• 제목/요약/키워드: 좌표체계

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A Study on the Influence of Conflict on the Performance and Validity of Organization (갈등이 조직성과 및 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • 기호익
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 1998
  • It is common description that modern society is In the era of limitless competition. In order to challenge the change of economy and its management at home and abroad, organization should be changed anew, and in this case, there accompanies conflict or trouble whether the subject of change wants it or not. Therefore, according to change, we should concern with settlement of small troubles as well as big ones, and by managing the conflict or trouble productively and originally, it should be utilized as new fatality and chance to develop something in organization. In the system organized by people, there exist various conflicts in accordance with the target and want of the system, therefore giving no freedom to each Individual member of the system, and this is an unavoidable tate in consideration of the modem society where the survival of mankind and human systems should be guaranteed. Therefore, it determines the coordinates of success of any of organizations to manage conflict or trouble well, and so, when decreasing or increasing conflicts so that the organization exerts its full influence, it is note worthy that conflict itself should be rationally and efficiently managed. In a view point of the theory of organization and its behavior, relating job satisfaction with the performance and validity of organization, the influence of individual conflict is so great on the rate of job transfer within an organization or nonattendance, even on the productivity of the organization. So, the manager to cope with conflict within an organization should devise following three plans to manage conflict for job satisfaction and conflict settlement. In conclusion, it is suggested that in order to manage conflict within an organization well, some plans to control conflict should be well utilized while giving more efforts to improving management of individual conflict, job satisfaction, validity of organization, productivity, etc and all the members of organization should remember that the Issue of conflict within an organization be recognized ad an opportunity of new development and a way to settle a trouble within an organization, and a direction of conflict management should be suggested so that new innovation ca be created.

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Notes on the Status and Conservation of Callipogon Relictus Semenov in Korea (장수하늘소 현황 및 보전방안)

  • An, Seung Lak
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.260-279
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    • 2010
  • The analysis on bibliography and field investigation of Callipogon relictus Semenov, 1898 (Korean natural monument number 218) shows that the size varies from country to country, and Korean specimens, for which male is 85~120mm and female is 65~85mm, are found to be the largest. The average diameter and length of egg are 2.60mm and 6.72mm respectively. The larva has milky color and is about 100~150mm in length. The pupa is nearly 70~110mm. An adult generally appears from June to September in Korea in the broadleaf forest of lowland, whereas it appears from June to July in China. It is known that the pupa largely feed on the old tree trunk of Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) blume in Korea, but no such data have been reported in China and Russia, showing differences in host plants. While the larva period is not exactly known in Korea, it is reported to be two years in China. It appears that the species inhabits in very limited regions of approximately between geographical latitude $37.5^{\circ}{\sim}47.8^{\circ}$ and longitude $126^{\circ}{\sim}140^{\circ}$ including Korea, China and Russia. To conserve the long-horned beetle in Korea, this research drew out following some conclusions through analyzing the references and field survey data. First, it need to perform precise survey on the natural environment of occurring and collected area or place including host plant kinds, temperate, humidity, latitude, longitude etc. Second, habitat region must be designated as a restricted development area, and it need to exclude or reduce the damage factors to prosper reproduction of the species. Third, it is necessary to keep loosing cautiously artificial breeding individuals in the reported sites, not disturbing scope of natural populations. Fourth, it needs to educate or publicize many people importance and value of this species through many methods.