• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주요혈관 폐색

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Vessel skeletonization in X-ray angiogram for coronary artery roadmap generation (관상동맥의 로드맵 형성을 위한 X-ray angiogram 에서의 혈관골격추출)

  • Yun, Hyun-Joo;Song, Soo-Min;Kim, Myoung-Hee
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.1661-1664
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 computer-aided analysis 의 일환으로 X-ray 심혈관 조영도를 이용하여 관상동맥의 구조를 보여주는 방법에 대해 제시하고자 한다. 관상동맥 폐색증 환자들에게 시술되는 스텐트 삽입 시술이나 관상동맥 우회로 시술을 할 때에는 X-ray 의 조영 영상이 매우 중요한 시술의 기준이 되고 있으며, 조영 영상에서 혈관을 빠르고 정확하게 인식하는 것은 시술의 필수 조건이다. 이러한 시술중의 혈관구조 인식을 돕기 위하여 본 논문에서는 심혈관 조영 영상으로부터 관상동맥의 골격을 추출하기 위한 방법을 제안한다. 본 논문에서는 혈관 구조 추출을 위하여 3 단계 알고리즘을 제시한다. 첫번째 단계에서는 조영도에서 잡음을 제거하기 위하여 동질영역을 블러링할 수 있는 speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion 을 이용한 이미지 필터링을 수행한다. 이 필터링은 영상내 잡음을 제거하고 혈관의 경계선을 강화하여 정확한 영상인식을 가능하게 한다. 두번째 단계에서는 영상 내에서 보여지는 주요 혈관을 분할하는 것이다. 이 영상분할에는 canny edge detection 과 개선된 영역확장법(adaptive region growing)을 동시에 이용하는 복합적 분할기법이 수행된다. 세번째 단계에서는 형태학적 기법(Morphology)을 이용하여 분할결과의 부족한 부분을 보완하고 골격화를 수행하여 정확한 혈관 구조를 추출해낸다. 실험을 위해서는 정상인의 관상동맥 영상 뿐 아니라 혈관이 가늘어지는 폐색이 관찰되는 환자의 영상에 대해서도 실험하였다. 또한 논문에서 제시한 알고리즘에 대한 검증을 위하여 실험 결과들은 의료진의 감수를 거쳤다.

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Usefulness of High Resolution MRI in Confirmation of Mechanism:A Case Report (척추동맥폐색의 기전 확인에서 고해상도MRI의 유용성:증례 보고)

  • Hur, Wook;Kang, Hyun Goo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.239-244
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    • 2018
  • Both arterial dissection and atherosclerosis are major causes of cerebral infarction and appear to be occlusion or stenosis in magnetic resonance angiography(MRA) and computed tomographic angiography(CTA). But there are differences in treatment because they have different mechanisms. Recently, as high resolution magnetic resonance image(HR-MRI) develops, the image of blood vessel wall can be confirmed non-invasively. Though HR-MRI has become a very useful method for patients with suspected arterial dissection, differential diagnosis of the two diseases has not yet been fully established due to differences in the findings according to stages of arterial dissection and atherosclerosis. We investigated the differences between vertebral artery dissection and atherosclerosis through HR-MRI in two patients and confirmed the diagnosis by CTA follow-up. In addition to the previously established diagnostic criteria, we determined that the long and severe stenosis and recanalization suggest arterial dissection. Characteristics of arterial dissection confirmed by HR-MR and additional studies will be helpful for the treatment.

Transarterial Coil Embolization in Two Maltese Dogs with Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using a Mini Cobra-tip Angiocatheter (말티스 견에서 시술된 미니코브라 카테터와 코일을 이용한 동맥관 개존증의 치료 2 증례)

  • Han, Dong-Hyun;An, Hyo-Jin;Hyun, Chang-Baig
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.740-745
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    • 2010
  • Patent ductus arteiosus (PDA) is the persistent opening of ductus arterious located between pulmonary artery and descending aorta after birth. Although PDA can be occluded by surgical ligation, interventional closure of PDA using various devices is being rapidly replaced to surgical ligation, because of its non-invasive nature of treatment and minimal post-care after treatment. Main problem encountering in interventional treatment in toy breed dogs is vascular inaccessibility due to small size of artery. Although transvenous approach using jugular veins has been developed, this technique requires experienced skill to locate occlude devices into PDA and has high risk of accidental dislodgement of occluding devices (i.e. embolization coils or vascular plugs). Therefore, in this study, we developed a modified technique for coil embolization using mini-angiocatheter with trans-femoral approach in toy breed dogs (< 3.0 kg of body weight). With this modified method, we were successfully treated two toy breed (Maltese) dogs with the left to right shunted PDA.

Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia That Developed during Redo-double Valve Replacement Surgery, and This Was Caused by Acute Aortic Dissection (이중판막 재치환술 시 발생한 급성 대동맥 박리증으로 인한 비폐쇄성 장간막 허혈)

  • Lee, Sak;Song, Suk-Won;Cho, Sang-Ho;Song, Seung-Jun;Kim, Kwan-Wook;Chang, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.248-251
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    • 2009
  • Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) is a rare complication that occurs in about 0.05% of patients after openheart surgery, and NOMI refers to the mesenteric ischemia that's caused by splanchnic vasospasm without occlusion of the great intestinal vessels. In the presently reported case, NOMI developed to maintain the blood flow to the heart and brain after several minutes of a hypotensive status and the latter was caused by acute aortic dissection that complicated an aortic cannulation procedure. Unfortunately, the patient died even though the problems were diagnosed early and proper treatment was administered. Early diagnosis of NOMI by angiography and the selective infusion of vasodilators are thought to be the only way to improve survival for patients with clinically suspected NOMI.

The Research to Correct Overestimation in TOF-MRA for Severity of Cerebrovascular Stenosis (3D-SPACE T2 기법에 의한 TOF-MRA검사 시 발생하는 혈관 내 협착 정도의 측정 오류 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Yong Su;Kim, Ho Chul;Lee, Dong Young;Lee, Su Cheol;Ha, Seung Han;Kim, Min Gi
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.180-188
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    • 2014
  • It is very important accurate diagnosis and quick treatment in cerebrovascular disease, i.e. stenosis or occlusion that could be caused by risk factors such as poor dietary habits, insufficient exercise, and obesity. Time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography (TOF-MRA), it is well known as diagnostic method without using contrast agent for cerebrovascular disease, is the most representative and reliable technique. Nevertheless, it still has measurement errors (also known as overestimation) for length of stenosis and area of occlusion in celebral infarction that is built by accumulation and rupture of plaques generated by hemodynamic turbulence. The purpose of this study is to show clinical trial feasibility for 3D-SPACE T2, which is improved by using signal attenuation effects of fluid velocity, in diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease. To model angiostenosis, strictures of different proportions (40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%) and virtual blood stream (normal saline) of different velocities (0.19 ml/sec, 1.5 ml/sec, 2.1 ml/sec, and 2.6 ml/sec) by using dialysis were made. Cross-examinations were performed for 3D-SPACE T2 and TOF-MRA (16 times each). The accuracy of measurement for length of stenosis was compared in all experimental conditions. 3D-SPACE 2T has superiority in terms of accuracy for measurements of the length of stenosis, compared with TOF-MRA. Also, it is robust in fast blood stream and large stenosis than TOF-MRA. 3D-SPACE 2T will be promising technique to increase diagnosis accuracy in narrow complex lesions as like two cerebral small vessels with stenosis, created by hemodynamic turbulence.

A Case of Moyamoya Disease in a Child with Alagille Syndrome (Alagille 증후군 환아에서 발생한 Moyamoya병 1례)

  • Lim, Mi Rang;Lee, So Yaun;Kim, Deok Soo;Kim, Kyung Mo;Ko, Tae Sung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2003
  • Alagille syndrome is a autosomal dominant disorder characterized by intrahepatic bile duct paucity and resultant chronic cholestasis in combination with cardiac(mainly peripheral pulmonary stenosis), skeletal, ocular, and facial abnormalities. In addition to the pulmonary stenosis, in large series, anecdotal reports of vascular lesions have concerned the renal artery, aorta, hepatic artery, carotid artery, celiac artery or subclavian artery. Theses diffuse vascular abnormalities, which appear to be a feature of Alagille syndrome, suggest Notch signaling pathway defects affect angiogenesis. The associations of Alagille syndrome with moyamoya disease, the chronic cerebrovascular occlusive disease, were reported and suggested as additional evidence of vasculopathy of Alagille syndrome. We report another 25 month-old Alagille syndrome girl who presented with acute left hemiparesis and was diagnosed with moyamoya disease through the cerebral angiographic study.

Clinical Study of Vascular Injuries (혈관 손상의 임상적 고찰)

  • Chung, Sung-Woon;Kim, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.7 s.276
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    • pp.480-484
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    • 2007
  • Background: Major vascular injuries can jeopardize a patient's life or imperil limb survival. We performed this study to establish an optimal management plan for vascular injuries. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed 26 cases of vascular injury that were treated at Pusan National University Hospital from May, 1999 to September, 2004. The age and sex distribution, the locations and causes of vascular injury, the diagnostic tools, the degree of injuries, clinical manifestations, the treatment modality and complications were reviewed. Result: The mean age was 39.5 years (range: $12{\sim}86$) and the male to female ratio was 22 : 4. The injuries were in 6 descending thoracic aortas, 4 femoral arteries, 4 popliteal veins and so on. The causes of injury were iatrogenic in 8 cases, traffic accident in 7, stab injury in 6 and industrial accident in 5. The most commonly used diagnostic tools were CT and angiography. The degrees of arterial injury were pseudoaneurysm in 10 cases, partial severance in 5, complete severance in 3 and thrombosis in 3. The degrees of venous injury were partial severance in 6 cases, complete severance in 2 and arteriovenous fistula in 2. The clinical manifestations were absence of pulse in 8 cases, coldness in 7, chest pain in 6, swelling in 5, bleeding in 5 and so on. The most frequently used type of revascularization was graft interposition in 11 cases. Two arteriovenous fistulae were repaired by endovascular procedure. There was one case of mortality due to multi-organ failure after hemorrhagic shock, There were three major amputations, and two of them were due to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Conclusion: A system for the early diagnosis and treatment is essential for improving limb salvage and patient mortality. As a consequence of the widespread application of endovascular procedures, the incidence of iatrogenic injuries has recently increased. Educating physicians is important for the prevention of iatrogenic injury. Easy communication and cooperation for earlier involvement of a vascular surgeon is also an important factor.

Evaluation of Patient Radiation Doses Using DAP Meter in Interventional Radiology Procedures (인터벤션 시술 시 면적선량계를 이용한 환자 방사선 선량 평가)

  • Kang, Byung-Sam;Yoon, Yong-Su
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2017
  • The author investigated interventional radiology patient doses in several other countries, assessed accuracy of DAP meters embedded in intervention equipments in domestic country, conducted measurement of patient doses for 13 major interventional procedures with use of Dose Area Product(DAP) meters from 23 hospitals in Korea, and referred to 8,415 cases of domestic data related to interventional procedures by radiation exposure after evaluation the actual effectives of dose reduction variables through phantom test. Finally, dose reference level for major interventional procedures was suggested. In this study, guidelines for patient doses were $237.7Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in TACE, $17.3Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in AVF, $114.1Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in LE PTA & STENT, $188.5Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in TFCA, $383.5Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Aneurysm Coil, $64.6Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in PTBD, $64.6Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Biliary Stent, $22.4Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in PCN, $4.3Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Hickman, $2.8Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Chemo-port, $4.4Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Perm-Cather, $17.1Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in PCD, and $357.9Gy{\cdot}cm^2$ in Vis, EMB. Dose referenece level acquired in this study is considered to be able to use as minimal guidelines for reducing patient dose in the interventional radiology procedures. For the changes and advances of materials and development of equipments and procedures in the interventional radiology procedures, further studies and monitorings are needed on dose reference level Korean DAP dose conversion factor for the domestic procedures.

Analysis of Surgical Risk Factors in Pulmonary (폐국균종의 수술위험인자 분석)

  • 김용희;이은상;박승일;김동관;김현조;정종필;손광현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 1999
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of complications, the incidences of complications, and preoperative and postoperative risk factors affecting the incidence of the complication. Material and Method: Between August 1990 and August 1997 in Asan Medical Center, 42 patients(24 men and 18 women) underwent surgical resection for pulmonary aspergilloma. The mean age was 46.6${\pm}$11.5 years(range 29 to 69 years). Hemoptysis(90%) was the most common presentation. Pulmonary tuberculosis was the most common predisposing cause(81%). The associated diseases were bronchiectasis(n=11), active puolmonary tuberculosis(n=9), diabetes mellitus(n=8), lung carcinoid(n=1), and acute myeloblastic leukemia(n=1). Lobectomy was done in 32 cases(76%), segmentectomy or wedge resection in 4, pneumonectomy in 2, and lobectomy combined with segmentectomy in 4. Result: Operative mortality was 2%. The most common postoperative complication was persistent air leakage(n=6). The variables such as age, sex, pulmonary function test, amount and duration of hemoptysis, associated diseases(diabetes mellitus, active pulmonary tuberculosis), mode of preoperative management(steroid, antifungal agent, bronchial arterial embolization), and modes of operative procedures were statistically insignificant. The radiologic extent of infiltration to normal lung parenchyme was statistically significant(p=0.04). Conclusion: We conclude that the extent of the infiltration to normal lung parenchyme in preoperative radiologic studies should be carefully evaluated to reduce the postoperative complications in surgery for pulmonary aspergilloma.

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