• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지상낙원

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Beyond Armageddon: Is the Jehovah's Witnesses' Paradise Earth Conceivable? (아마겟돈을 지나서 - 여호와의 증인이 말하는 지상낙원은 상상할 수 있는 것인가? -)

  • Chryssides, George D.
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.32
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    • pp.237-267
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    • 2019
  • The article considers the problems of envisaging a paradise on earth, with special reference to Jehovah's Witnesses. After an explanation of their relationship to the Christian Protestant tradition, particularly Adventism and American fundamentalism, some key doctrines of the Watch Tower organisation are identified, with particular reference to their belief in a coming earthly paradise. Jehovah's Witnesses are a restorationist movement, seeking a restored paradise on earth, and endeavouring to restore authentic Christianity in what they take to be its original form. Discussion is given to the possibility of physical accommodation on the earth, the position of animals, family life, language, and technology. Finally, brief comparison is made with the expected paradise of the Daesoon Jinrihoe, which is based on a radically different worldview. It is concluded that such differences help to explain why Jehovah's Witnesses have limited success in Korea, as compared with indigenous Korean new religions such as Daesoon Jinrihoe.

A Cartographic Study on the Earthly Paradise Represented in the Medieval Mappaemundi (서양 중세 세계지도에 표현된 지상낙원의 지도학적 연구)

  • Chul, Jung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.412-431
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    • 2008
  • The achievements of the medieval mappaemundi should be evaluated on their own terms and in the context of their purpose. Medieval mappaemundi expressed christian world view which reflected Augustinian theology. These Christian world view and Greek and Roman classical geography were combined to form the cultural barkground of the medieval mappaemundi. These maps had a function to organize physical space according to religious principles. The Christian concept of the world as a temporal phenomenon, derived from the simultaneous creation of time and space as described in St. Augustin's theology was represented in these maps. The purpose of this paper is to consider geographic characteristics of earthly paradise expressed in medieval mappaemundi and their cartographic characteristics. For this, firstly, we reviewed medieval Christian scholars' opinions on earthly paradise. Secondly, centered on geographic location and representation method, we examined cartographic characteristics of medieval paradise mapping, Thirdly, we considered the shift of paradise according to chronological change. Fourthly, we examined the reason why earthly paradise disappeared from world map after fourteenth century.

생활과 원자력 - 원자력 에너지의 이용

  • 한국원자력산업회의
    • Nuclear industry
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    • no.1011 s.18
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 1979
  • 원자력 에너지의 파괴력은 무섭다. 단숨에 인류를 멸망시킬 수도 있다. 그러나 이렇게 무서운 위력을 가진 원자력 에너지일지라도, 우리 인류가 평화적 이용을 목적해서 생활화를 꾀한다면, 인류는 지상낙원을 이룩할 수가 있다. 여기에, 원자력을 이용한 몇가지 사례를 소개하여 우리 일상생활에의 현실화를 그려 보기로 한다.

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Bali's Tourism Policy and Determinants for Korean Tourists in Selecting Bali as Tour Destination (발리 관광정책과 발리행 한국인 관광객의 선택요인에 관한 연구)

  • CHOI, Kyung Hee
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.59-105
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    • 2013
  • 발리는 '신들의 섬', '세계의 아침', '지상의 마지막 낙원' 등의 이름을 갖고 있는 세계적으로 유명한 관광지이다. 본 논문의 목적은 이러한 세계적으로 유명한 여행목적지인 발리 관광을 통해 한국인은 동남아에 대해 어떤 인상을 갖게 되는가를 연구하고자했다. 최근 한국과 동남아 사이에 인간의 이동이 빈번해짐에 따라 문화교류 및 교차가 발생할 것을 전제로 하여 '한국 속 동남아현상'의 원인과 경로, 결과 등을 연구하는 배경 가운데, 특히 초국가적 단기이동으로서 관광을 통해 문화교류 및 교차에 대한 이해를 높이고자 한 것이다. 우선 관광목적지로 유인하는 요인에는 사회적, 지리적, 생태환경적, 문화적, 심리적 등등 다양한 요인들이 있고, 이러한 유인요인들을 매력적인 관광상품으로 개발하여 세계인들을 더 많이 유치하는 데는 관광정책에 달려있다. 무엇보다 민주화 이후 발리관광정책은 천해의 자연 및 지리조건은 물론 발리가 보유하고 있는 독특한 힌두문화, 그리고 발리를 신, 인간, 자연의 조화와 그 속에서의 평화를 체험할 수 있는 공간으로서 그 목적을 갖고 있다. 이러한 관광전략을 '지속가능한 그리고 공동체에 기초한 발전' 전략이라고 볼 수 있다. 설문지 경험분석을 통해 한국인이 발리에 도착하기 전까지 발리를 관광지로 선택하는데 영향을 준 미디어는 TV 드라마가 제일 크고, 인터넷, 여행정보지 그리고 지인 등의 순으로 나타나고, 한국인이 발리를 관광지로 선택하는 가장 큰 요인은 뜨거운 태양과 해변, 아름다운 자연환경임을 알 수 있었다. 또한 발리에 도착하여 발리에 대한 매력으로 느끼는 요소는 첫째가 역시 자연환경에서 주는 만족도가 제일 높고, 흥미로운 특징으로 볼 수 있는 것은 두 번째 요소가 편리한 숙박시설 즉, 잘 갖춰진 호텔에 대한 만족도가 2순위, 쇼핑이 3순위 그리고 다양한 문화와 예술이 4순위이다. 그리고 마지막으로 발리에 대한 이미지도 역시 자연환경에 대한 이미지가 가장 많은 영향을 차지하고 있고, 평화로움 그리고 신비로움 등이 발리에 대한 이미지로 자리잡고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 결국 초국가적 단기이동으로 한국인 발리행 관광을 통해 동남아적 자연환경과 문화에 대한 체험은 갖게 되지만, 단기이동의 한계로서 문화교류와 교차가 실질적으로 발생하는 것은 아니라고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 발리는 초국가적 문화의 장으로서 한국인을 포함하여 세계인과 함께 문화교류 및 교차의 장으로서 기능하고 있다고 볼 수 있다.

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A Transcendental Pragmatic Interpretation on the Notion of 'Injon' in Daesoon Thought (대순사상의 인존(人尊)에 대한 화용론적(話用論的) 해석)

  • Baek, Choon-hyoun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.39
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    • pp.33-67
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims at revealing the core concept of Injon (Human Nobility). The concept of Injon is one of the salient fundamental ideas which makes Daesoon Jinrihoe recognizable as Daesoon Jinrihoe. The concept of Injon has the basic meaning of 'human nobility,' but within the context wherein the nobility of humankind is considered to be greater than the nobility of Heaven and Earth. Although the religious and ideological interpretations of Injon (human nobility) that have developed over time have been quite diverse and abundant, these interpretations are all limited in that they generally assume the relationship between 'Heaven and Earth' and 'Humanity' to be antagonistic. However, if human nobility is relativized in that manner, it can reduce the potential broader meanings of mutual beneficence and the earthly paradise of the later world. These interpretations are grounded in the view of semiotic interpretation. Such interpretations have composed their view point via the semiotic meaning of the words. The semiotic point of view suggests that meanings of words consist in the relation of the word and the object to which it denotes. We will introduce a new view point which can be termed the transcendental view point. This view focuses on how the exact interpretation of words and sentences depends on the comprehension of the triad of systematic relations among the word, object, and speaker. In the Daesoon Thought, the Former World is considered to be the world wherein all creations unfolded according to the principle of mutual contention. This led to the accumulation of grievances and grudges which condensed and filled the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. The Former World was dominated by Western material civilization, selfishness, and exclusivism. It was also a world where humans suffered from various natural disasters such as floods, droughts, plagues, and wildfires. The Former World lost the constant Dao and was overwhelmed with all kinds of disasters and calamities. That world fell into various kinds of wretchedness. The causes which made the Former World so cruel came from humans misunderstanding their relation to nature and life in general; including human life. The anthropocentric modern cosmology insisted that the human race was the only one to have the powers and rights to exercise dominion over nature. On the other hand, there is the Later World, which means the ideal and perfect, immanent eternal world for all humankind in Daesoon Thought. This world consists of life, peace, and equality and is also characterized by three typical attributes: goodness, peace, and all kinds of life. All living beings previously struggled for survival, but in the Later World, those lifeforms will embrace each other; even across different realms. In Daesoon Thought, the world and cosmos contain diverse forms of life, and human have both an earthly life and life in the after world should they die before the Later World. There are also the lives of divine beings and animals, and other such living entities. Daesoon Thought subsumes pan-vitalism, which allows they acknowledgement of myriad possible lifeforms. The concept of the Later World in Daesoon Thought, which mainly revealed in The Canonical Scripture and the words of Sangje (Kang Jeungsan), suggests that all kinds of life, including humans, animals, and even spirits in the afterworld, can live together in a perfect coming earthly paradise which is immanent. The concept of Injon can be interpreted though the view of transcendental pragmatics as an alternative to the typical views discussed in Daesoon Thought. Thinkers should attempt to improve current discourse on Injon in Daesoon Thought by focusing on the point that all kinds the original teachings demonstrate a value of all lifeforms. Therein, Injon would indicate not only the human nobility and dignity but also the nobility and dignity of divine beings, divine humans, and all other forms of life that have existed across time. The dimension of time allows for recognition of lifeforms from the Former World, the afterworld, and the Later World. This revised appraisal of Injon could further accommodate denizens of the afterworld, animals, ghosts and spirits, the earth and cloud souls of humans, and other lifeforms held to exist in the cosmology of Daesoon Thought.