• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정체층

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A Study on Improvement γ-Reθt Model for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Analysis (극 초음속 경계층 해석을 위한 γ-Reθt모델 개선 연구)

  • Kang, Sunoh;Oh, Sejong;Park, Donghun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2020
  • Since boundary layer transition has a significant impact on the aero-thermodynamic performance of hypersonic flight vehicles, capability of accurate prediction of transition location is essential for design and performance analysis. In this study, γ-Reθt model is improved to predict transition of hypersonic boundary layers and validated. A coefficient in the production term of the intermittency transport equation that affects the transition onset location is constructed and applied as a function of Mach number, wall temperature, and freestream stagnation temperature based on the similarity numerical solution of compressible boundary layer. To take into account a Mach number dependency of transition onset momentum thickness Reynolds number and transition length, additional correlation equations are determined as function of Mach number and applied to Reθc and Flength correlations of the baseline model. The suggested model is implemented to a commercial CFD code in consideration of practical use. Analysis of hypersonic flat plate and circular cone boundary layers is carried out by using the model for validation purpose. An improvement of prediction capability with respect to variation of Mach number and unit Reynolds number is identified from the comparison with experimental data.

Analysis of the transport and sedimentation processes of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments induced into a navigational river (주운하천으로 유입하는 점착성 및 비점착성 유사의 3차원 이송.퇴적 해석)

  • Ryoo, Jae-Il;Chung, Se-Woong;Chung, Jin-Woong;Kim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.183-187
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구에서는 3차원 수리해석과 함께 유사의 이송, 침식, 퇴적 현상을 연동하여 모의할 수 있는 유한차분 수치모형인 EFDC(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code)를 이용하여 주운하천 구간으로 유입되는 다입경 혼합유사의 입경별 시 공간적 퇴적분포 특성을 고찰하고, 하상변동 예측에 있어서 유사의 밀도와 모델의 유한차분 격자 구조에 의한 불확실성 해석을 수행하였다. 유입 유사의 입경별 공간적 퇴적특성은 하천 하류부와 단면 확대부에서 발생하는 3차원적 수리현상과 매우 밀접한 상관성을 보였으며, 굴포천과 합류하는 주운수로 유입부에서는 대부분 입경이 큰 비점착성 유사($63{\mu}m$ 이상)인 사질(sand)입자들이 주로 퇴적되는 것으로 나타났으며, 주운하천 합류부로부터 하류구간까지는 $4\sim63{\mu}m$ 입자의 실트질(silt) 유사가 대부분 이송되어 퇴적되는 것으로 분석되었다. 점착성 유사인 $4{\mu}m$ 이하의 점토(clay)는 단면이 확대되어 유속이 매우 느린 구간이나 사수역을 중심으로 퇴적되는 것으로 나타났다. 단면 횡방향 분포특성은 굴포천과 주운하천이 합류하는 합류부 구간의 주흐름 방향 남쪽에서 흐름의 정체구간이 발생되어 퇴적이 발생하고, 단면 급확대부 양안에서 사수역이 형성되므로 퇴적이 지배적으로 발생되었다. 하상변동 예측의 불확실성 해석을 위해 유사 밀도값에 대한 민감도 분석결과, 하상변동량은 유사밀도($1.3ton/m^3\sim2.65ton/m^3$)가 감소됨에 따라 약 2배까지 증가하는 것으로 분석되어 민감도가 매우 크게 나타났다. 또한 수치격자 구조의 민감도 분석결과, 수층을 3개 층으로 분석한 결과가 단일층 분석결과보다 최대 6배의 하상변동량이 많게 산정되었다. 이는 수심방향의 유속과 부유사 농도의 불균등 분포특성이 실제 자연현상에 더 가깝게 모의되기 때문으로 판단되었다.

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Numerical Simulation of Flow and Bed Change at the Confluence of the Geum River and Mihocheon (합류부에서 흐름 및 하상변동 수치모의 (금강과 미호천 합류부를 중심으로))

  • Jang, Chang-Lae;Kim, Jeongkon;Ko, Ick Hwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of flow and bed change at the wide, shallow confluence of the Geum river and Mihocheon, which has different bed slope, height, and sediment concentration condition between the main channel and tributary. RMA-2 and SED2D were used to simulate flow and bed changes at the site. Flow simulations showed that the overall flow velocity, shear layer and vortex generated at the left bank of the confluence increase as the discharge was increased. Sediment transport simulations indicated that because of the high inflow sediment concentration from Mihocheon, sediment concentration in the main river increases after the confluence, the high sediment concentration band was kept along the shear layer boundary and the left bed was aggraded after confluence.

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Analysis of occurred flow change on dry section in Anyangcheon (안양천 건천화 구간의 발생유량 추이 분석)

  • Jung, Seung-Kwon;Kim, Nam-Il;Lee, Kil-Seoung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2006
  • 하천 건천화라 함은 수문학적 요소기준으로 갈수량 기준 이하이고, 하천으로부터 필요 수량을 지속적으로 제공할 수 없는 하천이라 정의하고 있다($\ulcorner$프론티어 연구개발사업 '지속가능한 하천수 개발 기술'$\lrcorner$). 건천화의 원인으로는 우리나라 기상특성상 호우기에 집중되는 호우로 인한 저류효율 저하와 더불어 무분별한 도시개발로 인한 불투수층의 증가로 지하수위가 저하되는 것을 꼽을 수 있다. 여기에 무분별한 하천수 취수 및 하수처리를 위한 차집 등이 하천수를 감소시키는 요인으로 작용한다. 하천 건천화는 정체수역의 악취발생 및 주변경관 저해 등으로 지역주민에게 피해를 주는것은 물론 생태계의 파괴를 초래하게 된다. 이러한 하천 건천화의 가장 주요한 원인은 도시화에 따른 하천유역의 물순환 체계가 파괴됨에 있다. 이러한 문제점을 분석하고 해결방안을 모색하기 위하여 수자원의 지속적 확보기술개발 사업단에서 추진중인 '안양천 유역의 물순환 건전화 기술 개발' 과업에서는 지자체에서 운영하고 있는 안양천 유역내의 기존 관측 시설과 사업단 1단계 사업성과로 설치된 실시간 수문모니터링 시설을 이용하여 수문자료를 지속적으로 모니터링하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 안양천 수계내의 건천화 구간에 대하여 지난 2년간의 하천수위, 지하수위 관측자료와 유량측정자료를 이용하여 발생 유량에 대한 수문특성 변화를 분석하였으며, 주요 지점에 대한 현장조사를 통하여 건천화 발생 요인에 대한 접근을 시도하였다.

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Numerical Analysis on the Low Momentum Fluid Flow Characteristics in Centrifugal Pump Impeller (원심 펌프 회전차 내부의 저 운동량 유동특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • 김세진;김동원;김윤제
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 1999
  • In this study, tile characteristics of three dimensional flow fields in centrifugal flump impeller are investigated by numerically. Detailed analysis and understanding of flow field in centrifugal pump are very important to predict performance of components. The three dimensional viscous fluid flow in centrifugal pump is distingushed isentropic process region from irreversible process region by wall shear effect, secondary flow, centrifugal and Coriolis forces, variation of boudary layers. Development of low momentum region by viscous fluid flow in the centrifugal impeller causes stall and blockage which is irreversible process region, and resulting in decrease of the performance and efficiency of centrifugal pump. Especially, the result is that Coriolis and centrifugal forces are most powerful factors which are increasing the irreversible region.

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Introduction to Multiple Income Protection System in Korea (인구고령화에 대비한 노령소득보장체계의 재편 방안)

  • 김용하
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.149-182
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    • 2001
  • Due to the sustained increase in lifts expectancy, the number and proportion of the aged population has substantially increased, the proportion of the total population aged 65 and over was 7.1% in 2000 and 14.3% in 2022. But All public pension schemes in Korea, including the National Pension scheme, civil servants pension scheme, private school teachers pension scheme and the military pension scheme, are facing valving degree of financial problems at present because of their weak and unstable financial bases. with the result that some of them have recorded deficits for some time and the others are expected to run deficits in the near future. This crisis in financial sustainability in public pension schemes is attributable to the structural weakness of the schemes which can be characterized as high benefits, low contribution. Therefore, this article focuses on alternative of public pension schemes reform in Korea. The results is as follows. First, a basic pension is proposed to be newly established and the earnings related portion of National Pension Scheme will be as national pension. Secondly, the Basic Pension is a universal basic pension covering all nationals over 18 years and older, thereby achieving \"one pension for everybody\" Thirdly, National Pension will be operated as an earnings related pension covering only those participants with assessed income. Fourth1y, the current participants of public occupational pensions will also join the Basic Pension as well as the public occupational pensions whose scope of works will be reduced. And finally, The conversion of Retirement Allocation Scheme into a corporate pension should be left to the discretion of the company concerned.

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Study on the elution of biostimulant for in-situ bioremediation of contaminated coastal sediment (오염된 연안저질의 현장생물정화를 위한 미생물활성촉진제의 용출특성 연구)

  • Woo, Jung-Hui;Song, Young-Chae;Senthilkumar, Palaninaicker
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2014
  • A study on the elution characteristics of biostimulating agents (sulfate and nitrate) from biostimulants which are used for in-situ bioremediation for the coastal sediment contaminated with organic matter was performed. The biostimulating agents were mixed with the coastal sediment, and then massed the mixture into ball. Two kinds of ball type biostimulant were prepared by coating the ball surface with two different polymers, cellulose acetate and polysulfone. A granular type biostimulant (GTB) was also prepared by impregnating a granular activated carbon in the biostimulating agent solution. The image of scanning electron microscopy for the biostimulant coated with cellulose acetate (CAB) showed that the inner side of the coating layer consisted of irregular and bigger size of pores, and the surface layer had tight structure like beehive. For the biostimulant coated with polyfulfone (PSB), the whole coating layer had a fine structure without pore. The elution rate of the biostimulating agents for the CAB was higher than that for the PSB, and the elution rate for the GTB was considerably higher than that for the PSB in distilled water as well as in sea water. The elution rate of the biostimulating agents in turbulent water flow was about 3 times higher than that in standing water, and the elution rate of nitrate was higher than that of sulfate from the stimulating agents.

Mid- to Late Holocene Progradational Pattern of Shinduri Dunefield: Implications for Sea Level and Climatic Changes in the Western Coast of Korea (홀로세 중기 이후 신두리 해안사구의 성장 : 기후변화 및 해수면 변동과의 관련 가능성)

  • HONG, Seongchan;CHOI, Jeong Heon;KIM, Jong Wook
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2010
  • There have been growing concerns for the sea level rise due to global warming in recent years. Sea level rise is a serious problem to densely populated coastal areas, because it may affect the coastal landforms to be damaged. Especially coastal sand deposits like coastal dunes are more sensitive than the other coastal landforms. In this paper, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating method were used to identify the Holocene geomorphic changes of coastal dune field in Shinduri located at the western coast. The main results in this study that are the dunefield in the study area may have begun to form at around 6.8 ka and it has grown seaward thereafter. Then, dunefield appears to have extensively developed since 3.7 ka. This result, together with previous works on the sea level and climatic changes in the western coast of Korea suggest that the dunefield has been affected by the sea level regression since the Holocene high stand in the Holocene at around 6 ka and climatic change from warm and humid to cold and dry conditions occurred at 4.5 ka.

Optimization of Operation and Backwashing Condition for an Upflow Stormwater Filtration System Utilizing Ceramic Media (세라믹 여재를 활용한 상향류식 여과형 비점오염저감시설의 최적 운전 및 역세척 조건)

  • Hwang, Yuhoon;Seo, Younggyo;Kim, Hyowon;Roh, Kunwan;Shin, Hyunsang;Kim, Dogun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.8
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    • pp.478-488
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    • 2017
  • Stormwater filtration is widely used for the urban runoff treatment. However, intensive maintenance and lack of information about the performance have resulted in an increased need of proper evaluation. In this study, the performance of an upflow stormwater runoff filtration system, consisting of a supporting unit and a filtration unit filled with a ceramic media, was investigated. The maximum head loss increase was about 3 cm under the suspended solid (SS) load of $30kg/m^2$ and the SS removal was more than 96%, when the filtration velocity was 20-40 m/h. The head loss and the porosity of the media can successfully be described by a power model. It was confirmed that the a significant amount of SS can effectively be removed at supporting unit, minimizing SS load to the filter media bed. Several backwashing strategies have been tested to establish the optimum condition. It was found that the stagnant water discharge is important to minimize the SS release immediately after backwashing. Also, the filter bed loaded with $400-450kg/m^2$ SS can almost completely be washed to reduce the head loss to the that of empty bed. The results in this study indicate that the upflow ceramic media filter is an excellent alternative to stormwater treatment, with high SS removal and long lifespan.

The Gravity Separation of Speiss and Limestone Granules Using Vibrating Zirconia Ball Bed (지르코니아볼층 진동을 이용한 스파이스와 석회석 입자의 비중선별)

  • Yoo, Jae Kyoung;Lee, Minji;Kim, Gyeong Hwan;Yoo, Kyoungkeun
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2020
  • In the present study, gravity separation of speiss (6.74 g/㎤) and limestone (2.7 g/㎤) was investigated using a vibrating 1 mm-zirconia ball (5.6 g/㎤) bed as a medium. The floating ratio and separation efficiency with increasing the number of spiess and limestone granules were examined by changing the vibration frequency from 18 Hz to 26 Hz. During the vibration, the zirconia balls circulate inside the vessel, and the spiess granules sink with the zirconia balls, but limestone granules remain on the surface of the zirconia ball bed. As the number of particles of spiess and limestone granules increased, it was observed that the granules were congested in the path of the granule sinking, so the rate of particle sinking decreased, and that limestone granules overlapping with the spiess granule also sunk. Therefore, the separation efficiency decreases with increasing the number of granules, but when the vibrational frequency increases, there is no more congestion and the separation efficiency increases. When each of the three particles was added, a separation efficiency of 100% was acheived at 22 Hz, which indicates that a dry gravity separation process that does not require a drying process is possible.