• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종자 수

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Studies on Artificial Polyploid Forest Trees XIII -Some Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Colchitetraploid Hibiscus syriacus L.- (인위배수성(人爲倍數性) 임목(林木)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) XIII -Colchitetraploid인 자주무궁화와 단심무궁화의 몇 형태학적(形態學的) 및 생리학적(生理學的) 특성(特性)-)

  • Lee, Suk Koo;Kim, Chung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 1976
  • Two individuals ($sp_1$, $sp_2$) of purple and one individual ($sd_1$) of red hearted flower were selected from 18 years old Hibiscus syriacus trees obtained from the seeds treated with colchicine, and their morphological and physiological characteristics were investigated and following results were obtained. 1. The somatic chromosome number of the selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sp_2$, and $sd_1$ were 2n=160, while that of the check tree was 2n=80, indicating that the selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sp_2$ and $sd_1$ were tetraploid. 2. Peroxidase isoenzyme bands of high activity in selected individuals, $sp_1$, $sd_1$ and check tree were mostly in cathode, fixed band was f and v bands, and frequency of each band and their activity were not different between selected individuals, $sp_1$ and $sd_1$ and check tree. 3. The flowers of $sp_1$ individual were large in size and more dark purple than check tree's. The flowers of $sp_2$ individual were not increased in size, but they were dark purple and red heart at the base of the petal was expanded to 2/3 of the petal length. The flower of $sd_1$ individual was also large and some of the red lines from the petal base were extended to 2/3 of the petal length, which was much longer than those of the check tree. 4. Thickess of leaves, length of guard cells, diameter of pollens, wood fiber lengths and woody fiber widths were all increased in $sp_1$, $sp_2$ and $sd_1$ as compared to those of the check tree. 5. Survival percentage of cuttings was 80% with $sp_1$ and 36% with $sd_1$, and their growth performance were inferior to control in their second growing season.

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Taxonomic Studies of Genus Juniperus (향나무속(屬)의 분류학적(分類學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Su In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.3
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    • pp.338-350
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    • 1988
  • In order to solve the taxonomic problems of the genus Juniperus growing in South Korea, an identification key of the genus and species was developed bayed un flower structure, cane and seed shape, branching habit, tree form, leaf characteristics etc. of the 7 native species and the a exotic cultivars. The typical pattern of karyotype found by chromosome analysis of the species was used for the identification among morphologically similar species. The length of chromosome were ranged $9{\sim}15{\mu}m$ in all studied specie. J. chinensis, var. procumbens, and var. kaizuka sere tetraploid, 4n=44, var. globosa, var. procumbens, var. horizontalis, J. virginiada, J. rigida, J. rigida var. longicarpa, and J. coreana were diploid, 2n=22. The species in the Sabina section showed large variation in the length of chromosome and kinetochore position. The species in the Oxycedrus section showed the cytological characteristics that the 11th chromosome t-type(acrocentric), and the m-type abundant chromosome set was relatively uniform as compared to those of the Sabina section. The species in the Sabina section, which are planted in the large city area, show great morphological variation because many different ecotypes were mixed and often crossed among them. In summary, this study was able to make clear identification and to find out similarity among Juniperus, species by the morphological and cytological analysis.

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Studies on the Host Range of Colletotrichum dematium Isolated from Anthracnose of Pepper and Toxic Metabolites Produced by the Pathogen (고추 탄저병균(炭疽病菌) Colletotrichum dematium의 기주범위(寄主範圍) 및 대사독소(代謝毒素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kang, Hi Wang;Yu, Seung Hun;Park, Jong Seong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 1987
  • This studies were conducted to investigate pathgenicity and host range of Colletotrichum dematium isolated from anthracnose of pepper, and phytoxicity of its culture filtrate and the partially purified toxin. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Investigation on the host range of C. dematium has revealed that pepper as well as soybean, tomato, spinach, and beet were highly susceptible, egg plant and water melon were moderately susceptible and stone leek was slightly suceptible, but no symptoms were produced on carrot, tabacco, cucumber and melon. 2. The culture filtrates of C. dematium in Czapeck dox liquid media were toxic to leaves of pepper and caused necrosis and wilting of the plant. The toxicity of culture filtrates was most active at 15 days after fungal growth in Czapeck dox liquid media and the toxin productivity in still culture was higher than that in shaking culture. 3. The partially purified toxic substance was isolated from the culture filtrates by the acetone precipitation method. When cuttings of various pepper cultivars were placed in the toxin solutions, suceptible cultivars and resistant cultivars were equally toxic and showed necrosis and wilting of the leaves. 4. Several other plants such as soybean, tomato and carrot were also affected with the toxin solution by shoot cutting bioassay and showed veinal necrosis, leaf spots and wilting of the shoots. 5. The acetone precipitation toxin affected seed germination of pepper, cucumber, sesame and egg plant and inhibited the growth of root and hypocotyl of the seedlings.

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The Effect of Cutting Positions and Temperature on the Rooting of Bitter Gourd (여주 삽목 시 삽수절단 위치와 온도조건이 발근에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hee Ju;Lee, Sang Gyu;Kim, Sung Kyeom;Choi, Chang Sun;Kim, Sang Beom
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.162-167
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to investigate proper stem cutting position and air temperature to regenerate roots from cuttings of bitter gourd. 'NS454' (NS) and 'Dragon' (DR) cultivars were tested and the cutting position was cut at the 3rd node in the stem (treatment I) and cut at the central part (stem segment) between 3rd leaf and 4th leaf in the stem (treatment II). The air temperature was maintained at 18, 23, 28 and $35^{\circ}C$ in the growth chambers, respectively. The photosynthetic photon flux at the ground of a chamber was maintained in approximately $150-200{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}s^{-1}$ during the 16-hour photoperiod. The relative humidity in the chambers was maintained over 85%. After 10 days of cuttings, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% the survival rate in the $18^{\circ}C$ or $23^{\circ}C$ treatments, however, most of plants $18^{\circ}C$ treatment had not rooting. In the $28^{\circ}C$ treatment, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% of the rooting rate. In the $23^{\circ}C$ treatment, for DR cultivar, the node cutting showed 90% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. For NS cultivar, the node cutting showed 50% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. DR and NS cultivars have high rooting rate, while the rooting rate remarkably decreased in the $35^{\circ}C$ treatment. For DR cultivar, the stem segment cutting showed 5.3 of the highest rooting number and the node cutting showed 2.7 rooting number in the $28^{\circ}C$ treatment. NS cultivar was not significantly different the rooting regardless of cutting position. The results suggested that cutting at the stem segment cutting of bitter gourd is an effective cutting method for increasing survival rate and the air temperature should be maintained at $28^{\circ}C$.

Antioxidative Activities and Tyrosinase Inhibition Ability in Various Extracts of the Vitex rotundifolia Seeds (만형자(Vitex rotundifolia) 추출물의 항산화 활성과 Tyrosinase 저해 활성)

  • Lee, Yang-Suk;Choi, Bok-Dong;Joo, Eun-Young;Shin, Seung-Ryeul;Kim, Nam-Woo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to measure flavonoid and polyphenol contents, and physiological activities of various extracts from Vitex rotundifolia seeds (known as Man Hyung Ja). We obtained three extracts using water (WE), ethanol (EE) and hot water (HWE). The EE sample had the highest flavonoid content of 31.05 mg/g. Polyphenol contents of WE and HWE were 186.69 mg/g and 182.55 mg/g, respectively. HWE had the highest superoxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity, at 83.40%. The electron donating abilities (EDA) were $91.14{\sim}95.97%$ at the concentration of 1.0 mg/mL, and all of extracts showed more than 88% EDA even at a concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. The inhibitory rates of xanthine oxidase were $94.02{\sim}97.51%$ when 1.0 mg/mL extracts were used, and all extracts showed more than 90% inhibition at 0.5 mg/mL. The nitrite scavenging abilities were $59.27{\sim}86.61%$ at pH 1.2 and 1.0 mg/mL extract concentration; these abilities decreased as pH increased. Tyrosinase inhibition activities of HWE and WE were 48.58% and 46.67%, respectively. These results indicate that Vitex rotundifolia seeds extract might be an effective antioxidative activity.

Quality Characteristics of Rough Rice during Low Temperature Drying (저온건조 중 벼의 품질 특성)

  • Kim, Hoon;Han, Jae-Woong
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.650-655
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to measure the quality characteristics of rough rice during low temperature drying by using an experimental dryer and heat pump with a capacity of 150kg at four temperature levels of 20, 30, 40, and $50^{\circ}C$. The quality and proper drying temperature of rough rice was investigated by measuring variations in moisture content, crack rates, germination rates and cooked rice. Temperatures over $40^{\circ}C$ is considered a high-temperature area, and below $40^{\circ}C$ is considered a low-temperature area. The drying rates were 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.3%/hr, and the crack ratios were 0, 1.6, 6.8, and 24.2% at the drying temperatures of 20, 30, 40, and $50^{\circ}C$, respectively, which showed that the higher the drying temperature was, the higher the drying rate and crack rate was. Therefore, 20 and $30^{\circ}C$ were found to be appropriate drying temperatures for avoiding crack formation, and $50^{\circ}C$ was inappropriate. At $40^{\circ}C$, the operation methods needed to be modified to limit cracking, such as increasing the tempering time. Also, as the drying temperature increased, the germination rate decreased. Germination rates at 20 and $30^{\circ}C$ were suitable for using the rough rice as a seed, and those at 40 and $50^{\circ}C$ were over 80%, which is the minimum allowable percentage. In the sensory evaluation of cooked rice, the quality of appearance, taste, and texture varied as a function of drying temperature. When considering these factors, the cooked rice that was dried at 20 and $30^{\circ}C$ was better than the cooked rice dried at high-temperature. Consequently, in view of drying temperature and rates, the best conditions for drying rough rice were below $30^{\circ}C$ and below 0.6%/hr.

Selection of Herbicide Tolerant Variant Through Cell Culture (식물세포배양(植物細胞培養)에 의한 제초제저항성(除草劑抵抗性) 변종선발(變種選拔))

  • Kim, S.C.;Chung, G.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 1987
  • An attempt was done at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station in 1986-'87 to obtain herbicide tolerant variant through cell culture. Immatured rice grain was more rapidly and efficiently formed callus in dehulled rice culture method for both rice cultivar types, Tongil type (Indica/Japonica) and Japonica-type. However, Japonica-type cultivar was generally superior than Tongil-type Cultivar in callus formation. Expression rate of herbicide tolerant variant varied depending upon rice cultivar, plant species and herbicide properties. In case of Nagdongbyeo (Japonica) at the first subculture, 46.3% of total callus pieces appeared as herbicide tolerant variant in herbicide media of CGA142464 and followed by NC-311 (11.6%), Butachlor (7.5%), 2.4-D (2.1%), Quinclorac (0.89%), and Propanil (0.25%), in order. This degree of appearance of herbicide tolerant variants rapidly increased as passage of subculture was advanced. Herbicide tolerant callus hardly regenerated as normal plant even though large variations exhibited among culture media.

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Evaluation of Agronomic Characteristics and Fatty Acid Composition of Flax Germplasms (아마 유전자원의 농업적 특성 및 지방산 조성 평가)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwa;Bae, Sang-Mok;Park, Won;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Jang, Young-Seok;Lee, Kyeong-Bo
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 2016
  • In this study, agronomic characteristics and fatty acid composition of 121 flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasms were analyzed. The flax germplasms had a fairly short growth period of 75-95 days. The plant height at maturity varied from 52 to 124 cm. The flower color varied from white to lilac and even purple. Early flowering flax germplasms had white flowers and were resistant to lodging. In early flowering flax germplasms, all agronomic characteristics, including growth period, plant height, branch number per plant, stem diameter, number of capsules per raceme, seed number per capsule, 1000-seed weight, and seed yield, were decreased. The average fatty acid composition of 121 flax germplasms comprised palmitic acid (5.3%), stearic acid (4.3%), oleic acid (29.7%), linoleic acid (13.1%) and linolenic acid (46.4%). The total content of unsaturated fatty acids ranged from 84~94% with an average of 88%. Among the fatty acids, linolenic acid (omega-3) content was the highest with a range of 36~54%. In five selected flax germplasms (Hollandia 1803, Red son, C & F Res Br 1767, Wiera, and Ireland 1657) with high linolenic acid (${\geq}51%$), total lipid and protein contents were 30~36% and 5.4~6.9%, respectively. Overall, flax can practically be adoptable into cropping systems in South Korea and utilized as a scenery crop, since flax has a short cultivation period with diverse flower colors.

Agronomic Characteristics and Seed Quality of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Germplasm (동부 유전자원의 작물학적 특성과 종실품질)

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan;Son, Dong-Mo;Choi, Jin-Gyung;Shin, Hae-Ryong;Choi, Kyeong-Ju;Lee, Jeongran;Lee, Kyung-Dong;Rim, Yo-Sup
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic information for breeding cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) by investigating the crop characteristics of 245 accessions of cowpea collected in Korea and abroad. All specimens flowered within 41 to 50 days (51.5%) or 51 to 60 days (43.7%) of sowing and matured 21 to 30 days (53.9%) or 31 to 40 days (23.7%) from flowering. Thus, the total time from sowing to maturity was either 71 to 80 days (26.9%) or 81 to 90 days (23.4%) for all specimens. The accessions were classified into indeterminate type (72.7%), intermediate type (25.7%) and determinate type (1.6%) based on growth; prostrate type (78.8%) and erect type (21.2%) based on plant type; heart shape (98.4%) and lanceolate (1.6%) based on leaflet shape; and purple (85.2%), white (13.6%) and light green (1.2%) based on corolla color. The accessions were classified into brown (54.7%) and yellowish brown (37.6%) based on color at pod maturity; and downward (90.6%), middle (5.7%) and standing upright (3.7%) based on pod setting position. Seed coat color varied as 25.3% were brown, 23.3% were black, and 20.8% were white. Seed shape also varied as 66.9% were egg-shaped, 24.9% were rectangular and 8.2% were kidney-shaped. Pod lengths ranged from 10.1-20.0 cm and from 20.1-30.0 cm in 89.0% and 8.6% of specimens, respectively. There were 12.1-15.0, 9.1-12.0, and 15.1-18.0 seeds per pod in 62.0%, 25.7% and 9.1% of specimens, respectively. The weight of one hundred seeds ranged from 15.1-20.0 g (37.6%) and 10.1-15.0 g (28.6%). Seed yields per plant were 100.1-200.0 g (52.7%), less than 100 g (22.9%), and 200.1-300.0 g (15.9%). The starch content in the seeds of the seven selected resources ranged from 44.1 to 57.0% while the protein content ranged from 23.3 to 27.5% with significant differences. The sucrose content ranged from 1.46 to 2.03%, also with significant differences.

Germination and Growth of Oaks (Quercus serrata, Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis) Seedlings by Gradient of Light Intensity and Soil Moisture (광도와 토양수분 구배(勾配)에 따른 참나무류(Quercus Serrata, Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis)치수(稚樹)의 발아 및 성장)

  • Beon Mu-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to analyze ecophysiological responses for seedling of Quercus serrata, Quercus mongolica and Quercus variabilis that are the typical species of deciduous broadleaved forests in Korea. And executed experiments in the climatic control room to provide necessary information to ecological forest management and methods of natural regeneration through the analysis of seedling responses. The details of experimental analysis were growth processes of 4 months after seeding that vary with the condition of three light intensity[relative light intensity(RLI) 8%, 20%, 52%] and three soil moisture[water suction(WS) Ψ=100 hPa, Ψ=280 hPa, Ψ=330 hPa] gradient, growth factors after harvesting and the nutrition condition of leaves. The results of this study are followings: 1) Early growth was prosperous after germination for the species which have more weight of acorn. 2) The formation of lammas shoot was favourable with Q. variabilis and Q. mongolica. And the rate of the occurrence was the highest in the RLI 20%, and it was remarkably reduced in the RLI 8%. 3) As the height growth of seedling of all 3 species were greater in the RLI 20% and 8% than that of the RLI 52%, they showed strong shade tolerance. 4) The increase of light intensity promoted the diameter at root collar growth, and development of main and lateral roots with all 3 species. 5) It showed that the increase of light intensity in the experimental radiation condition raised special leaf area weight(mg/cm$^2$) and leaf area productivity(mg/cm$^2$). Consequently, these resulted in the increase of leaf thickness and total dry biomass per the unit area of leaf. 6) As the increase of light intensity, the minerals contents of leaves such as N, P and K were lowered, and the increase of soil moisture resulted in the increase of P, K, Ca and Mg.

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