• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전만각

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A Study on the Relationship Scoliotic Curve and Cervical Lordosis, Lumar Lordosis and Ferguson Angle in Spinal Scoliosis Patient (척추 측만증 환자에서의 척추 만곡과 경추 및 요추 전만각, Ferguson각의 상관관계에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Seok;Yoon, Hyun-Seok;Bahn, Hyo-Jung;Jeong, Hae-Chan;Yeom, Sun-Kyu;Jin, Eun-Seok;Kim, Han-Kyum
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study is designed to find out the relationship of scoliotic curve, cervical lordosis, lumbar lordosis and Ferguson's angle. Method : The study was composed of 46 scoliosis patients who had single curvature(Group I) on their lumbar spine(Group I-A) or thoracic spine(Group I-B) and 38 patients who had double curvature(Group II) on their lumbar and thoracic spine. The patients were evaluated with X-ray findings of full spine AP and Lateral views and statistically analyzed. Results : 1. Group II showed a significant increase in scoliotic curve angle as compared with Group I(P<0.05). 2. Scoliotic curve has a negative relationship with cervical lordosis in group II. Conclusion : 1. The patients who has double curvature of spine had higher scoliotic curve angle compared with who has single curvature. 2. The Scoliotic curve and cervical lordosis was statistically concerned on patients who has double curvature of spine.

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Analysis of Related Factors on Cervical Angle with Kyphosis Observed by X-ray (영상검사 소견으로 관찰된 후만곡을 동반한 경추 전만각에 대한 영향인자 분석)

  • Kim, Gyu-Sub;Kim, Hyeong-Soo;Yang, In-Seok;Lee, Yong-Seok;Lee, Chang-Hwan;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Won-Sub
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to find out the factors affecting the cervical angle with kyphosis. Methods : We investigated 340 cases of patients who had cervical kyphosis. We used cervical angle, flexion malposition angle, odontoid process cline angle, axis-atlas cline angle, odontoid process-atlas cline angle and occiput-atlas cline angle. Correlations between cervical angle and flexion malposition angle, odontoid process cline angle, axis-atlas cline angle, odontoid process-atlas cline angle, occiput-atlas cline angle were analyzed by pearson correlation analysis. Results : The correlation between cervical angle and flexion malposition angle was p-value 0.007, and odontoid process cline angle was p-value 0.002, and axis-atlas cline angle was p-value 0.000, and odontoid process-atlas cline angle was p-value 0.000, and occiput-atlas cline angle was p-value 0.012. Conclusions : Flexion malposition angle, odontoid process cline angle are inversely proportional to cervical angle. And correlation is statistically significant(p<0.01). Axis-atlas cline angle, odontoid process-atlas cline angle are proportional to cervical angle. And correlation is statistically significant(p<0.01). Occiput-atlas cline angle is proportional to cervical angle. And correlation is statistically significant(p<0.05).

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A Study of Radiation Incidence Angle in Cervical Vertebra Anteroposterior(AP) Examination by Position (자세에 따른 목뼈 정면 입사각에 대한 연구)

  • Kwak, Jonghyeok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2015
  • In anteroposterior radiation test for cervical vertebra, it is general that the incidence angle of X-ray is $15^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ degrees to head regardless of position. So this study suggests appropriate incidence angle of cervical vertebra depended on the position. From 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013, cervical spine radiographys and magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 107 people who visited P Hospital located in Pusan. Among them, 39 people(men 24, women 15) were below 80 above 20 years old(average age 54 years) with normal cervical lordosis(normal $40^{\circ}{\pm}5^{\circ}$). In erect position, the incidence angle of cervical vertebra is measured from lateral radiographic images. And in supine position, it measured from MRI sagittal images. Results based on gender, the incidence angle of cervical vertebra in erect position was $25.9^{\circ}$ for men, women was $23.1^{\circ}$, showed statistically significant (p<0.05). And the angle in supine was $11.6^{\circ}$ for men, women was $12.6^{\circ}$, showed not statistically significant (p>0.05) An analysis of age group shows, the incidence angle of cervical vertebra in erect position was $24.6^{\circ}$ under 50, and $25.0^{\circ}$ over 50. The angle in supine was $12.0^{\circ}$ under 50, and $11.9^{\circ}$ over 50. And all of them showed not statistically significant (p>0.05). At all ages, the average of incidence angles in erect position were $24.8^{\circ}$, and the angle in supine was $12.0^{\circ}$, showed statistically significant (p<0.05). The cervical vertebra incidence angle for X-ray was $15^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ degrees to head in general. But, through the results, it is recommended that the angle is $24.8^{\circ}$ in erect and $12.0^{\circ}$ in supine position. It could be shown true anteroposterior(AP) view of cervical vertebra and accurate intervertebral fusion fixing devices.

Preliminary Result of Revision Fusion Surgery for Thoracolumbar Spine Using Revision Rod (Revision Rod를 이용한 흉요추 유합 재수술 예비 결과)

  • Youn, Yung-Hun;Cho, Kyu-Jung;Park, Ye-Su;Park, Jae-Woo;Park, Jin-Sung;Kwon, Won-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The need for revision fusion surgery after spinal fusion has increased. A revision rod that connects to the previous rod was newly developed for revision surgery. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical and radiological results after spinal fusion revision surgery using revision rods. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one patients who underwent revision fusion surgery after spinal fusion in two university hospitals with minimum 1 year follow-up were reviewed. This study assessed 16 cases of adjacent-segment disease, four cases of thoracolumbar fracture, and one case of ossification of ligament flavum. The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and numerical rating scale (NRS) were evaluated as clinical outcomes, and the union rate, lordosis or kyphosis of the revision level, lumbar lordosis, T5-12 kyphosis, and proximal junctional kyphosis angle were evaluated as the radiological outcomes. Results: The average ODI was 54.6±12.5 before surgery and improved to 29.8±16.5 at the final follow-up. The NRS for back pain and leg pain was 5.0±1.7 and 6.4±2.0 before surgery, which changed to 2.9±1.6 and 2.9±2.2 at the final follow-up. Lumbar lordosis was 18.1°±11.9° before surgery and 21.1°±10.3° at the final follow-up. Proximal junctional kyphosis was 10.8°±10.1° before surgery, and 9.2°±10.5° at the final follow-up. These angles were not changed significantly after surgery. Bony union was successful in all cases except for one case who underwent posterolateral fusion. Conclusion: Revision surgery using a newly developed revision rod on the thoracolumbar spine achieved good clinical outcomes with successful bony union. No problems with the newly developed revision rod were encountered.

Statistical Study of the Ferguson's Angle, Lumbar Gravity Line and Lumbar Lordotic Angle in HIVD Patients. (요추간판탈출증 환자의 요천각, 요추중력중심선 및 요추전만각의 통계적 관찰)

  • Koh, Dong-Hyun;Hong, Soon-Sung;Lee, Jin-Ho;Jung, Sung-Yub;Shin, Joon-Shik
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : The lumbosacral joint is unstable area from an anatomical viewpoint, while it is also a very mobile area in ordinary life, so that clinically major causes of low back pain originate in this joint. The purpose of this study is to assess the difference of the Ferguson's angles, Lumbar gravity lines, Lumbar lordotic angles among Herniated of Intervertebral Disc(HIVD) patients. Methods : We analyzed the lateral view of lumbar spine checked at erect position on 88 patients who had been diagnosed as HIVD by Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI). We investigated the Ferguson's angle, Lumbar gravity line, Lumbar lordotic angle on X-ray film. Results and Conclusions : In the acute lumbago group the Ferguson's angle had a tendency to decrease, while in the chronic group it had a tendency to increase. In the acute lumbago group the Lumbar gravity line fell in front of the normal range(sacrum), while in the chronic group it fell behind the normal range(sacrum). In the acute lumbago group the Lumbar lordotic angle usually decreased, while in the chronic group it increased. The Ferguson's angle and the Lumbar gravity line, the Ferguson's angle and the Lumbar lordotic angle, the Lumbar gravity line and Lumbar lordotic angle each had a positive realtionship. The Ferguson's angle, the Lumbar gravity line and the Lumbar lordotic angle was less influenced by the level of HIVD and was more influenced by how long the patient had the pain. The correlationship between each factor was less in the chronic lumbago group than the acute group. In the chronic lumbago group the instability of the lumbosacral joint increased, while in the acute group the compression of the weight on the sacrum increased.

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Effect of pelvic adjustment on chronic low back pain and spino-pelvic parameters in middle-aged women (골반교정이 중년 여성의 만성요통과 척추골반지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Yun-Gyo;Kim, Jaehee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pelvic adjustment on low back pain and spino-pelvic parameters in middle-aged women. Thirty-eight middle-aged women with chronic low back pain were randomly assigned to the pelvic adjustment (n = 20) oruntreated control (n = 18) group. Pelvic adjustment interventionswereperformed four times a week for 8 weeksin the former group. At baseline and after 8 weeks, the back pain and back function were evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI), and back flexibility. Additionally, the spino-pelvic radiographic parameters and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were assessed. After 8 weeks, the VAS, ODI, and back flexibility significantly improved in the pelvic adjustment group compared with the control group. It was found that the changes from baseline in the lumbar lordotic angle, sacral slope, pelvic crest unleveling, and femoral head height inequality were significantly greater in the pelvic adjustment group than in the control group. There were no significant changes in the pelvic incidence or serum CRP levels in either group. In conclusion, pelvic adjustment has beneficial effects on chronic low back pain and back function, suggesting that the effects of pelvic adjustment on back pain may at least in part result from changes in the spino-pelvic alignment.

Effects of Cervical Joint Mobilization on the Forward Head Posture and Neck Disability Indexes (경부관절가동술이 두부전방자세와 경부장애지수에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hyunju;Hwang, Byeongjun;Choi, Yoorim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2014
  • This paper tries to examine whether the application of joint mobilization to subjects who have the forward head posture due to malalignment in the cervical joint has influence on posture changes and functions in the cervical joint. The subjects were 39 students from G University in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The cervical joint mobilization was applied to 20 subjects and not to 19. The students with a cervical lordosis angle of $21^{\circ}C$ or less, an anterior weight bearing (AWB) of 15mm or greater, and a cervical extension ROM of $70^{\circ}C$ or less in terms of radiography were selected as subjects under their voluntary agreement. The patients actively performed the joint mobilization slowly 8 times per session while therapists continuously applied sustained accessory glide to their painful joints 3 times per week for 4 weeks along with the cervical expansion and flexion in SNAGS among other Mulligan's (1995) techniques. The measurement was carried out in terms of radiographic inspection and neck disability indexes. As a result of the experiment, it turned out that the subjects with the forward head posture had changes in the cervical AWB and ARA, the ranges of expansion and flexion, and the NDI(Neck Disability Index) after the intervention for the experimental group by applying cervical joint mobilization. There were no changes observed in the control group. In conclusion, the application of joint mobilization turned out to have influence on the improvement of cervical joint postures, and craniocervical region functions.

Association between Prognosis of Low Back Pain Patients with Severity of Abnormal Lumbar Lordosis (한방병원에 입원한 요통 환자의 요추 전만각, 요천각 변화의 심각도에 따른 예후 분석 연구)

  • Han, Su-Bin;Kim, Eun-San;Kim, Hyo-Jun;Jo, Hoo-In;Kim, Mi-hye;Lee, Nam-Woo;Han, Jeong-Hun;Park, Byung-Hak;Son, Jae-Min;Kang, Do-Hyeon;Min, Tae-Woon;Lee, Hyun-Jun;Ahn, Jae-Seo;Lee, Han-Sol
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2020
  • Objectives To analyze the prognosis of patients with low back pain according to the severity of abnormal lumbar lordotic angle and Ferguson's angle. Methods Data from electronic medical record of a total of 199 patients hospitalized in Korean medicine hospital were analyzed. With the sagittal view of lumbar spine X-ray, lumbar lordotic angle was defined as the angle between the superior endplate of L1 with the inferior endplate of L5. Ferguson's angle was defined as the angle between the superior surfaces of the sacral with a horizontal line. 'Measure Cobb's Angle Tool' of 'INFINITT PACS' was used to measure both angles. Lumbar lordotic angle and Ferguson's angle were subdivided into five sections. The number of days from onset and the duration of hospitalization were analyzed in each section. Results Severe hypolordotic lumbar lordotic angle group were found to have longer medical history and hospitalization duration than the control group. The ratio of long-term hospitalization (over 15 days) and chronic medical history (over 180 days) of patients with severe hypolordotic Ferguson's angle were significantly higher than the control group. The ratio of patients with chronic medical history (over 180 days) was significantly higher in severe hyperlordotic Ferguson's angle group than the control group. Conclusions Severe hypolordotic lumbar lordotic angle was related to patient's prognosis. Both severe hyperlordotic and severe hypolordotic Ferguson's angle were found to be related to patient's prognosis. However, a moderate loss of lumbar lordotic angle and Ferguson's angle was not related to prognosis of low back pain patients.

Application of Incidence Angle on Lumbar Spine Anteroposterior General Radiography Image according to Measured Intervertebral Disc Angle (방사선 일반 정면검사에서 허리뼈 추간판 계측 값에 따른 입사각 적용)

  • Moon, Seul-Ji-A;Kim, Gyeong-Rip;Cho, Hee-Jung;Sung, Soon-Ki;Kwak, Jong-Hyeok
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2019
  • L-spine 3~4, L-spine 4~5, and L-spine 5~Sacrum 1 intervertebral disc(IVD) angle according to gender, age, body mass index(BMI), lumbar lordosis angle(LLA) were compared and analyzed. The anteriorposterior incidence angle of L-spine 3 ~ 4, L-spine 4 ~ 5 and L-spine 5~Sacrum 1 in body mass index were 5.66, 13.23 and 29.13 degrees in the head direction and L-spine 3 4, L-spine 4 ~ 5, L-spine 5~Sacrum 1 had 6.32 degrees, 16.09 degrees and 35.36 degrees in the head direction. The distortion area ratio comparison was performed with the phantom image using the proposed incidence angle. There was a significant difference in L-spine 4~5 and L-spine 5~Sacrum 1 IVD angle relative to body mass index and LLA(p<0.05), IVD angle and LLA were positively correlated(p<0.05).As a result of evaluating the usefulness of the image by applying the incidence angles of the disc angles according to the phantom angle of deviation to the head direction as 11 degrees for L4 and 26 degrees for L5, the distortion ratio area decreased from 14.90% to 12.11% in L4, And from 15.25% to 13.72% in L5. In anteriorposterior image of the Lumbar spine applying the incidence angle according to the measured disc angle, it is possible to reduce the distortion to purpose L4, L5. And improved the quality and diagnostic information of the target site.