• Title/Summary/Keyword: 투명성

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Effects of Recipient Oocytes and Electric Stimulation Condition on In Vitro Development of Cloned Embryos after Interspecies Nuclear Transfer with Caprine Somatic Cell (수핵난자와 전기적 융합조건이 산양의 이종간 복제수정란의 체외발달에 미치는 영향)

  • 이명열;박희성
    • Reproductive and Developmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to investigate the developmental ability of caprine embryos after somatic cell interspecies nuclear transfer. Recipient bovine and porcine oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse and were matured in vitro according to established protocols. Donor cells were obtained from an ear-skin biopsy of a caprine, digested with 0.25% trypsin-EDTA in PBS and primary fibroblast cultures were established in TCM-199 with 10% FBS. The matured oocytes were dipped in D-PBS plus 10% FBS + 7.5 $\mu$ g/ml cytochalasin B and 0.05M sucrose. Enucleation were accomplished by aspirating the first polar body and partial cytoplasm which containing metaphase II chromosomes using a micropipette with an out diameter of 20∼30 $\mu$m. A Single donor cell was individually transferred into the perivitelline space of each enucleated oocyte. The reconstructed oocytes were electric fusion with 0.3M mannitol fusion medium. After the electrofusion, embryos were activated by electric stimulation. Interspecies nuclear transfer embryos with bovine cytoplasts were cultured in TCM-199 medium supplemented with 10% FBS including bovine oviduct epithelial cells for 7∼9 day. And porcine cytoplasts were cultured in NCSU-23 medium supplemented with 10% FBS for 6 ∼8 day at $39^{\circ}C, 5% CO_2 $in air. Interspecies nuclear transfer by recipient bovine oocytes were fused with electric length 1.95 kv/cm and 2.10 kv/cm. There was no significant difference between two electric length in fusion rate(47.7 and 44.6%) and in cleavage rate(41.9 and 54.5%). Using electric length 1.95 kv/cm and 2.10 kv/cm in caprine-porcine NT oocytes, there was also no significant difference between two treatments in fusion rate(51.3 and 46.1%) and in cleavage rate(75.0 and 84.9%). The caprine-bovine NT oocytes fusion rate was lower(P<0.05) in 1 pulse for 60 $\mu$sec(19.3%), than those from 1 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(50.8%) and 2 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(31.0%). The cleavage rate was higher(P<0.05) in 1 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(53.3%) and 2 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(50.0%), than in 1 pulse for 60 $\mu$sec(18.2%). The caprine-porcine NT oocytes fusion rate was 48.1% in 1 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec, 45.2% in 2 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec and 48.6% in 1 pulse for 60 $\mu$sec. The cleavage rate was higher(P<0.05) in 1 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(78.4%) and 1 pulse for 60 $\mu$sec(79.4%), than in 2 pulse for 30 $\mu$sec(53.6%). In caprine-bovine NT embryos, the developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos were 22.6% in interspecies nuclear transfer and 30.6% in parthenotes, which was no significant differed. The developmental rate of morula and blastocyst stage embryos with caprine-porcine NT embryos were lower(P<0.05) in interspecies nuclear transfer(5.1%) than parthenotes(37.4%).

Simultaneous Production System of Silkworm Dongchunghacho and Male Pupae Using Both Parent Sex-limited Larval Marking Variety (한성반문잠품종을 이용한 누에동충하초 및 숫번데기의 동시 생산체계)

  • Ji, Sang-Duk;Kim, Nam-Suk;Kang, Pil-Don;Sung, Gyoo-Byung;Hong, In-Pyo;Ryu, Kang Sun;Kim, Young-Ki;Nam, Sung-Hee;Kim, Mi-Ja;Kim, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to confirm the mass production of male pupae and sex-limited larval marking variety as a host for synnemata production of Isaria tenupes in RDA(Rural Development Administration). Silkworm pupation, infection rate and synnemate formation of I.tenuipes were examined. Among the silkworm varieties tested, male Hansaengjam showed the highest pupation rate at 98.7%. I. tenuipes infection rate of larvae of newly-exuviated 5th instar silkworm was 83.7 ~ 90.4% in the spring rearing season and 91.7 ~ 96.6% in the autumn rearing season. Synnemata production of I. tenuipes was execellent in female Yangwonjam with an incidence rate of 99.5% followed by male Yangwonjam(99.5%) and Baegokjam(99.4%) in the spring and autumn rearing season. Synnemata living weight ranged from 0.93 ~ 1.25 g in the spring rearing season. The female Hansaengjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(1.25 g). Synnemata dry weight ranged from 0.27 ~ 0.35 g in the spring rearing season. The female Yangwonjam had the heaviest synnemata weight(0.35 g).

Self-purification Mechanisms in Natural Environments of Korea: I. A Preliminary Study on the Behavior of Organic/Inorganic Elements in Tidal Flats and Rice Fields (자연 정화작용 연구: I. 갯벌과 농지 상층수중 유 ${\cdot}$ 무기 원소의 거동에 관한 예비 연구)

  • Choi, Kang-Won;Cho, Yeong-Gil;Choi, Man-Sik;Lee, Bok-Ja;Hyun, Jung-Ho;Kang, Jeong-Won;Jung, Hoi-Soo
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2000
  • Organic and inorganic characteristics including bacterial cell number, enzyme activity, nutrients, and heavy metals have been monitored in twelve acrylic experimental tanks for two weeks to estimate and compare self-purification capacities in two Korean wet-land environments, tidal flat and rice field, which are possibly different with the environments in other countries because of their own climatic conditions. FW tanks, filled with rice field soils and fresh water, consist of FW1&2 (with paddy), FW3&4 (without paddy), and FW5&6 (newly reclaimed, without paddy). SW tanks, filled with tidal flat sediments and salt water, are SW1&2 (with anoxic silty mud), SW3&4 (anoxic mud), and SW5&6 (suboxic mud). Contaminated solution, which is formulated with the salts of Cu, Cd, As, Cr, Pb, Hg, and glucose+glutamic acid, was spiked into the supernatent waters in the tanks. Nitrate concentrations in supernatent waters as well as bacterial cell numbers and enzyme activities of soils in the FW tanks (except FW5&6) are clearly higher than those in the SW tanks. Phosphate concentrations in the SW1 tank increase highly with time compared to those in the other SW tanks. Removal rates of Cu, Cd, and As in supematent waters of the FW5&6 tanks are most slow in the FW tanks, while the rates in SW1&2 are most fast in the SW tanks. The rate for Pb in the SW1&2 tanks is most fast in the SW tanks, and the rate for Hg in the FW5&6 tanks is most slow in the FW tanks. Cr concentrations decrease generally with time in the FW tanks. In the SW tanks, however, the Cr concentrations decrease rapidly at first, then increase, and then remain nearly constant. These results imply that labile organic materials are depleted in the FW5&6 tanks compared to the FW1&2 and FW3&4 tanks. Removal of Cu, Cd, As from the supernatent waters as well as slow removal rates of the elements (including Hg) are likely due to the combining of the elements with organic ligands on the suspended particles and subsequent removal to the bottom sediments. Fast removal rates of the metal ions (Cu, Cd, As) and rapid increase of phosphate concentrations in the SW1&2 tanks are possibly due to the relatively porous anoxic sediments in the SW1&2 tanks compared to those in the SW3&4 tanks, efficient supply of phosphate and hydrogen sulfide ions in pore wates to the upper water body, complexing of the metal ions with the sulfide ions, and subsequent removal to the bottom sediments. Organic materials on the particles and sulfide ions from the pore waters are the major factors constraining the behaviors of organic/inorganic elements in the supernatent waters of the experimental tanks. This study needs more consideration on more diverse organic and inorganic elements and experimental conditions such as tidal action, temperature variation, activities of benthic animals, etc.

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