• Title/Summary/Keyword: 저열팽창 인바합금

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Effect of Heat-treatment in Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient Fe-Ni-Co alloy for Core Material of Increased Capacity Transmission Line (증용량 송전선 강심용 저열팽창 Fe-Ni-Co 합금에 있어서 용체화처리 영향)

  • 김봉서;유경재;김병걸;이희웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.950-952
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    • 2000
  • Considering the effective distribution coefficient of Ni in Fe-Ni-Co invar alloy containing a little amount of carbon, we investigated on the thermal expansion coefficient(${\alpha}$). Fe-Ni-Co invar alloy had a large thermal expansion coefficient in as-casted compared with solution treated. The thermal expansion coefficient of Fe-Ni-Co alloy increased with the carbon content in both state of as-casted and solution treated. The effective distribution coefficient(Ke$\^$Ni/) of Ni was smaller than unity in alloy of not containing carbon, but is way larger than unity in alloy of containing carbon. It was considered that the homogeneity of Ni in primary austenite affected thermal expansion coefficient.

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Effects of Mn, Cr and Co on the Magnetic Properties of Fe-Ni Invar Alloys (Fe-Ni 인바합금의 자기적성질에 미치는 Mn, Cr 및 Co의 첨가효과)

  • 이종현;김희중;강일구;김학신
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 1993
  • The effects of Mn, Cr or Co addItion on the magnetic properties of Fe-Ni Invar alloys were investigated. The composition range of the three additives is up to 5wt%. In the temperature range of room temperature-$250^{\circ}C$, the variation of specific magnetization with the addition of Mn, Cr or Co in the Fe-Ni alloys except for 5wt% Co shows the phenomenon characteristics of the Invar effect, viz., the specific magnetization decreases very abrubtly with the temperature and the dependence of temperature on the specific magnetization is in the mixed form of $T^{3/2}$ and $T^{2}$. In the room temperature, the amount of increase in the specific magnetization, Curie temperature and coercivity is in order of Co > Cr > Mn. In the case of 5wt% Co an anomalous phenomena were observed due to the occurrance of ferromagnetic $\alpha$ phase which reduces the invar effect.

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Effects of Co Addition in High Strength and Low Thermal Expansion Invar Alloy (고강도 저열팽창 인바합금에 있어서 CO 첨가의 영향)

  • Kim, Bong-Seo;Jo, Yeong-Am;Yoo, Kyung-Jae;Kwon, Hae-Woong;Lee, Hui-Ung;Kim, Byung-Geol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07d
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    • pp.1901-1903
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    • 1999
  • To investigate invar alloy as a core material for increased capacity over-head transmission line which have high strength and low thermal expansion coefficient, hardness and thermal expansion coefficient of Fe-Ni-Co alloy have been studied. It is necessary that invar alloy have low thermal expansion coefficient and high strength for increased capacity over-head transmission line. In this paper. we tried to find out the effect of Ni and Co which has ferromagnetic properties and high saturation magnetization. It was found that Ni decrease thermal expansion coefficient and hardness, Co decrease thermal expansion coefficient but increase hardness in Fe-xNi-Co system. In Fe-(29-x)Ni-Co system, the material has no low thermal expansion properties substituting Co instead of Ni in concentration range of $1\sim7$%Co.

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