• Title/Summary/Keyword: 준겉보기질량

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Nonlinearity of Biodynamic Response to Shock-Type Vertical Whole-Body Vibration (쇼크타입 수직방향 전신진동에 대한 생체동역학적 반응의 비선형성)

  • Ahn Se-Jin;Griffin Michael J.;Yoo Wan-Suk;Jeong, Weui-Bong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.2 s.257
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2007
  • Impulsive excitation on vehicle produces shock-type vibration on the seat, which has major frequencies and damping ratios dependent on the characteristics of the suspension, the tire, the seat cushion and so on. The response of single degree of freedom model to a half-sine force input was considered as simple shock-type vibration signal. Quasi-apparent-mass for fifteen subjects was measured with the shock-type vibration generated on a rigid seat mounted on the simulator, so its nonlinearity was apparently found over 6.3 Hz according to the difference of magnitude of the shock.