• Title/Summary/Keyword: 컬러분할

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3D Quantitative Analysis of Cell Nuclei Based on Digital Image Cytometry (디지털 영상 세포 측정법에 기반한 세포핵의 3차원 정량적 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Yun;Choi, Hyun-Ju;Choi, Heung-Kook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.846-855
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    • 2007
  • Significant feature extraction in cancer cell image analysis is an important process for grading cell carcinoma. In this study, we propose a method for 3D quantitative analysis of cell nuclei based upon digital image cytometry. First, we acquired volumetric renal cell carcinoma data for each grade using confocal laser scanning microscopy and segmented cell nuclei employing color features based upon a supervised teaming scheme. For 3D visualization, we used a contour-based method for surface rendering and a 3D texture mapping method for volume rendering. We then defined and extracted the 3D morphological features of cell nuclei. To evaluate what quantitative features of 3D analysis could contribute to diagnostic information, we analyzed the statistical significance of the extracted 3D features in each grade using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Finally, we compared the 2D with the 3D features of cell nuclei and analyzed the correlations between them. We found statistically significant correlations between nuclear grade and 3D morphological features. The proposed method has potential for use as fundamental research in developing a new nuclear grading system for accurate diagnosis and prediction of prognosis.

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Face recognition using PCA and face direction information (PCA와 얼굴방향 정보를 이용한 얼굴인식)

  • Kim, Seung-Jae
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.609-616
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm to obtain more stable and high recognition rate by using left and right rotation information of input image in order to obtain a stable recognition rate in face recognition. The proposed algorithm uses the facial image as the input information in the web camera environment to reduce the size of the image and normalize the information about the brightness and color to obtain the improved recognition rate. We apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the detected candidate regions to obtain feature vectors and classify faces. Also, In order to reduce the error rate range of the recognition rate, a set of data with the left and right $45^{\circ}$ rotation information is constructed considering the directionality of the input face image, and each feature vector is obtained with PCA. In order to obtain a stable recognition rate with the obtained feature vector, it is after scattered in the eigenspace and the final face is recognized by comparing euclidean distant distances to each feature. The PCA-based feature vector is low-dimensional data, but there is no problem in expressing the face, and the recognition speed can be fast because of the small amount of calculation. The method proposed in this paper can improve the safety and accuracy of recognition and recognition rate faster than other algorithms, and can be used for real-time recognition system.

Automatic Text Extraction from News Video using Morphology and Text Shape (형태학과 문자의 모양을 이용한 뉴스 비디오에서의 자동 문자 추출)

  • Jang, In-Young;Ko, Byoung-Chul;Kim, Kil-Cheon;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2002
  • In recent years the amount of digital video used has risen dramatically to keep pace with the increasing use of the Internet and consequently an automated method is needed for indexing digital video databases. Textual information, both superimposed and embedded scene texts, appearing in a digital video can be a crucial clue for helping the video indexing. In this paper, a new method is presented to extract both superimposed and embedded scene texts in a freeze-frame of news video. The algorithm is summarized in the following three steps. For the first step, a color image is converted into a gray-level image and applies contrast stretching to enhance the contrast of the input image. Then, a modified local adaptive thresholding is applied to the contrast-stretched image. The second step is divided into three processes: eliminating text-like components by applying erosion, dilation, and (OpenClose+CloseOpen)/2 morphological operations, maintaining text components using (OpenClose+CloseOpen)/2 operation with a new Geo-correction method, and subtracting two result images for eliminating false-positive components further. In the third filtering step, the characteristics of each component such as the ratio of the number of pixels in each candidate component to the number of its boundary pixels and the ratio of the minor to the major axis of each bounding box are used. Acceptable results have been obtained using the proposed method on 300 news images with a recognition rate of 93.6%. Also, my method indicates a good performance on all the various kinds of images by adjusting the size of the structuring element.