• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속적 탐색행동

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Difference verification related to Ethical Leadership, Ethical Climate, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and LMX by Social Entrepreneurs (사회적기업가의 윤리적 리더십, 윤리적 풍토, 조직시민행동, LMX에 관한 인구통계적 차이분석)

  • Song, Kyung-Soo;Lee, Na-Young;An, Jong-Yeon;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2015
  • This study is to testify whether according to the variables of population statistics there emerge differences in the ethical leadership, ethical climate, organizational citizenship behavior and LMX by Social Entrepreneurs. For this we have performed survey 652 social entrepreneurs at authorized Social Enterprises. The results of analysis are as follows. First, it was analyzed that the sub-factors of the ethical leadership, such as contribution and integrity by Social entrepreneurs have revealed significant difference according to gender. Also the sub-factor of ethical climate, such as utilitarianism has revealed significant difference by gender, too. The analysis result signifies no significance in OCB, LMX. Second, there were significant difference in the sub-factor of ethical leadership such as integrity, the sub-factor of ethical climate such as, utilitarianism, the sub-factor of OCB such as effectiveness, and LMX by religious. Third, the analysis result signifies no significance in ex-work place, whether they worked at Social enterprise or not. Finally, as the result of our analysis whether there are any differences according to gender, religious, and ex-work place of the Social entrepreneurs in the ethical leadership, ethical climate, OCB, and LMX by Social entrepreneurs, it was revealed that there are some significant. This study emphasizes the importance of ethical leadership, ethical climate, OCB and LMX. It reveled these variables have differences by demographic characteristics of Social entrepreneurs. In conclusion, this study suggests that the consideration of the variables of population statistics according to the various variables about Social enterprise.

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A Study on the Acceptance Factors of the Capital Market Sentiment Index (자본시장 심리지수의 수용요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Hwan;Kang, Hyoung-Goo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2020
  • This study is to reveal the acceptance factors of the Market Sentiment Index (MSI) created by reflecting the investor sentiment extracted by processing unstructured big data. The research model was established by exploring exogenous variables based on the rational behavior theory and applying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The acceptance of MSI provided to investors in the stock market was found to be influenced by the exogenous variables presented in this study. The results of causal analysis are as follows. First, self-efficacy, investment opportunities, Innovativeness, and perceived cost significantly affect perceived ease of use. Second, Diversity of services and perceived benefits have a statistically significant impact on perceived usefulness. Third, Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have a statistically significant effect on attitude to use. Fourth, Attitude to use statistically significantly influences the intention to use, and the investment opportunities as an independent variable affects the intention to use. Fifth, the intention to use statistically significantly affects the final dependent variable, the intention to use continuously. The mediating effect between the independent and dependent variables of the research model is as follows. First, The indirect effect on the causal route from diversity of services to continuous use intention was 0.1491, which was statistically significant at the significance level of 1%. Second, The indirect effect on the causal route from perceived benefit to continuous use intention was 0.1281, which was statistically significant at the significance level of 1%. The results of the multi-group analysis are as follows. First, for groups with and without stock investment experience, multi-group analysis was not possible because the measurement uniformity between the two groups was not secured. Second, the analysis result of the difference in the effect of independent variables of male and female groups on the intention to use continuously, where measurement uniformity was secured between the two groups, In the causal route from usage attitude to usage intention, women are higher than men. And in the causal route from use intention to continuous use intention, males were very high and showed statistically significant difference at significance level 5%.

An Empirical Study on the Influence of Weather and Daytime on Restaurant Menu search System (날씨 및 요일 특성이 음식점 메뉴 검색시스템 이용에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증 연구)

  • Cho, Chan-Yeol;Jung, Ku-Imm;Seo, Yang-Min;Choi, Hae-Lim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2017
  • Due to new social environment, expenditure on eating out has increased over the last few year, thereafter the food-tech industries have steadily grown as well. We have studied what variable would affect customer's choices when they plan to eat out or order in. There are two variables are taken into account to prove it. Firstly, it is climate changes, such as an amount of rainfall, snowfall and clouds. Secondly, it is days, such as seasons and holidays. Based on this, we looked up the SikSin user's behaviors patterns, then did analysis of the daily data provided by the Meteorological office. By the end of the study, it turned out that two variables, climate changes and days, both have a strong influence on customer's choices. It is considered that this research outcome will make contributions to small businesses founders who want to take the initiative, marketing managers and people who are engaged in the food-tech industry.


  • Jhin, Hea-Kyung;Kwon, Hea-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.110-123
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    • 2000
  • The short-term music therapy was performed for adolescents with conduct disorder admitted to Seoul National Mental Hospital for 3 months from Jun to September, 1998. This case study focused mainly on two female patients who participated regularly in the group music therapy. The music therapy process was divided into three phases;beginning, opening up, and closing. This music therapy session consisted of three parts;hello song as beginning, various musical activities, and sound & movement activity as closing. Free musical improvisation, song discussion, musical monodrama, and sound & movement were the mainly applied techniques. Free improvisation was used to enhance, motivate, identify and contain the adolescents' feelings and ideas. Song discussion was used to convey their thoughts and to support each other. Musical monodrama was used to make them have insights into interpersonal relationships. Sound & movement was used to enhance spontaneity. It made them explore their body and voice as an expressive medium. Throughout three months period of music therapy, patient A's communication skill, socialization, and behavior areas were assessed with improvement. She could use music as a symbolic form and was able to share her feelings about herself and her family. Patient B's self-expression and cognitive areas were assessed with improvement. She became more spontaneous and could verbalize her emotions during the group session. Music as a non-verbal and therefore often a non-threatening medium wherein so much can be expressed provided two female patients an atmosphere where a sense of trust may be regained.

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Elementary Students' Cognitive-Emotional Rebuttals in Their Modeling Activity: Focusing on Epistemic Affect (모형 구성 과정에서 나타나는 초등학생의 인지, 감정적 반박 -인식적 감정을 중심으로-)

  • Han, Moonhyun;Kim, Heui-Baek
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates how elementary students used cognitive-emotional rebuttals in the context of modeling activities, especially on how their emotional and cognitive processes lead them to use rebuttals in terms of epistemic affect. Twenty-five fifth grade elementary students participated in the study as part of their science class. During the course of their sixth periods, students constructed a human respiratory system model through continuous discussion. The research results showed that elementary students used an elaboration-oriented rebuttal, a defence-oriented rebuttal, and a blame-oriented rebuttal in their modeling activity. The elaboration-oriented rebuttal interspersed with negative epistemic affect was used to elaborate on a student's explanation, and a negative epistemic affect was elicited from their cognitive discrepancy. On the other hand, defence-oriented rebuttal and blame-oriented rebuttal entangled with negative epistemic affect were used to defeat the students rather than help rigor evaluation of students' explanation, and the negative epistemic affect was elicited from the other students' undesirable behavior. These results suggest that students' rebuttals can be elicited by epistemic dynamics related to the epistemic affect. The study shows that if negative epistemic affect were elicited from the other students' naive or false explanations, such an emotion is natural in terms of model construction, and the model can be further developed through the acceptance of the elaboration-oriented rebuttals by students' emotion regulation. In addition, we suggest that negative emotions aroused from the worsening of relationships during small group modeling activities are difficult to regulate and can have negative effects on students' cooperative model construction.

Costume Consumption Culture for Costumeplay (코스튬플레이 의상 소비문화)

  • Jang, Nam-Kyung;Park, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Joo-Young
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2006
  • With interests and participation in the costumeplay that mimics characters appeared on carton or animation in recent days, the costumeplay becomes one of cultural phenomena. Using a qualitative research method, this study identified costumeplayers' costume consumption pattern and explored its meanings from the perspective of consumption culture. Indeed, this study intended to help for understanding costumeplayer group as a consumer, and to provide basic knowledge about new market analysis related to fashion design and marketing. The results from the analyzing participant observation and in-depth interviews data are as follows: first, costumeplayers usually begin costumeplay by friends' invitations or by themselves and then continue on participating. Through the costumeplay, participants have benefits such as fun, departure from the daily life, and social interaction. Second, participants acquire costumes through purchase, rent, producing or combination of daily wear, but both purchase and rent account high. Third, the meanings of consumption culture in costumeplay include consumption behavior repeating possession and disposal. Also, costumeplayers concerns efficiency when purchasing or renting the costumes, and internet is a place where information search, comparison, and actual purchasing are occurred. Based on the results, fashion design and marketing implication, limitation of this study and further research ideas were suggested.

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Grieving among Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Situational Analysis (청소년 소아암 생존자의 슬픔: 상황분석)

  • Jin, Juhye
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore how adolescent survivors of childhood cancer grieve the death of cancer peers. Methods: Data were obtained from Korean adolescents with cancer between the ages of 13 and 18 (N=12) through semi-structured interviews (face-to-face, telephone, and Internet chatting), observations of the social dynamics of participants in self-help groups, and retrieval of personal Web journals. Based on the grounded theory methodology, data collection and analysis were conducted simultaneously, and constant comparative methods were used. Clarke's situational analysis was adopted, and this paper focused on presenting "how to" and "what we can learn" from this analytic strategy. Results: Mapping examples were visualized using of three modes of maps. Adolescent cancer survivors coped with reminders of the "darkness" that ultimately featured their overall grief. Additionally, adolescents' encounters and avoidance of grief were triggered by introspection and interactions with family and friends. Conclusion: Situational analysis provided an efficient way to analyze the experiences of adolescent survivors of childhood cancer by systematizing possible information within the relational social contexts of the research phenomenon.

Exploring the Agency of a Student Leader in Collaborative Scientific Modeling Classes in an Elementary School (초등학교의 협력적 과학 모델링 수업에서 나타난 리더의 행위주체성 탐색)

  • Uhm, Janghee;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.339-358
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the agency of a student leader, expressed through efforts to distribute power and encourage participation in elementary scientific modeling classes. The study also analyzes the context in which the leader's agency was expressed and the context in which the development of a collective agency was constrained. The participants were 22 fifth-grade students. The leader's agency was analyzed by examining his words and actions. As a result, at the outset of the study, the leader had the most power, performing all the activities as the sole authority in a non-cooperative participation pattern. However, with reflection and help from the researcher, the leader recognized the problem and facilitated the participation of other students. He developed an identity as a teacher and demonstrated the agency. The leader's agentic behaviors can be categorized into three aspects. First, regarding the cognitive aspect, the leader helped other students participate in modeling by sharing his knowledge. Second, regarding the normative aspect, he made rules to give all students an equal voice. Third, regarding the emotional aspect, the leader acknowledged the contribution of the students, increasing their confidence. The leader's agency temporarily helped the group to overcome the student hierarchy, facilitating a cooperative participation pattern. However, the development of a collective agency was constrained. The power of the leader was partially redistributed, and the other students did not position themselves as equal to the leader. To support the leader's agency to develop into a collective agency, it is necessary to redistribute the power of the leader more equally and to change the recognition of students.

작업관련성을 고려한 U라인 밸런싱+

  • 김우열;김용주;김동묵
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구는 U자형 생산라인(U라인)에서의 라인밸런싱 문제를 해결하기 위한 유전알고리즘을 제시한다. U라인에서는 사이클 타임 내에 제품이 들어가는 방향과 나오는 방향의 작업을 한 작업자가 수행 할 수 있어서, 재공품 수량을 일정하게 유지한다거나 작업부하를 평활화 하는 등의 라인관리가 기존 직선라인에 비해 용이하다. U라인은 JIT(Just-ln-Time)생산 시스템에서 흔히 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 U라인에서 사이클 타임이 고정되었을 때 작업장 또는 작업자의 수를 최소로 하면서 동시에 작업장에 할당된 작업들 간의 관련성을 최대화하는 라인밸런싱 문제를 다루었다. 라인밸런싱에 관한 기존 연구는 대부분 직선라인에 관한 것으로 U라인의 장점을 충분히 활용하지 못한다. 특히, 라인의 작업장의 수를 최소화하는 문제는 많은 대안해가 있음에도 불구하고, 작업관련성을 고려하여 해를 구하는 기법에 관한 연구는 아직 미미한 실정이다. 실제 조립라인에서는 가능한 한 관련된 작업들을 동일한 작업자에 할당하는 것이 바람직하며, 이러한 작업편성은 작업자의 작업능률을 향상시킬 수 있다. 유전알고리즘은 자연계의 적자생존과 생물학적 진화과정을 모방한 탐색기법으로 조합최적화 문제에 효과적인 기법으로 널리 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 유전알고리즘을 이용하여 U라인에서 작업관련성을 고려한 라인밸런싱 문제를 해결하기 위한 기법을 개발하였다. 문제의 목적에 적합한 개체의 평가함수가 제시되었으며, 개체의 형질을 효과적으로 자손에 유전할 수 있고 유전 연산이 용이한 개체의 표현방법과 개체의 해석방법이 제시되었다. 컴퓨터 실험을 통하여 개발한 알고리즘의 성능을 보였다.월 초순부터 중순에 각각 최고 성기를 나타내었다. H. papariensis의 암컷과 수컷의 발광양상을 분석하고자 정지발광과 구애 발광을 구분하여 조사하였고 각각의 발광지속시간과 발광주기를 구분하여 측정하였다. 수컷의 발광지속시간은 정지발광(0.12초)보다 구애발광(0.17초)에서 1.4배 증가하였으며 암컷의 발광지속시간은 정지발광(0.15초)보다 구애발광(0.19초)에서 1.5배 증가하였다. 발광주기는 수컷에서 정지발광(1.26초)보다 구애발광(1.12초)에서 0.88배 감소하였고, 암컷에서 정지발광(2.99초)보다 구애발광(1.06초)에서 0.35배 감소하였다. 발광양상에서 발광주파수는 수짓의 정지발광에서 0.8 Hz, 수컷 구애발광에서 0.9 Hz, 암컷의 정지발광에서 0.3 Hz, 암컷의 구애발광에서 0.9 Hz로 각각 나타났다. H. papariensis의 발광파장영역은 400 nm에서 700 nm에 이르는 모든 영역에서 확인되었으며 가장 높은 첨두치는 600 nm에 있고 500에서 600 nm 사이의 파장대가 가장 두드러지게 나타났다. 발광양상과 어우러진 교미행동은 Hp system과 같은 결과를 얻었다.하는 방법을 제안한다. 즉 채널 액세스 확률을 각 슬롯에서 예약상태에 있는 음성 단말의 수뿐만 아니라 각 슬롯에서 예약을 하려고 하는 단말의 수에 기초하여 산출하는 방법을 제안하고 이의 성능을 분석하였다. 시뮬레이션에 의해 새로 제안된 채널 허용 확률을 산출하는 방식의 성능을 비교한 결과 기존에 제안된 방법들보다 상당한 성능의 향상을 볼 수 있었다., 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을

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Bullying Experience of School Bullies on Convergence Study (학교폭력 가해 청소년의 가해 경험에 대한 융합 연구)

  • Song, Yul-Mai
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.349-359
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore and deeply understand the essence and meaning of the bullying experiences of school bullies. Data were collected through in-depth dividual interviews and analyzed using Colaizzi phenomenological analysis methodology. Participants of this study were 16 adolescents with compulsory education due to school bullying. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews from May to August, 2018. The results of the analysis were derived from 13 theme clusters and 5 categories, focusing on causes of school bullying, factors contributing bullying, and experiences after bullying. Bullying experienced by school bullies were categorized as followed: 'Difficult to empathize with others', 'Uncontrolled anger behavior', 'No hope for the future'. 'Gain from bullying', and 'Difficulty of daily life'. The results of this study are significant in providing basic data to provide practical help and support to school bullies.