• Title/Summary/Keyword: 최소융해액 조성

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Petrological Characteristics of Two-Mica Granites : Examples from Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas (복운모 화강암의 암석화학적 특징 : 청산, 인제-홍천, 영주 및 남원지역의 예)

  • 좌용주
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.210-225
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    • 1997
  • From their general natures of peraluminous, S-type and ilmenite-series granites, two-mica granites in the Cheongsan, Inje-Hongcheon, Yeongju and Namwon areas were originated from crust-derived granitic magma and solidified under reducing condition. Each two-mica granite in Inje-Hongcheon and Namwon districts was differentiated from the the residual magma of porphyric biotite granite and high Ti/Mg biotite granite, respectively. The genetic relationships between two-mica granite and porphyritic biotite granite in Chenongsan district and between two-mica granite and biotite granodiorite in Yeongju district are ambiguous. In Namwon district granitic magmas were water-saturated and possible water solubilities in magmas were more than 5.8wt.%. In Yeongju district two-mica granitic magma was nearly water-saturated and showed possible water solubilities between 2.4~5.8wt.%. Two-mica granitic magmas in Cheongsan and Inje-Hongcheon districts were water-undersaturated. Pressure-dependent minimum melt compositions (0.5~2kb) and petrographic textures of two-mica granites in Inje-Hongcheon and Yeongju districts represent that the granites intruded and solidified at shallow level, whereas those in Cheongsan and Namwon districts exhibit relatively deeper level of granitic intrusion (2-3kb). The intersection of granite-solidus/muscovite stability indicates that magmatic primary muscovite can be crystallized from the water-saturated magma above 1.6kb (ca. 6km), but below the pressure muscovite can be formed by the subsolidus reaction. On the other hand, more pressure would be necessary for the crystallization of primary muscovite from the water-undersaturated magma. This pressure condition can explain the occurrence of primary and secondary muscovites from the two-mica granites in the areas considered. The experimental muscovite stability must be cautious of the application to examine the origin of muscovite. The muscovite stability can move toward high temperature field with adding of Ti, Fe and Mg components to the octahedral site of pure muscovite end member.

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