• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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Metatranscriptome-Based Analysis of Viral Incidence in Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) in Korea (메타전사체 분석을 이용한 국내 대추나무의 바이러스 감염실태)

  • Hong-Kyu Lee;Seongju Han;Sangmin Bak;Minseok Kim;Jean Geung Min;Hak ju Kim;Dong Hyun Kang;Minhui Kim;Wonyoung Jeong;Seungbin Baek;Minjoo Yang;Taegun Lim;Chanhoon An;Tae-Dong Kim;Chung Youl Park;Jae Sun Moon;Su-Heon Lee
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.276-285
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    • 2023
  • This work investigated the viral infection in jujube plants in Korea. A total of 61 samples with the symptoms of putative viral infection were collected from experimental fields and orchards. Thereafter, the samples were subjected to metatranscriptome analysis, Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis, and nucleotide sequence analysis. These analyses identified the presence of two DNA viruses, jujube-associated badnavirus (JuBV), jujube mosaic-associated virus (JuMaV), and one RNA virus, jujube yellow mottle-associated virus (JYMaV). All samples collected were confirmed to be infected by at least one of the three viruses, with most showed multiple infections. The detection rates of JuBV, JYMaV, and JuMaV were 100%, 90.2%, and 8.2%, respectively. Only three combinations of viral infections were found: 9.8% of samples showed single infection of JuBV, 82.0% showed double infection of JuBV+JYMaV, and 8.2% showed triple infection of JuBV+JYMaV+JuMaV. Sequence analysis of the three viruses showed very high homology with respective virus isolates reported in China. This study is predicted to provide fundamental data to produce virus-free jujube seedlings and represents the first report of JuBV and JuMaV infection in Korea.

Effect of Postemergence Herbicides on Dry Matter Yield and Weed Control in Spring Seeding Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (토양제초제 처리가 봄 파종 알팔파의 건물수량 및 잡초억제에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Bae Hun;Kim, Ji Hye;Lee, Ki Won;Lee, Se Young;Jung, Jeong Sung;Park, Hyung Soo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to examine the dry matter yield and weed control of alfalfa according to postemergence herbicides treatment during spring seeding alfalfa. The seeding time of alfalfa was April 21, 2021, the seeding amount was 20 kg/ha, and the seeding method was by 20 cm wide. The alfalfa harvest was carried out at the early bloom stage (10% of flowering), and the harvest date was June 29, 2021. The test treatments were non herbicide (NH), hand weeding (HW), herbicide 1 (Trifluralin, H1), herbicide 2 (S-metolachlor, H2), herbicide 3 (Alachlor, H3), and herbicide 4 (Pendimethalin, H4). Alfalfa plant height was significantly highest in H2 (62.1±1.4 cm) followed by H3 (61.7±1.6 cm), HW (58.5±1.0 cm), H1 (57.2±1.3 cm), H4 (56.1±1.3 cm), and NH (54.1±1.2 cm) (p<0.05). Based on HW, H2 and H3 were high and H1 and H4 were short, but NH was significantly shorter than HW and H1~H4 (p<0.05). The dry matter yield of alfalfa in NH, HW, H1, H2, H3, and H4 were 717.2±94.2, 2,613.8±254.1, 1,667.8±94.1, 2,498.3±120.2, 2,435.0±118.3, and 1,793.7±354.3 kg/ha. HW is the highest among them (p<0.05). The feed composition of alfalfa was 22~24% of the dry matter yield, and the CP content were significantly higher in NH (23.6 %) (p<0.05). The NH had higher (p<0.05) NDF and ADF, but RFV was lower (p<0.05). The weed plant height was NH 98.0±3.3cm, HW 73.3±1.7 cm, H1 91.9±1.5 cm, H2 53.3±5.8 cm, H3 81.4±3.5 cm and H4 96.6±2.2 cm, and H2 was significantly smallest in the group (p<0.05). The weed dry matter yield was NH 4,770.4±232.5 kg/ha, HW 316.3±91.9 kg/ha, H1 2,353.4±173.7 kg/ha, H2 114.5±10.2 kg/ha, H3 752.7±440.6 kg/ha and H4 2,220.6±775.6 kg/ha. The weed control value was HW 94.1%, H1 53.5%, H2 98.2%, H3 84.9%, H4 48.7%, the weed value of H2 is similar to weed control value of HW. Considering the above results, postemergence herbicide treatment controlled weeds by more than 50% compared with no treatment, and among herbicides, H2 (S-metolachlor) was found to be on a similar level to hand weeding.

Distributional Characteristics of the Population and Assessment of the Conservation Status of Michelia Compressa on Korea (국내 초령목 개체군의 분포특성과 보전지위평가)

  • Jong-Gab Kim;Dae-Shin Kim;Su-Kyoung Kim;Hyun-Mi Jeong;Young-Ki Song;Sung-Won Son;Jung-Goon Koh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.182-191
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    • 2023
  • This study was carried out to identify the distribution and growth characteristics and evaluate the conservation status of the Michelia compressa Maxim., a rare and endangered wild plant II, in the habitats in Korea. A total of 314 individuals were found in the natural habitats of Heuksan Island and Jeju Island and were divided into four populations. About 45.9% (144 individuals) were distributed in the range of 401m~500m above sea level. The average height of trees was 2.7(±4.8)m, the diameter at breast height was 12.6(±13.9)cm, and the number of branches was 1.0(±0.5) on average. 54.3% of the sapling individuals of M. compressa were distributed within a radius of 30 m from the mother tree, 25.8% were distributed between 31 m through 40 m, and most (90.1%) were distributed within a radius of 60 m. The fact that sapling individuals of M. compressa are not identified even around some mature individuals and appear only in extremely limited areas is estimated to be closely related to the growth conditions as well as the environment of the natural habitats. The dispersal of M. compressa is presumed to be related to the birds and natural seedlings because water puddles, a resting place for birds beyond the range of natural seedlings, characterize its habitats. The IUCN Red List evaluation criteria at the regional and national level of M. compressa corresponds to the Critically Endangered category, and the domestic population under the category of "CR B2ab(v); C2a(i); D."

이앙시기 및 재식밀도별 다복찰과 동진찰 생육 특성

  • 유영석;김효진;강영호;최유나;조대호;김주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.103-103
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    • 2022
  • 다복찰은 전라북도농업 기술원에서 2012~2020년에 신명흑찰과 익산488호를 교배하여 육성한 찰벼이며, 중대립, 단간, 내도복, 다수성의 특징을 보인다. 동진찰은 1998년도에 육성되었으며, 우리나라에서 가장 인기 있는 찰벼이다(재배면적 25,161ha/2021년 기준). 드문모심기 재배 기술은 2017년부터 도입되었으며, 밀파 육묘하여 재식밀도 및 재식주수를 감소함으로써 소요되는 재료비 등 경비 및 투입되는 노동력을 절감하는 경제성 있는 기술이다. 따라서 본 연구는 전라북도농업기술원에서 육성한 다복찰 보급 확대 및 가장 인기 높은 동진찰의 드문모심기 재배기술 확립 일환으로 시작되었으며, 2024년까지 3년간 실시할 계획이다. 시험은 기술원 논 포장에서 실시하였으며, 시험품종은 다복찰, 동진찰, 시험요인은 이앙시기(3처리) 및 재식밀도(4처리)를 두었다. 이앙시기별로 이앙 17일 전에 온탕소독(62℃, 10분), 종자소독(32℃, 1일), 침종(32℃, 1일), 간이출하(30℃, 3일) 과정을 거쳐 부직포 육묘(12일 정도)를 실시하였다. 5월20일(이앙520)부터 5월30일(이앙530), 6월9일(이앙609)까지 10일 간격으로 드문모심기 전용 이앙기로 이앙하였으며, 주당 본수는 5.7개 정도였다. 이앙 시기별로 시험포장을 구분하였고 포장내에 2품종, 각각 3.3m2당 80주, 60주, 50주, 37주 등 재식밀도 처리구를 두었으며, 처리구마다 3반복 조사구(10주/반복, 5본/주) 설치하였다. 10a당 9-4.5-5.7kg(N-P2O5-K2O)를 밑거름(50%)-분얼거름(20)-이삭거름(30) 등 3회 거쳐 시비하였다. 중간물떼기는 이앙32일째부터 10일간 실시하였으며, 예상 출수 30일 전에 충분하게 담수하였다. 이앙20일째부터 10일 간격으로 경수, 초장, 엽색도 등 생육 조사, 그리고 출수기, 후기 생육 및 병해충을 조사하였다. 향후 수확기에 수량, 수량구성요소, 미질 및 품위를 분석할 계획이다. 시험토양은 pH 6.0~6.3, EC는0.68~0.85dS/m, 유기물함량은 52~57g/kg 수준으로 높았다. 동진찰 발아율(94.0~98.1%)이 다복찰(89.9~94.9%)보다 우수하였다(3~6%P ↑). 다복찰 묘 충실도(102~106mg/주)가 동진찰(79~101mg/주)보다 다소 좋았으며, 이앙530 묘소질이 가장 좋았다. 동진찰 초장은 다복찰에 비해 다소 길었으나 이앙시기 및 재식밀도별 초장의 변화 유형은 비슷하였다. 이앙520구의 80주에서 초장이 가장 작았고 이앙609구에서는 80주에서 다소 길었으나, 처리구간의 유의성은 없었다. 동진찰 및 다복찰 경수는 37주에서 이앙 후 40일째, 50주, 60주, 80주에서는 30일째 가장 컸다. 출수기는 다복찰에 비해 동진찰이 3~7일 정도 빨랐으며, 특히 이앙520 동진찰에서는 재식밀도가 높을수록 출수기가 빠른 경향을 보였으며, 이앙530 이후에는 재식밀도간 차이가 거의 없었다. 동진찰에 비해 다복찰 간장이 3~6cm 작았으며, 2품종 모두 이앙609구에서 가장 낮은 값을 보였다. 수장도 간장과 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 수수는 2품종 모두 이앙이 늦을수록 증가하였으며, 37주에서 가장 높았으며, 80주에 비해 다복찰, 동진찰 각각 73.8%, 77.4% 높았다. 다복찰의 경우 3.3m2당 수수는 이앙시기별과 관계없이 상대적으로 80주에서 가장 많았고 이앙520에서 재식밀도간 차이는 감소하였지만 이앙시기가 늦을수록 수수는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 동진찰도 비슷한 경향을 보였으며, 이앙520과 이앙609 사이에 수수 차이는 적었다. 병 발생은 잎집무늬마름병, 세균성벼알마름병, 이삭누룩병이 주로 관찰되었으며, 세균성 벼알마름병은 출수기와 맞물린 이앙530에서 가장 크게 발생하였으며, 이앙520도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 이삭누룩병 발생이 심하였는데 재식밀도간 차이보다는 이앙시기별 차이가 더 크게 발생하였으며 품종 간의 병 발생 차이는 없었다. 이상의 결과로 수수 측면에서 조기 이앙할 경우에는 50~60주, 늦은 이앙 시에는 80주가 유리할 것으로 보이며, 추후주당 립수, 등숙률, 천립중 등을 조사하고 경영비 등을 고려하여 합리적인 이앙시기 및 재식밀도를 판단할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Establishing Optimal Conditions for LED-Based Speed Breeding System in Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] (LED 기반 콩[Glycine max (L.) Merr.] 세대단축 시스템 구축을 위한 조건 설정)

  • Gyu Tae Park;Ji-Hyun Bae;Ju Seok Lee;Soo-Kwon Park;Dool-Yi Kim;Jung-Kyung Moon;Mi-Suk Seo
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 2023
  • Plant breeding is a time-consuming process, mainly due to the limited annual generational advancement. A speed breeding system, using LED light sources, has been applied to accelerate generational progression in various crops. However, detailed protocols applicable to soybeans are still insufficient. In this study, we report the optimized protocols for a speed breeding system comprising 12 soybean varieties with various maturity ecotypes. We investigated the effects of two light qualities (RGB ratio), three levels of light intensity (PPFD), and two soil conditions on the flowering time and development of soybeans. Our results showed that an increase in the red wavelength of the light spectrum led to a delay in flowering time. Furthermore, as light intensity increased, flowering time, average internode length, and plant height decreased, while the number of nodes, branches, and pods increased. When compared to agronomic soil, horticultural soil resulted in an increase of more than 50% in the number of nodes, branches, and pods. Consequently, the optimal conditions were determined as follows: a 10-hour short-day photoperiod, an equal RGB ratio (1:1:1), light intensity exceeding 1,300 PPFD, and the use of horticultural soil. Under these conditions, the average flowering time was found to be 27.3±2.48 days, with an average seed yield of 7.9±2.67. Thus, the speed breeding systems reduced the flowering time by more than 40 days, compared to the average flowering time of Korean soybean resources (approximately 70 days). By using a controlled growth chamber that is unaffected by external environmental conditions, up to 6 generations can be achieved per year. The use of LED illumination and streamlined facilities further contributes to cost savings. This study highlights the substantial potential of integrating modern crop breeding techniques, such as digital breeding and genetic editing, with generational shortening systems to accelerate crop improvement.

Lodging-Tolerant, High Yield, Mechanized-Harvest Adaptable and Small Seed Soybean Cultivar 'Aram' for Soy-sprout (내도복 다수성 기계수확 적응 소립 나물용 콩 '아람')

  • Kang, Beom Kyu;Kim, Hyun Tae;Ko, Jong Min;Yun, Hong Tai;Lee, Young Hoon;Seo, Jeong Hyun;Jung, Chan Sik;Shin, Sang Ouk;Oh, Eun Yeong;Kim, Hong Sik;Oh, In Seok;Baek, In Youl;Oh, Jae Hyun;Seo, Min Jeong;Yang, Woo Sam;Kim, Dong Kwan;Gwak, Do Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.214-221
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    • 2019
  • 'Aram' is a soybean cultivar developed for soy-sprout. It was developed from the crossing of 'Bosug' (Glycine max IT213209) and 'Camp' (G. max IT267356) cultivars in 2007. F1 plants and F2 population were developed in 2009 and 2010. A promising line was selected in the F5 generation in 2011 using the pedigree method and it was evaluated for agronomic traits, yield, and soy-sprouts characteristics in a preliminary yield trial (PYT) in 2012 and an advanced yield trial (AYT) in 2013. Agronomic traits and yield were stable between 2014 and 2016 in the regional yield trial (RYT) in four regions (Suwon, Naju, Dalseong, and Jeju). Morphological characteristics of 'Aram' are as follows: determinate plant type, purple flowers, grey pubescence, yellow pods, and small, yellow, and spherical seeds (9.9 g 100-seeds-1) with a light brown hilum. The flowering date was the 5th of August and the maturity date was the 15th of October. Plant height, first pod height, number of nods, number of branches, and number of pods were 65 cm, 13 cm, 16, 4.5, and 99, respectively. In the sprout test, germination rate and sprout characteristics of 'Aram' were comparable to that of the 'Pungsannamulkong' cultivar. The yield of 'Aram' was 3.59 ton ha-1 and it was 12% higher than that of 'Pungsannamulkong' in southern area of Korea. The yield of 'Aram' in the Jeju region, which is the main region for soybean sprout production, was 20% higher than that of 'Pungsannamulkong'. The height of the first pod and the tolerance to lodging and pod shattering, which are connected to the adaptation to mechanized harvesting, were higher in 'Aram' compared to those in 'Pungsannamulkong'. Therefore, the 'Aram' cultivar is expected to be broadly cultivated because of its higher soybean sprout quality, and seed yield and better adaptation to mechanized harvesting. (Registration number: 7718)

Study on the Technological System of the Cooperative Cultivation of Paddy Rice in Korea (수도집단재배의 기술체계에 관한 연구)

  • Min-Shin Cho
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.129-177
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    • 1970
  • For the purpose of establishing the systematized technical scheme of the cooperative rice cultivation which has most significant impact to improve rice productivity and the farm management, the author have studied the cultivation practices, and the variation of rice growth and yield between the cooperative rice cultivation and the individual rice cultivation at random selected 18 paddy fields. The author also have investigated through comparative method on the cultivation practices, management, organization and operation scheme of the two different rice cultivation methods at 460 paddy fields. The economic feasibility has been ana lysed and added in this report. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows; 1. In the nursery, the average amount of fertilizer application, especially, phosphate and potassium, and the frequency of chemicals spray for the disease, insect and pest control at the cooperative rice cultivation are significantly higher than those of the individual rice cultivation. 2. The cultivation techniques of the cooperative rice farming after the transplanting can be characterized by a) the earlier transplanting of rice, b) the denser hills per unit area and the lesser number of seedlings per hill, c) the application of larger quantities of fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, d) more divided application of fertilizers, split doses of the nitrogen and potassium, e) the increased frequencies of the chemicals spray for the prevention of disease, insect and pest damages. 3. The rate of lodging in the cooperative rice cultivation was slightly higher than that of the individual rice cultivation, however, the losses of rice yield owing to the occurrence of rice stem borer and grass leaf roller in the cooperative rice cultivation were lower than that of the individual rice cultivation. 4. The culm length, panicle length, straw weight and grain-straw ratio are respectively higher at the cooperative rice cultivation, moreover, the higher variation of the above factors due to different localities of the paddy fields found at the individual rice cultivation. 5. The number of panicles, number of flowers per panicle and the weight of 1, 000 grains, those contributing components to the rice yield were significantly greater in the cooperative rice cultivation, however, not clear difference in the maturing rate was observed. The variation coefficient of the yield component in the cooperative cultivation showed lower than that or the individual rice cultivation. 6. The average yield of brown rice per 10 are in the cooperative rice cultivation obtained 459.0 kilograms while that of the individual rice cultivation brought 374.8 kilograms. The yield of brown rice in the cooperative rice cultivation increased 84.2 kilogram per 10 are over the individual rice cultivation. With lower variation coefficient of the brown rice yield in the cooperative rice cultivation, it can be said that uniformed higher yield could be obtained through the cooperative rice cultivation. 7. Highly significant positive correlations shown between the seeding date and the number of flowers per panicle, the chemical spray and the number of flowers per panicle, the transplanting date and the number of flowers per panicle, phosphate application and yield, potassium application and maturing rate, the split application of fertilizers and yield. Whilst the significant negative correlation was shown between the transplanting date and the maturing rate 8. The results of investigation from 480 paddy fields obtained through comparative method on the following items are identical in general with those obtained at 18 paddy fields: Application of fertilizers, chemical spray for the control of disease, insects and pests both in the nursery and the paddy field, transplanting date, transplanting density, split application of fertilizers and yield n the paddy fields. a) The number of rice varieties used in the cooperative rice cultivation were 13 varieties while the individual rice cultivation used 47 varieties. b) The cooperative rice cultivation has more successfully adopted improved cultivation techniques such as the practice of seed disinfection, adoption of recommended seeding amount, fall ploughing, application of red soil, introduction of power tillers, the rectangular-type transplanting, midsummer drainage and the periodical irrigation. 9. The following results were also obtained from the same investigation and they are: a) In the cooperative rice cultivation, the greater part of the important practices have been carried out through cooperative operation including seed disinfection, ploughing, application of red soil and compost, the control of disease, insects and pests, harvest, threshing and transportation of the products. b) The labor input to the nursery bed and water control in the cooperative rice cultivation was less than that of the individual rice cultivation while the higher rate of labor input was resulted in the red soil and compost application. 10. From the investigation on the organization and operation scheme of the cooperative rice cultivation, the following results were obtained: a) The size of cooperative rice cultivation farm was varied from. 3 ha to 7 ha and 5 ha farm. occupied 55.9 percent of the total farms. And a single cooperative farm was consisted of 10 to 20 plots of paddies. b) The educational back ground of the staff members involved in the cooperative rice cultivation was superior than that of the individual rice cultivation. c) All of the farmers who participated to the questionaires have responded that the cooperative rice cultivation could promise the increased rice yield mainly through the introduction of the improved method of fertilizer application and the effective control of diseases, insects and pests damages. And the majority of farmers were also in the opinion that preparation of the materials and labor input can be timely carried out and the labor requirement for the rice cultivation possibly be saved through the cooperative rice cultivation. d) The farmers who have expressed their wishes to continue and to make further development of the cooperative rice cultivation was 74.5 percent of total farmers participated to the questionaires. 11. From the analysis of economical feasibility on the two different methods of cultivation, the following results were obtained: a) The value of operation cost for the compost, chemical fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and labor input in the cooperative rice cultivation was respectively higher by 335 won, 199 won, 288 won and 303 won over the individual rice cultivation. However, the other production costs showed no distinct differences between the two cultivation methods. b) Although the total value of expenses for the fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, labor input and etc. in the cooperative rice cultivation were approximately doubled to the amount of the individual rice cultivation, the net income, substracted operation costs from the gross income, was obtained 24, 302 won in the cooperative rice cultivation and 20, 168 won was obtained from the individual rice cultivation. Thereby, it can be said that net income from the cooperative rice cultivation increased 4, 134 won over the individual rice cultivation. It was revealed in this study that the cooperative rice cultivation has not only contributed to increment of the farm income through higher yield but also showed as an effective means to introduce highly improved cultivation techniques to the farmers. It may also be concluded, therefore, the cooperative rice cultivation shall continuously renovate the rice production process of the farmers.

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Growth Response of Pinus rigida × P. taeda to Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Efficiency of Pisolithus tinctorius at Different Soil Texture and Fertility with Organic Amendment (리기테다 소나무의 균근(菌根) 접종(接種) 반응(反應)과 토양비옥도(土壤肥沃度)에 따른 모래밭 버섯의 효과(効果) 및 그 생태학적(生態學的) 의미(意味))

  • Lee, Kyung Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1984
  • Potted, germinating Pinus rigida ${\times}$ P. taeda seedlings were inoculated with Pisolithus tinctorius (Pt) ectomycorrhizal fungus to test the effectiveness of Pt in relation to organic amendment and changes in soil fertility and soil texture. Pt was cultured as mycelia in vermiculite-peat moss mixture with nutrients and added to sterilized pot soils with or without organic amendment (fully fermented compost) at three soil texture levels (sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam) in a factorial design. Plants were grown in a greenhouse for 4 months and harvested to compare their growth with non-mycorrhizal plants and plants infected by natural fungi. Regardless of sod texture, soil fertility, or organic amendment, seedlings inoculated with Pt were better in dry weight and height than non-mycorrhizal plants or those infected by natural fungi. An exception was observed in the most fertile soil (0.075% N and 1.32% organic matter content in sandy loam with organic amendment), where non-mycorrhizal plants were slightly bigger (8%) and heavier (18%) than Pt-inoculated plants. In over-all average, Pt-inoculated seedlings were 30% taller and 107% heavier than those infected by natural fungi and 31 % taller and 60% heavier than non-mycorrhizal plants. Growth stimulation of seedlings by Pt was more pronounced in less fertile sand soil when organic was not amended. Mycorrhizal frequency of Pt (% of mycorrhizal root tips) was reduced to about half (from 84 to 33% in sandy loam and from 77 to 40% in loamy sand) by organic amendment, while that of natural fungi was not significantly affected. Severe nitrogen deficiency was observed in the needles of non-mycorrhizal plants (1.38% N), while both Pt-inoculated plants (1.68% N) and those infected by natural fungi (1.89% N) did not develop symptom, suggesting an active role of mycorrhizae in absorption of soil nitrogen. Top to root ratio increased with organic amendment to non-mycorrhizal plants, but was not significantly affected by fungal treatment. It was concluded from this study that relative effectiveness of Pt was determined by soil fertility. Organic amendment to less fertile sand soil increased effectiveness of Pt, while the same amendment to more fertile loamy sand and sandy loam decreased effectiveness of Pt. Benefits of Pt mycorrhizae would be expected most either when organic was not added to the soil, or when soil nutrients were not abundant.

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Study on the Tractive Characteristics of the Seed Furrow Opener for No-till Planter (무경운(無耕耘) 파종기용(播種機用) 구체기(溝切器)의 견인특성(牽引特性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • La, Woo-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1978
  • This study was carried out to obtain basic data for the type selection of furrow openers for the no-tillage soybean planter trailed by the two-wheel tractor from the standpoint of minimum draft and good performance of furrowing. For this study, two models of furrow opener, hoe and disc type, were tested on the artificial soil stuffed in the moving soil bin. The results obtained were as follows. In the case of disc furrow opener, the drafts were measured according to various diameters of discs under the condition of disc angle $8^{\circ}$ and $16^{\circ}$, working depth 3cm and 6cm, working speed 2.75cm/sec. Minimum draft appeared when the diameter of disc was about 28cm and the drafts increased as the diameter of discs became larger or smaller than this diameter. Specific draft showed almost same tendencies as above but showed the minimum when the diameter was about 30cm. For the purpose of controlling the seeding depth, the relationships between draft and working depths, 3cm and 6cm, were tested. The variations of draft concerning the various working depths showed linear changes and were affected in higher degree by depths than other factors. There were general tendencies at both working depths, 3cm and 6cm, that total draft showed the minimum with the disc diameter of about 28cm and specific draft showed it with the disc diameter of about 30cm regardless of disc angle and working speed. For the purpose of controlling the working width and speed, the relationships among drafts, disc angle and working speed were investigated and there were general tendencies that the draft increased as the angle and speed were increased and the draft was affected more by speed than by angle. To compare the hoe-type with disc-type opener, the specific drafts of hoe openers were compared with those of disc opener of $16^{\circ}$ angle and 30cm diameter. The specific draft of disc-type opener with the diameter of 30cm was $0.35{\sim}0.5kg/cm^2$, while $0.71{\sim}1.02kg/cm^2$ in the case of hoe type with the lift angle of $20^{\circ}$ which is 2 times as much as that of disc type in average value. And the furrows opened by disc openers were cleaner than those opened by hoe openers.

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Improvement of Certification Criteria based on Analysis of On-site Investigation of Good Agricultural Practices(GAP) for Ginseng (인삼 GAP 인증기준의 현장실천평가결과 분석에 따른 인증기준 개선방안)

  • Yoon, Deok-Hoon;Nam, Ki-Woong;Oh, Soh-Young;Kim, Ga-Bin
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 2019
  • Ginseng has a unique production system that is different from those used for other crops. It is subject to the Ginseng Industry Act., requires a long-term cultivation period of 4-6 years, involves complicated cultivation characteristics whereby ginseng is not produced in a single location, and many ginseng farmers engage in mixed-farming. Therefore, to bring the production of Ginseng in line with GAP standards, it is necessary to better understand the on-site practices of Ginseng farmers according to established control points, and to provide a proper action plan for improving efficiency. Among ginseng farmers in Korea who applied for GAP certification, 77.6% obtained it, which is lower than the 94.1% of farmers who obtained certification for other products. 13.7% of the applicants were judged to be unsuitable during document review due to their use of unregistered pesticides and soil heavy metals. Another 8.7% of applicants failed to obtain certification due to inadequate management results. This is a considerably higher rate of failure than the 5.3% incompatibility of document inspection and 0.6% incompatibility of on-site inspection, which suggests that it is relatively more difficult to obtain GAP certification for ginseng farming than for other crops. Ginseng farmers were given an average of 2.65 points out of 10 essential control points and a total 72 control points, which was slightly lower than the 2.81 points obtained for other crops. In particular, ginseng farmers were given an average of 1.96 points in the evaluation of compliance with the safe use standards for pesticides, which was much lower than the average of 2.95 points for other crops. Therefore, it is necessary to train ginseng farmers to comply with the safe use of pesticides. In the other essential control points, the ginseng farmers were rated at an average of 2.33 points, lower than the 2.58 points given for other crops. Several other areas of compliance in which the ginseng farmers also rated low in comparison to other crops were found. These inclued record keeping over 1 year, record of pesticide use, pesticide storages, posts harvest storage management, hand washing before and after work, hygiene related to work clothing, training of workers safety and hygiene, and written plan of hazard management. Also, among the total 72 control points, there are 12 control points (10 required, 2 recommended) that do not apply to ginseng. Therefore, it is considered inappropriate to conduct an effective evaluation of the ginseng production process based on the existing certification standards. In conclusion, differentiated certification standards are needed to expand GAP certification for ginseng farmers, and it is also necessary to develop programs that can be implemented in a more systematic and field-oriented manner to provide the farmers with proper GAP management education.