• 제목/요약/키워드: 저속오프셋추돌

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실차시험을 통한 저속 추돌시 목상해 연구 (A Study on the Neck Injury in Low Speed Rear Impact through the Real Car Test)

  • 조휘창;박인송
    • 한국기계기술학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2011
  • The neck injury occupies the most of injury that happened by the rear impact car accident. This study was analyzed about influence of the neck injury in low speed rear impact and car crash accident investigation. There is no neck injury in low speed side rear impact. On the other hand, there is initial neck injury symptom of 10 % but no long-term neck injury symptom in low speed offset rear impact. It appeared that the possibility of neck injury in low speed rear impact is low. For the more study about the neck injury, it should be evaluate the effects of the car body structure, frame structure and rear crash pattern.

목상해 분석을 위한 상세 유한요소 목모델 개발 - 저속후방 오프셋 충돌에 따른 분석 - (Development of a Finite Element Human Neck Model for Neck Injury Analysis - Application to Low Speed Rear-End Offset Impacts -)

  • 김영은;조휘창
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.913-920
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    • 2005
  • Compared to previous in-vitro test, FE model showed reliable motion patterns. A finite element model of a 50th percentile male neck was developed to study the mechanics of whiplash injury while the rear impacts. The model was consisted of the whole cervical vertebrae including part of occipital, intervertebral discs. which were modeled using linear viscoelastic materials and posterior elements. The sliding interfaces were defined to simulate contact phenomena in facet joints and in odontoid process. All ligaments and atlanto-occipital membrane were modeled as nonlinear bar elements. Only muscle elements were not considered. Motion of each cervical vertebra was obtained from the dynamic simulation with a MADYMO model for 15 km/h $40\%$ rear end offset impacts. Soft tissue neck injury(STNI) was investigated with a developed FE model. In FE model analysis, the high stress was appeared at C3/C4 disc in offset impact. Further research is still needed in order to improve the developed neck FE model for many different crash patterns.