• Title/Summary/Keyword: 최종한계상대설계

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A Study on the Lateral Pressure Effect under Axial Compressive Load of Ship Platings (종방향 압축력을 받는 선체판부재의 횡압력 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park Joo-Shin;Ko Jae-Yong;Lee Jun-Kyo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.29 no.6 s.102
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2005
  • The ship plating is generally subjected to. combined in-plane load and lateral pressure loads, In-plane loads include axial load and edge shear, which are mainly induced by overall hull girder bending and torsion of the vessel. Lateral pressure is due to. water pressure and cargo. These load components are nat always applied simultaneously, but mare than one can normally exist and interact. Hence, far mare rational and safe design of ship structures, it is af crucial importance to. better understand the interaction relationship af the buckling and ultimate strength far ship plating under combined loads. Actual ship plates are subjected to relatively small water pressure except far the impact load due to. slamming and panting etc. The present paper describes an accurate and fast procedure for analyzing the elastic-plastic large deflection behavior up to. the ultimate limit state of ship plates under combined loads. In this paper, the ultimate strength characteristics of plates under axial compressive loads and lateral pressure loads are investigated through ANSYS elastic-plastic large deflection finite element analysis with varying lateral pressure load level.

A Experimental Study on Exclusion Ability of Riprap into Bypass Pipe (저층수 배사관 내 유입된 사석 배출능력에 대한 연구)

  • Jeong, Seok Il;Lee, Seung Oh
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2017
  • There are various transversal structures (small dams or drop structures) in median and small streams in Korea. Most of them are concrete structures and it is so hard to exclude low-level water. Unless drainage valves and/or gates would not be installed near bottom of bed, sediment from upstream should be deposited and also contaminants attached to the sediments would devastatingly threaten the water quality and ecosystem. One of countermeasures for such problem is the bypass pipe installed underneath the transversal structure. However, there is still issued whether it would be workable if the gravels and/or stones would roll into and be not excluded. Therefore, in this study, the conditions to exclude the rip stone which enter into the bypass pipe was reviewed. Based on sediment transport phenomenon, the behavior of stones was investigated with the concepts from the critical shear stress of sediment and d'Alembert principle. As final results, the basis condition (${\tau}_c{^*}$) was derived using the Lagrangian description since the stones are in the moving state, not in the stationary state. From hydraulic experiments the relative velocity could be obtained. In order to minimize the scale effect, the extra wide channel of 5.0 m wide and 1.0 m high was constructed and the experimental stones were fully spherical ones. Experimental results showed that the ratio of flow velocity to spherical particle velocity was measured between 0.5 and 0.7, and this result was substituted into the suggested equation to identify the critical condition wether the stones were excluded. Regimes about the exclusion of stone in bypass pipe were divided into three types according to particle Reynolds number ($Re_p$) and dimensionless critical shear force (${\tau}_c{^*}$) - exclusion section, probabilistic exclusion section, no exclusion section. Results from this study would be useful and essential information for bypass pipe design in transveral structures.

Evaluation of Tensions and Prediction of Deformations for the Fabric Reinforeced -Earth Walls (섬유 보강토벽체의 인장력 평가 및 변형 예측)

  • Kim, Hong-Taek;Lee, Eun-Su;Song, Byeong-Ung
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 1996
  • Current design methods for reinforced earth structures take no account of the magnitude of the strains induced in the tensile members as these are invariably manufactured from high modulus materials, such as steel, where straits are unlikely to be significant. With fabrics, however, large strains may frequently be induced and it is important to determine these to enable the stability of the structure to be assessed. In the present paper internal design method of analysis relating to the use of fabric reinforcements in reinforced earth structures for both stress and strain considerations is presented. For the internal stability analysis against rupture and pullout of the fabric reinforcements, a strain compatibility analysis procedure that considers the effects of reinforcement stiffness, relative movement between the soil and reinforcements, and compaction-induced stresses as studied by Ehrlich 8l Mitchell is used. I Bowever, the soil-reinforcement interaction is modeled by relating nonlinear elastic soil behavior to nonlinear response of the reinforcement. The soil constitutive model used is a modified vertsion of the hyperbolic soil model and compaction stress model proposed by Duncan et at., and iterative step-loading approach is used to take nonlinear soil behavior into consideration. The effects of seepage pressures are also dealt with in the proposed method of analy For purposes of assessing the strain behavior oi the fabric reinforcements, nonlinear model of hyperbolic form describing the load-extension relation of fabrics is employed. A procedure for specifying the strength characteristics of paraweb polyester fibre multicord, needle punched non-woven geotHxtile and knitted polyester geogrid is also described which may provide a more convenient procedure for incorporating the fablic properties into the prediction of fabric deformations. An attempt to define improvement in bond-linkage at the interconnecting nodes of the fabric reinforced earth stracture due to the confining stress is further made. The proposed method of analysis has been applied to estimate the maximum tensions, deformations and strains of the fabric reinforcements. The results are then compared with those of finite element analysis and experimental tests, and show in general good agreements indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method of analysis. Analytical parametric studies are also carried out to investigate the effects of relative soil-fabric reinforcement stiffness, locked-in stresses, compaction load and seepage pressures on the magnitude and variation of the fabric deformations.

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Development of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder Questionnaire Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis (Receiver Operating Characteristic 분석법을 이용한 업무관련성 근골격계질환 설문지 개발)

  • Kwon, Ho-Jang;Ju, Yeong-Su;Cho, Soo-Hun;Kang, Dae-Hee;Sung, Joo-Hon;Choi, Seong-Woo;Choi, Jae-Wook;Kim, Jae-Young;Kim, Don-Gyu;Kim, Jai-Yong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.361-373
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: Receive Operating Characteristic(ROC) curve with the area under the ROC curve(AUC) is one of the most popular indicator to evaluate the criterion validity of the measurement tool. This study was conducted to develop a standardized questionnaire to discriminate workers at high-risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders using ROC analysis. Methods: The diagnostic results determined by rehabilitation medicine specialists in 370 persons(89 shipyard CAD workers, 113 telephone directory assistant operators, 79 women with occupation, and 89 housewives) were compared with participant's own replies to 'the questionnair on the worker's subjective physical symptoms'(Kwon, 1996). The AUC's from four models with different methods in item selection and weighting were compared with each other. These 4 models were applied to 225 persons, working in an assembly line of motor vehicle, for the purpose of AUC reliability test. Results: In a weighted model with 11 items, the AUC was 0.8155 in the primary study population, and 0.8026 in the secondary study population(p=0.3780). It was superior in the aspects of discriminability, reliability and convenience. A new questionnaire of musculoskeletal disorder could be constructed by this model. Conclusion: A more valid questionnaire with a small number of items and the quantitative weight scores useful for the relative comparisons are the main results of this study. While the absolute reference value applicable to the wide range of populations was not estimated, the basic intent of this study, developing a surveillance fool through quantitative validation of the measures, would serve for the systematic disease prevention activities.

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Improvement of Energy Density in Supercapacitor by Ion Doping Control for Energy Storage System (에너지 저장장치용 슈퍼커패시터 이온 도핑 제어를 통한 에너지 밀도 향상 연구)

  • Park, Byung-jun;Yoo, SeonMi;Yang, SeongEun;Han, SangChul;No, TaeMoo;Lee, Young Hee;Han, YoungHee
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.209-213
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    • 2019
  • Recently, demand for high energy density and long cycling stability of energy storage system has increased for application using with frequency regulation (F/R) in power grid. Supercapacitor have long lifetime and high charge and discharge rate, it is very adaptable to apply a frequency regulation in power grid. Supercapacitor can complement batteries to reduce the size and installation of batteries. Because their utilization in a system can potentially eliminate the need for short-term frequent replacement as required by batteries, hence, saving the resources invested in the upkeep of the whole system or extension of lifecycle of batteries in the long run of power grid. However, low energy density in supercapacitor is critical weakness to utilization for huge energy storage system of power grid. So, it is still far from being able to replace batteries and struggle in meeting the demand for a high energy density. But, today, LIC (Lithium Ion Capacitor) considered as an attractive structure to improve energy density much more than EDLC (Electric double layer capacitor) because LIC has high voltage range up to 3.8 V. But, many aspects of the electrochemical performance of LIC still need to be examined closely in order to apply for commercial use. In this study, in order to improve the capacitance of LIC related with energy density, we designed new method of pre-doping in anode electrode. The electrode in cathode were fabricated in dry room which has a relative humidity under 0.1% and constant electrode thickness over $100{\mu}m$ was manufactured for stable mechanical strength and anode doping. To minimize of contact resistance, fabricated electrode was conducted hot compression process from room temperature to $65^{\circ}C$. We designed various pre-doping method for LIC structure and analyzing the doping mechanism issues. Finally, we suggest new pre-doping method to improve the capacitance and electrochemical stability for LIC.