• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정사영상기법

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A Study on Change Detection of City Using Aerial Photo (항공사진을 활용한 도심지 변화탐지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kam-Lae;Ahn, Byung-Gu;Lee, Ka-Hyeong;Cheong, Hae-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2007
  • 본 연구에서는 변화탐지 기법을 통한 도심지 건축물의 판독가능성을 검토하기 위하여 항공사진 단영상 및 정사영상을 이용하여 영상정규화와 기하보정을 통한 image subtraction기법을 적용하여 변화 탐지를 실시하였다. 변화 탐지를 위한 임계값 설정에서 단영상 변화탐지는 임계값 90% 이상에서는 일정면적 이상의 변화지역이 뚜렷이 나타났으며 정사영상 변화탐지는 임계값 $70{\sim}80%$ 이상의 결과영상이 변화탐지에 적절한 것으로 나타났다. 단영상과 정사영상 변화탐지 결과를 필터링을 통해 일정면적 이하를 제거한 후 2002년 영상과 중첩하여 변화지역을 확인 하였다. 변화탐지 기법을 판독 작업에 활용한다면 판독 우선순위 결정에 많은 도움이 될 뿐만 아니라 영상의 종류와 필요에 따른 다양한 변화탐지 기법을 적용한다면 판독 작업에 많은 활용성을 기대할 수 있다.

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The Study of the Plan regarding DSM Generation for Production of Orthophoto (정사영상 제작을 위한 정밀 DSM 생성 방안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho;Yoo, Kang-Min
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2007
  • 최근 사진측량기술과 IT의 발달로 인해 고품질의 데이터의 획득이 가능하게 되면서 고해상도 영상을 이용한 정사영상의 제작과 활용이 증가하고 있다. 일반적인 정사영상은 DEM을 이용하여 편위수정이 수행하기 때문에 건물, 교량과 같은 비고를 가지고 있는 인공지형지물에 대한 기복변위를 완벽하게 제거하지 못하는 문제점을 안고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 건물의 기복변위를 제거한 실감정사영상을 제작하기 위하여 수치사진 측량기법과 LiDAR데이터를 이용한 네가지 실험 CASE별로 DSM을 생성하였고, 각 DSM별 정사영상을 제작하여 정확도 분석을 수행하여, 실감정사영상제작에 적합한 DSM 제작 방안을 제시하였다.

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Visible Height Based Occlusion Area Detection in True Orthophoto Generation (엄밀 정사영상 제작을 위한 가시고도 기반의 폐색영역 탐지)

  • Youn, Junhee;Kim, Gi Hong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2008
  • With standard orthorectification algorithms, one can produce unacceptable structure duplication in the orthophoto due to the double projection. Because of the abrupt height differences, such structure duplication is a frequently occurred phenomenon in the dense urban area which includes multi-history buildings. Therefore, occlusion area detection especially for the urban area is a critical issue in generation of true orthophoto. This paper deals with occlusion area detection with visible height based approach from aerial imagery and LiDAR. In order to accomplish this, a grid format DSM is produced from the point clouds of LiDAR. Next, visible height based algorithm is proposed to detect the occlusion area for each camera exposure station with DSM. Finally, generation of true orthophoto is presented with DSM and previously produced occlusion maps. The proposed algorithms are applied in the Purdue campus, Indiana, USA.

Coarse to Fine Image Registration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images over Agricultural Area using SURF and Mutual Information Methods (SURF 기법과 상호정보기법을 활용한 농경지 지역 무인항공기 영상 간 정밀영상등록)

  • Kim, Taeheon;Lee, Kirim;Lee, Won Hee;Yeom, Junho;Jung, Sejung;Han, Youkyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_1
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    • pp.945-957
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we propose a coarse to fine image registration method for eliminating geometric error between images over agricultural areas acquired using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). First, images of agricultural area were acquired using UAV, and then orthophotos were generated. In order to reduce the probability of extracting outliers that cause errors during image registration, the region of interest is selected by using the metadata of the generated orthophotos to minimize the search area. The coarse image registration was performed based on the extracted tie-points using the Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) method to eliminate geometric error between orthophotos. Subsequently, the fine image registration was performed using tie-points extracted through the Mutual Information (MI) method, which can extract the tie-points effectively even if there is no outstanding spatial properties or structure in the image. To verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method, a comparison analysis using 8 orthophotos was performed with the results of image registration using the SURF method and the MI method individually. As a result, we confirmed that the proposed method can effectively eliminated the geometric errors between the orthophotos.

Detecting and Restoring Occlusion Area for Generating Digital Orthoimage (수치정사투영영상 제작을 위한 폐색영역의 탐지와 복원)

  • 권오형;김용일;김형태
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2000
  • 레이저 프로파일링 시스템의 등장으로, 기존에는 얻을 수 없었던 도시 지역에 대한 DTM 취득이 가능해졌고, 더욱 정확한 정사투영영상 또한 제작할 수 있게 되었다. 하지만, 높이 변화를 보이는 자연지물과 인공구조물이 있는 지역에 대해 기존의 정사투영사진 제작기법이 적용될 때, 폐색이나 이중매핑과 같은 문제가 발생하게 된다. 특히 고층건물이 밀집되어 있는 도심지에서 이러한 현상은 두드러져 정사투영영상의 품질을 저해하는 주요한 원인이 된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 카메라의 외부표정요소와 DTM을 이용하여 폐색영역을 탐지하고, 폐색이 안된 다른 영상의 정보를 통해 폐색영역을 복원하여 더욱 완전한 정사투영을 제작할 수 있는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 제안된 알고리즘에 의해 자연지물이나 인공고조물에 의한 폐색영역을 탐지할 수 있었고 폐색영역의 많은 부분을 부가영상을 이용하여 복원하였다. 건물에 대한 사전지식을 이용하여 폐색영역을 탐지하는 국내 연구가 있지만, 본 연구는 건물에 대한 부가정보나 모델링을 사용하지 않고 DTM과 카메라 외부표정요소만을 이용하여 폐색영역을 탐지한다는 점에서 이러한 연구들과 차별성을 가진다.

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Generation of Digital Orthoimage using Direct Georeferencing (외부표정요소 직접결정에 의한 수치정사영상 생성)

  • 박운용;박홍기;위광재;송연경
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.245-249
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    • 2004
  • 최근에는 항측기에 GPS/INS 장비를 탑재하여 사진의 촬영과 동시에 외부표정요소를 직접 결정할 수 있는 Direct Georeferencing 기술의 개발로 인하여 지상기준점측량과 AT과정이 불필요하게 되었다. Direct Georeferencing 기법을 이용하게 되면 외부표정요소를 구하기 위한 전처리 과정을 생략할 수 있다. 따라서 지상기준점을 이용한 사진기 준점측량(AT)을 수행하지 않더라도 수치표고모델만 미리 확보되어 있으면 촬영과 동시에 수치정사사진을 생성할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 촬영과 동시에 GPS/INS에 의해 획득한 외부표정요소와 항공사진을 이용하여 영상매칭에 의하여 수치표고모델(DEM)을 자동 생성하고, 이 결과를 바탕으로 정사사진을 제작하였다. 실제 도화데이터와 Direct Georeferencing 정사영상과의 오차를 평가한 결과, 표준편차가 X는 약 62cm, Y는 약 76cm 정도가 발생하였다. 이 결과는 축적 1:5,000 수치지도의 정확도 요구를 충분히 만족시킬 수 있는 양호한 결과임을 알 수 있다. Direct Georeferencing에 의한 정사영상의 제작방법은 큰 크기의 과대오차가 발생하는 부분을 수작업 또는 반자동으로 해결할 수 있으면 효율적으로 수치지도를 수정/갱신 할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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Geospatial Information Extraction by using Digital Photogrammetry (수치사진측량을 이용한 지형공간정보 추출)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 1999
  • The study on the updating of the database of Geo-Spatial Information System that is necessary condition to GSIS operation have executed actively. In this study, digital orthophotos were produced by using the product of digital photogrammetry process and then multiscale digital orthophoto maps were generated tv the concept of image pyramids. The produced digital orthophoto has 2.092 meters accuracy compared to 1:5,000 topographic map. This digital orthophoto can be implemented in various Geo-Spatial Information System, providing valuable spatial reference for other objects in the database.

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A Study on the Improvement of Geometric Quality of KOMPSAT-3/3A Imagery Using Planetscope Imagery (Planetscope 영상을 이용한 KOMPSAT-3/3A 영상의 기하품질 향상 방안 연구)

  • Jung, Minyoung;Kang, Wonbin;Song, Ahram;Kim, Yongil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.327-343
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    • 2020
  • This study proposes a method to improve the geometric quality of KOMPSAT (Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite)-3/3A Level 1R imagery, particularly for efficient disaster damage analysis. The proposed method applies a novel grid-based SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) method to the Planetscope ortho-imagery, which solves the inherent limitations in acquiring appropriate optical satellite imagery over disaster areas, and the KOMPSAT-3/3A imagery to extract GCPs (Ground Control Points) required for the RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficient) bias compensation. In order to validate its effectiveness, the proposed method was applied to the KOMPSAT-3 multispectral image of Gangnueng which includes the April 2019 wildfire, and the KOMPSAT-3A image of Daejeon, which was additionally selected in consideration of the diverse land cover types. The proposed method improved the geometric quality of KOMPSAT-3/3A images by reducing the positioning errors(RMSE: Root Mean Square Error) of the two images from 6.62 pixels to 1.25 pixels for KOMPSAT-3, and from 7.03 pixels to 1.66 pixels for KOMPSAT-3A. Through a visual comparison of the post-disaster KOMPSAT-3 ortho-image of Gangneung and the pre-disaster Planetscope ortho-image, the result showed appropriate geometric quality for wildfire damage analysis. This paper demonstrated the possibility of using Planetscope ortho-images as an alternative to obtain the GCPs for geometric calibration. Furthermore, the proposed method can be applied to various KOMPSAT-3/3A research studies where Planetscope ortho-images can be provided.

A Study on Mapping Levees Using Drone Imagery (드론영상을 이용한 하천 제방 매핑에 관한 연구)

  • Choung, Yun-Jae;Park, Hyeon-Cheol;Choi, Soo-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.30-30
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    • 2018
  • Research on mapping levees is an important task for assessing levee stability. The drone imagery acquired in river basins is useful for generating real-time levee maps. This research proposes a robust methodology for mapping levees in river basins using the drone imagery. In the first step, the multiple imagery taken in the test bed was acquired by the drone. Then, the orthorectified image and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) were generated by the photogrammetry and image processing process. Finally, the significant features on levee surfaces such as levee tops, levee lines, levee slopes, eroded areas were detected from the generated DEM and orthorectified image by manual labors and automatic methods. In future research, the automatic procedure for identifying the significant levee features from the drone imagery would be proposed.

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A Study on Direct Georeferencing by Combined Multi-sensor (다중센서 결합에 의한 외부표정요소 직접결정기법에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Youn-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2005
  • Direct Georeferencing by combined multi-sensor based on the direct measurement of the projection centers and rotation angle of sensor through loading the GPS and INS in aircraft. The method of combined multi-sensor can offer us to acquire the exterior orientation parameters with only minimum GCPs, even the ground control process could be completely skipped. Consequently, It is possible extreme to reduce the time and expense for the mapping process. In this study, a CCD camera is simultaneously used in combined multi-sensor surveying, and acquired CCD image through Direct Georeferencing produce digital orthoimage. In this process, methods of combining sensor and digital orthoimage are examined and estimated. For the comparison of the positioning accuracy digital orthoimage through Direct Georeferencing, GCPs determined by GPS surveying are used. Two digital orthoimage are produced; one with a few GCP and the other without them. The accuracy of orthoimages produced through combined multi-sensor with GCPs meets that of 1:1,000 maps. Without GCPs, it meets that of 1:5,000 maps.

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