• Title/Summary/Keyword: 통합운영방법

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Development of Cyber R&D Platform on Total System Performance Assessment for a Potential HLW Repository ; Application for Development of Scenario through QA Procedures (고준위 방사성폐기물 처분 종합 성능 평가 (TSPA)를 위한 Cyber R&D Platform 개발 ; 시나리오 도출 과정에서의 품질보증 적용 사례)

  • Seo Eun-Jin;Hwang Yong-soo;Kang Chul-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2005
  • Transparency on the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA) is the key issue to enhance the public acceptance for a permanent high level radioactive repository. To approve it, all performances on TSPA through Quality Assurance is necessary. The integrated Cyber R&D Platform is developed by KAERI using the T2R3 principles applicable for five major steps in R&D's. The proposed system is implemented in the web-based system so that all participants in TSPA are able to access the system. It is composed of FEAS (FEp to Assessment through Scenario development) showing systematic approach from the FEPs to Assessment methods flow chart, PAID (Performance Assessment Input Databases) showing PA(Performance Assessment) input data set in web based system and QA system receding those data. All information is integrated into Cyber R&D Platform so that every data in the system can be checked whenever necessary. For more user-friendly system, system upgrade included input data & documentation package is under development. Throughout the next phase R&D, Cyber R&D Platform will be connected with the assessment tool for TSPA so that it will be expected to search the whole information in one unified system.

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Evaluation of Tumor Registry Validity in Samsung Medical Center Radiation Oncology Department (삼성서울병원 방사선종양학과 종양등록 정보의 타당도 평가)

  • Park Won;Huh Seung Jae;Kim Dae Yong;Shin Seong Soo;Ahn Yong Chan;Lim Do Hoon;Kim Seonwoo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : A tumor registry system for the patients treated by radiotherapy at Samsung Medical Center since the opening of a hospital at 1994 was employed. In this study, the tumor registry system was introduced and the validity of the tumor registration was analyzed. Materials and Methods: The tumor registry system was composed of three parts: patient demographic, diagnostic, and treatment Information. All data were input in a screen using a mouse only. Among the 10,000 registered cases in the tumor registry system until Aug, 2002, 199 were randomly selected and their registration data were compared with the patients' medical records. Results : Total input errors were detected on 15 cases (7.5%). There were 8 error items In the part relating to diagnostic Information: tumor site 3, pathology 2, AJCC staging 2 and performance status 1. In the part relating to treatment information there were 9 mistaken items: combination treatment 4, the date of initial treatment 3 and radiation completeness 2. According to the assignment doctor, the error ratio was consequently variable. The doctors who 010 no double-checks showed higher errors than those that 010 (15.6%:3.7%). Conclusion: Our tumor registry had errors within 2% for each Item. Although the overall data qualify was high, further improvement might be achieved through promoting sincerity, continuing training, periodic validity tests and keeping double-checks. Also, some items associated with the hospital Information system will be input automatically In the next step.

Accuracy Analysis of FKP for Public Surveying and Cadastral Resurvey (공공측량 및 지적재조사 사업 적용을 위한 FKP 정밀도 분석)

  • Park, Jin Sol;Han, Joong-Hee;Kwon, Jay Hyoun;Shin, Han Sup
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.23-24
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    • 2014
  • NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) has been providing VRS (Virtual Reference Station) service so that could determine precise positioning in real time since 2007. However, since the VRS service has to maintain the connected status with VRS server, the number of users who can use VRS service are limited by capacity of VRS server. To solve this problem, NGII has been providing FKP (Virtual Reference Station) service using one way telecommunication from November 1, 2012. Therefore, it is predicted that the usage of FKP service will increase in public surveying and cadastral resurveying in the future. However, the studies with respect to analysis of FKP precision for applying to public surveying and cadastral resurveying is not conducted enough. In this study, to analyse the application possibility of FKP on the public surveying and cadastral resurveying, the two kind analysis were performed. First is the analysis of accuracy according to the configuration of reference station of FKP and VRS. One is consisted of same reference stations, another is consisted of different reference stations. Second is the accuracy anlalysis of horizontal and vertical positioning acquiring VRS and FKP data in various measurement environment based on VRS regulation. Result of first study, Positioning accuracy according to the configuration of the reference stations satisfies related regulation. However, accuracy of FKP in case of different reference stations is worse than in case of same reference stations.. The result of second test shows that the horizontal precision of FKP and VRS in good measurement environment satisfy the allowed precision. However, in some case, horizontal precision of FKP and VRS in poor measurement environment exceed the allowed precision. In addition, the number of exceeding the allowed precision in the FKP is more than the VRS. The vertical precision of the VRS satisfy related work provision. In conclusion, the result of this study shows that the FKP only in open area should be used for public survey and cadastral resurvey. Therefore the additional studies with respect to the improvement of FKP precision should be conducted.

Policy suggestions to educate and produce outstanding paramedics in Korea (우수한 1급 응급구조사 인력 양성 및 배출을 위한 정책 제안)

  • Choi, Eun-Sook;Koh, Bong-Yeun;Park, Hee-Jin;Kim, Hyo-Sik;Kwon, Hay-Rran;Choi, Hea-Kyung;Lee, Kyoung-Youl;Yun, Jong-Geun;Hong, Sung-Gi;Cho, Keun-Ja
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: With the purpose of educating and producing outstanding paramedics by enhancing their competencies, this study aimed to make policy suggestions to re-establish the education system and improve the national examination and the certification scheme. Methods: This study used focus group interviews and questionnaires to collect data. Totally, there were 277 subjects, including experts from the education and field. Data were collected from September 9 to 20, 2016, and analyzed using SPSS 22.0. Results: To strengthen the curriculum of paramedics, this study suggested 27 courses with 94 credits as the standardized curriculum and derived 9 core competencies of paramedics. For the national examination, this study suggested consolidating written test subjects, adding scenario questions to practical tests, and applying critical criteria to simple practical tests that performs a procedure, grading these tests on a pass/fail basis. In addition, this study suggested converting certification into license, reflecting paramedics' healthcare job characteristics. Conclusion: The quality of emergency medical services in Korea will improve when those with core competencies that originated from the standardized curriculum based on the results of this study acquire their certification through the national test scheme, and the certification management system creates a virtuous cycle to further enhance paramedics' professionalism.

A Study on a Quantified Structure Simulation Technique for Product Design Based on Augmented Reality (제품 디자인을 위한 증강현실 기반 정량구조 시뮬레이션 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Hun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2005
  • Most of product designers use 3D CAD system as a inevitable design tool nowadays and many new products are developed through a concurrent engineering process. However, it is very difficult for novice designers to get the sense of reality from modeling objects shown in the computer screens. Such a intangibility problem comes from the lack of haptic interactions and contextual information about the real space because designers tend to do 3D modeling works only in a virtual space of 3D CAD system. To address this problem, this research investigate the possibility of a interactive quantified structure simulation for product design using AR(augmented reality) which can register a 3D CAD modeling object on the real space. We built a quantified structure simulation system based on AR and conducted a series of experiments to measure how accurately human perceive and adjust the size of virtual objects under varied experimental conditions in the AR environment. The experiment participants adjusted a virtual cube to a reference real cube within 1.3% relative error(5.3% relative StDev). The results gave the strong evidence that the participants can perceive the size of a virtual object very accurately. Furthermore, we found that it is easier to perceive the size of a virtual object in the condition of presenting plenty of real reference objects than few reference objects, and using LCD panel than HMD. We tried to apply the simulation system to identify preference characteristics for the appearance design of a home-service robot as a case study which explores the potential application of the system. There were significant variances in participants' preferred characteristics about robot appearance and that was supposed to come from the lack of typicality of robot image. Then, several characteristic groups were segmented by duster analysis. On the other hand, it was interesting finding that participants have significantly different preference characteristics between robot with arm and armless robot and there was a very strong correlation between the height of robot and arm length as a human body.

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A Study on the Cubism - In it's relation to Bergsonian Philosophy and Simultaneity - (큐비즘에 관한 연구 - 베르그송 철학과 동시성 개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Ryu, Ji-Seok;Oh, Chan-Ohk
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2005
  • The French Belle Epoque is a period where the literary and artistic movement was very activated. The birth of the cubism reflects this atmosphere of the times and the change of paradigm in all fields. The Bergsonism is often designated as one of the important backgrounds of cubism. The problem consists in knowing if Bergsonian ideas gave real influence on the cubist movement and up to what point. Our analysis will show that it is not homogenous and very variable according to painters. In the case of Picasso and Braques it seems be a simple inspiration of Zeitgeist. But the influence upon Metzinger and Gleizes is explicit. The text of 1912, Du cubism, prove their attachment to his thought. The key concept of cubist theory, influenced by Bergsonian philosophy, is the concept of simultaneity. Cubist simultaneity is in one hand a reflection of an artist's psychological experience and the other hand a synthesis of multiple views for grasping the object in itself by the way of conceptual representation. The temporal simultaneity could be identified with the notion of memory, which is a temporal continuity connecting the past to dynamic present. The spatial simultaneity is a juxtaposition of multiple views obtained by the movement around the object. But the dose reading of Bergson's text shows that there is a divergence between the notion of cubist simultaneity and his ideas. The biased interpretation is often, as well as the strict understanding, like the history shows us well, a great source of inspiration and creativity. The cubist mouvement is not far from this case.

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A Study on Human Rights Behavior of Korean Care Workerin Long Term Care Facilities: The Interaction Effect of Human Rights Awareness and Service Orientations (장기요양기관 요양보호사의 노인인권옹호행동 영향요인: 개인의 인권의식과 조직의 서비스 지향성을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Mee-Hye;Kim, Ju-Hyun;Chung, Soon-Dool
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.673-691
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    • 2016
  • As the provision of long-term care policy takes root and with a gradual increase in elderly population, the use of elderly care service has become a growing norm. More than ever, there exists an urgent need for a paradigm shift in the building of an institutional basis for the improvement of care service, from the prevalent practice of 'need based service' toward the concept of 'human rights based service'. A great focus is being shed on care-workers, at the 'front line' of advocating human rights, as their human rights advocacy behaviour is seen as a key variable in providing high quality care service for elders. This study aims to examine how care-workers' individual human rights awareness levels, and the influence of their respective organizations, as an environmental factor, affect their human rights advocacy behaviour. The study includes a comprehensive analysis of the interactions between the regulatory effect of environmental factors (service orientation?) on an organizational level, human rights awareness (individual level) and the service environment (organizational). The analysis sample consisted of 782 registered non-profit corporation of long-term care facilities all over the country in 2014. The findings of the thesis suggest that human rights awareness at individual levels has a significant influence on human rights advocacy behavior. The interaction of human resources management in service orientations was also found to influence human rights advocacy on a significant level. Both human rights awareness at individual level and service orientations at organizational level were thus determined as key variables for improving the human rights awareness of care worker in long-term care facilities in Korea.

Development of Social Entrepreneurship Multidimensional Model and Framework: Focusing on the Cooperation Orientation of Social Enterprises (사회적기업가정신 다차원 모형 및 프레임워크: 사회적기업의 협력지향성을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Han Jun;Sung, Chang Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the unique entrepreneurial behavioral attributes of social enterprises that are distinct from for-profit enterprises at the organizational level, derive a social entrepreneurship model that reflects the unique characteristics of social enterprises as strategic decision-making and organizational behavioral tendencies. In order to effectively achieve the purpose of this study, previous studies were reviewed, and qualitative studies were conducted using the grounded theory method based on this. In this study, social entrepreneurship was identified as five sub-factors through a series of analysis processes, and 'Social value orientation; Innovativeness; Pro-activeness; Risk taking; Cooperation orientation' was newly proposed. It also proposed a new social entrepreneurship framework that integrates and explains the multidimensional model of social entrepreneurship by reviewing and connecting the relationships between each sub-factor of the research model. The 'social entrepreneurship framework' classified the social entrepreneurship model into 'pro-social motivation', 'pro-social behavior', and 'entrepreneurial behavior' attributes and explained them by linking them with each sub-factor that constitutes social entrepreneurship. The most remarkable difference between this study and previous studies is that it identified and added 'Cooperation orientation' as a sub-factor constituting social entrepreneurship from the organizational-level behavioral point of view. Through this study, 'Cooperation orientation' was identified as a major behavioral tendency for social enterprises to materialize pro-social motivation, strengthen the economic foundation of business activities, and improve the efficiency of business operations. 'Cooperation orientation' is a major behavioral tendency that strengthens the legitimacy of business activities between pro-social motivation and profit-seeking of social enterprises, improves the performance of social value creation activities, and overcomes the difficulties of resource constraints through cooperation with the outside and improves operational efficiency. In addition, it was confirmed that 'Cooperation orientation' is a major behavioral tendency of social enterprises that is manifested simultaneously in social value-oriented activities and entrepreneurial activities pursuing profit. The 'Cooperation orientation' newly identified in the study supplements the previous research, increases the explanatory power of the theory of social entrepreneurship, and provides the basis for theoretical expansion to subsequent researchers.

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Directions for Legislative Improvement for the Creation and Operation of Ecological Parks (생태공원의 조성과 운영 내실화를 위한 법제적 개선 방향)

  • Kim, Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2024
  • Despite the increasing importance of urban parks' ecological functions in dealing with the climate crisis, ecological parks are not clearly defined in Korea's legal system. Numerous ecological parks created nationwide cannot be systematically designated and managed due to various legal bases and varying management authorities. It is important to clarify the legal status of ecological parks in order to lead the ecological paradigm shift of urban parks and to improve the natural park system for a comprehensive and integrated approach to protect the national ecosystem. To this end, related laws were analyzed to identify problems and to draw directions for legislative improvement. Through the literature review of relevant laws, acts, and ordinances, six major directions for improvement were suggested based on the analysis of problems. First, the legal status of ecological parks in the administrative dichotomy of the current park system is ambiguous, and ecological parks should be clarified through the revision of park-related laws. Second, an ecological park can be defined as a sustainable park created and managed in an ecological manner, promoting the protection and restoration of the ecosystem, conservation, and promotion of biodiversity, and balancing nature observation, ecological learning, and leisure activities. Third, the role of the state and local governments should be systematically revised to lead to a new park planning and management model through new governance. Fourth, since the characteristics of ecological parks are affected by individual laws, the possibility of overlapping ecological parks for other uses should be allowed. Fifth, detailed guidelines and standard ordinances need to be enacted to meet the goals, principles, and facilities of ecological parks. Lastly, along with the revision of the laws, ordinances by local governments also need to be more concrete. This study, which tracks various legal realities related to ecological parks, can contribute to policymaking that can systematize the foundation for the creation of ecological parks to preserve nationwide ecosystems and provide citizens with opportunities to experience and learn about nature.

After the COVID-19 Pandemic, New Tasks and Directions of Christian Education in Korean Churches (코로나 팬데믹 이후 한국교회 기독교교육의 19 새로운 과제와 방향)

  • Jeong Joon Kim
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.78
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    • pp.21-55
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    • 2024
  • Purpose of study: The purpose of this study is to examine the crisis situation of Christian education experienced by Korean churches and theological education institutions after the COVID-19 pandemic, and to seek new tasks and directions that Korean churches should prepare for the recovery and growth of Christian education. Research Contents and Methods: Before reviewing the current crisis experienced by Korean churches and theological education institutions after the COVID-19 pandemic, the terms and concepts of Christian education are first reflected. In addition, the causes and phenomena of the Korean church and Christian education crisis after the COVID-19 Pandemic are examined through statistics, media, and church field data. The researcher identified the causes of the crisis experienced by Korean churches and theological education institutions as follows: 1. The influence of COVID-19 Pandemic: suspension of faith and educational activities, 2. The age of population cliffs: increase in the elderly vs. decrease in young people, 3. Neoliberalism: marketism, infinite competition, efficiency, winner-take-all, 4. post-religious era: post-Christianity, weakened communitarianism, and reduced number of Christians. The results of this study are four points as follows: 1. Crisis of church education: suspension of operation of Sunday school and feeling of failure, 2. Crisis of faith of young generation: nurturing unstable future church leaders, 3. Faith of adult generation: crisis and hope, 4. The faith of the elderly generation: light and shadow. Conclusion and Recommendations: The new task and direction of Christian education that Korean churches should pursue after the COVID-19 pandemic are as follows: 1. New conversion of Sunday school faith education: From schooling-paradigm education to faith education that integrates family and generation. 2. New conversion of theological education: From knowledge education to spirituality training. 3. Re-ignition of faith education for middle-aged adults: Activation of faith through worship and small groups, 4. New conversion of church elder education: The need to change from caring objects to creative religious life.