• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전변(傳變)

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"소문(素問).옥기진장론(玉機眞藏論)"의 병전(病傳)에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Bang, Jeong-Gyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2006
  • 재(在)${\ulcorner}$소문(素問) 옥기진장론(玉機眞藏論)${\lrcorner}$중(中), 유관어병지전변적내용(有關於病之傳變的內容), 연기내용난해(然其內容難解), 차주가적해석상이(且注家的解釋相異), 설명야불구충분(說明也不充分), 소이불역이해(所以不易理解). 소이차기내용수요정리(所以此其內容需要整理), 약부저론자적견해여하(若夫著論者的見解如下). 기지역행시가이심양개방면(氣之逆行是可以審兩個方面). 기일시(其一是), 출어상극관계적일반전변규율(出於相克關係的一般傳變規律), 선전어모장이후재종모장전이상극관계(先傳於母藏而後再從母藏傳以相克關係). 차지어사적시점(且至於死的時點), 반위본장지승극적관계(反爲本藏之勝克的關係), 저취시출어일반적규율(這就是出於一般的規律). 기이시(其二是), 유속발성질환적의(有續發性疾患的義), 가위이병적정도위중위역행의(可謂以病的程度危重僞逆行矣). 기외감병시(其外感病是), 사기유어형(표)이입어장(리)(邪氣由於形(表)而入於藏(裏)), 연후재오장내(然後在五藏內), 이폐합피모(以肺合皮毛), 고폐선수사기(故肺先受邪氣), 이후자폐전이상극관계(而後自肺傳以相克關係). 기졸발병시(其卒發病是), 어내상혹외감적병인(於內傷或外感的病因), 부가진원탈갈적내재원인이발병(附加眞元脫竭的內在原因而發病), 우가이칠정상(又加以七情傷), 소이불수일반전변규율(所以不隨一般傳變規律), 이차병적정도갱심위중의(而且病的程度更甚危重矣).

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Estimation of Total Displacements by RMR Grades using 3-Dimensional Numerical Analysis (3D 수치해석을 이용한 퇴적암 터널의 암반 등급별 전변위 산정)

  • Yim, Sung-Bin;Yun, Hyun-Seok;Seo, Yong-Seok;Park, Si-Hyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2007
  • Tunnel displacement happens during the process of stress redistribution by tunnelling. Tunnel displacement can be divided into 3 types such as displacements occurring before excavation, non-measured displacements after excavation and measured displacements after excavation. Because measurements of displacements occurring before excavation and non-measured displacement after excavation are difficult and time-consuming in the field, many researchers have studied on total displacement and its characteristics with excavation using numerical analysis. In this study, we used a 3-D back analysis to estimate total displacement by rock mass grades in tunnel constructed in sedimentary rock. We reduced error between measured displacements and calculated displacements from a 3-D numerical analysis, and then estimated suitable rock mass properties by RMR classes. Ultimately, Logistic nonlinear regressions of total displacement with tunnelling were estimated by least square estimation.

Suggestion of a Modified RMR based on Effect of RMR Parameters on Tunnel Displacement in Sedimentary Rocks (퇴적암 기반 터널에서의 지질인자별 변위 영향도를 고려한 RMR 수정 제안)

  • Seo, Yong-Seok;Yim, Sung-Bin;Na, Jong-Hwa;Park, Si-Hyun
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2008
  • Total displacement under non-reinforcement is a quantitative index of rock mass behavior during tunnel excavation and depends widely upon geological characteristics. The primary purpose of this study is to suggest a rock mass evaluation method, well representing tunnel behavior during excavation, according to rock type. A 3-D numerical analysis was carried out, with consideration of the shape of tunnel section, excavation condition and so forth, in a sedimentary rock-based tunnel, and total displacements under non-reinforcement according to rock mass class were calculated. Finally, quantification analysis was carried out to assess correlation of the total displacement with RMR parameters. As the result, a modified RMR system fer quantification of rock mass behavior during tunnel excavation is suggested.

Structural Strength Analysis at Cushion Frame and Back Frame of Automotive Seat (자동차 시트 쿠션 프레임 및 백 프레임의 구조 강도 해석)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Kim, Key-Sun;Choi, Doo-Seuk;Park, Sang-Heup;Kim, Sei-Hwan;Cho, Jae-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.4956-4962
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    • 2012
  • Among the various parts of automobile, automotive seat is the most fundamental item that ride comfort can be evaluated as the direct contact part with human body. Automotive seat must have the sufficient rigidity and strength at the same time with ride comfort. In this study, cushion frame and back frame at car seat are modelled with 3D. There are structural simulation analyses about 3 kinds of tests on torsion strength, vertical load strength and back frame strength. In the analysis result, the initial total deformation and the permanent total deformation has the maximum values of 5.4821 mm and 0.02539mm respectively at the torsion strength test of cushion frame. Total deformations at front and rear end parts of cushion frame become the values of 2.1159mm and 0.0606mm respectively at the test of vertical load strength of cushion frame. In case of more than this load, the maximum value of total deformation also becomes 3.1739mm. The maximum value of total deformation becomes 0.18634mm at 3 kinds of the strength tests on back frame. By the study result of no excessive deformation and no fracture cushion frame and back frame at automotive seat, the sufficient rigidity and strength to guarantee the safety of passenger can be verified.