• Title/Summary/Keyword: 탈황공정

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Modification of GGH Leakage Evaluation Equations in Wet FGD System (습식 배연탈황공정에서 GGH 누설률 평가식의 수정)

  • 천성남;안영모;장경룡
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.05b
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    • pp.387-388
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    • 2003
  • 습식 배연탈황 공정에서는 흡수탑 내에서의 황산화물 흡수율을 높일 목적으로 흡수탑으로 유입되는 배기가스를 약 5$0^{\circ}C$까지 냉각하고, 처리된 배기가스는 연돌에서의 자연 통풍력을 확보하고 연돌 배출 후 수분의 응축으로 인한 백연(white Plume)의 문제를 방지하고자 통상 9$0^{\circ}C$ 이상으로 가온하는 것이 일반적이며 이를 위해 다양한 형식의 열교환기가 설치 운영되고 있다. 탈황공정에서 흔히 GGH(gas to gas heater)라 불리는 Ljungstrom 방식의 열 교환기는 미처리된 고온가스와 처리된 저온 가스가 회전하는 열교환소자로 이루어진 영역을 지나면서 열 교환이 이루어지는 형태로 회전 부위 및 두 가스흐름의 구분 판(sector plate) 등에서 필연적으로 처리가스 흐름 중으로 미처리 가스의 누입이 일어나게 된다. (중략)

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Efficient bio-gas desulfurization purification technology development Using ion-exchange fibers (이온교환섬유를 이용한 바이오가스 고효율 탈황정제기술 개발)

  • Tak, Bong-Yeol;Tak, Bong-Sik;Min, Gil-Ho;Lee, Sang-Min;Lee, Won-Gu;Lee, So-A
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.116-116
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    • 2011
  • 바이오 가스 플랜트의 혐기소화 공정에서 발생하는 바이오 가스는 중 유해가스인 황하수소($H_2S$)는 부식성 가스로 수천 PPM농도를 함유하여, 발전기나 가스보일러로 이용하는 경우에는 $H_2S$를 제거하는 탈황공정이 반드시 필요하다. 탈황방식에는 산화철 탈황(건식 탈황)과 생물 탈황이 현재 많이 사용되고 있어나 산화철 탈황은 산화철 pellet이 유화철에 변화하면 탈황능력이 저하되어 pellet을 교환해야 하며 많은 비용이 발생한다. 생물 탈황 방식은 유황산화세균의 서식활동조건(온도, 반응시간, 산소량)확보가 반드시 필요하여 높은 운전기술을 필요로 한다. 본 연구에서는 바이오가스 전처리 기술 중 활성탄 또는 약액을 이용한 기존의 탈황정제방식보다 흡착성능이 뛰어난 이온교환섬유를 이용하여, 황화수소($H_2S$)를 95% 이상 제거할 수 있는 고효율 섬유상 이온촉매 악취제거 시스템 개발을 수행하였다. 이온교환섬유는 방사선 조사를 이용하여 부직포에 라디칼을 인위적으로 형성시켜(그라프트 중합) 양이온 또는 양이온을 교환할 수 있도록 제조된 섬유상의 흡착제로, 이온교환 섬유의 화학적 이온교환과 물리적 흡착 및 탈착반응이 동시에 발생되고, 활성탄/실리카켈 보다 흡착능력이 2~4배 높다. 또한 이온섬유의 재생기능을 이용하여 장기적 다양한 악취($H_2S$, $NH_3$, 아민계, 메르갑탄류, 알데히드 등) 및 유해가스(VOCs, NOx, SOx) 등을 95% 이상 제거할 수 있다.

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Characteristics of By-product in Non-thermal Plasma DeSOx and DeNOx Process (플라즈마 탈황탈질 공정의 부산물 특성)

  • 김유석;최석호;유정석;백민수;장길홍
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.233-234
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    • 2000
  • 저온 플라즈마 탈황탈질 동시처리 공정은 경제적인 장점과 함께 2차 오염물 발생 없이 비료성분을 부산물로 얻을 수 있다는 이점 때문에 국내외적으로 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다 이와 같은 저온 플라즈마 공정은 크게 가스상 물질을 제거하기 위한 플라즈마 반응 공정과 가스상 물질 제거이후 발생하는 고형화된 부산물 제거를 위한 부수 공정으로 구분할 수 있는데, 지금까지의 연구분야는 가스상 오염물질을 제거하는 공정에 초점이 모아져 왔다. (중략)

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A study on the Characteristic of Waste Ground Rubber Tire Powders with Pre-treatment Process for Recycling (전처리 공정에 따른 폐타이어 재생 고무분말의 특성연구)

  • Park, Jongmoon;An, Ju-Young;Park, Jin-Eui;Bang, DaeSuk;Kim, Bong-Suk;Oh, Myung-Hoon
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2015
  • In this study, mechanical properties of waste ground rubber tire powder were investigated to evaluate the influence of pre-treatment process for recycling. The tensile test, fracture test and morphology observation were carried out using various kinds of waste ground tire powders, which were produced by grinding and devulcanization process, respectively. As a results, it was found that the produced rubber powder through grinding process increased its tensile strength and elongation with decreasing particle size because of decreasing surface area. Devulcanized rubber powder also increased its tensile strength and elongation by de-crosslink with sulfur. It could be also suggested that devulcanization treatment after grinding process was more efficient recycling process for both increasing tensile property and fracture elongation of waste ground rubber tire powders.

Designing Desulfurization Reactor by Numerical Modeling including Desulfurization, Regeneration Processes, and Adsorption Rate Estimation (탈황, 재생공정 및 흡착속도 추정을 포함한 디젤용 탈황반응기 설계)

  • Choi, Chang Yong;Im, Do Jin
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.874-880
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we performed numerical simulation of the adsorptive desulfurization reactor for a 100 kW fuel cell. Using experimental results and the adsorption kinetics theory, the adsorption rate of sulfur in diesel was estimated and verified by numerical analysis. By analyzing the performance of desulfurization according to reactor size, the optimal reactor size was determined. By maximizing processed diesel amount, optimal diesel flow rate was determined. Regeneration process was also confirmed for the obtained optimal reactor size. The present work will be utilized to design a diesel desulfurization reactor for a fuel cell used in a ship by further process modeling and economic analysis.

A Study on Desulfurization Efficiency of Limestone Sludge with Particle Size (석회석 슬러지의 입도제어에 따른 배연탈황효율에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Sung Kwan;Chu, Yong Sik;Shim, Kwang Bo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2015
  • Flue gas desulfurization(FGD) is the technique to remove $SO_2$ gas from stack gases of coal-fired plants. Many researcher have studied to replace the desulfurizing agent because FGD systems use a lot of limestone and energy. In this study, we use the limestone sludge which is a by-product of steel industry in order to replace desulfurizing agent of FGD system by control the particle size of limestone sludge. And desulfurization performance test is implemented by investigating $SO_2$ gas removal properties upon the characteristic of the limestone sludge with various particle size.

Effect of Nonionic Surfactant SPAN 20 on the Biodesulfurization Process by Rhodococcus sp. strain IGTS8 (비이온 계면활성제인 SPAN 20 이 Rhodococcus sp. Strain IGTS8을 이용한 미생물 탈황공정에 미치는 영향)

  • 박홍우;박기돈;오성근
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2002
  • The effects of nonionic surfactant (SPAN 20) on the desulfurization process by Rhodococcus sp. strain IGTS8 have been investigated at various oil/water ratios, pHs and concentrations of surfactant. The hexadecane containing DBT was employed as model oil. The presence of surfactant in the oil/water mixture stabilized the oil/water interface, thus enhanced the efficiency of desulfurization. The volume percentages of oil in the oil/water mixture were 30, 50 and 70%. The concentrations of surfactant were varied from 0 to 0.33 wt% relative to water phase. In general, the biodesulfurization efficiencies were decreased as the concentration of SPAN 20 and the volume percentage of oil phase increased.

Microbial Desulfurization of Coal by Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Thiobacillus ferrooxidans in packed beds (철산화 박테리아 Thiobacillus ferrooxidans를 이용한 충전탑 반응기에서의 석탄의 생물학적 탈황)

  • 류희욱
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 1999
  • To evaluate the technical of microbial coal desulfurization during the storage in coal dumps, microbial pyrite oxidation in a packed column reactor with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has been investigated. For microbial desulfurization in a packed reactor system, coal particle size over 1.0 mm with uniform size distribution seems to be most suitable as fas as drainage behavior and accessability of pyrite are concerned. When coal samples of 1∼2 and 2∼4 mm particle size were size were used, about 32∼42% of pyritic sulfur was removed within 70 days. The rate of pyritic sulfur oxidation was in the range of 348∼803 mg S/kg coal ·d, and the sulfur removal rates in packed columns were about 15∼25% of those in suspension cultures. Without any circulation of liquid medium, microbial coal desulfurization could be possible by the inoculation of T. ferrooxidans along on the coal dump. It was concluded that a microbial percolation process is one of possible processes for the desulfurization of high sulfur coal during a long-term storage.

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타이타니아계 촉매 환원반응에 의한 아황산가스의 제거

  • 권재범;정종국;우희철;이내우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Industrial Safety Conference
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    • 2000.06a
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    • pp.164-168
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    • 2000
  • 화석연료의 사용증가로 인해 배출되는 산성가스인 $SO_2$, NOx 는 보건위생상 독성물질로서, 산성비의 주요 성분으로 규제의 대상이며, 이를 감소시키기 위한 노력이 활발히 진행되어 왔다. 배연가스중의 $SO_2$ 처리 공정의 대표적 예는 석회석 슬러리를 이용한 습식 탈황으로 여러 나라에서 사용되고 있으나, 폐수발생과 넓은 설치면적, 고형 폐기물의 발생 등으로 인하여 보다 개선된 공정의 개발이 요구되고 있다. 이에 유망한 기술로 제시되고 있는 것이 재생탈황공정이다. (중략)

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Desulfurization Reaction according to Ladle Slag Recycling Method in Shaft-Type EAF Operation (Shaft형 전기로 공정에서 ladle 슬래그 재활용 방법에 따른 탈황반응)

  • Jung-Min Yoo
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2024
  • The residual heat and high CaO content present in the slag remaining in the ladle after the completion of continuous casting in the electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking process have been utilized to reduce power consumption and lime usage in the ladle furnace (LF) process. However, if the timing of such processes does not align with the LF and continuous casting operations, the recycling rate will decrease. To increase the slag recycling rate, the effect of ladle slag recycling methods, specifically pouring ladle slag into the slag pot in advance for subsequent recycling, on LF operations was analyzed. The slag liquefaction rate was calculated using the thermodynamic program Factsage 8.3 for ladle molten slag recycling methods. By applying each of the 10 heats operations for the ladle slag recycling methods, the desulfurization ability and LF operation performance were compared. It was found that when slag was immediately recycled into the ladle after continuous casting was completed, power consumption decreased by 0.3 MWh, LF operation time was shortened by 1.2 minutes, and the desulfurization rate increased by 5.8%.