• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전력 효율

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Performance Characteristics of Organic Rankine Cycle Using Medium Temperature Waste Heat with Different Working Fluids (중온 배기열을 이용한 유기랭킨사이클 작동유체별 성능특성)

  • Kwon, Dong-Uk;Heo, Ki-Moo;Yoon, Sung-Hoon;Moon, Yoon-Jae;Yoo, Ho-Sun;Lee, Jae-Heon
    • Plant Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2014
  • Renewable Portfolio Standards was introduced into the system in Korea in 2012. Interest in the unutilized and renewable energy sources is increasing. and these being actively investigated. An organic rankine cycle has emerged as an alternative in order to take advantage of bio-gas engine heat of sewage treatment plants whose capacity is 1500 kW. The organic rankine cycle power system was simulated by a simulator which is a commercial program of power plant design and performance analysis. The biogas engine is operated by $460^{\circ}C$ and 2.7 kg/s flow rate in the sewage treatment plant. Working fluids(R-601a, R-123, R-245fa) are selected to use in ORC power system in this temperature range. It was the isopentane that is the best performance among three working fluids. It could be obtained net power of 163.1 kW and efficiency of 13.66% from isopentane in the simulation.

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The cancellation performance of loop-back signal in wireless USN multihop relay node (무선 USN 멀티홉 중계 노드에서 루프백 신호의 제거 성능)

  • Lim, Seung-Gag;Kang, Dae-Soo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2009
  • This paper deals with the cancellation performance of loop back interference signal in the case of multihop relay of 16-QAM received signal at the USN radio network. For this, it is necessary to the exchange of information with long distance located station by means of the relay function between the node in the USN environment. In the relay node, the loop-back interference signal which the retransmitting signal is feedback to the receiver side due to the antenna of transmitter and receiver are co-used or very colsely located or using the nonlinear device. Due to this signal, the performance of USN system are degraded which are using the limited resource of frequency and power. For improve this, it is necessary to applying the adaptive signal processing algorithm in order to cancellating the unwanted loop-back interference signal at the frontend of receiver in relaying node, we can get the better system and multi hop performance. In the adaptive signal processing, we considered the 16-QAM signal which has a good spectral efficiency, firstly, than, the QR-Array RLS algorithm was used that has a fairly good convergence property and the solving the finite length problem in the H/W implementation. Finaly, we confirmed that the good elimination performanc was confirmed by computer simulation in the learing cuved and received signal constellation compared to the conventional RLS.

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A Study of a Rate Limit Method for QoS Guarantees in Ethernet (이더넷에서의 QoS 보장을 위한 대역제한에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Won-Young;Park, Jong-Su;Kim, Pan-Ki;Lee, Jung-Hee;Lee, Yong-Surk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2B
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2007
  • Recently, a study of BcN(Broadband convergence Network) is progressing continuously, and it is important to improve the quality of the service according to subscribers because a scale of network is about to be larger. It is more important to manage QoS(Quality of Service) of all subscribers in layer 2 than layer 3 network since managing it in layer 3 network cost both additional processes and large hardware. Moreover, QoS based on Best-Effort service has been developed because tots of subscribers should use limited resource in BcN. However, they want to be supplied with different service even though they pay more charge. Therefore, it is essential to assign the different bandwidth to subscribers depending on their level of charge. The method of current Rate Limiter limits the bandwidth of each port that does not offer fair service to subscribers. The Rate Limiter proposed in this paper limits bandwidth according to each subscriber. Therefore, subscribers can get fair service regardless of switch structure. This new Rate Limiter controls the bandwidth of subscribers according to the information of learning subscriber and manages maximum performance of Ethernet switch and QoS.

Feasibility of Optoelectronic Neural Stimulation Shown in Sciatic Nerve of Rats (흰쥐의 좌골 신경 자극을 통한 광전 자극의 가능성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Eui tae;Oh Seung jae;Baac Hyoung won;Kim Sung june
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.611-615
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    • 2004
  • A neural prostheses can be designed to permit stimulation of specific sites in the nervous system to restore their functions, lost due to disease or trauma. This study focuses on the feasibility of optoelecronic stimulation into nervous system. Optoelectronic stimulation supplies, power and signal into the implanted optical detector inside the body by optics. It can be effective strategy especially on the retinal prosthesis, because it enables the non-invasive connection between the external source and internal detector through natural optical window 'eye'. Therefore, we designed an effective neural stimulating setup by optically based stimulation. Stimulating on the sciatic nerve of a rat with proper depth probe through optical stimulation needs higher ratio of current spreading through the neural surface, because of high impedance of neural interface. To increase the insertion current spreading into the neuron, we used a parallel low resistance compared to load resistance organic interface and calculated the optimized outer parallel resistance for maximum insertion current with the assumption of limited current by photodiode. Optimized outer parallel resistance was at a range of 500Ω-700Ω and a current was at a level between 580uA and 650uA. Stimulating current efficiency from initial photodiode induced current was between 47.5 and 59.7%. Various amplitude and frequency of the optical stimulation on the sciatic nerve showed the reliable visual tremble, and the action potential was also recorded near the stimulating area. These result demonstrate that optoelectronic stimulation with no bias can be applied to the retinal prosthesis and other neuroprosthetic area.

Study on Analysis of Transfer Torque and Improvement of Transfer Torque in Non-Contact Permanent Magnet Gear (비접촉 영구자석 기어의 전달토크 분석 및 전달토크 향상에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Gyu-Sang;Kim, Chan-Ho;Kim, Yong-Jae
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2015
  • The non-contact permanent magnet gear has advantages of high efficiency and improved reliability. It has other advantages of no mechanical friction loss, very little noise and vibration, and no need for lubricant. With these advantages, the non-contact permanent magnet gear that solves the physical contact problem of the mechanical gear has drawn attention. Due to this unique non-contact characteristic, the non-contact permanent magnet gear which is capable of non-contact torque transmission has replaced mechanical gear. The mechanical gears which is in many fields of the modern industry, is used mostly for power transmitting mechanical devices. However, it also has the problem of a low torque density, which requires improvement. In this paper, a novel pole piece shape is proposed in order to improve the problem of low torque density of the non-contact permanent magnet gear. The experiment data required for predicting the relationships among them are obtained using finiteelement Operating method based on two-dimensional (2-D) numerical analysis. Therefore, this paper derived an optimal model for thenon-contact permanent magnet gear with the novel pole piece using the Box-Behnken design, and the validity of the optimal design of the proposed pole piece shape through variance analysis and regression analysis demonstrated. In this paper, we performed the thransfer torque analysis in order to improve the torque density and power density, we have performed on optimal design of proposed pole piece shape using box-behnken.

Fabrication and Characteristics of Infrared Photodiode Using Insb Wafer with p-i-n Structure (p-i-n 구조의 InSb 웨이퍼를 이용한 적외선 광다이오드의 제조 및 그 특성)

  • Cho, Jun-Young;Kim, Jong-Seok;Son, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Sie-Young
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 1999
  • A highly sensitive photovoltaic infrared photodiode was fabricated for detecting infrared light in $3{\sim}5\;{\mu}m$ wavelength range on InSb wafer with p-i-n structure grown by MOCVD. Silicon dioxide($SiO_2$) insulating films for the junction interface and surface of photodiode were prepared using RPCVD because InSb has low melting point and evaporation temperature. After formation of In ohmic contacts by thermal evaporation, the electrical properties of the photodiode were characterized in dark state at 77K. A product of zero-bias resistance and area($R_0A$) showed $1.56{\times}10^6\;{\Omega}{\cdot}cm^2$ that satisfied BLIP(background limited infrared photodetector) condition. When the photodiode was tested under infrared light, the normalized detectivity of about $10^{11}\;cm{\cdot}Hz^{1/2}{\cdot}W^{-1}$ was obtained. we successfully fabricated a unit cell with InSb IR array with good quantum efficiency and high detectivity.

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Development of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory and Evaluation of GHG Reduction Plans of Kangwon National University (대학의 온실가스 인벤토리 구축 및 감축잠재량 평가 - 강원대학교를 중심으로)

  • Park, Sang-Young;Han, Young-Ji;Oh, A-Ram;Lee, Woo-Keun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2012
  • Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from Kangwon National University was estimated to be 21,054 ton $CO_2$-eq in 2009, which was approximately 7% higher than that in 2005. Emissions from electricity usage in Scope 2 contributed to the upward annual trend of GHG emissions, comprising about 54.3% of the total GHG emissions. On the other hand, GHG emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 3 contributed approximately 25.3% and 20.4%, respectively. Various GHG reduction plans were also introduced and evaluated in this study. Among three reduction plans including LED substitution, improvement of transportation efficiency, and green campus action plan, the green campus action plan derived the most significant GHG reduction of 5.3% of total emissions. Estimated total reduced GHG emission was $1,570ton\;CO_2-eq\;yr^{-1}$ with all three reduction plans.

The Study of Usability Evaluation in the GUI of Mobile Computing - Based on Benchmark Testing in the interface design of WIPI (Mobile Computing의 GUI 개발에 있어 사용성 평가 연구 - WIPI 인터페이스 디자인을 위한 Benchmark Testing을 중심으로 -)

  • 정봉금;송연승
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2004
  • Due to the recent surge of wireless Internet and concurrent development of the end user terminal devices having standardized graphical user interface(GUI) and unified operation mechanism for better interactivity in information representation and ease of use, various efforts on the improvement of GUI is widely recognized as one of the key factors that will usher in the next stages of the wireless Internet for the users. Especially, improved usability along with unique visual effect are considered to be the key elements for GUI considering the rapid improvement of the resolution and color on the end user handset devices; thus, the study and research on the subject of GUI is expected to increase along with the wireless Internet using smart phones. User interface of the wires Internet end user handsets will have a definite and significant effect on the user interaction as well as productivity. Domestically, wireless Internet service providers and GUI design companies are making various efforts in producing a common GUI models for standardized operation scheme and improved graphical display capabilities of the hand phones, PDAs and smart phones. In the study, Nokia 3650 model and Microsoft Orange SPV model were chosen as test devices for usability comparison and data collection to collect directional benchmark data in developing next generation smart phone user interface integrating PDAs and phones. The mail purpose of this study is to achieve the most efficient user accessibility to WAP menu through intensive focus on developing WIPI WAP menu having most effective usability for the users in their twenties and thirties. The result of this study can also be used as the base research materials for WAP service development, VM browser development and PDA browser development. The result of this study along with the evaluation model is expected to provide effective analysis materials on the subject of user interface to the developers of the wireless Internet user devices, GUI designers and service planners while short listing key factors to consider in developing smart phones therefore serving as the GUI guideline of WIPI phones.

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Design of RFID Authentication Protocol Using 2D Tent-map (2차원 Tent-map을 이용한 RFID 인증 프로토콜 설계)

  • Yim, Geo-su
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.425-431
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    • 2020
  • Recent advancements in industries and technologies have resulted in an increase in the volume of transportation, management, and distribution of logistics. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technologies have been developed to efficiently manage such a large amount of logistics information. The use of RFID for management is being applied not only to the logistics industry, but also to the power transmission and energy management field. However, due to the limitation of program development capacity, the RFID device is limited in development, and this limitation is vulnerable to security because the existing strong encryption method cannot be used. For this reason, we designed a chaotic system for security with simple operations that are easy to apply to such a restricted environment of RFID. The designed system is a two-dimensional tent map chaotic system. In order to solve the problem of a biased distribution of signals according to the parameters of the chaotic dynamical system, the system has a cryptographic parameter(𝜇1), a distribution parameter(𝜇2), and a parameter(𝜃), which is the constant point, ID value, that can be used as a key value. The designed RFID authentication system is similar to random numbers, and it has the characteristics of chaotic signals that can be reproduced with initial values. It can also solve the problem of a biased distribution of parameters, so it is deemed to be more effective than the existing encryption method using the chaotic system.

Lightweight Model for Energy Storage System Remaining Useful Lifetime Estimation (ESS 잔존수명 추정 모델 경량화 연구)

  • Yu, Jung-Un;Park, Sung-Won;Son, Sung-Yong
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.436-442
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    • 2020
  • ESS(energy storage system) has recently become an important power source in various areas due to increased renewable energy resources. The more ESS is used, the less the effective capacity of the ESS. Therefore, it is important to manage the remaining useful lifetime(RUL). RUL can be checked regularly by inspectors, but it is common to be monitored and estimated by an automated monitoring system. The accurate state estimation is important to ESS operator for economical and efficient operation. RUL estimation model usually requires complex mathematical calculations consisting of cycle aging and calendar aging that are caused by the operation frequency and over time, respectively. A lightweight RUL estimation model is required to be embedded in low-performance processors that are installed on ESS. In this paper, a lightweight ESS RUL estimation model is proposed to operate on low-performance micro-processors. The simulation results show less than 1% errors compared to the original RUL model case. In addition, a performance analysis is conducted based on ATmega 328. The results show 76.8 to 78.3 % of computational time reduction.