• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지속가능한 성장

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A Comparative Analysis of Content Elements Related to Environment Education in Elementary School Curriculum (초등학교 교육과정의 환경교육 관련 내용 요소 비교)

  • Park, Jae-Keun;Lee, Keuk-Hee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.250-261
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the content elements of the environment education are displayed between related subjects in elementary school curriculum and find a desirable direction of the environment education. Major subjects that handle the components of the environment education include science, physical education, social studies, ethics, and practical arts. Among these subjects, science aims for the ecological perspective, social studies aims for rational decision making and practical behaviors, and ethics aims for the correct formation of environmental ethics and values. In the component ratio of the environment education, the domains of the natural environment, environmental ethics, environmental pollution, environmental protection and measure were higher. In the formation of content elements according to grades, the connectivity of the environment curriculum has been relatively well secured in the order of the learning about the environmental components, awareness on environmental problems and the measures and efforts to overcome environmental problems. Based on the findings above, the followings are proposed for future environment curriculum in elementary school. First, it is necessary to increase the ratio of the ecological perspective based on science and coordinate the period to suggest this contents. Second, it is necessary to complement the contents of social studies regarding green growth and sustainable development which have become global issues in the environment education. Third, Pan-curriculum and integrated discussions to prepare multi-academic and interdisciplinary environment curriculum have to be preceded and through this process it is necessary to set the target of environment education and select the content elements of the curriculum.

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Accommodation of Trade Measures for Environment Purposes on the WTO Rules (환경조치의 WTO체제 수용에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Dae-Seok;Kim, Mie-Jung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.433-457
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    • 2011
  • This study attempts to make a constructive contribution to the debate on which WTO rules accommodate trade measures for environmental purposes. Does trade undermine the regulatory efforts of governments. However, the theoretical dimensions are partly addressed on the several key questions. For instances, is economic integration through trade and investment a threat to the environment? to control pollution and resource degradation? Will economic grow driven by trade help us to move towards a sustainable use of the world's environmental resources? The growing world economy has been accompanied by environmental degradation including deforestation, losses in bio-diversity, global warming, air pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, overfishing and so on. The sheer number of us obviously put pressure on natural resources and ecological systems, and this pressure will counting to rise as we grow towards 10 billion in the next century. What is more, there is no indication that consumption per capita is slowing. The perceived costs of acting alone in terms of lost investments and jobs often take the stream out of regulatory initiatives. In the worst case scenario environmental community is fearful that international trade will magnify the effects of poor environmental polices in the world Generally, economic growth drive by trade may speed up the process of environmental degradation unless sufficient environmental safeguards are put in place. Under these circumstances, this paper attempts to make a constructive contribution to the study on which WTO rules accommodate trade measures for environmental purposes.

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Developmental Process of Forest Policy Direction in Korea and Present Status of Forest Desolation in North Korea (남북한 산림정책의 전개과정과 북한의 산림황폐지 실태)

  • Choi, In-Hwa;Woo, Jong-Choon
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed on the developmental process of forest policy direction in Korea and present status of forest desolation in North Korea of the pre and post division of the Korean peninsular with historical point of view and indicates future tasks to take. Forests in Korea were destroyed in the early of 1900s while Korean peninsular was under Japanese colonial rule. In 1945, Korea was divided into two parts, which developed its own forest policy under the different political system. South Korea was at Korean war in 1950 and accomplished the greening movement from 1970s to 1980s. After 1990s, the country has aimed to sustainable forest management. North Korea has focused on forestation until 1960. However, the result has been doubtful with North Korean economic depression, and these days North Korea faces forest desolation due to failures of forest management. Therefore, necessary is that recovery measures for forest desolation in North Korea, cooperation and interchange between North and South Korea and plans of forest management in case of unification.

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The impact of Foreign direct investment on Energy intensity: absorptive capacity as moderator (외국인 직접투자가 에너지 집약도에 미치는 영향분석-흡수능력의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Wang, Xiao Xue;Hwang, Yun-Seop
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.179-201
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    • 2014
  • The complementary effect between FDI and its absorptive capacity has drawn more attention than before. This paper intended to explore the relationship between energy intensity and such complementary effect. The absorptive capacity of FDI shows various aspects among which we focus on the human capital, the financial system and the infrastructure in this paper. Using the panel data from 1990 to 2011, the study is processed between the 20 OECD and 20 Non-OECD countries. The empirical results shown that for OECD country, a complementary effect exists between FDI and its absorbability and it has the controlling effect on energy reduction. But the effect is only significant in the human capital and the financial system. The infrastructure variable is less important in OECD country due to their high development level. However, for non-OECD country, the complementary effect between infrastructure and FDI reduces energy consumption significantly, it can get to the point that the process for infrastructure to attract FDI and also benefits from it only blow its way to the Non-OECD, developing countries, without andy special effects for the OECD countries which has already highly build up their infrastructure. Also, the financial system in Non-OECD countries is at the primary stage yet, which is not easy to contribute efficiency. To make a conclusion, the complementary effect between infrastructure and FDI in OECD country and which between finical system and FDI in non-OECD country cannot enhance energy efficiency as expected.

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A Study on the Spatial Data Infrastructure Development Methods in Abu Dhabi through Gap Analyses on Spatial Information between the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the Republic of Korea (한국-아부다비 공간정보 격차분석을 통한 아부다비 공간정보인프라의 발전 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Kirl
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2015
  • The Emirate of Abu Dhabi is swiftly rising into a newly industrialized country by achieving economic prosperity among the Islamic cultural regions of Middle East and North Africa(MENA). Abu Dhabi Emirate is performing the conversion from oil economy to non-oil economy and the sustainable urban development policy. However, there are various social and environmental problems in Abu Dhabi. In order to solve the urban problems caused by the rapid economic growth and the changes in society and environment, Abu Dhabi is recognizing the importance of spatial information and triggering the establishment of spatial information. Spatial information is regarded as a basic infrastructure for urban construction and enlarged as a blue ocean market in Abu Dhabi. However, the base of spatial data infrastructure in Abu Dhabi is not well managed in comparison to that of Korea. Especially, Abu Dhabi has some characteristics that it depends on foreign multinational companies and it does not have its own systemic organization and law system. To advance into Abu Dhabi spatial data market under-controlled by global vendors, it is necessary to identify the advantage and disadvantage on spatial data infrastructure of Abu Dhabi and required to establish the advance methods into niche markets by considering priority order of spatial information. Thus, this study aims to analyze the gap of spatial information between Abu Dhabi and Korea and suggest the short and long term development methods for spatial data infrastructure of Abu Dhabi. The results of gap analyses will be the milestone for Korean companies' advance into MENA.

The Quality Circle, SMEs' Performance, and Mediating Role of Organizational Ambidexterity (품질관리관행과 중소기업 성과간의 관계에 대한 연구: 조직내 맥락적 양면성의 매개효과 검증을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Soonok;Rhee, Jaehoon;Zhao, Xiaifei
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 2017
  • The fourth industrial revolution and creative economy are in the center of today's economic environments. In this context, venture companies make great efforts in achieving innovative capability for sustainable growth. Especially, in order to create the innovative capability or innovation performance, they are very much interested in obtaining such characteristics of organizational ambidexterity as exploration and exploitation. Thus, this study aims to study the organizational contextual ambidexterity as a key factor to create SMEs' performance and to conduct an empirical research with the data collected from domestic SMEs in order to find the antecedent and consequence of this ambidexterity. In so doing, we selected as an antecedent of contextual ambidexterity quality management practice, which is an innovative method of enterprise innovation and enterprise level, innovation performance (radical and incremental Innovation performance) as a consequence and ran a series of regression analyses. As a result, quality management practices such as quality circle activities have had positive effect on organizational ambidexterity, that is, exploration and exploration, and contextual ambidexterity has affected positively on innovation performance. It is also found that the contextual ambidexterity plays a full mediating role in the relationship between quality management practices and innovation performance. The results of this study suggest that contextual ambidexterity is essential to achieving organizational innovation performance and quality management activities such as quality circle should be preceded in order to stimulate or stimulate contextual ambidexterity.

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A Study on the Impact Investment for the Revitalization of Financial Institutions of Social Enterprises: in the Case of Britain and U.S.A. (사회적기업의 금융지원 활성화를 위한 임팩트투자 연구 - 영국과 미국 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Chang, Sug-In;Seong, Yeon-Ok;Lim, Sang-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.151-169
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    • 2015
  • Social enterprises that are solving pressing global issues and providing services such as micro-finance, affordable housing, appropriate technology and education for the 'bottom of the pyramid' as well as cultural and community-related businesses that improve the 'quality of life' within a society are the target of impact investments. Among them, a capital financing is one of the most important factor in founding and fostering of social enterprise. However, the capital market for social enterprises in South Korea are not yet sufficiently developed. The Britain and U.S.A. attempted to solve the social problem by the introduction of the social innovation credit model, for example, social impact bonds(SIB), Big Society Capital, DBLIF, and ACCION International, which are considered as an innovative new financing instrument for social program. Instruments are being attempted for the first time in Britain and America. This study have two purposes. The first purpose is abstracting the institutional mechanism for introduction of impact investment such as SIB and DBLIF case in Britain and U.S.A.. Second, analyzing type and mix of policy instrument on impact investment from the perspective of policy instrument.

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Identification of Visitation Density and Critical Management Area Regarding Marine Spatial Planning: Applying Social Big Data (해양공간계획 수립을 위한 방문밀집도 및 중점관리지역 규명: 소셜 빅데이터를 활용하여)

  • Kim, Yoonjung;Kim, Choongki;Kim, Gangsun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2020
  • Marine Spatial Planning is an emerging strategy that promoting sustainable development at coastal and marine areas based on the concept of ecosystem services. Regarding its methodology, usage rate of resources and its impact should be considered in the process of spatial planning. Particularly, considering the rapid increase of coastal tourism, visitation pattern is required to be identified across coastal areas. However, actions to quantify visitation pattern have been limited due to its required high cost and labor for conducting extensive field-study. In this regard, this study aimed to pose the usage of social big data in Marine Spatial Planning to identify spatial visitation density and critical management zone throughout coastal areas. We suggested the usage of GPS information from Flickr and Twitter, and evaluated the critical management zone by applying spatial statistics and density analysis. This study's results clearly showed the coastal areas having relatively high visitors in the southern sea of South Korea. Applied Flickr and Twitter information showed high correlation with field data, when proxy excluding over-estimation was applied and appropriate grid-scale was identified in assessment approach. Overall, this study offers insights to use social big data in Marine Spatial Planning for reflecting size and usage rate of coastal tourism, which can be used to designate conservation area and critical zones forintensive management to promote constant supply of cultural services.

Retrospects and Prospects of Sixty Years of Geographical Studies in Korea (한국의 지리학연구 60년 회고와 전망)

  • Park, Sam-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.770-788
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    • 2005
  • In this article, major research trends are examined mainly from articles published in Journal of the Korean Geography, academic society journals of sub-fields in geography and Ph.D. dissertations in geography of universities in Korea. Based on the research trends up to current point, issues and research directions in order to raise the status of Korean Geography in the twenty first century are prospected. Sixty years of Korean Geography can be divided into 4 periods such as before 1970s, during the 1980s, during the 1990s, and the period after the 2001. Each period of time revealed distinct aspects of development both quantitatively and qualitatively. For the last 60 years, the study of Korean Geography has gone through enormous changes in the number of articles with dynamics and variety in contents and methodology, breathing with the changes of the Korean society. Experiencing urbanization and industrialization along with rapid economical growth, the study of Korean Geography has progressed by analyzing the issues and problems of national space and conducting various researches from the case studies for problem-solving to the theoretical and policy oriented studies. The key-words such as 'knowledge based information society', 'aged society', and 'the era of globalization' will be realized in the twenty flit century. And environment-friendly policies for sustainable development will be more stressed in a globalized world. In order to provide research methods and alternatives suitable for newly transformed global society and for utilizing the essence of Geography in the future, the studies on Korean Geography should actively focus on integrative studies between physical and human geography, on interdisciplinary studies, on regional studies related to foreign countries and North Korea, and on the establishment of Korean geographical theory and model.

A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Department Store for Sustainable Development (지속가능한 성장을 위한 백화점의 경쟁전략에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Chang-Beom;Park, Chul-Ju;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - Since Korean distribution market was opened, the domestic environment in department stores has been changed by the pattern of consumption and consumer need based on income classes. As multilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) accelerates opening markets, the scale of circulating capital has become bigger. Large-scale commercial facilities have developed quickly as a form of a large shopping center, thus, the matter of choice and securing market area became an important valuable in this trend. Moreover, multi-complex space has been proposed as the goal of successful business with promoting the public benefit. Research design, data, and methodology - This research studied consumer behavior using data about the life style and sales of consumers, not statistical data or survey as previous studies. This research tried to find the differentiation in complex cultural space with consumption behavior of department store. Results - As the structure of society and culture was getting diverse and complex, economic growth and development with such diversity and complexity improved consumers' quality of life. The changes of consumer life style are quite natural like human instinct. Department stores have activated retail business with the products of accumulated technology. Moreover, they have created the space of consumption and culture. Because of these social and environmental changes, department stores are being developed as Multi-functional spaces as well as sale places considering the strategies of department and the changes of consumers' purchasing behaviors. Conclusions - Urban culture complex is a landmark standing for the culture era of 21st century. It has provided an opportunity for consumers to enjoy culture, and has been an important factor to improve company images. Based on these roles and needs, expectancy effects are related with consumer preference and space preference, and the attitude toward companies. Moreover, the expectancy effects from those relationships are getting bigger and bigger. We should respect nature, a characteristic of Korean architecture, maintain visual continuity that harmonies with nature in the development of the complex space of the domestic department stores, and should take significance in the development of the complex cultural space in the direction of feeling the hierarchy of the space to obtain the visual pleasure with the artificial structure.