• Title/Summary/Keyword: 참깨박

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Effects of Fermented Mixed Organic Fertilizer Utilizing By-Products on Soil Properties and the Yield of Organic Lettuce (부산물 활용 발효 유기질비료 처리에 따른 유기 상추 토양 특성 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Nan-Hee;Lee, Sang-min;Hwang, Hyun-Young;Park, Sang-Gu;Lee, Cho-Rong
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to develop an alternative organic fertilizer to castor oil cake-based fertilizers. To assess the nutrient effect of the developed fermented mixed organic fertilizers, the yield of lettuce and soil characteristics after growth were analyzed and compared to those of a trial using a mixed expeller cake fertilizer. Two fermented mixed organic fertilizers, FA and FB, each containing 5.0% nitrogen, 2.6% phosphate, and 1.4% potassium, were produced by mixing different ratios of rice bran, dried distillers grains, sesame oil meal, and fish meal. This study was conducted with six trials: untreated, mixed expeller cake fertilizer, and the fermented mixed organic fertilizers FA and FB. Based on the amount of nitrogen fertilization (70 kg ha-1) on the lettuce, the fermented mixed organic fertilizers FA and FB were applied at 100% and 150%, respectively, and the mixed oil cake was applied at 100%. As the amount of treatment increased, there was no significant difference except the number of leaves in FA treatment. The yields from the FA100 and FB100 treatments were 38.2 and 40.8 Mg ha-1, respectively, which was not significantly different from that of the mixed expeller cake fertilizer treatment at 38.3 Mg ha-1. In addition, the nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency of the lettuce were not significantly different between mixed expeller cake fertilizer and fermented mixed organic fertilizer treatments. Analysis of the chemical properties of the soil after the trial showed that he mixed expeller cake fertilizer treatment showed the lowest pH. There were no significant differences in electrical conductivity, content of soil organic matter, available phosphate, and exchangeable cation among the fertilizer treatments. However, the bacterial and actinomyces density was higher in the soil from the fertilizer trials than in the non-fertilizer trials. These results indicated that the two tested fermented mixed organic fertilizers had nourishing effects and soil characteristics that were similar to those of the mixed expeller cake fertilizer. Thus, farmers can use these fermented mixed organic fertilizers as alternatives to castor oil cakes for the cultivation of organic lettuce.

Application Effects of Fermented Mixed Organic Fertilizer Utilizing By-Products on Yield of Chinese Cabbage and Soil Environment (부산물 활용 발효 유기질비료가 배추 수량 및 토양환경에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Nan-Hee;Lee, Sang-Min;Oh, Eun-mi;Lee, Cho-Rong;Gong, Min-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes the effects of mixed fermented organic fertilizer on chinese cabbage growth and soil properties in order to investigate the nutritional effects of organic fertilizers, which are developed as an alternative fertilizer for imported castor oil cake. In this study, four treatments were set up: 100% and 200% rate of nitrogen application (320 kg ha-1 for Chinese cabbage) on mixed fermented organic fertilizer A(FA) and mixed fermented organic fertilizer B(FB), respectively, 100% rates of the mixed expeller cake (MEC) fertilizer, and the untreated control. Results revealed that the growth and yield of Chinese cabbage increased as more fermented organic fertilizer was used. However, while there were no significant differences in growth characteristics between treatments of 100% rate of mixed fermented organic fertilizer and 100% rate of MEC, the impacts on yields resulted similar. The nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of Chinese cabbage was measured a range of 20-31% depending on the response to treatment. The 100% FA showed the same as NUE and nitrogen absorption with 100% rate of MEC. Regarding soil properties after cultivation, there were no significant differences among the effects of fertilizers in pH, EC, soil organic matter, and available phosphate. However, the content of exchangeable cations(K, Ca, Mg) was higher in areas treated with mixed fermented organic fertilizer than in untreated areas. Furthermore, the bacterial population density in the soil was higher in areas treated with mixed fermented organic fertilizer than in untreated areas and increased as more mixed fermented organic fertilizer was used. There were no significant differences in the population density of actinomycetes and fungi when fertilizer was applied to the soil. These results also show that FA, as a alternative organic fertilizer for imported castor oil cake, has similar nutritional effects as that of MEC. Therefore, further research the appropriate amounts of fertilizer is required to achieve economical and eco-friendly nutrient management.

Nematodes Associated with Medicinal herbs (약용작물거생선충에 관한 연구)

  • 박소득;추연대;정기채;박선도;최대웅;최영열
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.396-415
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    • 1992
  • To investigate identification of species distribution state, population density of plant parasitic nematodes and damaged state by parasitism of nematodes with soil samples taken from major cultivating area of medicinal herbs in Kyungbuk districts are summarized as follow; total species belonging to genera in families were identified from 43 different medicinal herbs. The dominant nematode species on medicinal herbs was Meloidogyne hapla by 55.6% of field infection. Damaged state by parasitizm of Root-knot nematode, M. hapla, M. incognita are severed 15 medical plant except P. japonica, infected field were in 54.5~88.0%, and highered in population densities of 2nd larvae, Gall, Egg sac. Percentage of yield-decrease were 57.8% in A. gigas, 49.1% in P.japonica. Lighten effect of M. spp. by cropping system were lowered in population density in Rice+Paeony than Paeony+Paeony in paddy field, and also lowered in Sesame+Paeony or one year fallowing after harvest Paeony than Red pepper+Pseony, Paeony+Paeony in upland field.

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Screening of Lignan Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Chungkukjang Fermented with Defatted Sesame Flour (참깨 탈지박을 첨가하여 제조한 청국장의 생리활성 및 리그난 성분 탐색)

  • Kim, Tae-Su;Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Jin-Sook;Han, Jae-Woong;Kang, Myung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.1580-1586
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    • 2009
  • This study is on the effect of oil seed by-products added to Chungkukjang. For this, we designed three cases: Chungkukjang was added in with defatted sesame flour before fermented (DSFBF), added with defatted sesame flour after fermented (DSFAF) and with no adding (control). In each case, the common ingredients and the active antioxidant ingredients were examined and compared and the effects were analyzed. According to microanalysis result, carbohydrate content Chungkukjang the DSFAF 24.97%, control 23.86%, DSFBF Chungkukjang 20.21% as compared to control and Chungkukjang DSFAF relatively low carbohydrate content. The moisture contents in DSFBF (55.98%) or DSFAF (52.83%) were higher than that in control (48.89%). Chungkukjang crude ashes in DSFBF (1.48%) or DSFAF (2.41%) were much lower than in control (6.45%). The proportions of crude lipid in DSFBF (3.30%) or DSFAF (3.93%) were higher than in control (1.77%) by about 2%. As for crude protein, the percentage in DSFAF (15.86%) was lower than that of DSFBF (19.03%) or of control (19.03%). There was no meaningful difference in biological activity measurement as total phenolic contents were 1.26 mg/mL in DSFBF, 1.14 mg/mL in DSFAF and 1.26 mg/mL in control. But electron donating ability was meaningfully more active in DSFBF (21.30%) than in control (20.24%). The superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity in DSFBF (68.48%) was twice higher than in control (34.01%), which may imply that DSFBF contain some ingredients that can scavenge superoxide anion radically. In hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, DSFAF scores 96.87%, which is the highest with 96.40% in DSFBF and 95.73% in control. Relative antioxidative effects in DSFBF was 47.92%, which is comparable to 47.06% in control. As a result of extraction and quantitative HPLC analysis of sesamin and sesamolin extracted from the samples, DSFBF contained 3.04$\pm$0.21 mg/g of sesamin, which is meaningfully higher than 2.41$\pm$0.14 mg/g in DSFAF. Content of sesamolin was higher in DSFBF (1.36$\pm$0.09 mg/g) than DSFAF (1.12$\pm$0.07 mg/g) or in control. We can conclude that biologically active and effective ingredients could be found more in DSFBF than in DSFAF or in control. This study conveys not only the meaning that oil seed by-products can be used as an ingredient for making Chungkukjang functional food, but also the possibility that oil seed by-products themselves could become excellent functional food.

Studies on Characterization of Active Substances from Antagonistic Streptomyces sp. A-2 Strain against Soil-borne Phytopathogen (토양병원균(土壤病原菌) 길항성(拮抗性) Streptomyces sp. A-2 활성물질(活性物質)의 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Kyoung-Soo;Ryu, Jin-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 1992
  • Antifungal substances against three plant pathogenic fungi, Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica and Rhizoctionaia solani were fractionated cultures of Streptomyces sp. A-2 strain isolated in Korean soils. Characterizations of active substances related with antagonistic effects were follows : 1. The excellent media which showed the transfer efficiency of antagonistic substances from Streptomyces sp. A-2 strain G.Y.B and B.H.I. among four that are glucose yeast broth (G.Y.B), $M\ddot{u}eller$, brain heart infusion(B.H.I.) and Czapek media. Active substances which were transfered into ethylacetate or left in residual aqueous phase did not lose antagonistic activity in spite of autoclavation. This indicated that bonds of these compounds were rigid enough to keep activity under such conditions. 2. Antagonistic substances were extracted according to adjustment of pH 3 or pH12 to 5 day-old B.H.I. broth cultures of Streptomyces sp. A-2 strain. Comparative analysis fluorescent bands on HPTLC to antagonsitic spectra against three phytopathogenic fungi indicated that major substances with antagonistic activity were extracted regardless of different pH adjustment to broth cultures. Since UV spectrum of these fractions scanned from 500nm to 200nm was similiar to that of polyene macrolide, major substances related with antagonistic activities were assumed to be polyene derivatives antibiotics.

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Genetic Resources Collection of Crop Landrace at Kanghwa, Ulreung and Jeju Islands in Korea (한반도 강화도, 울릉도 및 제주도의 작물토종 유전자원 수집)

  • Ahn, Wan-Sik;Park, Mun-Woong;Kim, Suk-Ki;Han, Young-Mi;Ahn, Cheol-Hwan;KimHwang, Kyeong-San;Yoon, Mun-Sup;Hyun, Do-Yoon;Baek, Hyung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.650-658
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    • 2011
  • The 460 collections of 60 crops were collected during 34 days from 28 November to 31 December 2008. The 295 accessions of 43 crops, 49 accessions of 24 crops and 116 accessions of 42 crops were collected in Kangwha, Ulreung and Jeju island in this exploration. Among the total collections, the portion of the food crops, vegetable or ornamental crops and industrial crops were 54.8%, 25.4% and 19.8%, respectively. The farmers conserved 48.4% to 53.6% of the landrace crops for 31 to 50 years. Furthermore, 13.1% to 18.7 % of the collections were cultivated over generation to generation. Most of the crop seeds were conserved by woman farmers aged from 61 to 80 years old. The 82.9% of the seed distributors were also woman farmers, whereas 17.1% was distributed by man farmers.

Mushroom Production Technology with Crop Residues (농산부산물(農産副産物)을 이용(利用)한 식용(食用)버섯 재배(栽培))

  • Cha, Dong-Yeul;Park, Jeong-Sik
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.27
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 1984
  • The results of series studies on the ratio of supplements, out-door composting and out-door fermentation induced by using the rice straw as a main substrates at the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus, and the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus using the rice straw bundles on its compost are as follows; When rice straw for cultivation of A. bisporus was used as the main substrates in synthetic compost as a carbon source, yields were remarkably high. Fermentation was more rapid than that of barley straw or wheat straw and the total nitrogen content was high in rice straw compost. Use of barley straw compost for cultivation of A. bisporus was shown of low yield compared with rice straw, but when a 50% barley straw and 50% rice straw mixture was used, the yield was almost the same as that using only rice straw. The total organic nitrogen on the compost were shown the positive relation to the yield of A. bisporus, but the ammonium nitrogen negative relation to the mycelial growth and yield of A. bisporus. When rice straw was used as the main substrate for compost media, urea was the most suitable source of nitrogen. Poor results were obtained with calcium cyanamide and ammonium sulfate. When urea was applied three separate times, nitrogen loss during composting was decreased and the total nitrogen content of compost was increased. The supplementation of organic nutrient activated compost fermentation and increased yield of A. bisporus. The best sources of organic nutrients selected were as follows: perilla meal, sesame meal, wheat bran and poultry manure, etc. Soybean meal, tobacco powder and glutamic acid fermentation byproducts which were industrial wastes, could be substituted for perilla meal, sesame meal and wheat bran as organic nutrient sources for compost media. During out door composing of rice straw for cultivation of A. bisporus, using of tuner, composter and tunnel system increased up to 13% of its yield, and also cut down 34% of production Cost. The cultivation of P. ostreatus and utilizing of rice straw and wheat straw was established and its yield was high on the rice straw pots. When the substrates 'Rice straw' was heated by steam at $60^{\circ}C$ for 6 hr. mycelial growth of P. ostreatus was moderately rapid and its yield was high.

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Studies on the Host Range of Colletotrichum dematium Isolated from Anthracnose of Pepper and Toxic Metabolites Produced by the Pathogen (고추 탄저병균(炭疽病菌) Colletotrichum dematium의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 대사독소(代謝毒素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Hi Wang;Yu, Seung Hun;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1987
  • This studies were conducted to investigate pathgenicity and host range of Colletotrichum dematium isolated from anthracnose of pepper, and phytoxicity of its culture filtrate and the partially purified toxin. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigation on the host range of C. dematium has revealed that pepper as well as soybean, tomato, spinach, and beet were highly susceptible, egg plant and water melon were moderately susceptible and stone leek was slightly suceptible, but no symptoms were produced on carrot, tabacco, cucumber and melon. 2. The culture filtrates of C. dematium in Czapeck dox liquid media were toxic to leaves of pepper and caused necrosis and wilting of the plant. The toxicity of culture filtrates was most active at 15 days after fungal growth in Czapeck dox liquid media and the toxin productivity in still culture was higher than that in shaking culture. 3. The partially purified toxic substance was isolated from the culture filtrates by the acetone precipitation method. When cuttings of various pepper cultivars were placed in the toxin solutions, suceptible cultivars and resistant cultivars were equally toxic and showed necrosis and wilting of the leaves. 4. Several other plants such as soybean, tomato and carrot were also affected with the toxin solution by shoot cutting bioassay and showed veinal necrosis, leaf spots and wilting of the shoots. 5. The acetone precipitation toxin affected seed germination of pepper, cucumber, sesame and egg plant and inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl of the seedlings.

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