Si3N4/SiO2/Si3N4-diaphragm, which functions as a thermal isolation layer, and the cold junctions on the dielectric membrane supported with the Si-substrate, which acts as a heat sink, and its ac-dc transfer characteristics were investigated with the fast reversed dc method. The respective thermal sensitivities of the converter with single bifilar heater were about 10.1 mV/mW and 14.8 mV/mW in the air and vacuum, and those of the converter with dual bifilar heater were about 5.1 mV/mW and 7.6 mV/mW, and about 5.3 mV/mW and 7.8 mV/mW in the air and vacuum for the inputs of inside and outside heaters, indicating that the thermal sensitivities in the vacuum, where there is rarely thermal loss caused by gas, are higher than those in the air. The ac-dc voltage and current transfer difference ranges of the converter with single bifilar heater were about ±1.80ppm and ±0.58ppm, and those of the converter with dual bifilar heater were about ±0.63ppm and ±0.25ppm, and about ±0.53ppm and ±0.27ppm, respectively, for the inputs of inside and outside heaters, in the frequency range below 10 kHz and in the air.

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Histochemical Detection of Ionic Zinc in the Rat Olfactory Mucosa: Zinc Selenium Autometallography (ZnSeAMG) (랫드 후각점막내 Zinc 이온의 조직화학적 동정)

  • Nam, Dong-Woo;Sun, Yuan-Jie;Kim, Sung-Joo;Kim, Yong-Kuk;Kim, Soo-Jin;Yu, Yun-Cho;Jeong, Young-Gil;Jo, Seung-Mook
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2003
  • The present study was designed to demonstrate ionic zinc in the rat nasal mucosa by means of zinc selenium autometallography (ZnSeAMG). Rats were given sodium selenide either intraperitoneally (i.p) or intranasally (i.n). Prior to the i.n. administration the rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (30 mg/kg, i.p.). A thin plastic tube coupled to a Hamilton syringe was then inserted into the right nostril and 10μl of the solution was instilled. For the i.p. administration non-anesthetized rats were given 100μl of the sodium selenide solution (10 mg/kg). Control rats were instilled with saline. After 2 hrs survival, the rats were anaesthetized and transcardially perfused with 3% glutaraldehyde. The olfactory area was removed and put into same fixative. The nose was then sectioned (30μm) horizontally, autometallography (AMG) was performed according to Danscher et al. (1997). After silver enhancement, fine AMG grains were scattered in the whole length of the olfactory epithelium containing olfactory receptor neurons, sustentacular and basal cells. However, much higher concentration of the AMG grains occupied near the surface and in the basal region of the olfactory epithelium. Both groups of i.p. and i.n. administration showed almost same level in the concentration of the AMG grains. In i.n. group, few AMG grains were also found in olfactory nerves of the lamina propria, suggesting zinc transport into the olfactory bulb via olfactory axons. At the electron microscopic level, the AMG grains were most entirely found in the supporting cells of the olfactory epithelium, and they were mostly localized in lysosome-like organelles. The i.n. group showed various signs of tissue damage of the olfactory mucosa, where dense concentration of AMG grains were localized at crystalloid structures. The present study demonstrated dense population of ionic zinc in the rat olfactory epithelium. zinc may play a role in the olfactory functioin and in the pathogenesis of the neurodegerative disorders affecting nose.

Geochemistry of the Hydrothermal Chimneys in the Manus Basin, Southwestern Pacific Ocean (남서태평양 Manus Basin에서 산출되는 열수 분출구에 대한 지화학적 연구)

  • 이경용;최상훈;박숭현
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2002
  • Manus Basin, located in the equatorial western Pacific, is a back arc basin formed by collision between the IndoAustralian and the Pacific Plates. The basin is host to numerous hydrothermal vent fields and ore deposits. The basement rocks of the Manus Basin consist primarily of dacite and basaltic andesite. Some of the minerals that form the hydrothermal chimneys that were dredged on the Manus basin include pyrite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, sphalerite and galena. The chimneys can be classified into chalcopyrite dominant Cu-rich type and sphalerite dominant Zn-rich type. The concentration of Zn shows good positive correlation with that of Sb, Cd and Ag. The content of Cu, on the other hand, positively correlates with that of Mo, Mn and Co. For samples that were taken from Zn-rich chimney, a strong positive correlation is found between Au and Zn contents. The chimney also shows enrichments of Cd, Mn and Sb. On the other hand, the samples from Cu-rich chimney exhibit strong correlation among Au, Zn and Pb, and are enriched in Mo and Co concentration. Average contents of Au in Cu-rich and Znrich chimneys were 15.9 ppm and 29.0 ppm, respectively. Because of high concentration of Au with Ag and Cu, the ore deposit have high economic potential. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in anhydrite and amorphous silica from Zn-rich chimney are estimated to be l74-220C and 2.7-3.6 equiv. wt. % NaCI, respectively. These value suggest that ore forming processes were occurred at around 200C and that the oxygen fugacity changed from 2: 1039.5bar to -s: 1040.8bar and the sulfur fugacity from -s: 1014.7bar to 1013.4bar during the process. It appears that the temperature at which the ores formed on Cu-rich chimney was higher than that on Zn-rich chimney.

Electrochemical Characteristic on Hydrogen Intercalation into the Interface between Electrolyte of the 0.1N H2SO4and Amorphous Tungsten Oxides Thin Film Fabricated by Sol-Gel Method (졸-겔법으로 제조된 비정질의 텅스텐 산화물 박막과 황산 전해질 계면에서 일어나는 수소의 층간 반응에 대한 전기화학적 특성)

  • Kang, Tae-Hyuk;Min, Byoung-Chul;Ju, Jeh-Beck;Sohn, Tae-Won;Cho, Won-Il
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1078-1086
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    • 1996
  • The peroxo-polytungstic acid was formed by the direct reaction of tungsten powder with the hydrogen peroxide solution. Peroxo-polytungstic powder were prepared by rotary evaporator using the fabricated on to ITO coated glass as substrate by dip-coating method using 2g/10mL(WIPA/H2O) sol solution. A substrate was dipped into the sol solution and after a meniscus had settled, the substrate was withdrawn at a constant rate of the 3mm/sec. Thicker layer could be built up by repeated dipping/post-treatment 15 times cycles. The layers dried at the temperature of 6570C during the withdrawn process, and then tungsten oxides thin film was formed by final heating treatment at the temperature of 230240C for 30min. A linear rotation between the thickness of thin film and the number of dipping/post-treatment cycles for tungsten oxides thin films made by dip-coating was found. The thickness of thin film had 60\AA after one dipping. From the patterns of XRD, the structure of tungsten oxides thin film identified as amorphous one and from the photographs of SEM, the defects and the moderate cracks were observed on the tungsten oxides thin film, but the homogeneous surface of thin films were mostly appeared. The electrochemical characteristic of the ITO/WO3 thin film electrode were confirmed by the cyclic voltammetry and the cathodic Tafel polaization method. The coloring bleaching processes were clearly repeated up to several hundreds cycles by multiple cyclic voltammetry, but the dissolved phenomenon of thin film revealed in H2SO4 solution was observed due to the decrease of the current densities. The diffusion coefficient was calculated from irreversible Randles-Sevick equation from the data obtained by the cyclic voltammetry with various scan rates.

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Effect of raw soy flour addtion to Jeung-Pyun pizza on fermentation time and viscosity of batters and texture and general desirability of Jeung-Pyun pizza (날콩가루를 첨가한 증편 피자판 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sun;Lee, Chun-Ja; Park, Hye-Won;Myoung, Chun-Ok;Choi, Eun-Jung;Lee Ji-Jung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.267-271
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    • 2000
  • The present study was designed to develop the standardized formula for the preparation Jeung-Pyun with added raw soy flour and to investigate the applicability of Jeung-Pyun as the substitute of regular pizza crust made with wheat flour. The effect of adding raw soy flour at 3%, 5% level on fermentation time and viscosity of batters and texture and general desirability of Jeung-Pyun pizza were also studied. As the level of raw soy flour was increased the time required for 1 st and 2nd fermentation decreased and viscosity of batters increased significantly. Jeung-Pyun crust after steaming found to have appropriate texture and form for a substitute of wheat flour pizza crust. Texture parameters determined by QST showed that Jeung-Pyun crust with added raw soy flour had lower values in hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess without any significant difference. However, chewiness of 5% raw soy flour group was significantly lower than control group. Texture of Jeung-Pyun crust and general desirability of Jeung-Pyun pizza were determined by sensory evaluation. Textural parameters of Jeung-Pyun crust were evaluated on the basis of hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, tenderness and wetness. As a result of sensory evaluation Jeung-Pyun crust made with 5% raw soy flour had significant lower values in hardness, cohesiveness, tenderness and wetness than the control. However, the textural parameters between control and 3 % raw soy flour group were not significantly different. Jeung-Pyun pizza with topping were evaluated by sensory panel. Jeung-Pyun pizza made with 3% raw soy flour received the highest score in apperance and general desirability without any significant difference. 5% raw soy flour group had significantly lower score in general desirability among 3 treatment groups. In conclusion, Jeung-Pyun crust made by traditional Jeung-Pyun preparation method will be a good alternative to replace wheat flour pizza crust. Adding raw soy flour at 3% level did not affect the quality of Jeung-Pyun crust and had an effect of promoting fermentation. Jeung-Pyun Pizza crust was expected to have tender texture and slower retrogradation rate than regular pizza crust with wheat flour.

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Questionnaire Study on the Difficulties and Improvements of the 6th Industrialization Dairy Farm (설문을 통한 6차산업형 목장경영의 애로사항과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Sung;Nam, Ki-Taeg;Park, Seong-Min;Son, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the difficulties of dairy farms in practicing 6th industrialization and methods for overcoming these difficulties. A qustionnaire survey was carried out to examine the present states of farms, recognition of the farmstead milk-processing market situation, possibility of farmstead milk processing for reducing the raw milk surplus, assessment of government policies, and difficulties dairy farmers confront in realizing the 6th industrialization. Farm sizes, types, and human resources organizations varied between farms. Most farmers were producing yogurt and/or fresh (string or barbecue) cheeses, which were marketed through 'Visit and Purchase' channel. Farmers who answered the questionnaire were relatively positive about the current situation of farmstead milk processing, expecting to be involved in the disposal of excess raw milk. Nevertheless, they responded negatively about current relevant policies, citing the main difficulties caused by 'excessive regulation'. Other barriers to successful '6th industrialization' are difficulties in marketing and lack of funds. Approximately 19% of dairy farms practicing the '6th industrialization' use automatic milking system (AMS) and 38.46% of dairy farmers whose milking depends on conventional milking system intend to introduce AMS in the future. Positive expectations of AMS adoption were mostly related to 'lack of time and labor', 'exhibiting for tourism', and 'succession of dairying'.


  • Choi, Nam-Ki;Yang, Kyu-HO;Kim, Seon-Mi;Choi, Choong-Ho
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.634-643
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of blue light emitting diode (LED) Light Curing Units (FreeLight 2, L.E.Demetron I, Ultra-Lume 5) on the microhardness of three resin composites (Z250, Point 4, Dyract AP) and to determine their optimal curing time. Samples were made using acrylic molds (2.0mm×3mm) of each composite. All samples were prepared over a Mylar strip placed on a flat glass surface. After composite placement on the molds, the top surface was covered with another Mylar strip and a glass slab was gently pressed over it. The times of irradiation were as follows: Elipar TriLight, 40 s; Elipar FreeLight 2. L.E.Demetron I, and Ultra-Lume 5, 10s, 20s, 40s, respectively. Mean hardness values were calculated at the top and bottom for each group. ANOVA and Sheffe's test were used to evaluate the statistical significance of the results. Results showed that FreeLight 2, Ultra-Lume 5, and L.E.Demetron I were able to polymerize point 4 in 20 seconds to a degree equal to that of the halogen control at 40 seconds. FreeLight 2 and L.E.Demetron I were able to polymerize Z250 in 10 seconds to a degree equal to that of the halogen control at 20 seconds. FreeLight 2 and L.E.Demetron I were able to polymerize Dyract AP in 10 seconds to a degree equal to that of the halogen control at 40 seconds. The commercially available LED curing lights used in this study showed an adequate microhardness with less than half of the exposure time of a halogen curing unit.

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