• Title/Summary/Keyword: 종양전이

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Diagnosis of Primary Malignant Lesion Using $^{18}F$ FDG PET/CT in Metastatic Bone Tumor (전이성 골종양에서 $^{18}F$ FDG PET/CT를 이용한 원발성 악성 질환의 진단)

  • Yoon, Hoi-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: To evaluate usefulness in diagnosing primary malignant lesion of metastatic bone tumor using $^{18}F$ FDG PET/CT. Material & Methods: Retrospective analysis was executed on 5,452 patients who were taken with $^{18}F$ FDG PET/CT between December 2003 and December 2007. 180 patients who had not any history of malignancy and complained musculoskeletal pain and had ill-defined osteolytic lesion in plain X-ray, were included. 96 male and 84 female were enrolled and mean age was 59.1 year old (22~90). We analyzed diagnostic accuracy, age and sex distribution of primary malignant lesion, location of metastatic lesion. Results: We could confirmed primary malignant lesion in 152 cases (84.4%). Most common malignant primary lesion was lung (28.3%), breast (18.9%) and gastrointestinal system (16.7%) and spine was the most common metastatic location of primary malignant lesion. Conclusion: $^{18}F$ FDG PET/CT is a effective molecular imaging detecting primary malignant lesion in patients having metastatic bone lesion without history of malignancy.

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Effect of Tumor Hypoxia on Efficacy of Tirapazamine Combined with Fractionated Irradiation in Mouse Tumor (마우스종양에서 분할방사선조사와 병용된 Tirapazamine의 효과에 미치는 종양 저산소상태의 영향)

  • Kim, Il-Han
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.120-126
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : Tumor hypoxia can be overcome with hypoxic cytotoxin. In mouse tumor, tirapazamine's efficacy of the potentiating radiation effect was tested by the tumor oxygenation status combined with hype facti on ated rad iotherapy .:The control and hypoxic mouse tumors we established by inoculation of RIF-1 tumor cells into the normal or previously irradiated back and thigh of C3H mice. When the tumors reached a proper size, both the control and hypoxic tumors were given hypefractionated treatments (8fractions/4 days) with saline (0.02 ml/g), tirapazamin (0.08 mM/0.02 ml/kg), irradiation (2.5 Gy), irradiation combined with tirapazamine given 30 minutes prior to each irradiation. The response was evaluated by the growth delay assay by measuring tumor size from day 0 (12 hrs prior to the first fractionation) to the day when the volume had 4-fold increase or cross sectional area had 2-fold increase. Results : Overall growth pattern showed that tirapazamine Potentiated radiation effect in back and thigh tumors grew in the normal and preirradiated tumor bed. With growth delay assay using reference point of initial tumor volume or cross sectional area, tirapazamine potentiated radiation effect 1.9 times for the control and 2.4 times for the hypoxic tumors in back, and 1.85 times for the control and 1.6 times for the hypoxic tumors. With reference of 4-fold increase of the initial volume or 2-fold increase of the cross sectional area, tirapazamine potentiated radiation effect 1.48 times for the control and 2.02 times for the hypxic tumors in back, and 1.85 times for the control and 1.6 times for the hypoxic tumors. Conclusions : Present result indicated that radiation response of hypoxic tumors was potentiated by tirapazamine in the back or thigh tumors grew in the control or preirradiated tumor bed, and potentiation of the hypoxic tumors was eDual to or greater than that of the control tumors in the back or thigh.

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A Study of Relationship between the Level of Serum SCC Antigen and Recurrence Patterns after Treatment of Uterine Cervix Cancer (자궁경부암 치료 후 재발양상과 종양표지자 SCC항원의 혈청 수치 변화의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Doo-Ho;Kim, Eun-Seog;Nam, Kae-Hyun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.120-129
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : Serum squamous cell (SCC) antigen levels were examined in uterine cervix cancer undergoing radiation therapy, and authors analyzed the relationship between SCC antigen levels and treatment results. Materials and Methods :This is a retrospective study of 181 conical carcinoma patients who received radiotherapy and examined serial serum SCC antigen from 1991 to 1997 at Soonchunhyang University Hospital. One hundred and eighteen patients underwent SCC antigen evaluation at diagnosis The relationship between the serum tumor marker level and disease free survival, recurrence pattern, and other prognostic factors were analyzed according to various statistical methods. Results : The Positivity rate (initial serum value above 2.5 ng/ml) was increased with FIGO stage (IB-IIA 57% to IV 91%) and more discriminative than cutoff value of 1.5 ng/ml. Five year disease free survival rates for the stage IB-IIA, IIB, III and IV were 79.2%, 68.7%, 33.4% and 0%, respectively. The 5-year disease free survival rate for patients with serum SCC antigen levels above 5.0 ng/ml was 34% versus 55~62% for patients with normal range (>1.5 ng/ml) or mildly elevated levels (1.5~5.0 ng/ml). Rising SCC antigen levels preceded the clinical detection of disease by a mean of 4.8 months (range 1 ~13 months). Negative linear correlation was observed between initial SCC antigen levels and relapse free survival (r=-0.226), and by multivariate analysis, initial SCC antigen level had a large impact on the relapse free survival. Conclusion : SCC antigen assay is a useful aid to predict the prognosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix and to detect recurrence.

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Association with Recurrence of Giant cell Tumor of Bone Between Immunohistochemical Marker (MCM3, Ki-67 and HH3) Expression Rate (골의 거대세포종양의 재발과 면역조직화학적 표지자(MCM3, Ki-67 그리고 HH3)의 발현율과의 연관성)

  • Ha, Jong-Kyoung;Jeong, Hoon;Kim, Yong-Ju;Lee, Kwan-Hee;Choi, Kyoung-Eob
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: To evaluate association of giant cell tumors recurrence between markers of proliferation cells (MCM3, Ki-67 and HH3) Materials and Methods: Ten case of giant cell tumor of bone were reviewed. The patients were six males and four females (mean age: 33 yrs). All patients were done operation after biopsy. The radiologic grading was determined according to Enneking grading system. The immunohistochemical stains of MCM3, HH3, and Ki-67 were done with Microarray block. Results: The three cases of 10 cases (30%) were recurred at same sites. Two case of recurrence was grade II according to radiologic features. The remaining case was grade I. The expression rate of immunohistochemical markers in radiologic grade 2 and 3 were more increased than grade 1. But there was not association between radiologic grading and proliferation of tumor cells because result data was not coherence. Mean MCM3 labeling index of non-recurred case was 11.2%, recurred case was 7.2%. Ki-67 was 12% vs. 8.9%, respectively and HH3 was 66.9 % vs. 75.4%, respectively. Thus there was no association between local recurrence and immunohistochemical Ki-67, MCM3 expression rate. But HH3 marker expression rate was increased in recurred cases compared to non-recurred cases. Conclusion: Our study suggests that HH3 immunohistochemical marker can be a useful prognostic factor.

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Carinal Resection and Reconstruction for Carinal Tumor (기관분기부 종양에 대한 기관분기부절제와 재건)

  • Cho, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Ja-Young;Lee, Sang-Cheol;Kim, Hyeong-Ryul;Jheon, Sang-Hoon;Sung, Sook-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.399-403
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    • 2008
  • Carinal resection is technically demanding and the surgical risk is relatively high. When tumor is confined around the carina, then lung parenchymal sparing surgery is technically feasible in selected cases. We performed carinal resection and reconstruction without pulmonary resection for a patient suffering with squamous cell carcinoma that involved the carina and this patient had undergone right upper lobectomy 19 months previously due to lung cancer.

Benign Schwannoma of the Esophagus-Surgical experience of two cases- (식도에서 발생한 양성 신경초종-수술치험 2예-)

  • Byun Joung-Hun;Park Sung-Dal
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.8 s.253
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    • pp.589-593
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    • 2005
  • Esophageal schwannoma is very rare and almost of all cases are diagnosed as esophageal submucosal tumor preoperatively. Final diagnosis is made by postoperative immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of the surgical specimen. We experienced two cases of esophageal submucosal tumor, one was 63 year old female suffering from three months of dysphagia and another was 39 year old female complaining of two months of intermittent dysphagia. Two esophageal tumors were completely removed by esophagectomy and enucleation through right thoracotomy respectively. Postoperative IHC staining demonstrated S-100 positive without mitotic figures and confirmative diagnosed was made as benign esopphageal schwannoma.

Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Esophagus - a case report - (원발성 식도 악성 흑색종 -1례 보고-)

  • 박재길
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.1106-1109
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    • 1998
  • Primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus(PMME) is an uncommon neoplasm. And the world literature reports only about 200 cases. A case of primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus is presented, and followed by review of the literature. In our patient, the walnut-sized melanoma was located at the midportion of esophagus and there were two small satellite lesions at the esophagogastric junction. The main mass was diagnosed as primary malignant melanoma histologically and immunohistologically. The tumor was curatively resected by the transthoracic subtotal esophagectomy and the 2 fields node dissection. Post- operative immunotherapy was performed but the tumor recurred 7 months later at the stomach.

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Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma - Two Cases Report - (포상 연부 육종 - 2례 보고 -)

  • Jung, Sung-Taek;Seo, Hyoung-Yeon;Shin, Sang-Gyoo;Park, Yong-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2003
  • As we know, alveolar soft part sarcoma is usually found at the head region in children and thigh in adults. It is very rare tumor that has poor prognosis due to its late detection after distant metastasis in spite of its slow growth rate. It is histologically characterized by pseudoalveolar pattern tumor cells. And metastasis usually occur in the site of lung, brain and skeleton in order lately. We have managed two cases of the sarcoma, one which took place in relatively rare part, pelvic bone and has spread to the brain, the other which primarily occured in the calf. For its varity, we report these two cases with reviewing of the literatures.

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Ewing's Sarcoma of the Calcaneus:A Case Report

  • Choi, Joon-Hyuk;Yeo, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Mi-Jin;Shin, Duck-Seop;Cho, Kil-Ho
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.256-261
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    • 2004
  • Ewing's sarcoma is rarely foundoccurs in the bones of the hands and feet. We report a case of Ewing's sarcoma of the left calcaneus in a 15-year-old girl who complained of left heel pain and swelling. An open biopsy was performed and histological examination showed the proliferation of uniform small round cells. Immunohistochemical staining for CD99 showed diffuse strong positivity in the cytoplasmic membrane of the tumor cells. After preoperative chemotherapy, a below knee amputation was performed.

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Benign Mediastinal Cystic Teratoma Complicated by Cardiac Tamponade due to Trauma (외상에 의하여 심장눌림증을 유발한 종격동 양성낭기형종)

  • Choe Ju-Won;Kim Yong-In
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.9 s.266
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    • pp.729-732
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    • 2006
  • Mediastinal teratoma is one of the most common lesions found in the anterior mediastinum, accounting for $8\sim13%$ of all mediastinal tumors. This tumor is incidentally detected by routine chest roentgengography, but pericardial perforation or pleural effusion occurs rarely. In our patient cardiac tamponade was developed due to anterior chest wall contusion, we confirmed the anterior mediastinal tumor. Vital signs were stabilized after the pericardiocentesis, and the patient underwent the tumor resection in the anterior mediastinum for a definite treatment. On histologic examination, the tumor revealed cystic structures composed of mature squamous epithelium, pilosebaceous glands, mature fat tissue, gastrointestinal mucosa, respiratory epithelium, and pancreatic tissues.