• Title/Summary/Keyword: 파괴확률

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Evaluation of the Railroad Track Life Cycle Based on the Metro Rail Wear Data Regression Analysis (지하철 마모 데이터 회귀분석을 통한 궤도 수명 평가)

  • Jeong, Min-Chul;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Lee, Jee-Ha;Kang, Yun-Suk;Kong, Jung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2010
  • The wear of railway track affects loss of rough ride, noise or vibration of train and traveling safety. Moreover as the track is worn away, this promotes destruction of structural mechanism of rail track which can bring about increasing of rail track maintenance cost drastically. For this reason, it is very important and interested research subject to design railway track structure and to analyse train movement mechanism based on systematic analysis of the reasons causing rail wear possible in real field. In this research, for the efficient maintenance, Life Cycle Performance of rail track and maintenance characteristics are computed considering some track components such as track type, contracting type, sleeper type and roadbed type. Time - Wear probabilistic distribution relationship as well as multiple regression analysis based on time, curvature and wear data are computed to predict the service life remainder of railway track and to be adapted to safety assessment.

Detection of Indication of Electric Accident in Simulated Electric Equipments Using Standard Deviation and Probability Distribution (표준편차와 확률분포를 이용한 모의전기설비에서 사고징후 검출)

  • Jee, Seung-Wook;Ok, Kyung-Gea;Kim, Shi-Kuk;Lee, Chun-Ha
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a detecting method for indication of an electric accident in electric equipments. For that, loads of electric equipment is consisted of incandescent lamps. And the electric accident is simulated a tracking test apparatus according to KS C IEC (Korea Standard C International Electrostatic Commission) 60112 at some part of the simulation of the electric equipment. Simulated electric accident is occurred from static states through discharge in progress, carbon formation to tracking breakdown. The total current of electric equipments is measured and analyzed for detecting of indication of the electric accident using a current monitor. For the result, as an electric accident processed, as a current pulse is bigger and a ratio of appearance also increases at certain part of current waveforms. And standard deviation and probability distribution for certain part of current waveforms show remarkably different pattern in each step of electric accident which is irrespective of amount of load.

Ship Collision Risk of Suspension Bridge and Design Vessel Load (현수교의 선박충돌 위험 및 설계박하중)

  • Lee, Seong Lo;Bae, Yong Gwi
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1A
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2006
  • In this study ship collision risk analysis is performed to determine the design vessel for collision impact analysis of suspension bridge. Method II in AASHTO LRFD bridge design specifications which is a more complicated probability based analysis procedure is used to select the design vessel for collision impact. From the assessment of ship collision risk for each bridge pier exposed to ship collision, the design impact lateral strength of bridge pier is determined. The analysis procedure is an iterative process in which a trial impact resistance is selected for a bridge component and a computed annual frequency of collapse(AF) is compared to the acceptance criterion, and revisions to the analysis variables are made as necessary to achieve compliance. The acceptance criterion is allocated to each pier using allocation weights based on the previous predictions. This AF allocation method is compared to the pylon concentration allocation method to obtain safety and economy in results. This method seems to be more reasonable than the pylon concentration allocation method because AF allocation by weights takes the design parameter characteristics quantitatively into consideration although the pylon concentration allocation method brings more economical results when the overestimated design collision strength of piers compared to the strength of pylon is moderately modified. The design vessel for each pier corresponding with the design impact lateral strength obtained from the ship collision risk assessment is then selected. The design impact lateral strength can vary greatly among the components of the same bridge, depending upon the waterway geometry, available water depth, bridge geometry, and vessel traffic characteristics. Therefore more researches on the allocation model of AF and the selection of design vessel are required.

On the Statistical Properties of the Parameters B and q in Creep Crack Growth Law, da/dt=B(C*)q, in the Case of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo Steel (Mod. 9Cr-1Mo강의 크리프 균열 성장 법칙의 파라메터 B와 q의 통계적 성질에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Jin;Park, Jae-Young;Kim, Woo-Gon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with the statistical properties of parameters B and q in the creep crack growth rate (CCGR) law, da/dt=B$(C^*)^q$, in Mod. 9Cr-1Mo (ASME Gr.91) steel which is considered a candidate materials for fabricating next generation nuclear reactors. The CCGR data were obtained by creep crack growth (CCG) tests performed on 1/2-inch compact tension (CT) specimens under an applied load of 5000N at a temperature of $600^{\circ}C$. The CCG behavior was analyzed statistically using the empirical equation between CCGR, da/dt and the creep fracture mechanics parameter, $C^*$. The B and q values were determined for each specimen by the least-squares fitting method. The probability distribution functions for B and q were investigated using normal, log-normal, and Weibull distributions. As far as this study is considered, it can be appeared that B and q followed the log-normal and Weibull distributions. Moreover, a strong positive linear correlation was found between B and q.

Analysis of Flood Water Level Change and Flood Hazard by Natural Stream Restoration - On-Cheon Stream in Busan - (자연형 하천의 복원에 따른 홍수위 변화와 피해 분석 - 부산시 온천천 대상 -)

  • Park, Yong-Woon;Hong, Il-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1187-1190
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    • 2006
  • 최근 급속한 도시화에 따른 토지이용 증가와 토지이용 효율성의 증대는 불투수 표면의 확대, 유역의 조도계수 감소와 함께 유입시간의 단축, 수로망 정비에 의한 첨두유량의 증가, 도달시간의 감소를 발생시켜, 수로의 통수능 증가와 저류량의 급격한 감소 등 전반적인 수문현상의 변화를 가져와 도시 하천유역에 홍수 피해를 빈번히 발생시키고 있을 뿐만 아니라 근시안적인 난개발로 인해 하천 생태계가 파괴되는 등 하천 오염이 갈수록 심각해지고 있다. 근년에 들어 이런 문제 해결을 위해 하천정비시 자연형 개념을 도입하여 공사가 시행되고 있으며 본 연구의 대상하천으로 선정된 온천천이 부산의 그 대표적인 예라 하겠다. 본 연구에서는 자연형 하천의 복원에 따른 홍수위 변화와 피해 분석을 위해 먼저 온천천이 자연형 하천으로 복원되기 이전의 하도 단면과 복원 후 변화된 하도 단면으로 분류하였으며, GIS 기법을 이용해 공간 지형자료를 정량적으로 산출하였다. 하천 복원에 따른 특성 분석을 위하여 부산지방기상청으로부터 수집된 강우자료를 이용하여 확률강우량을 산정한 후 빈도별 홍수량을 산정하였다. 산정된 빈도별 홍수량을 HEC-RAS(River Analysis System) 모형에 적용하여 복원 전.후의 홍수위를 모의한 결과 온천천의 친수공간을 대표하는 주요지점에 대해 안전하다고 판단되었으나 온천천이 시민들의 친수공간으로 이용되고 있는 자연형 하천임을 고려할 때 돌발홍수에 대한 홍수예경보가 반드시 필요하다고 본다.

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Optimal Dispersion Condition for Application of Power Ultrasonic on Epoxy-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites (에폭시-층상실리케이트 나노콤포지트 초음파 적용 최적 분산조건)

  • Park, Jae-Jun;Um, Ji-Yong;Kim, Ho-Kyoun;Yoon, Byung-Jae;Yun, Yo-Wook;Park, Gu-Hyun;Hwang, Byung-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.157-158
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    • 2008
  • 친환경적인 분산기법으로 강력초음파 분산기법이 최근에 여러연구자들에 의해 적용되어 그 성과를 나타내고 있다. 에폭시-층상실리케이트 제조기법 중 가장 중요한 물성향상이 동반 상승되는 경우 분산처리를 통한 나노콤포지트 제조에 있다. 분산능력의 최적상태를 찾기 위해 초음파 적용시간을 4가지 적용시간을 달리하여 제조된 나노콤포지트 기계적, 전기적강도를 측정하여 와이블 확률분포 통계처리를 한 결과 전기적 절연파괴강도와 기계적 굴곡강도에서 최적의 분산상태를 얻을 수 있었다.

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Evalustion and Prediction for the Fatigue crack Initiation and Growth Life by Reliability Approach (I) -Statistical Consideration for Fatigue Crack Growth Life- (신뢰성 공학적 피로 균열의 발생, 진전 수명 평가 및 예측에 관한 연구 ( I ) -피로 균열 진전 수명의 통계학적 분포 특성-)

  • 권재도;최선호;황재석;곽상국;전경옥;장재영
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1583-1591
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    • 1990
  • Life prediction and residual life prediction of structures of machines are one of the most strongly world wide needed problems as requirement in the stage of slowly developing economy which comes after rapidly and highly developing stage. For the purpose of statistical life prediction, fatigue test was conducted under the 4 stress levels, and for each stress level, about 20 specimens are used. The statistical properties of crack growth parameter m and C in the fatigue crack growth law of da/dN=C(.DELTA.K)sup m/, and the relationship between m and C, and the statistical distribution pattern of fatigue crack growth rate can be obtained by experimental results.

Failure Probability of Scoured Pier Foundation under Bi-directional Ground Motions (2방향 지진하중을 받는 세굴된 교각기초의 파괴확률분석)

  • 김상효;마호성;이상우;김영훈
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.300-307
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    • 2002
  • Bridge foundation failure considering the effect of local scour around pier foundations under hi-directional seismic excitations is examined in probabilistic perspectives. The seismic responses of bridges with deep foundations are evaluated with a simplified mechanical model, which can consider the local scour effect around the deep foundation in addition to many other components. The probabilistic characteristics of local scour depths are estimated by using the Monte Carlo simulation. The probabilistic characteristics of basic random variables used in the Monte Carlo simulation are determined from the actual hydraulic data collected in middle size streams in Korea. The failure condition of deep foundation is assumed as bearing capacity failure of the ground below the foundation base. The probability of foundation failure of a simply supported bridge with various scour conditions and hi-directional seismic excitations are examined. It is found that the local scour and the recovery duration are critical factors in evaluating the probability of foundation failure. Moreover, the probability of foundation failure under hi-directional seismic excitations is much higher than under uni-directional seismic excitations. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider hi-directional seismic excitations in evaluating the seismic safety of bridge systems scoured by a flood.

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Mechanical Behavior of Steel Pipe Pin-Cups Embedded in Concrete (콘크리트에 매입된 강관 핀컵의 역학적 거동)

  • Jo, Jae Byung;Im, Seok Bean
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.5 s.72
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    • pp.705-712
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    • 2004
  • To investigate the mechanical behavior of pin cups created from steel pipes embedded in concrete, test blocks were made and load tests were conducted. The pin was inserted in the pin cup at various depths and was loaded in a lateral direction at a constant displacement speed. A formula, which took into consideration the deformation and failure shapes of the pin cups, observed during and after the tests, was used to estimate its mechanical behavior. The test values were determined to be relevant to the formula and were distributed within a reasonably narrow range. The mean and the 95% survival probability value of maximum resistance were determined by factoring the formula at 1.01 and 0.92, respectively.

Improvement of Damage Localization Performance for CFRP-debonding defects using Piezo-electric Sensors (압전센서 기반 CFRP 부착면 탈락 손상영역 탐색성능 향상)

  • Kim, Ju-Won;Lee, Chang-Gil;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Chang, Ha-Joo;Park, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.311-314
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    • 2011
  • 최근 콘크리트 구조물의 안전성강화를 위해 탄소섬유 강화 플라스틱(CFRP) 보강 공법이 널리 사용되고 있지만 잘 알려진 바와 같이 CFRP 보강재와 콘크리트 표면사이의 부착면 탈락은 보강재 자체의 손상보다 발생할 확률이 높고 이러한 부착면 탈락은 보강의 효과를 무의미하게 만들기 때문에 구조물 전체의 파괴로 직결될 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 CFRP 부착면 탈락손상을 실시간으로 검색하기 위해 압전센서를 사용하는 구조물 건전성 평가 기술을 적용하였다. 이의 검증을 위해 CFRP로 보강된 콘크리트 보를 제작하였고 3단계로 증가하는 부착면 탈락 손상을 발생시켰다. 손상 증가 단계마다 CFRP 표면에 배열된 압전센서로부터 임피던스와 유도초음파 신호를 계측하였고 손상에 따른 신호변화를 정량화하기 위해 손상지수인 RMSD를 계산하였다. 더 구체적인 부착면 탈락 손상위치 탐색을 위해서 두 가지 계측 기법으로부터 구해진 RMSD 값를 중첩시키는 Superposed RMSD 가 제안되었다. 구해진 Superposed RMSD 값을 사용하여 커브 피팅이 수행되었고 도출된 커브의 최고값에 해당하는 위치값을 찾아 실제 손상위치와 비교함으로써 제안된 기법의 가능성을 검증해 보았다.

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