• Title/Summary/Keyword: 친환경자재

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Assessing Adjuvants and Extractants Applicable to Environment-friendly Organic Agro-materials (친환경 유기농자재에 사용 가능한 첨가제 및 추출제 평가)

  • Lee, Woo-Mi;Yoon, Sung-Ji;An, Youn-Joo
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2013
  • This study reviewed the adjuvants or extractants used in environment-friendly organic agro-materials used in a range of advanced countries or institutes. We observed that potassium hydroxide and fermented ethyl alcohol are generally acceptable extractants, and the inert ingredient list 4 of United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is applicable for crop production adjuvants.

건강과 자연농업-제231호

  • Jeong, Jin-Yeong
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    • no.231
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • 제28회 한국유기농업대회 준비돌입/환경호르몬으로부터 자유로워질수 있는 길/우리의 산야초/연속 강우에 따른 과일나무 잎의 갈변에 대하여/벼 멀칭재배의 이론과 기술/김제지평선축제, 성공적으로 개최돼/신태인 유기농 포도축제 성료/질병 예방을 위한 식사/일본,고령화와 웰빙 붐으로 건강식품시장 '폭발'/스위스,유기농가 급속 확산/LA,'건강빵'경쟁 후끈~후끈/일본,학교급식용 중국산 냉동가지 풋콩에서 잔류농약 검출/두가지 비료로 유기농작물의 고품질 다수확 생산을 체계적으로 보다 쉽게 하는 방법/전남도, 전국 최초 '친환경축산 5개년 종합계획'수립/배추 노균병 어떤 병인가?/고추.방울토마토 증수/중국 박람회 및 유기농장 연수기/"유기가공식품" 인증 법제화 추진/국내외 친환경 농축산물의 생산 및 인증 실태/친환경 유기낙농의 정착 방안/9월중 새식구 명단/농촌진흥청,토양전자지도,휴대폰 영농정보 제공/친환경인증기관협의회 출범/친환경농자재'목록공시제'시행/충주시,친환경바이오농업 확대 추진/제주,친환경농업 발전전략 심포지엄 개최/유기 및 일반 농산물의 품질 비교에 관한 연구/유기질 비료의 이해

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An analysis of the Domestic Interior Materials as the Ecological Design Aspects (친환경측면에서 본 국내 실내건축자재의 현황 조사 및 분석)

  • Chun Jin-Hie;Kim Jung-Ah
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.4 s.66
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2006
  • According to the latest report by the Customer Protection Board, those who moved into newly constructed buildings are complaining about unidentified pains, asking for more careful selection of constructive materials for prevention of such potential problems. It is internationally recognized today that ecological materials can serve a significant factor for users' health, environmental protection and better industrial competitiveness. This study examined eco-design aspects of each interior material through web site search, in order to help customers learn about and capitalize on eco materials in a proper manner. As a result, 1. It turned out that the domestic industry are giving an impetus to releasing new eco items focusing on lower VOCs emission or addition of functional components as part of the marketing strategy. However, it is recommended that company understand significance of life cycle, and produce eco-concept materials. 2. The reliable standard for choosing the domestic material is EL, HB, GR marks. It is desirable to enhance recycling technologies and expand the sustainable consumption. customer class, since many recycled items are not developed. 3. The sourcing is a vulnerable part in terms of the concept of being environment-friendly material. Therefore, many manufacturers should design the easy knock-down products and produce the good items using recycled materials instead of new raw materials. Also solutions for making the energy from burning material should be studied. 4. The guidebook or manual with correct information about eco-materials is required to promote production and consumption with sustainable concept. 5. Many manufacturers are emphasizing ecological materials for customers, but some of them intended to disrupt customers' proper selection by promoting even unverified items to be environment-friendly.

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Suppressive Effects of Sulfur-containing Compounds on Ginseng Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) and Proper Application Concentration (유황자재의 인삼 탄저병 억제효과 및 적정 살포 농도)

  • Lim, Jin-Soo;Mo, Hwang-Sung;Lee, Eung-Ho;Park, Kee-Choon;Chung, Chan-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2015
  • BACKGROUND: This study aimed at investigating the effects of sulfur-containing compounds widely used as environment-friendly organic fungicides against ginseng anthracnose, and determining the appropriate application concentration for lowering chemical injury to ginseng leaves. Ginseng anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, is a destructive disease that significantly reduces the yield of ginseng. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ginseng anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, is a destructive disease that significantly reduces the yield of ginseng. In a 2-year-old ginseng grown in a pot, treatment with loess-sulfur complex containing 0.06% sulfur and fermented loess-sulfur complex containing 0.13% sulfur did not show any chemical injuries. In order to measure the therapeutic effectiveness, various sulfur-containing compounds were applied to the plants after they were infected with ginseng anthracnose. Treatment with lime sulfur complex (400 dilution) showed the highest ginseng anthracnose control value, followed by fermented loess-sulfur complex (20 dilution), fermented loess-sulfur complex (40 dilution), and loess-sulfur complex (400 dilution) treatments. These compounds were applied before the outbreak of anthracnose disease in order to measure the preventive effectiveness, and in this case, treatment with fermented loess-sulfur complex (40 dilution) showed the highest control value and it was comparable to the value of the pesticide treatment used as the control in this experiment. CONCLUSION: Fermented loess-sulfur complex could be recommended as an environment-friendly organic material to control the occurrence of ginseng anthracnose.