• Title/Summary/Keyword: 충격완화재

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Characteristics of Developed Earth Pressure by Backfill Compaction (뒷채움 시공시의 다짐토압 특성)

  • 노한성
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2001
  • It is important to pay careful attention to the backfill construction for the structural integrity of concrete box culvert. To increase the structural integrity of culvert good compaction by the dynamic compaction roller with big capacity is as effective as good backfill materials. However structural distress of the culvert could be occurred due to the excessive earth pressure by great dynamic compaction load. In this study, two box culverts were constructed with change compaction materials and construction methods. Two type of on-site soils such as subbase and subgrade materials were used as backfill materials. In most case, dynamic compaction rollers with 11 to 12 ton weights were used and vibration frequency were applied from 2000 to 2500 rpm for the great compaction energy. Backfill compactions with good quality soils were carried out to examine the effect of cushions on dynamic lateral soil pressure. Expanded polystyrene (EPS) and rubber of tire were adapted as cushion materials and they are set on the culverts before backfill construction. This paper presents the main results on the characteristics of dynamic earth pressures. Test result indicates that the amounts of increased dynamic pressures are affected with backfill materials, depth of pressure cell, and compaction condition. The earth pressure during compaction can give harmful effect to box culvert because the value of dynamic earth pressure coefficient $(\DeltaK_{dyn}=\DeltaK\sigma_h\DeltaK\sigma_v)$ during compaction is greater than that of static condition. It was observed that cushion panels of EPS(t=10cm) and rubber(t=5cm) are effective to mitigate dynamic lateral pressure on the culverts.

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Effect of Compaction Method on Induced Earth Pressure Using Dynamic Compaction Roller (진동롤러에 의한 다짐방법이 인접구조물의 다짐토압에 미치는 영향)

  • Roh, Han-Sung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4 s.10
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2001
  • To increase the structural integrity of concrete box culvert good compaction by the dynamic compaction roller with bi9 capacity is as effective as good backfill materials. It is needed for effective compaction that a compaction roller closes to concrete structure with high frequency. However structural distress of the culvert could be occur due to the excessive earth pressure by great dynamic compaction load. To investigate the characteristics of Induced stress by compaction, a box culvert was constructed with changing cushion materials and compaction methods. Two types of cushion material such as tire rubber chip and EPS(Expanded Polystyrene) were used as cushion panels and they are set on the culverts before backfill construction. Laboratory test result of cushion material says that the value of dynamic elastic modulus of rubber is lesser than that of EPS. On the other hand, material damping of rubber material is greater than that of EPS. In most case, dynamic compaction rollers with 10.5 ton weights were used and vibration frequency was applied 30Hz for the great compaction energy. This paper presents the main results on the characteristics of dynamic earth pressures during compaction. The amounts of induced dynamic pressures$(\Delta\sigma\;h)$ by compaction are affected with construction condition such as compaction frequency, depth of pressure cell, distance between roller and the wall of culvert and roller direction. Based on the measured values dynamic lateral pressure on the culverts, it could be said that orthogonal direction of roller to the length of culvert is more effective to compaction efficiency than parallel direction.

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Experimental Study on the Explosion and Fire Risks of Mobile Phone Batteries (휴대폰 배터리의 폭발 및 화재 위험성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Sung;Kim, Si-Kuk
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2016
  • This is an experimental study to analyze the explosion and fire hazards of mobile phone batteries. Using the lithium-ion batteries currently used on smart phone as the experiment samples, the experiments were conducted by overcharging, internal and external short circuit, and thermal shock with the potential of explosion and fire caused by careless use or abnormal conditions. The experiment results showed that, in the case of overcharging and external short circuit, there was no explosion and fire hazard in the normal operation of the protection circuit module (PCM), but there were big risks when the PCM faulted conditions were assumed. In the case of the experiments by internal short circuit and thermal shock, such risks varied depending on a battery charge state. In other words, it could be verified that there were low risks of explosion and fire in a full discharge state, but there were high risks in a full charge state. These experiment results suggest that to minimize the explosion and fire hazards of mobile phone batteries, an alarm device is necessary when the PCM fault occurs. In addition, a solid battery case should be made and safety equipment, such as a cooling device to avoid high temperature, is needed.