• Title/Summary/Keyword: 진지한 여가

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Flood Risk Analysis for Extreme Floods using HEC-GeoRAS (HEC-GeoRAS를 이용한 극한 홍수에 대한 홍수 위험지역 분석)

  • Jin, Ji-Ung;Yeo, Chang-Geon;Lee, Seung-Oh;Song, Jae-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1565-1569
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    • 2009
  • 과거의 치수기능 위주의 하천정비에서 벗어나 최근에는 자연 친화적인 하천 복원에 대한 관심의 증가로 많은 지자체에서는 자연형 하천정비사업을 시행하고 있다. 이러한 자연형 하천정비 사업으로 인하여 하천의 조도계수가 변화하지만 하천설계기준에서 제안하여 현재 사용되고 있는 조도계수의 경우 그 범위와 구분이 명확하지 않아서 자연형 하천정비사업 후에도 조도계수 변화에 대한 고려 없이 홍수위 및 홍수범람지역을 산정하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 1차원 홍수범람 모형인 HEC-GeoRAS를 이용하여 홍제천 유역을 대상으로 극한홍수시 조도계수 변화에 따른 홍수범람지역 변화를 분석하였다. 조도계수는 하천설계기준에서 제안한 인공하천의 조도계수 값 중 최소 값인 0.014부터 자연하천에서의 최대 값인 0.05까지 변화시켜 그에 따른 홍수범람지역의 면적을 산정하였다. 분석결과 조도계수가 증가함에 따라서 침수면적이 증가되었으며 조도계수 0.02$\sim$0.03구간에서 침수면적의 증가율이 9.69%로 가장 크게 나타났다. 또한 홍제천의 자연형 하천 정비사업 후 극한홍수시 침수면적이 약 11.91% 증가하였다. 따라서 자연형 하천정비 사업시 반드시 조도계수 변화를 고려하여 홍수위 및 침수면적을 산정하여야 할 것이며 홍수위 및 침수면적 증가에 따른 영향을 고려하여 설계에 반영해야 할 것으로 판단된다.

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Online Game: Its Time-Space Frame and Realities (온라인게임: 정보통신기술이 매개하는 시-공간 프레임과 실재성)

  • Kim, Ji Yeon
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.79-106
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    • 2012
  • The paper discusses the issue of reality related to interaction between users and electronic figures that mediate by online game system. MMORPG(Massively Multiple Online Role Playing Game) has been known as virtual world that physically and electronically interconnect users and mechanical elements over huge area. Already game items have became a kind of reality for some users long time ago. How these figures could have been regarded as realities? It suggests to take place the temporality of practice around game world. Tremendous practices of human and machines produce their relations and these relations are reinforced self-referentialy. They could constitute their time-space frame that be situated a figure as the something in it.

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Informed Consent and Refusal of Treatment in Emergency Medical Situation (응급의료에서의 설명·동의 원칙과 응급의료거부죄)

  • Lee, Jung-eun
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.37-80
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    • 2022
  • By analyzing informed consent and the refusal of emergency medical treatment (called patient dumping) under the current Emergency Medical Service Act, this study suggests that an emergency medical professional is only liable for patient dumping if their duty to protect the patient's life takes precedence over the patient's right to self-determination. In emergency medical situations, as in general medical situations, medical treatment should be performed after the emergency medical professional informs the patient about the medical treatment, including its necessity and methods, and obtains consent from the patient. Refusing or evading the performance of emergency medical services on the excuse of the informed consent not considering a waiver or alteration of informed consent requirements without reasonable reasons violates the Emergency Medical Service Act and thus makes an emergency medical professional liable to administrative disposition or criminal penalty. In other words, depending on the existence of a waiver of alteration of the informed consent, patient dumping may be established. If the patient is a minor or has no decision-making ability, and their legal representative makes a decision against the patient's medical interests, the opinion of the legal representative is not unconditionally respected. A minor also has the right to decide over their body, and the decisions of their legal representatives should be in the patient's best interests. If the patient refuses treatment, in principle, the obligation of life protection of emergency medical professionals is the top priority. However, making these decisions in the aforementioned situations in the emergency medical field is difficult because of the absence of explicit regulations regarding these exceptional problems. This study aims to organize the following precedents of the Supreme Court of Korea. The court states that, when balancing the conflicting interests between the duty to provide emergency medical service and the duty to inform is unavoidable for emergency medical professionals, they should put the duty to protect the patient's life ahead of the duty to inform if the patient's life matters. Exceptionally, when a patient has seriously considered whether they should receive treatment before the emergency medical situation, their right to self-determination can be considered equal to the obligation of emergency medical professionals to provide emergency medical treatment. This research also suggests that an amendment of the Emergency Medical Service Act should include the following. First, the criteria for determining the decision-making ability of emergency patients should consist of medical content. Second, additional consent from a medical professional is unnecessary for first-aid treatment. Finally, new provisions for emergency medical obligations for minors, new provisions for the decision standard when there are conflicting opinions about the treatment of a patient, and new penalty provisions for professionals who suspend emergency medical examinations and treatments need to be established.

상한(傷寒) 의학사(醫學史)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (III) - 상한학파(傷寒學派)의 형성과 발전시기(명${\sim}$청)(明${\sim}$淸)를 중심으로 -

  • Kim Gi-Uk;Park Hyeon-Guk;Jeong Seong-Chae
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.146-183
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    • 2000
  • 통과이상적연구(通過以上的硏究), 장상한학술적성숙기(將傷寒學術的成熟期), 칙지명대여청대관여상한의학사적내용정리(則至明代與淸代關與傷寒醫學史的內容整理) 여하(如下). 1. 명청시대적시대배경사상한학적내용갱풍부(明淸時代的時代背景使傷寒學的內容更豊富), 촉진상한학술적발전(促進傷寒學術的發展) 병차출현료흔다관여상한적저작(幷且出現了?多關與傷寒的著作), 단실제상야출현료상한론내용적중복여지론술일반부분(但實際上也出現了傷寒論內容的重複與只論述一般部分), 혹저자립안조잡적처방지폐단(或著者立案粗雜的處方之弊端). 차기우출현각종상한학파적리유(此期又出現各種傷寒學派的理由), 시인위당시류행적사조(是因爲當時流行的思潮), 칙정주리학적영향여명대문단부고(則程朱理學的影響與明代文壇復古), 의고적추향(擬古的趨向), 환유금원시대적백가쟁오등(還有金元時代的百家爭嗚等), 성료형성상한학파적기초(成了形成傷寒學派的基礎). 2. 위료불실거상한론적본래의식(爲了不失去傷寒論的本來意識), 주장정리화고정원문회부왕숙화이전모양적착간중정파시왕안도기료개단(主張整理和考訂原文恢復王叔和以前模樣的錯簡重訂派是王安道起了開端), 방유집확대료기의식(方有執擴大了其意識). 유창여침명종시대표저학파학자(喩昌與沈明宗是代表這學派學者), 장로(張?) 정응모(程應?) 주양준(周揚俊) 오겸등수료저학설(吳謙等隨了這學說). 3. 주장(主張)'존왕(尊王)(숙화(叔和))찬성(贊成)(무기(无己))'적유호구론파(的維護舊論派), 주장료불능수변개상한론삼음삼양편적배렬여순서(主張了不能隨變改傷寒論三陰三陽篇的排列與順序), 문자(文字), 구문(句文), 문장(文章), 고세식(高世?), 진념조등인(陳念祖等人). 4. 주장상한론적정수재어변증론치(主張傷寒論的精髓在於辨證論治), 선우운용칙능득상한핵심리론적학파시변증론치학파(善于運用則能得傷寒核心理論的學派是辨證論治學派). 저학파분사개계통(這學派分四?系統), 이처방수집증상적의가유허굉(以處方收集證狀的醫家有許宏), 가금(柯琴), 서대춘(徐大椿); 이치법수집증상적의가유오인구(以治法收集證狀的醫家有吳人駒), 우이(尤怡); 이분유륙경찰증상적의가유진념조(以分有六經察證狀的醫家有陳念祖), 포성(包誠); 이증상분류증후적의가유류순(以證狀分類證候的醫家有劉純), 왕긍당(王肯堂), 진지정(秦之楨), 침금오등인(沈金鰲等人). 5. 회통파유량종류형(?通派有兩種類型), 일시수통상한여온병적학파(一是誰通傷寒與溫病的學派), 간칭회통파(簡稱?通派), 대표의가유도화(代表醫家有陶華), 오정(吳貞), 유근초등인(兪根初等人), 령일개유회통중의여서의적립장상해석상한적의가당종해(?一?有?通中醫與西醫的立場上解釋傷寒的醫家唐宗海). 6. 경전학파시이상한론위보귀적경전래인식(經典學派是以傷寒論爲保貴的經典來認識), 병차지유숭상차경여사상적학파(幷且持有崇尙此經與思想的學派), 차리분량개편우원문적고증래연구적경전고증파(此里分兩?偏于原文的考證來硏究的經典考證派), 화인위지유상한론(和認爲只有傷寒論), 재능총괄치료외감병(才能總括治療外感病), 부정온병학설병배척적경전림상파(否定溫病學說幷排斥的經典臨床派).

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A Study on the Confucian Natural Legal Ideology Embodied in the Korean Constitution (유가(儒家) 자연법사상의 헌법상 전승)

  • Moon, Hyo-Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.56
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    • pp.47-80
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    • 2018
  • The traditional laws of Korea have undergone various stages of development over time. This includes the voluntary standards of the clean society. Korea's traditional legal systems, ranging from those of the Goryeo(高麗) to those of the Republic of Korea, have taken Confucian Phiosophy as their major ideological bases. At the center of these Confucian ideals, particularly in regards to pre-Qin Confucian Philosophy(先秦儒家思想) from where these ideals originated, lie the core ideals which emphasize the responsibility of each individual regardless of the social status(正名), the needs for a democracy in which people are empower and guide the state(民本), the importance of reigning with benevolence, moral excellence, and rite (仁義), and the differential love centered on kinship and humanity(親親愛人). These were the ideas as set forth by Confucius(孔子), Mencius(孟子) and Xun Zi(荀子). The current laws of Korea, especially in regards to the Constitution and the Civil and Criminal Laws, include a number of provisions that contain the Confucian Ideas of Law. The Constitution, in particular, which is also supported by the judgement of the Constitution Court, reflects several core Confucian ideals including filial duty (孝) and respect for ascendants and the traditional culture. The Court also suggested the two important standards of the constitutional legitimacy of the Traditional Culture. One is 'Age Compatibility (時代 適合性)', the other is 'Manifested Universally Validity(現在的 普遍妥當性)'. So we have burdened with the reestablishment of the Universal Ethics of the Confucian Ideology.