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An Empirical Analysis of Accelerator Investment Determinants: A Longitudinal Study on Investment Determinants and Investment Performance (액셀러레이터 투자결정요인 실증 분석: 투자결정요인과 투자성과에 대한 종단 연구)

  • Jin Young Joo;Jeong Min Nam
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2023
  • This study attempted to identify the relationship between the investment determinants of accelerators and investment performance through empirical analysis. Through literature review, four dimensions and 12 measurement items were extracted for investment determinants, which are independent variables, and investment performance was adjusted to the cumulative amount of subsequent investment based on previous studies. Performance data from 594 companies selected by TIPS from 2017 to 2019, which are relatively reliable and easy to secure data, were collected, and the subsequent investment cumulative attraction amount, which is a dependent variable, was hypothesized through multiple regression analysis three years after the investment. As a result of the study, 'industrial experience years' in the characteristics of founders, 'market size', 'market growth', 'competitive strength', and 'number of patents' in the characteristics of products and services had a significant positive (+) effect. The impact of independent variables on dependent variables was most influenced by the competitive strength of market characteristics, followed by the number of years of industrial experience, the number of patents, the size of the market, and market growth. This was different from the results of previous studies conducted mainly on qualitative research methods, and in most previous studies, the characteristics of founders were the most important, but the empirical analysis results were market characteristics. As a sub-factor, the intensity of competition, which was the subordinate to the importance of previous studies, had the greatest influence in empirical analysis. The academic significance of this study is that it presented a specific methodology to collect and build 594 empirical samples in the absence of empirical research on accelerator investment determinants, and created an opportunity to expand the theoretical discussion of investment determinants through causal research. In practice, the information asymmetry and uncertainty of startups that accelerators have can help them make effective investment decisions by establishing a systematic model of experience-dependent investment determinants.

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Measurement of Porcine Aortic and Pulmonary Valve Geometry and Design for Implantable Tissue Valve (돼지 대동맥, 폐동맥의 근위부 기하학적 구조 측정을 통한 판막 구조 수치의 계량화와 판막 도안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung-Joon;Kim, Yong-Jin;Nam, Jin-Hae;Kim, Soo-Hwan;Lee, Chang-Ha;Lim, Hong-Gook
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.602-613
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    • 2010
  • Background: As life expectancy has been increased, the cardiac valve disease has been increased. In past, mechanical valve for valve replacement surgery was used widely, but it has many weaknesses, such as hemorrhage, teratogenic effect caused by warfarin, acute mechanical failure, taking warfarin during life, etc. So, the tissue valve is used widely and researches for durability of tissue valve are in progress. Tissue valves being used are all imported in Korea, and there is a lack of information on its geometry and design. So, we studied the geometry of porcine aortic and pulmonary valve, and tried to suggest theoretical basis for making the aortic and pulmonary valve. Material and Method: We harvested aortic and pulmonary valves of 25 pigs and measured the geometry of valve at fresh and glutaraldehyde (GA) fixed state. In each group, we measured the diameter of the base, diameter of commissure, valve height, commissural height, etc. Also, for making implantable porcine and bovine pericardial valve, we designed the valve stent form, thickness, height, and leaflet size, form, thickness by different size of valve. Result: The aortic and pulmonary valve geometry and ratio were measured in each group. The right coronary cusp of aortic valve and right facing cusp of pulmonary valve was bigger than other cusps and non coronary cusp was smaller than others (RCC: NCC : LCC=1 : 0.88 : 1). Valve height was correlated to the leaflet size. We designed the outer diameter of stented porcine aortic valve from 19 mm to 33 mm and designed stent height and width, using previous measured ratio of each structure, stent thickness, working thickness (for making valve). Also, we designed the size of stent and form for stented bovine pericardial valve, considering diameter of valve, leaflet length, height and leaflet minimum coaptation area. Conclusion: By measuring of 25 pig's aortic and pulmonary valve geometry and ratio, we can make theoretical basis for making implantable stented porcine valve and bovine pericardial valve in various size. After making implantable valve using these data, it is necessary to do in vivo and in vitro researches, furthermore.

Influence of CSR Activities on Corporate Reputation Depending on Brand Equity (기업의 브랜드자산에 따른 CSR활동이 기업평판에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Ki-chang
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.13-34
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    • 2018
  • In this case, research has been conducted to verify that the purpose of establishing a reputation for establishing a reputation for identifying brand equity is research and investigation in the context of establishing a reputation for establishing a reputation, and conducting research on CSR activities that are essential to the essential activities of companies. The survey conducted a survey on behalf of the National Center for Adult Women and Girls and Girls ' Generation, using the final round of Section 305 to develop a series of findings, including the analysis of the feasibility analysis, feasibility analysis, reliability, correlation analysis, and factors analysis. A summary of the effects of research on corporate reputation on corporate reputation according to corporate CSR activities is as follows. 1st. Brand equity will have a positive effect on the Company's reputation. The hypothesis had a significant impact on brand recognition, brand loyalty, and perceived quality, but did not have significant impact on the brand image. 2st. Brand equity will have a positive effect on ethical responsibility. The hypothesis had a significant impact on brand recognition, brand loyalty, and perceived quality, but did not have significant impact on the brand image. 3st, the brand equity will have a positive effect on the benefit of the benevolent. The hypothesis had a significant impact on brand recognition, brand loyalty, and perceived quality, but did not have significant impact on the brand image. 4st, The theory that the influence of positive(+) will affect the company's reputation has a significant impact on both ethical and philanthropic factors. 5st. The ethical responsibility was found to have no effect on the usefulness of the brand between brand assets and corporate reputation. 6st. The philanthropic responsibility was partly attributable to the fact that there was a substitution between brand equity and corporate reputation. In sum, the company needs to prioritize its brand recognition before establishing its reputation, and the reason why it should be implemented is that the other elements of the brand equity should be evaluated with the presence of other elements of the brand equity, thereby ensuring continued compliance with continuous CSR activities. As a result, consumers expect to see the performance-based role of the company as a strategic and long-term perspective, as consumers want to see the CSR activity and the corporate reputation in a long-term manner, as opposed to the financial responsibility and legal responsibilities of the past, as opposed to the past.

A Comparative Study on the Aesthetic Aspect of Design Preferred Between Countries Centering Around the Analysis on the Aesthetic Aspect of Mobile Phone Preferred by Korean and Chinese Consumers - (국가 간 선호 디자인의 심미성요소 비교연구 - 한.중 소비자 선호휴대폰의 심미성요소 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong Su-Kyoung;Hong Jung-Pyo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2006
  • The present mobile phone industry has significant effect on the domestic economy and has taken root as the core item that has the responsibility to lead the Korean economy for a considerable period of time. As the mobile phone market becomes gigantic, the mobile phone is being used by people in broader age bracket, and functions or designs preferred by people of various age are getting more diverse. Like that, as the mobile phone has greater effect on and meaning in our daily lives, consumers of mobile phone have growing expectation of the mobile phone Now, the core function of voice communication via the mobile phone is not a great concern to consumers. But the function, such as more convenient and friendly information input and output, processing and storage, and the design, which is more sophisticated and optimized for the user environment, are being demanded, not just the simple voice communication. And as the modern design is getting more similar to the objects of traditional high art consumed by consumers every day, the aesthetic aspect of design can play an important role, as the factor that differentiates the product, in creating new value which forms the spiritual and emotional value of human beings to improve the quality of living, and in addition, the willingness of consumers to buy is determined by the design that they prefer the most. Like that, a new design of mobile phone based on a new dimension and preferred by the consumers the most is urgently required to be developed by shedding light on the factors related to the preference of consumers on the basis of the analysis on the aesthetic aspect, which can be said to be the most critical factor in the design process. Therefore, this study aims to identity the common preference and different factors of aesthetic aspects through the analysis on the aesthetic aspects of the mobile phone preferred by users among countries, and figure out the formative artistic factors of aesthetic aspects that are considered to be important, in order to propose the guideline on the aesthetic aspect of mobile phone that can be applied to the design of mobile phone practically.

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Numerical study for Application of H-Pile Connection Plastic Sheet Pile Retaining Wall (HCS) (H-Pile과 Plastic Sheet Pile을 결합한 토류벽체에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Kyou-Nam;Lim, Hee-Dae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.331-343
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    • 2017
  • In this study to improve stability, workability and economics of the H-Pile+Earth plate or H-Pile+Earth plate+Cutoff grouting currently in use, we had developed HCS method belonging to the retaining wall which is consisting of a combination H-Pile, Plastic Sheet Pile and Steel Square Pipe for gap maintenance and reinforcement of flexible plastic Sheet Pile, and the behavior of each member composing HCS method is investigated by three-dimensional finite element analysis. To numerically analyze the behavior of the HCS method, we have performed extensive three-dimentional finite element analysis for three kinds of plastic Sheet Pile size, two kinds of H-Pile size and three kinds of H-Pile installation interval, one kinds of Steel Square Pipe and three kinds of Steel Square Pipe installation interval. After analyzing the numerical results, we found that the combinations of $P.S.P-460{\times}131.5{\times}7t$ (PS7) and H-Pile $250{\times}250{\times}9{\times}14$ (H250), $P.S.P473{\times}133.5{\times}9t$ (PS9) and H-Pile $300{\times}200{\times}9{\times}14$ (H300) is the most economical because these combinations are considered to have a stress ratio (=applied stress/allowable stress) close to that as the stiffness of H-Pile, plastic Sheet Pile and Steel Square Pipe composite increased, the horizontal displacement of the retaining wall and the vertical displacement of the upper ground decreased. Especially, due to the arching effects caused by the difference in stiffness between H-Pile and plastic Sheet Pile, a large part of the earth pressure acting on plastic Sheet Pile caused a stress transfer to H-Pile, and the stress and displacement of plastic Sheet Pile were small. Through this study, we can confirm the behavior of each member constituting the HCS method, and based on the confirmed results of this study, it can be used to apply HCS method in reasonable, stable and economical way in the future.

Antecedents of Trust and Effects on Committment in B2B e-Marketplace (B2B 마켓플레이스에서 신뢰의 선행요인과 몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Hyeon
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.1-33
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    • 2008
  • As the interest in the business-to-business(B2B) electronic commerce is increasing, many companies are participating in the B2B e-Marketplaces. The e-Marketplace is defined as the virtual market that many players take part in to transact. The e-Marketplace has an influenced on the manner in which organizational buyers and sellers interact. As a result, it is important to develop an understanding of the behaviors of firms that use these electronic marketplaces. The purpose of this study is to develop a comprehensive model for trust and commitment of B2B e-Marketplace and empirically to examine their structural relationships. Drawing from trust and commitment theory in the interorganizational relationship and B2B electronic commerce context, this study identifies network externality, interactivity, justice, quality of information sharing, institutional assurance as the determinants of trust and commitment of e-Marketplace. The proposed model hypothesized that (1) trust is a function of network externality, interactivity, justice, quality of information sharing, institutional assurance, (2) attitudinal and behavioral commitment is a function of trust, (3) behavioral commitment is a function of attitudinal commitment. The proposed model is tested using organizational-level survey data from 187 buying organizations that conduct business in MRO e-Marketplaces. The data were tested by reliability test, correlation analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and covariance structure analysis. The results indicate that (1) trust is influenced by network externality, interactivity, justice, institutional assurance, (2) attitudinal commitment and behavioral commitment is influenced by trust (3) behavioral commitment is influenced by attitudinal commitment. Also, the empirical results confirmed that trust play a strong, central role in determinging e-Marketplace commitment. The key theoretical contribution of this research is that it begins to extend interorganizational information system literature in areas such as B2B Internet e-Marketplace. Managerially, this study contributes tn the understanding of the role of B2B e-Markeplace providers in Internet situation. And Limitations of this study and guidelines for future researches are also discussed.

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Survey on the High-Caffeine Energy Drink Consumption Status of University Students in Seoul (서울 지역 대학생의 고카페인 에너지음료 소비 실태 조사)

  • Yoo, Hyun Suk;Sim, Ki Hyeon
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.407-420
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    • 2014
  • A survey was carried out regarding university students' recognition of high-caffeine energy drinks in an effort to identify and improve problems as well as provide basic data. Most of the subjects had previous experience of energy drink consumption. Studies showed that most students consumed energy drinks when studying. Regarding frequency of energy drink consumption, most students' responded "1~6 times a year"; female students showed lower frequency of energy drink consumption than male students. Both male and female students used convenience stores to purchase energy drinks. In most cases, students became aware of energy drinks through advertisements on TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. The most important factor affecting their energy drink purchase and consumption status was taste. The most frequent adverse effect they experienced after drinking an energy drink was unusual heart-pounding, whereas the biggest problem caused by energy drink consumption was addiction. This study indicates that students should have a better understanding of the problems associated with excessive and prolonged high-caffeine intake. In addition, instructions for proper purchasing and consumption of high-caffeine energy drinks should be provided as well as education and campaigns concerning symptoms caused by high-caffeine energy drink consumption so that students may refrain from excessive consumption. Further, civil organizations and the government need to devise effective measures for proper regulation of high-caffeine energy drink consumption.

Selective Word Embedding for Sentence Classification by Considering Information Gain and Word Similarity (문장 분류를 위한 정보 이득 및 유사도에 따른 단어 제거와 선택적 단어 임베딩 방안)

  • Lee, Min Seok;Yang, Seok Woo;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.105-122
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    • 2019
  • Dimensionality reduction is one of the methods to handle big data in text mining. For dimensionality reduction, we should consider the density of data, which has a significant influence on the performance of sentence classification. It requires lots of computations for data of higher dimensions. Eventually, it can cause lots of computational cost and overfitting in the model. Thus, the dimension reduction process is necessary to improve the performance of the model. Diverse methods have been proposed from only lessening the noise of data like misspelling or informal text to including semantic and syntactic information. On top of it, the expression and selection of the text features have impacts on the performance of the classifier for sentence classification, which is one of the fields of Natural Language Processing. The common goal of dimension reduction is to find latent space that is representative of raw data from observation space. Existing methods utilize various algorithms for dimensionality reduction, such as feature extraction and feature selection. In addition to these algorithms, word embeddings, learning low-dimensional vector space representations of words, that can capture semantic and syntactic information from data are also utilized. For improving performance, recent studies have suggested methods that the word dictionary is modified according to the positive and negative score of pre-defined words. The basic idea of this study is that similar words have similar vector representations. Once the feature selection algorithm selects the words that are not important, we thought the words that are similar to the selected words also have no impacts on sentence classification. This study proposes two ways to achieve more accurate classification that conduct selective word elimination under specific regulations and construct word embedding based on Word2Vec embedding. To select words having low importance from the text, we use information gain algorithm to measure the importance and cosine similarity to search for similar words. First, we eliminate words that have comparatively low information gain values from the raw text and form word embedding. Second, we select words additionally that are similar to the words that have a low level of information gain values and make word embedding. In the end, these filtered text and word embedding apply to the deep learning models; Convolutional Neural Network and Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM. This study uses customer reviews on Kindle in Amazon.com, IMDB, and Yelp as datasets, and classify each data using the deep learning models. The reviews got more than five helpful votes, and the ratio of helpful votes was over 70% classified as helpful reviews. Also, Yelp only shows the number of helpful votes. We extracted 100,000 reviews which got more than five helpful votes using a random sampling method among 750,000 reviews. The minimal preprocessing was executed to each dataset, such as removing numbers and special characters from text data. To evaluate the proposed methods, we compared the performances of Word2Vec and GloVe word embeddings, which used all the words. We showed that one of the proposed methods is better than the embeddings with all the words. By removing unimportant words, we can get better performance. However, if we removed too many words, it showed that the performance was lowered. For future research, it is required to consider diverse ways of preprocessing and the in-depth analysis for the co-occurrence of words to measure similarity values among words. Also, we only applied the proposed method with Word2Vec. Other embedding methods such as GloVe, fastText, ELMo can be applied with the proposed methods, and it is possible to identify the possible combinations between word embedding methods and elimination methods.

Awareness and Practice of Sugar Reduction in School Foodservice and the Practice of Nutrition Education in Daegu (대구시 영양(교)사의 학교급식 당류 저감화 인식도와 실천도 및 영양교육 실태)

  • Jang, Suhyang;Kim, Kilye;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the awareness and practice of reducing sugar in school meals and the status of nutrition education regarding sugar reduction. Methods: An online survey was conducted on 101 nutrition teachers (dietitians) working at elementary, middle, and high schools in Daegu. Results: School nutrition teachers in Daegu recognized the need for efforts to reduce the sugar intake in the Korean diet, and it was found that elementary nutrition teachers were more aware of the implementation of the sugar reduction policy at the national level than middle and high school nutrition teachers (P = 0.002). Among the policies to reduce sugar intake at the national level, there was a high need for the promotion of self-control and limiting the sales of food with high sugar content in schools and their vicinity. The degree of practice for reducing sugar in school meals was found to be higher in the preparation, purchase, and cooking stage compared to the serving stage (P < 0.05). There was a high need for changing the preferences of the subjects for a sweet taste as a means of reducing the sugar in school meals. Thirty-six percent of nutrition teachers conducted sugar reduction education, and sending out school newsletters was the highest type of nutrition education at 80.6%. Conclusions: To effectively promote reduced sugar intake in school meals, it is necessary to change the preference of the subjects for sweetness and to conduct continuous education that can improve the awareness of people for reducing their sugar intake. For this, it is necessary to set aside time for nutrition education and to prepare an institutional framework for providing this education.

Korean Start-up Ecosystem based on Comparison of Global Countries: Quantitative and Qualitative Research (글로벌 국가 비교를 통한 한국 기술기반 스타트업 생태계 진단: 정량 및 정성 연구)

  • Kong, Hyewon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2019
  • Technology-based start-up is important in that it encourages innovation, facilitates the development of new products and services, and contributes to job creation. Technology-based start-up activates entrepreneurship when appropriate support is provided within the ecosystem. Thus, understanding the technology-based start-up ecosystem is crucial. The purpose of this study is as follows. First, in Herrmann et al.'s(2015) study, we compare and analyze the ecosystem of each country by selecting representative regions such as Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, London and Singapore which have the highest ranking in the start-up ecosystem. Second, we try to deeply understand the start-up ecosystem based on in-depth interviews with various stakeholders such as VC investors, start-ups, support organizations, and professors related to the Korean start-up ecosystem. Finally, based on the results of the study, we suggest development and activation of Korean technology-based start-up ecosystem. As a result, the Seoul start-up ecosystem showed a positive evaluation of government support compared to other advanced countries. In addition, it was confirmed that the ratio of tele-work and start-up company working experience of employees was higher than other countries. On the other hand, in Seoul, It was confirmed that overseas market performance, human resource diversity, attracting investment, hiring technological engineers, and the ratio of female entrepreneurs were lower than those of overseas advanced countries. In addition, according to the results of the interview analysis, Seoul was able to find that start-up ecosystems such as individual angel investors, accelerators, support institution, and media are developing thanks to the government's market-oriented policy support. However, in order for this development to continue, it is necessary to improve the continuous investment system, expansion of diversity, investment return system, and accessibility to the global market. A discussion on this issue is presented.