• Title/Summary/Keyword: 최고후 해제

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A Study on the Recent Cases of Buyer's Fundamental Breach (국제물품매매에서 매수인의 본질적 계약위반에 관한 최근의 사례 고찰)

  • Ha, Kang-Hun
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    • v.55
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    • pp.95-124
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    • 2012
  • Referring to Buyer's obligations, the Buyer must pay the price for the goods and take delivery of them as required by the contract. There are vital importances to the Buyer's Fundamental Breach. The legal effects of a breach of contract do not depend on the nature of the obligation broken, but on the consequences of the breach the detriment to the other party. The obligations mentioned to Article 53 are primary obligations which are to be fulfilled in the normal performance of the contract. They include a number of different acts which could be seen as the subject-matter of different obligations. CISG gives further details for the payment of the price in Articles 54 to 59 and for taking delivery in Article 60. The buyer has to take delivery at the respective place within a reasonable period after this communication since he cannot be required to take delivery immediately. Refusing to take delivery in case of delay not constituting a ground for avoiding the contract makes no sense, since this would lead to even later delivery. For the understanding of Buyer's Fundamental Breach, We need to search the Cases referring to the breach of buyer's main obligations.

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Division of Inherited Property by Agreement and Legal Rescission -focusing on Japanese Supreme Court Decision delivered on February 9, 1989- (상속재산협의분할과 법정해제 -일본(日本) 최고재판소(最高裁判所) 1989. 2. 9. 판결(判決)을 소재로 하여-)

  • Chung, Ku-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2013
  • The judgement which is subject of research has denied legal rescission of division of the inherited property by agreement based on (1) the fact that the division of inherited property terminated at the time of concluding mutual agreement in its nature while only the relationship of claim and obligation between the inheritor who has paid for such obligation and the inheritor who has acquired such obligation in the mutual agreement remains (2) and the fact that the legal stability is considerably hindered as the re-partition of inherited property having retroactive effect becomes unavoidable in case of approving the legal rescission of the division of the inherited property by agreement. But it is reasonable to also approve legal rescission on the division of the inherited property by agreement in case the division by agreement actually has the nature such as conditional donation between joint heirs (1) from the fact that the division of the inherited property by agreement gets the nature of disposal equivalent to exchange, transfer and abandonment of share between joint heirs in actuality, (2) and the fact that there are no other theories in approving the validity of mutually agreed rescission despite the fact that the re-partition of inherited property having retroactive effect is unavoidable even in case of the mutually agreed rescission of the division by agreement among all joint heirs. However, as the division of the inherited property by agreement is a contract that gets concluded only if all joint heirs participate, even the legal rescission for the reason of not fulfilling the obligations paid by one party of the heirs during the division by agreement must be considered as possible only by expression of intentions from all other joint heirs excluding this one party.

Myanmar in 2016: Starting of New Era, But Uncertain Future (미얀마 2016: 새로운 시대의 시작, 불안한 미래)

  • JANG, Jun Young
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.185-212
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    • 2017
  • The National League for Democracy (NLD) has restored a civilian government since the military had taken political power in 1962 as a result of general elections on 7, November 2015. But Daw Aung San Suu Kyi could not take part in the presidential election due to some restraints in constitution, so new government created the state counsellor position and the ministry of sate counsellor's office against military's resistance. It never publicized whether the military has to back to barracks including abolish of military's occupying the parliament seats. The ruling party is still taking laissez-faire to the military's political and economic role. The National level Ceasefire Agreement called the 21st Panglong conference launched in the end of August for a week, but stakeholders only insisted their demands. Rohingya issue is not involved in the 21st Panglong conference which aims to achieve national unity. The U.S. fully lifted a comprehensive sanction toward Myanmar since 1993, Japan promised huge grant assistance succeeding the former quasi civilian government. China strived to restore alienated relations of two countries. Although Korea kept Official Development Assistance, the summit which was planed two times in 2016 did not hold. The civilian government announced twelve points of developmental agenda in July 2016, instead of destroying the national development policy of the Thein Sein government. This agenda only showed the direction of policy not road map which was the same trend of the former government. The main direction of economic development stressed agriculture but manufacture like light industry was ignored.

Clinical Experiences of Continuous Tepid Blood Cardioplegia; Valvular Heart Surgery (미온혈 심정지액의 임상적 고찰)

  • 이종국;박승일;조재민;원준호;박묘식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.130-137
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    • 1999
  • Background: In cardiac surgery, hypothermia is associated with a number of major disadvantage, including its detrimental effects on enzymatic function, energy generation and cellular integrity. Warm cardioplegia with normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass cause three times more incidence of permanent neurologic deficits than the cold crystalloid cardioplegia with hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Interruptions or inadequate distribution of warm cardioplegia may induce anaerobic metabolism and warm ischemic injury. To avoid these problems, tepid blood cardioplegia was recently introduced. Material and Method: To evaluate whether continuous tepid blood cardioplegia is beneficial in clinical practice during valvular surgery, we studied two groups of patients matched by numbers and clinical characteristics. Warm group(37$^{\circ}C$) consisted of 18 patients who underwent valvular surgery with continuous warm blood cardioplegia. Tepid group(32$^{\circ}C$) consisted of 17 patients who underwent valvular surgery with continuous tepid blood cardioplegia. Result: Heartbeat in 100% of the patients receiving continuous warm blood cardioplegia and 88.2% of the patients receiving continuous tepid blood cardioplegia converted to normal sinus rhythm spontaneously after removal of the aortic cross clamp. There were no differences between these two groups in CPB time, ACC time, the amount of crystalloid cardioplegia used and peak level of potassium. During the operation, the total amount of urine output was more in the warm group than the tepid group(2372${\pm}$243 ml versus 1535${\pm}$130 ml, p<0.01). There were no differences between the two groups in troponin T level measured 1hr and 12hrs after the operation. Conclusion: Continuous tepid blood cardioplegia is as safe and effective as continuous warm blood cardioplegia undergoing cardiac valve surgery in myocardial protection.

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