• Title/Summary/Keyword: 치료효과

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석회화 건염

  • Kim, Yang-Su
    • The Academic Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2006
  • 석회화 건염은 회전근 개중 극상근 건에 석회가 침착되는 질환으로서 진행 양상에 따라 Formative, Resting, Resorptive phases로 나눈다. 치료는 물리 치료, Puncture, 국소 steroid 주사, 체외 충격파 등 보존적 치료에 반응을 잘 하며, 특히 resorptive phases때의 극심한 통증은 석회 침착 부위에 puncture나 needling lavege를 실시하면 즉각적인 동통 감소 효과와 함께 석회 침착의 자연 소실을 기대할 수 있다. 이러한 보존적 치료에 효과가 없을 경우 수술적 처치를 고려할 수 있는데 최근에는 대부분 관절경을 이용한 석회 제거술을 시행한다. 수술전 견관절 충돌 징후가 있거나 수술 소견상 이를 의심할 만한 소견이 있을 경우 견봉하 성형술을 함께 실시하기도 한다.

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Measurement of blood flow during thermo-therapy (온열 치료중 혈류량 변화의 광학적 관찰)

  • Jung, Yong-Hee;Heo, Hyun;Kim, Beob-Min
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.07a
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    • pp.252-253
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    • 2003
  • 일반적으로 생체조직의 온도상승은 진통작용, 순환촉진 등의 치료 효과를 나타낸다(표 1 참조). 우리는 이러한 치료효과를 체온에 따른 혈류량의 변화와 상관관계가 있음을 가정하고 이를 non-invasive한 방법으로 직접 측정함으로써 병변의 치유정도나 진행 과정 등을 직·간접적으로 관찰하기 위한 가능성을 연구하였다. (중략)

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Cognitive Function Effects of Acupuncture Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment : Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis (경도인지장애 침치료 인지기능효과 : 체계적 문헌고찰 메타분석)

  • Won Soon Kim
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : Using MMSE and MoCA cognitive tools, this study tried to measure the effect of acupuncture differing by cognitive types. Through the method of PRISMA literature review, this study aimed to understand and improve the acupuncture's effectiveness in its application. Methods : The research method was a literature review and Cochrane meta-analysis of papers on the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments for mild cognitive impairment conducted from 2012 to 2023. The Cochrane risk of bias (RoB) tool was used as a quality analysis tool, and the meta-analysis tool was Cochrane RevMan V5.4.1 software. Results : As a result of the study, a total of 967 subjects were used for analysis, and 16 papers on randomized acupuncture trials were analyzed. The results are as follows: As a result of meta-analysis of acupuncture intervention for mild cognitive impairment, the MMSE score had an average of 1.61 with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.14 to 3.07, and a statistically significant result with p<0.001. The Z-score was 2.15, which corresponded to a p-value of 0.03. The MoCA score had an average range between 0.39 and 2.49, also showing statistical significance with p<0.001, and a Z-score of 2.70 (p=0.007). The effect of acupuncture in subjects with mild cognitive impairment was significant. Conclusion : The suggestions and conclusion indicate that acupuncture intervention has a significant effect on mild cognitive impairment. This study propose future experimental research on various types of acupuncture interventions for mild cognitive impairment. The significance of this study is that it presented basic data for the development of a preventive convergence cognitive intervention program for patients with mild cognitive impairment in the community.

전인치료, 의료봉사 실천 96년-서울위생병원

  • Jeon, Yang-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean hospital association
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    • v.33 no.4 s.290
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2004
  • 질병으로 고통받는 사람들을 위하여 그리스도 사랑으로 육체적 정신적 치료와 함께 마음의 평안을 얻게 하는 전인치료를 추구함으로써 치료효과를 극대화하는 서울위생병원. 서울위생병원은 친절, 사랑, 봉사를 통한 전인치료를 목표로 해 병들고 지친 사람들에 대한 진료시혜를 위해 태어났다. 올해로 96주년을 맞기까지 국민과 고락을 함께하며 의료서비스 향상을 위해 매진해온 서울위생병원을 찾았다.

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A systematic Review on the Effects of Occupational Reminiscence Therapy in Dementia Offered National Long Term Care Insurance (국내 장기요양보험서비스를 제공 받는 치매 환자 대상 작업 중심 회상치료 효과에 대한 체계적 고찰)

  • Jung, Hae-In
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2014
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to look at a systematic review on the effects of occupational reminiscence therapy in Dementia offered National Long term care Insurance. Through this comprehensive study, we have to compare the studies. Methods : We systematically examined papers published in journal from 2009 to 2013, using KERIS. Main words to examine are Dementia, Long term care service, Day care center, reminiscence therapy, occupational centered, etc. Results : 6 studies were selected, All of them were occupational reminiscence therapy. Reminiscence therapy can be devided into communication centered reminiscence therapy and occupational reminiscence therapy. The results demonstrated that the intervention significantly affected the maintenance cognitive skills and reminiscence skills, decreased depression, behavioral changes, improvement of communication and interaction skills and quality of life etc. of elderly people with dementia (p<.05). Conclusions : If occupational therapists can obtain knowledge and make a program for occupational reminiscence therapy, research in this field will be further developed. In the future study, the use of occupational reminiscence therapy applied to a variety of interventions and majority of patients is needed on occupational therapy.

The Effects of Group Sensory Integrative Intervention for Sensory Motor Ability and Behaviors for Children With Developmental Delay (그룹 감각통합치료가 학령전기 발달지연 아동의 감각운동 및 행동 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Jin-Mi;Kim, Kyeong-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2009
  • Objective : The aim of this study is to verify the effects of group sensory integrative intervention for sensory motor ability, behaviors in children with developmental delay. Method : The subjects were five children with developmental delays aged between 3 and 5. All Children participated in 26 sessions of group sensory integrative intervention. Children' behavior during testing was observed to assess the sensory motor ability, behaviors, the clinical observation. One group pretest- posttest design was used to verify the effect of group sensory integrative intervention. The observed children' behavior during testing were tested by the Wilcoxon matched-pair signed rank test. Results : There is no significant difference in the clinical observation between pre and post intervention. However, subjects showed the significant difference in Social interaction(Z=-2.121, p=.034), Attention(Z=-2.032, p=.042), total score in Behavior during testing(Z=-2.032, p=.042). Conclusions : The result in this study suggested that the sensory integrative intervention is effective in facilitating the social skills and improving the attention and behaviors. On the other hand, there is no effect in sensory motor ability. It is difficult to generalize the conclusion because the number of the subject was limited and the environmental confounding factors has not been controlled. Therefore, it is needed to supplement these limitations in the future study.

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Effects of activator treatment on different skeletal patterns in growing class II malocclusion patients (성장기 II급 부정교합자에서 골격 형태에 따른 액티베이터 사용 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Ki, Jun-Hun;Lee, Jin-Woo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.37 no.1 s.120
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2007
  • Objective: To establish proper diagnosis and treatment plan for skeletal Class II malocclusions, some important factors to consider are the patient's skeletal morphology, prognosis as well as the treatment effects. Therefore, the present study analyzed the effects of activator treatment on different skeletal patterns in growing Class II malocclusion patients. Methods: A total of 116 patients (53 boys & 63 girls) in the experimental group were treated with the activator appliance. The experimental group was classified into either hyperdivergent or hypodivergent groups according to articular and genial angles. Results: Patients with hypodivergent growth patterns showed good effects of activator treatment. Conclusion: It seems conceivable that through classifying adolescent Class II malocclusion patients into different skeletal patterns, activator treatment effects may be predicted during the diagnosis and treatment planning stage.

A Convergence Study on the Relationship between Impact of Event, Health Beliefs and Adherence to Self-Care Guideline for COVID-19 (코로나-19 유행으로 인한 사건충격, 건강신념 및 자가치료지침 수행 간의 관계에 관한 융합연구)

  • Shin, Sun-Hwa;Baek, On-Jeon
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to determine whether impact of event and health beliefs affect adherence to self-care guidelines in the general public. The participants were 331 adults living in the Daegu/Gyeongbuk region. Data were collected using an online survey. The collected data were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis and Process Procedure (Model 4). The results reported impact of event had a significant direct effect on health beliefs, and health beliefs had a significant direct effect on adherence to self-care guidelines. Also, the mediating effect of health beliefs on the relationship between impact of event and adherence to self-care guidelines was significant. To facilitate health education among the general public, it is necessary to include educational content to establish health beliefs regarding novel diseases such as COVID-19.

The Art Therapy in Groups' on the work Stresses and Emotional Burnouts of Social Workers for Diabled Facility (집단미술치료가 성인지적장애인 이용시설 사회복지사의 직무스트레스와 심리적소진에 미치는 효과)

  • Cha, Mi-Sun;Shin, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.154-165
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to see the effect of the art therapy in group on the work stresses and emotional burnouts of social workers for diabled facility. The subjects are the 8 members of social workers at the facility for disabled located in city A. From Feb 16, 2016 to May 31, 2016, 70 minutes per session, overall 13 therapies were given. To see the therapeutic effects, there were test of stress and burnout before, afterwards and 4 weeks later. To find out the similarities in group, Mann Whitney U test was done, and Wilcoxon's signed ranks test was done to see the difference afterwards. As a result, art therapy in group was effective on the work stress and burnout of social workers in daisabled facility and the positive effect lasted. This results suggests a developed ways to reduce work stress and emotional burnout of social workers for disabled facility.