• Title/Summary/Keyword: 쾌적환경

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A Study of Community Awareness in Local Residents after the Restoration of Seongnaecheon (성내천 복원 후 지역주민의 커뮤니티 의식에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Su;Lee, In-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2011
  • During the industrialization and urbanization of the country, urban rivers have been covered over and developed without forethought and thus became estranged from spaces utilized by area residents in everyday life. Recently, an influx of people and uses have increased largely because accessibility improved through restoration projects which have transformed these river areas into pleasant environments. It thus appears that these projects have an impact on community consciousness for area residents who live near the restored rivers to some extent. The purpose of this study was to determine via questionnaire the effects and influences of urban river restoration on area residents targeting visitors to Seongnaecheon(stream), Songpa-gu, Seoul, which has been restored recently. Factors in the questionnaire analysis included such items as the use status of Seongnaecheon, community consciousness(feeling of belonging, solidarity, feeling settled), and a before and after comparison of the restoration(change of consciousness, regional effects), etc. According to the results of analysis, visitors who have utilized the stream more than 1~2 times per week after the restoration project accounted for the greatest portion. The main purposes of these visits were to 'rest' and 'exercise' while the ratio of using it as a 'meeting space with neighbors and strangers' was low. Community consciousness of area residents using Seongnaecheon was generally high. As a result of an analysis of consciousness differences between groups after dividing visitors into 3 groups according to the frequency of visits, there were significant differences in the consciousness level between groups with high community consciousness levels in visitors who visited frequently. In consideration of these results, the provision of programs along with proper facilities that can be used is deemed important for area residents so as to inspire community consciousness of the area by means of activating both community activities and the progressive use of the restored river.

A Study on Utilization and Perceived Service Quality of the University Foodservice (대학급식 이용실태 및 급식서비스 품질이 고객만족과 고객태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.633-643
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the efficiency of university foodservice operations by analyzing the effect of consumer's perception towards university foodservice quality. University students in the Jeonnam area were surveyed and 571 out of 700 surveys were chosen (response rate: 97.0%). SPSS (ver. 20.0) was used to conduct descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, and multiple regression analysis. The results show that 21.9% of university students have never used the university foodservice, while 48.7% of university students have eaten there 1~2 times per week. The most common reasons reported for avoiding the university foodservice were a limited menu selection (51.5%) and an untasty food (45.8%). The perception of overall service quality at the university foodservice scored relatively low (3.01 points), compared with its importance (3.89 points). The food taste, menu variety, and quality of food ingredients are factors that require improvement for operational strategies by the importance-performance analysis (IPA). The food factors (taste, variety, and quality) among university foodservice qualities had a significantly positive effect on consumers' overall satisfaction (p<0.001), perceived value (p<0.01), intent to recommend (p<0.001), and intent to revisit (p<0.01). These result indicate that the university foodservice management should focus on developing food factors and strive to meet the needs of university students through continuous customer surveys.

The Comparison of the Solar Radiation and the Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) under the Shade of Landscaping Trees in Summertime (하절기 조경용 녹음수 수관 하부의 일사와 평균복사온도 비교)

  • Lee, Chun-Seok;Ryu, Nam-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the Solar Radiation(SR) and the Mean Radiant Temperature(MRT) under the shades of the three landscaping trees in clear summer daytimes. The trees were Lagerstroemia indica, Quercus palustris and Ulmus parvifolia. The solar radiation, the globe temperature and the air temperature were recorded every minute from the $1^{st}$ of April to the $30^{th}$ of September 2013 at a height of 1.1m above on the four monitoring stations, with four same measuring system consisting of a solar radiation sensor, two resistance temperature detectors(Pt-100), a black brass globe (${\phi}50mm$) and data acquisition systems. At the same time, the sky view photos were taken automatically hourly by three scouting cameras(lens angle: $60^{\circ}$) fixed at each monitoring station. Based on the 258 daily sky view photos and 6,640 records of middays(10 A.M.~2 P.M.) from the $1^{st}$ of June to the $30^{th}$ of August, the time serial differences of SR and MRT under the trees were analysed and compared with those of open sky, The major findings were as follows; 1. The average ratio of sky views screened by the canopies of Quercus palustris, Lagerstroemia indica and Ulmus parvifolia were 99%, 98% and 97%, and the SR were $106W/m^2$, $163W/m^2$ and $202W/m^2$ respectively, while the SR of open sky was $823W/m^2$. Which shows the canopies blocked at least 70% of natural SR. 2. The average MRT under the canopies of Quercus palustris, Lagerstroemia indica and Ulmus parvifolia were $30.34^{\circ}C$, $33.34^{\circ}C$ and $34.77^{\circ}C$ respectively, while that of open sky was $46.0^{\circ}C$. Therefore, it can be said that the tree canopies can reduce the MRT around $10{\sim}16^{\circ}C$. 3. The regression test showed significant linear relationship between the SR and MRT. In summary, the performances of the landscaping shade trees were very good at screening the SR and reducing the MRT at the outdoor of summer middays. Therefore, it can be apparently said that the more shade trees or forest at the outdoor, the more effective in conditioning the outdoor space reducing the MRT and the useless SR for human activities in summertime.

Analysis on Social Area of Taegu (대구시의 사회지역분석)

  • Choi, Seok-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1997
  • Today, rapid progress of urbanization is discovered commonly in many countries, especially in developing countries, which has led to spatial order and development process of city. Historically, Taegu was a walled city and formed mono-nucleus which was restricted by the castle. As the city grew gradually, the castle was removed as a result of diversification in traffic network, change of socio-economic environment, formation of industrial base and functional distribution. According to reconstruction maps of residential patterns, there was distinctive residential segregation among ethnic groups. Koreans in Taegu in 1939, aggregated densely in the southern and western parts of the city. The Japanese were concentrated densely in the northern and eastern parts of Taegu. And the street pattern within residential areas of the Korean people was shaped like a maze type in contrast with Japanese residential areas, which showed grid pattern of streets. This is another general pattern of almost all colonial cities, especially in Asia. Through this process, today it appears that, out of overall residential areas which occupy the highest ratio in urban land use, those for eminent people influence the functional development of urban spatial structure very heavily as a key point in urban residetial structure. Truly, residential segregation can be seen as the spatial manifestation of uneven distribution of such important scarce resources as housing and residential environment. In this study, the characteristics of locational distribution of the eminent people show their socially and economically stabilized standing in Taegu, taking the aforesaid situation as a background of the study. And the process of this study is as follows ; to examine the forming process of residential areas in the city as a theoretical supporting, to put in order on classical interpretation to formation of residential areas, and general type modern residential areas formation, and economic decision factor of land use. Therefore, this study aims to examine growth and development of eminent persons' residential areas and, at the same time, extract locational characteristics through the pattern of eminent persons' location and predict changes in the future.

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Development and Analyses of Effects of ICT Teaching: Learning Process Plan for 'Designing My Home' unit of Technology.Home Economic in High School (ICT활용 교수.학습 과정안 개발 및 효과 분석: 고등학교 기술.가정 "나의 주거 공간꾸미기" 단원을 중심으로)

  • Park Hyun-Sook;Cho Jae-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.18 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this research was to develop and analyze the effects of ICT based teaching learning process plans for 'Designing My Home' unit of Technology Home Economics subject in High School. The seven housing contents were selected from 8 textbooks and 8 teaching resources at the analyses stage. A specific homepage(ieduhome.cafe.com) was built to utilize the eight ICT teaching learning process plan as well as many other resources at the planning & development stages. The number of 68 highschool students have participated for the application stage during September 4-26, 2003 and the same number have studied the same contents through regular teaching learning plans as a comparison group. Experimental groups have significantly more increased in the knowledge and understanding of the housing contents than have comparison groups. The same results occurred in the interests in Home Economics, Housing, and Internet utilized study. The Design reports were not statistically differed between two groups based on the objective evaluation criteria. The results of this study generally supported previous research and showed that the In teaching learning plans were more effective in various aspects than were the regular plans.

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An Analysis of the Image and Visual Preference of a Light Rail Pier according to Aesthetic Styles (경전철 교각의 미관개선유형별 이미지 및 시각적 선호도 분석)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kang, Dong-Hyun;Shin, Jae-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2015
  • The Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation Advisory Committee has chosen 5 styles of bridge-pier designs, including coating, graphic, planting, billboard and safety-facility style, based on the results of landscape simulations from a previous study. This study was conducted to investigate citizen's preferences and emotional images for each style of bridge-pier design, by aiming at the pilot urban landscape improvement section from Daebong Bridge in Suseong Gu to the crossroads near Dongseong Elementary School in Daegu Metropolitan City. The questionnaire was drawn up regarding the urban landscape improvement plans applied to the research area, and the questions were about citizens' perception of bridge-pier structures generated by constructing a light rail transit, important factors to consider when designing bridge piers, preferences for each style of bridge-pier design and emotional impact. 60.4% of the survey participants were found to perceive bridge-pier structures as unattractive, so it was necessary to improve them aesthetically. Regarding visual factors of bridge-pier designs, color was most important at 5.81, followed by form at 5.57. Regarding aesthetic component factors, harmony was most important at 6.07, followed by amenity at 6.00. In the survey participants' preference for each bridge-pier design, the graphic style was preferred most at 4.14, followed by the planting style. In emotional adjectives used for each bridge-pier design, the coating style, the safety-facility style and the non-treatment style showed similar results, and all of these styles were evaluated as artificial, lifeless and desolate. The graphic style and the billboard style showed different tendencies, depending on visual factors and aesthetic component factors applied to the graphic design used for these two bridge-pier styles. Since natural materials were used for the planting style, however, it showed high preference for such emotional images as natural and lively. The emotional adjective 'amiable' was found to affect citizens' preferences for each bridge-pier aesthetic improvement plan most, and it was also analyzed to have an effect on all the styles of bridge-pier designs. To improve the landscape of a light rail transit being constructed inside the urban area, this study quantitatively extracted citizens' preferences and emotional adjective for every style of bridge-pier design applied to the pilot urban landscape improvement section, and it is expected that the results of this study will be used as basic data to improve the landscape of bridge piers.

Review of the Modern Values of East and West Moat Culture (동·서양 해자(垓字) 문화의 현대적 가치 재조명)

  • Jung, Yong-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to re-exam of the modern values of a moat to utilize it with various functions such as a military defense on the outskirts of the castle, dividing the space by its boundary, controlling the micro-climate in the worsening modern environment with temperature rise due to climate change and habitat reduction of animals, and providing the habitat of animals to modern urban space, etc. The scope of the study is focusing on the castles with the moat installed to prevent the enemy from accessing directly to the wall using a pond or water path for military defense on the outskirts of the castle or to divide it into boundaries. In the Orient, the Nakan Eupseong, Haemi Eupseong, Gyeongju Wolseong in Korea and the Forbidden City in China, and Nijo Castle and Osaka Castle in Japan were selected. In the West, Edinburgh Castle in Britain, Blois Castle in France, Chillon Castle in Switzerland, and Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark were selected for the study. As a research method, literature research and field research were conducted. For the Orient, it was conducted in parallel with the literature research and field research. For the western, it was mainly conducted with literature research. For the literature research, the origin of the moat, the concept of the moat, the function of the moat, the history and culture of the western moat are based on the data from the related institutions and previous studies. For the Orient field research, exploring was conducted in two to three times from Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2016 in each of the target areas of Nakan Eupseong, Haemi Eupseong, Gyeongju Wolseong in Korea and the Forbidden City in China, and Nijo Castle and Osaka Castle in Japan. The contents of the research were analyzed through interviews, photographs, measurements, and observations on the function, size, and characteristics of the moat of each target. The results of this study are as follows. The moat was a structure installed to set a boundary for military defense facilities on the outskirts of a castle and it played an important role as a part of the city in the ancient times of Asia and the West through the Middle Ages. The role of the moat is gradually disappearing due to the disappearance of the purpose of military defense. However, moats are excluded from modern landscape planning, despite the fact that a moat filled with water is a hydrophilic space with great historical and cultural value such as various cultural activities and providing habitats for animals. By reflecting on the moats various functions in modern cities and utilizing it, it is expected to be utilized to bring pleasant air into the city where the circulation of air is blocked and energize the city as a hydroponic element.

Analysis of the Correlation between Human Sensibility and Physical Property of luminous Sources -Focused on Response according to Character of Color Temperature by luminous Sources- (건축조명광원의 광학적 특성에 따른 인간의 감성반응 분석 -조명광원별 색온도 특성에 따른 반응을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jin-Sook;Oh, Do-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to acquire emotional data on luminous source by measuring and evaluating human emotional response to the change of the optical feature of luminous environment Luminous sources used in actual architectural space were selected with the optical feature of luminous soured then to measure and analysis human emotional response on Luminous Source. As a result of that 1) In the result of performance measurement by the item of the clear vision of an optic function the fluorescent lamp of daylight indicated the most excellent Performance. 2) In the item of fatigue and stress, the metal halide lamp and mercury lamp showed the most 3) In $\ulcorner$ suitable in light$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$a similar with daylight$\lrcorner$ adjective of the amenity item the fluorescent lamp of daylight which color temperature was high turned up to be high also, in $\ulcorner$brilliant$\lrcorner$, adjective, the metal halide lamp and mercury lamp turned up to be low. 4) In the result of factor analysis, three factors $\ulcorner$activity$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$potency$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$evaluation$\lrcorner$ were abstracted and $\ulcorner$activity$\lrcorner$ factor has the most influential on evaluating the mood of interior space. 5) For the affection in the mood evaluation by each luminous sources, $\ulcorner$activity$\lrcorner$ factor was the most influential by metal halide lamp and fluorescent lamp of daylight, $\ulcorner$potency$\lrcorner$ factor was most influential by kind of incandescent lamp, $\ulcorner$evaluation$\lrcorner$ factor was most influential by fluorescent lamp of low color temperature.

Contents analyses of teaching·learning research on housing education of home economics for secondary schools (중등학교 주생활교육 교수·학습 개발연구 내용분석)

  • Joo, Hyunjung;Cho, Jaesoon;Choi, Yoori
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the contents of housing teaching learning studies in Home Economics of secondary schools since 2001. The 22 research, drawn from the database 'riss4u', were analyzed in terms of general information of the paper (studied institution & year, implementation & evaluation, subject of study & size) and specific contents of teaching learning plans (theme, curricula & textbooks, methode & # of lessons, resources). The results showed that most studies were reported during the 7th or the 2007 revised curricula period. All, except one doctoral dissertation, were master's theses from a few universities. In all studies, ranging from 2 to 15 lessons, teaching learning plans were implemented and evaluated in the class of the researcher while some were applied in other schools, too. The theme of the teaching learning plans varied but were concentrated on one out of two content elements and two out of six learning elements. The 2007 revised curriculum seems to be an important turning point, not only reinforcing the analyses of the curricular and textbooks in the analyzing stage but also facilitating the use of various methods for the lessons in the developing stage. Practical problem based model was the most frequently adopted, while cooperative learning and ICT served as fundamental although not always mentioned. Various teaching resources such as UCC, reading materials, PPT were developed for the teacher. Activity sheets were the most frequently used for the students, followed by reading materials. Because teaching learning is an essential core of education, teaching learning studies should be more actively conducted and the variety of subject topics, methods and resources should also be obtained by more researchers.

An Exploratory Study on Channel Equity of Electronic Goods (가전제품 소비자의 Channel Equity에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Suh, Yong-Gu;Lee, Eun-Kyung
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2008
  • Ⅰ. Introduction Retailers in the 21st century are being told that future retailers are those who can execute seamless multi-channel access. The reason is that retailers should be where shoppers want them, when they want them anytime, anywhere and in multiple formats. Multi-channel access is considered one of the top 10 trends of all business in the next decade (Patricia T. Warrington, et al., 2007) And most firms use both direct and indirect channels in their markets. Given this trend, we need to evaluate a channel equity more systematically than before as this issue is expected to get more attention to consumers as well as to brand managers. Consumers are becoming very much confused concerning the choice of place where they shop for durable goods as there are at least 6-7 retail options. On the other hand, manufacturers have to deal with category killers, their dealers network, Internet shopping malls, and other avenue of distribution channels and they hope their retail channel behave like extensions of their own companies. They would like their products to be foremost in the retailer's mind-the first to be proposed and effectively communicated to potential customers. To enable this hope to come reality, they should know each channel's advantages and disadvantages from consumer perspectives. In addition, customer satisfaction is the key determinant of retail customer loyalty. However, there are only a few researches regarding the effects of shopping satisfaction and perceptions on consumers' channel choices and channels. The purpose of this study was to assess Korean consumers' channel choice and satisfaction towards channels they prefer to use in the case of electronic goods shopping. Korean electronic goods retail market is one of good example of multi-channel shopping environments. As the Korea retail market has been undergoing significant structural changes since it had opened to global retailers in 1996, new formats such as hypermarkets, Internet shopping malls and category killers have arrived for the last decade. Korean electronic goods shoppers have seven major channels : (1)category killers (2) hypermarket (3) manufacturer dealer shop (4) Internet shopping malls (5) department store (6) TV home-shopping (7) speciality shopping arcade. Korean retail sector has been modernized with amazing speed for the last decade. Overall summary of major retail channels is as follows: Hypermarket has been number 1 retailer type in sales volume from 2003 ; non-store retailing has been number 2 from 2007 ; department store is now number 3 ; small scale category killers are growing rapidly in the area of electronics and office products in particular. We try to evaluate each channel's equity using a consumer survey. The survey was done by telephone interview with 1000 housewife who lives nationwide. Sampling was done according to 2005 national census and average interview time was 10 to 15 minutes. Ⅱ. Research Summary We have found that seven major retail channels compete with each other within Korean consumers' minds in terms of price and service. Each channel seem to have its unique selling points. Department stores were perceived as the best electronic goods shopping destinations due to after service. Internet shopping malls were perceived as the convenient channel owing to price checking. Category killers and hypermarkets were more attractive in both price merits and location conveniences. On the other hand, manufacturers dealer networks were pulling customers mainly by location and after service. Category killers and hypermarkets were most beloved retail channel for Korean consumers. However category killers compete mainly with department stores and shopping arcades while hypermarkets tend to compete with Internet and TV home shopping channels. Regarding channel satisfaction, the top 3 channels were service-driven retailers: department stores (4.27); dealer shop (4.21); and Internet shopping malls (4.21). Speciality shopping arcade(3.98) were the least satisfied channels among Korean consumers. Ⅲ. Implications We try to identify the whole picture of multi-channel retail shopping environments and its implications in the context of Korean electronic goods. From manufacturers' perspectives, multi-channel may cause channel conflicts. Furthermore, inter-channel competition draws much more attention as hypermarkets and category killers have grown rapidly in recent years. At the same time, from consumers' perspectives, 'buy where' is becoming an important buying decision as it would decide the level of shopping satisfaction. We need to develop the concept of 'channel equity' to manage multi-channel distribution effectively. Firms should measure and monitor their prime channel equity in regular basis to maximize their channel potentials. Prototype channel equity positioning map has been developed as follows. We expect more studies to develop the concept of 'channel equity' in the future.

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